The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room

Chapter 69

1.6K 75 30
By BekLittleSparrow24

Yo Ho, Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me!

This, my friends, is were I leave you. The final chapter of The Belladonna. I would just like to thank you so very much for finishing this book. I hope the story took you on an adventure  and you enjoyed your time reading it. I am truly going to miss Sky and Dust, however, we have one more thing to do don't we? ;) If a book as a prologue it had better end with an epilogue. Well, I could go on, but I won't.

Instead I will leave you with the rhyme Christopher Davion told his little Skyler on their small fishing boat;

"The Evening Star will take you far,

Follow it to the Mainland,

Do not stray from its ray,

Or your ship will rest amongst sand."

They all gazed at each other from across the meeting room's circular table, no one spoke. That morning Sky had woken in a large plush armchair, the green material velvety beneath her fingers. Dustin was next to her, his arms around her frame and his head resting on hers. They had been woken by a welcomed face.

Rogue had come to collect them and had looked somewhat awkward when he'd seen the sleeping together on the chair. The awkwardness disappeared as soon a Sky realised he was safe. She had crossed the sitting room space in a second and hugged the man. As they walked towards the meeting room Rogue had told them that nearly all the townspeople had make it to the resource boats and most of their fatalities had come from cannon fire. Dustin had expressed his pride for the man's efforts and Rogue and given his captain an odd look and requested to never be made commander again. Though he had done the best he could, Sky had seen the all the death had weighed heavily on his shoulders.

At the current moment, Rogue was across the room from Sky and Dustin. To his side were three representatives of Harpers Isle. Commander Scott was next to them. He looked very tired, all of the weight of the Admirals men were on his shoulders and Sky could see the older man's death was hard for him. Sav was representing the Cormorants for Dana. The woman's sacrifice still made Sky feel like a blazing knife was streaked across her skin. She pushed the feeling it down. There were other matters that needed her attention.

James sat alone; the chairs next to him empty at the otherwise crowed table. His interwoven hands were resting on the surface of the table in front of him and despite being at the centre of the mens dark glares, he held his back straight and his face was open. His eyes however, still held shame but Sky knew she was the only one able to see it. Dustin might have seen it too if he ever looked up. Nichola was staring across the stone table at Sky's brother with unreadable eyes, his mouth turned down. Two of his men stood behind his chair with hard faces. The Governor had had a sleepless night organising his people to take care of the wounded. Dustin had persuaded him that all of the lives required medical attention and that they couldn't let the officers just die a painful death in the night. However, Nichola was no as compassionate towards the King's men as the pirate and while he may have helped the wounded men it was clear to everyone in the room that James was not welcomed.

Dustin was at Sky's side, but she could tell he would try not to get involved in the conversations unless absolutely required. He almost appeared to loath the whole meeting, his chair was pushed back from the table and his arms, cover in scratches, were crossed at his chest. We didn't even look at the other men there. But Sky could see he was listening.

"So?" Nichola slowly moved his gaze from James and across the table. "What are we to discuss next?"

They had begun the meeting by paying tribute to their fallen comrades. It was not the most pleasant way to start the first day of their new Kingdom, but it was a necessary step. A reminder of the cost for their freedom.

As the list was read the men were able to say any words they had for the fallen recipient. Commander Scott and Sky had spoken words of thanks to Admiral Balthid. Words of bravery and honour. Sky had silently also asked him to say hello to her parents for her. When Dana's name had been read Sav had spoken of her determination and perseverance, he had called her a good leader and an even better friend. Dustin had said nothing but Sky saw that he was paying his respects through silence. Surprising everyone, Nichola had also contributed to the woman's moment of reverence. He had said it was a 'great shame' to have lost such a 'fine person of innovation and justice'. Sky had seen no intense emotions of loss in his eyes and thought that perhaps she had been wrong about the man's possible feelings for the rebel. She had turned away, as had all the others, before seeing the man's neutral façade falter slightly.

"I think it would be best if we addressed the most uncomfortable challenge first." Scott leaned forward and gave James a sympathetic look. "This is the time to speak your minds gentlemen. What are we to do about Ashier Davion? Pardon the disrespect sir." Scott inclined his head toward James.

The other men, with the exception of Dustin and Rogue, grew mildly angered by the Commanders blatant sign of subordination. In their eyes James was the enemy, he was unworthy of any respect. Sky understood why they felt that way, to them he was the dog of the King and they could not trust the man who only yesterday wanted them all dead. It didn't matter to them that James hadn't known the true nature of the King's plan. However, Dustin had not taken his life on the Jane Duchess and now the men were divided on where they stood regarding the Commodore.

"I am willing to face the consequences of my actions." James spoke before anyone else had the chance to shame him. "I have wronged each of you," His glorious green eyes met every one of his persecutors, "If you decide to take my life, and I would let you without resentment, I must ask you what will come of it? What would come of this kingdom?"

"That would not be your concern anymore. The country is in our hands." One of the men from Harpers said his face an angry snarl. The people of Harpers Ilse did not forgive lightly and they had been targeted more times than was their fair share.

"Trust me when I say that I know who holds the authority here sir," James began meeting the man's words with deference. "However, I do not feel I am useless to you. I ask because despite the shift in power, I may still have influence over the mainland now that the King is dead."

"You want to buy your life?" The Harpers man relpied then considered James' words. He was correct, while the King may be dead and the counry was in the hands of the rebels, James was still very much loved by the people of Karniva. Having him as an annly might prove more useful for the rebels than killing him as an enemy would. "A complete pardon for us all." The man said evenly, his fellow townsmen nodding along with his words, "A complete pardon for every miss deed. And we want a proper meeting with the princess. Harpers Isle is to be protected by the crown. We've suffered too much."

James regarded the man with careful consideration. Sky could see him thinking over the logistics of the man's words, it would not do well to agree only to be unable to produce the promised results. James then bowed his head in respect and understanding.

"No." They eyes of the room spun over to Nichola's side. But the Governor merely sat regal in his chair a green cape pinned to his shoulder, as the men behind him became aggravated. "We should kill him now. You should have killed him on the Jane Duchess. Hang old friendships! This man will betray us the second we give him the opportunity to do so." One of Nichola's men spat the words in Dustin's direction with his hand raised to point at the slouching captain.

The room was nervous after the words of hatred and they watched Dustin for a reaction. The pirate turned his gaze lazily towards him. He said nothing, just stared down the man challenging him with blazing gold eyes to say his words again while meeting the pirates gaze. The Intrago man visibly shrunk back and lowered his accusatory finger from the air.

Nichola lifted his arm to quite his men and broke the crackling tension. "If we kill you," He addressed James with sparkling dark eyes. "I imagine her Royal Highness wouldn't be too impressed with us. Having already taken her uncle from her. Killing you now may influence her future decisions with us. The support of the mainland would be greatly beneficial to us for trading and stability. However," Nichola looked at James and his voice became ominous, "It is not needed. It would be such a shame to end one rebellion with another outbreak. But understand, nothing will stop us from our freedom and if we have to cut down your princess to get it we will do so."

Sky was shocked at his words. It seemed the others were too by the way they sat in astonished silence. James' calm demeanour finally snapped from the threat to his dear Bolivia's life. Green eye's flared in anger and his chair clattered to the ground as he rose to his feet with his hands clenched. The men stared at each other. Sky's brother's shoulders were heaving in an effort to stop himself from attacking the Governor. Nichola seemed to become even more relaxed under the Commodores fury and leaned back in his chair changeling James to strike.

"Gentlemen," Dustin's composed voice cut through the frightening scene before Sky, as he stood to his feet tall and completely in control. "This is not the time for idle threats Nichola. Killing Lady Bolivia will only bring more distress to you and this country."Nichola did not look at him, he was still gazing at James, but a knowing smile made itself known in his face. Dustin turned toward the other man with a commanding manner. "Ash. Sit down."

James was scrutinizing the governor with rage in his green orbs, but slowly egged on by Dustin's imposing stance, he sat down. Dustin waited another moment before addressing the room.

"I have a proposition for you all." Dustin leaned his hands against the table, "Let this man live, the punishment was payed. King Patrick is dead." Sky paled at his words. She saw blood, Edward's blood, and the old man's crumpled corpse in her mind. Taking a deep breath, she focused on Dustin's strong voice. "We have a chance to start fresh. It is time to move on; revenge had been claimed against our true enemy. If we start taking lives of the men who served him, the killing will never stop. You would have to take my life first for I too served King Patrick once. And I can assure you, no matter how hard you try to kill me, it will not happen."

The other men seemed uncomfortable at the thought. They had forgotten about Dustin's past. They also seemed very distressed that the idea that the notorious Hawk would stand in their way should they try to take more lives in the name of revenge.

"And all of my men as well," Commander Scott rose nobly to his feet. He had been nodding along with Dustin's words. "You would have to kill each of the men out there who ever wore this uniform."

Nichola finally turned his eyes from James and looked at the standing me. Sky could see then with clarity, that he was being his provocative self. She realised that Nichola was the kind of man who stirred the waters just to see if he would make others back down. Manipulative. Sky smiled against her annoyance, he would make a fine ambassador for his people.

"My words cannot forgive my transgressions." James said staring the men down, "But I promise you this, I will learn from them. Lady Bolivia will hear your cause, she would do so whether you take my life or not. But Hawk is right. It is time for a new period to start. I would be honoured to begin it with you gentlemen around me. Together."

The room waited in aprihension for the rebels decision.

"On behalf of the king's men Commodore Davion, I accept." Scott inclined his head down at James. "I believe it what Admiral Balthid would do."

Another man stood with Dustin and Scott. "Dana's orders were clear," Sav folded his arms, "We will accompany you back to Karniva and finally make our intentions known. We accept your offer."

The men of Harpers Ilse looked to one another then inclined their head also in James direction. They did not stand but they held little respect for the man. All eyes then fell to Nichola. The man let a wide slow smile break across his face. "As do we."

James seemed even more pissed than he would have if the man continued to argue and Sky knew her brother had come to the same realisation as her about the Governor. She wondered how they would go working together in the future.

"And you?" James looked back at Dustin who smirked. The tension in the room was lifted and everyone seemed more at ease.

"I told you. I have better things to do than engage in messy politics." Dustin said with an air of superiority.

"We have to start this right Dust." James stood now too and looked at the man with rueful eyes. "I can't have pirates sailing the seas. We have to be cohesive in this, together united."

"Yes. You do. Which is why I think it would be best if my crew headed in search of a new horizon." Dustin winked at the man who smiled and shook his head in acceptance.

"And you Skyler? What of your choice?" James addressed her. She looked up at him from her seat. "Karniva could use more strong willed women in the court and Liv would be happy to have you. I may even be able to ensure a proper house on Rendes if you wished to return home."

Sky turned her gaze to Dustin and grinned. "My home isn't on Rendes James. Thank you but no. I will stay with my Captain." James looked like he had known her answer before he asked it. "I wish to explore what is out there." Just like father wanted. She also knew that The Belladonna was where she truly belonged, where ever the ship sailed was where she was meant to be.


It was a time of both joy and sadness as the rebels prepared to part ways on the Intargo pier under the beautiful clear afternoon rays. It had been six days since the meeting and Sky felt some sorrow at knowing the moments she spent with James would be her last. The leaders of the rebellion had taken up most of his time with discussions of the Karniva to come and though they may never call him a friend Sky was sure the rebels would come to understand his actions and may even one day forgive his mistake.

During the afternoons though, James would come and find her. They would walk together and talk of their father, of their life together on their old fishing boat under the stars. James spoke of Bolivia and the just country he would help her create with the help of the rebels. Sky told him of her trails since leaving Rendes. They shared their struggles with each other. James told her that he had thought of her every day. The sibling's conversations had flowed on into the nights and still the talked. Sky knew even as she made them that those memories with her brother would be moments to treasure for the rest of her life.

Now on in the dock of Intargo, the men readied the Jane Duchess for her return voyage to Karniva. The Intargo men had worked profoundly restoring the ships so that they were able make it back to the mainland still intact. The Belladonna's bow had been repaired and she would be able to sail straight again. However, there was only so much they could do with their limited resources, and Sky suspected the journey home would be a long one indeed, with all the impaired ships.

The collection of men around it made Sky smile. Nichola, in a full bright orange cape was surrounded by many of his men. They seemed eager as always to be setting off. He had given Sky a small bow when she'd passed. A few townsmen, representatives of Harpers Ilse, were also there speaking with Nichola's men. Sav and his crew of Cormorants were uneasy around the men in uniform, but Sky knew that once they set sail the adaptive people would adjust the way the always did. Commander Scott was not there; he would lead the Maribelle along behind James and had parted a few minutes ago to bring the ship around. The Royal Oliva would follow behind.

Sky saw Edward speaking with Timothy and Sav and a few other cormorants Sky hadn't known well. Edward looked happy his face bright with laughter and his voice light as he joked with his friends for the last time. His chest was still healing, but it was his missing hand that would take some time getting used to. Sav had done a wonderful job. The metal was polished to perfection and a gold trim lined the cuff. The detachable hook was not complete curved like had had imagined; it was more rustic looking with a straight back edge and pinched up at the top before curving down in an elegant point. Sky would catch Edward looking at it in complete puzzlement sometimes as if he wondered why Sav had made it so damn fancy.

"Ash," Dustin's greeting pulled Sky's attention. She turned to see her brother walking towards them. He was in his uniform but the pins given to him by the King had been removed. He was staring fresh. His face was clean shaven and he looked like the brother she could be proud of.

"Try not to make a nuisance of yourself out there Dust." James walked up to the man and they clasped hands pulling each other into some sort of brotherly hug. Sky could see they had done it many times years ago, before anything had come between them.

"I can't make any promises old friend," The both grinned. "But I will look after her."

"I know you will. Farewell Dust." They broke apart and gave each other one final nod. The nod seemed to represent everything; it was like they were communicating some monumental understanding to each other in the single gesture.

When James turned to Sky he smiled and opened his arms out to her. Sky embraced her brother with a small laugh. "Just because you have been officially outlawed as self-proclaimed pirates, doesn't mean I never expect to see you again, little sister."

Sky laughed as she hugged him tighter. "We shall keep an ear out for news of a new heir to the Karnivarian throne. That might warrant a family reunion. But only if you promise not hang afterwards." She joked.

James chucked before he sighed with a smile on his lips. "Good luck Skyler."

"To you too James." They parted and Sky watched him walk away from her for the third time. It no longer hurt.

Dustin and Sky watched with their arms around each other as the men boarded the Jane Duchess. Sky waved with her right hand at Timothy and Sav and all the rebels as they turned to look back at Intargo. The ringing of the bell sounded as the Man-o-war's sails were released. The great warship turned towards the northern horizon James at its wheel surrounded by Sky's friends. Sky watched them sail the remaining fleet following and met the Royal Olivia outside the peaks. From there it was north to Karniva.

"Captain," Marle walked up to Dustin his back straight. Dustin and Sky turned to face him. "Sir, I wish to accompany the men back to Harpers Isle."

"I assume you intend to stay?" Dustin lifted a bow at his man and Sky wondered if he knew about Elise.

"Aye." He smiled his blue eyes sparkling. He was going to go home to his woman. They could have their life together. They could raise their child in a kingdom of peace. It was more than they could have ever asked for. Sky smiled her heart warm with joy.

Dustin rubbed his chin as if he had to think about letting his man go. "Rogue has decided he is not quite ready for his own ship yet. He will be coming with me once we sail. I had worried how the Townspeople would fare on the journey back."

Sky rolled her eyes.

"Sir," Marle said and the two men smiled at each other.

"You have my blessing Marle." Dustin clapped him in the shoulder in comradery. "Live a good life."

"Aye. You too Captain." Dustin stepped away and Sky rushed forward to hug the man. He hugged her back. "Thank you Sky."

Sky pulled away. "Send her my love."

Marle nodded then looked at both of them. He gave Dustin one last salute. Dustin tipped his hat in reply. They watched him board the brig bound for Harpers Ilse. He was welcomed warmly with handshakes and pats. The men readied their ship and soon the brig was following the Fleet down the channel. Their time had come.

The people of Intargo cheered them as Sky and Dustin boarded the Belladonna. The pirate crew stood straight backed along the starboard side with their hands, or in Edward's case hook, raised in a salute. Sky scanned their faces and smiled at each of them.

"She's all yours Cap'n." Thomas, who was standing closest to the stairs, said with a huge smiled on his dark face.

Dustin removed his hat and bowed to his men unable to contain his own smile. He rose replacing the hat and looked to Sky. They stood on the deck of the pirate ship, the waters calm below them.

"Where to now Captain?" Sky asked with a smirk.

"For the first time in my life, I have no idea." Dustin looked out at the disappearing fleet. The water was crystal blue and reflected the late afternoon sun in silvery shimmers on its surface.

"Well," Sky began as she followed his gaze. "We are pirates," The crew gave a hearty cheer to that statement from behind her and Sky showed them a grin over her shoulder.


"And we are officially outlawed from our country," Sky turned and began to along in front of the line of merry pirates.

"That we are." Dustin's eyes twinkled with mischief and laughter. He could see where she was going with this.

"My brother sails with the rebels to begin a new era. One where the people are listened to and their voices respected. However, though we were pardoned from our past crimes, being pirates as we are, he would be bound by law to track us down if we accused any trouble in these waters."

"As would be a King's job." Dustin's amused gaze followed her movements.

"Then we would be on the run from the navy." Sky faced him as through the thought frightened her. Thomas and Edward rolled their eyes that the woman's words, but the other pirates seemed to be enjoying the exchange between Sky and their captain.

"Probably top of the bounty list."

"So we can't very well stay here can we?" She asked and turned to the faces of the men. "There is also the minor problem that we are completely broke."

Dustin smiled darkly beneath his hat. "What are you suggesting Sweetheart?"

"You wouldn't happen to have collected any treasure maps during your quest, would you?"

Dustin outright laughed. "Can't say that I have, but according to legend and stories I've heard in my time, many great pirates hid their lives worth of pillaging in lands far to the west, beyond the waters of our king."

Sky grinned lifting a suggestive brow. "Then what are we waiting for?"

The pirates cheered and hollered as they ran to their stations with jubilant energy. The sails of the Belladonna fluttered to life and the ship groaned as Dustin ascended the stairs and took the wheel. Sky joined him standing by his side looking out towards the waters she'd gown up in and then to the bright evening star over Karniva.

It wasn't long after they cleared the peaks that the pirates began to sing in joyous chorus. They celebrated their hard won victory and the promise of new lands where mysterious riches awaited. The stars began to shine more brightly above them and Sky looked at the Great Ray, a blissful glimmer in her eyes. The Belladonna sailed under it and onwards to undiscovered waters.

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