The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

133K 5.6K 725

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 69

Chapter 68 - Sitting Room

1.1K 56 17
By BekLittleSparrow24

It was a surreal sight as the rebels and the defeated officers gathered in Intargo's port under the setting sun together. Of the two opposing flees, only twelve ships remained able to sail. The Belladonna and the Jane Duchess following close behind led the way for the others. Rogues ship was damaged and led by men in uniform. None of the rebels were present. The two Brigs that the townspeople had led astray flanked on either side. Lastly behind them, were the three remaining ships the Royal Olivia had taken against the Admiral and Nichola.

The Governor had apparently decided one war ship in his port was enough, three was excessive. And as a result his ships led the two man-o-war ships out towards the western island where the Maribelle had spent the night before. Sky looked out at the large town. She could not believe that that very morning they had sailed out to face their deaths and now they were returning victorious against all odds.

The sky was staring to turn a beautiful pink and orange streaks danced across the clouds. Sky was sitting on the railing of the Belladonna's poop deck her body tuned towards the water and her legs swinging slightly. The cool air was soothing to her sore lungs after so much smoke, cannon fire and blood.

"Sky," Marle tapped her on the shoulder. He had been happier than she had ever seen him. "He's awake."

Sky jumped off the ledge and looked at her captain. Dustin was speaking with Thomas in a relaxed manner. The whole crew was at ease; they had lost very few men only six of them had fallen during the battle on the Jane Duchess. Sky had listened to the list of names Thomas had read out with little emotion. She had recognised some of the names; Mr. Roberts had been one of them and Sky knew she had never really known some of the men who died. Jenkins' name was another she recognised and though they had started out very poorly, their mutual loathing had become something Sky could rely on. Another certainty gone from her world.

They were still waiting to hear from the others. Sky held little hope for those who had thrown themselves into the sea, even wish so many rescue boats. However, from what she had seen, it seemed the pirates had fared the best of the rebel crews. The Cormorants had lost many of their men and Sky was grateful that they still had people waiting off the Mainland in trade ships. For what they had lived through it was a marvel the rebels had survived at all.

"Thank you Marle." The man nodded and returned to the bow of the ship to help patch up the damaged bow.

Dustin looked up at her as she moved down the stairs and smiled. He looked much better now that the blood was gone. He still had a gash across his left cheek but it had stopped bleeding and his arms had been wrapped in cloth. His eyes were bright though and Sky though he looked ruggedly handsome under his hat.

The berth deck of the Belladonna was full of wounded men most of the part of the rebels, though Sky did see some in uniform. They lay on the deck of the ship and many were groaning in pain. It had been a few hours since the battle had ended and most of the worst sufferers had been left on the Jane Duchess. Bates would have his hands full just saving those with a greater chance of survival. Sky passed the men and a few cormorant women with small smiles. Many had taken only minor cuts. Dustin had refused Bates' attempts at trying to get the man to stay still long enough for him to stitch one of the deeper cuts on his arms. The Captain had said he would wait; others needed the doctor more than he did.

He was right. Poor Bates had been there during the battle and had gone through everything that they had. But it seemed the man's work was far from done. Sky hoped we would get a rest once they pulled into the port and Nichola's own doctors could step in. Bates was sitting at the head of a man who had unfortunate lost his ear during the battle. The surgeon looked up at Sky from under his brow and tilted his head to the right towards the stern of the ship.

Edward was leaning against the hull of the Belladonna looking very annoyed to be there. He was shirtless and his torso bound in white rags. The last time Sky had seen him he had been covered in blood, now his hair was wet, making it look darker and he wore a fresh pair of pants. When we saw Sky walking over to him his whole face lit up.

"I was wondering where you were." He grinned at her and sat up a little higher. Around them people spoke quietly. "I was a little upset when I woke and you weren't watching over me." He winked at her. Sky knew he had meant to as a joke but as she sat next to him and felt guilt.

"I'm sorry Ed." She looked down at her hands in her lap. "I was thinking. I had to clear my head."

Finger tips lifted her chin and Sky saw Edward looking to with serious eyes. "Hey, I owe you my life. I would have bled to death if you hadn't acted so quickly."

"You owe me?" Sky shook her head as Edward let his hand fall. "Ed, you were the one who jumped in front of me remember?"

"Ah." Edward looked away on tapped his chin with his left hand. "I did, didn't I? So I guess this means you actually owe me."

Sky laughed and rolled her eyes. "Let's call it even."

"Even?" Edward laughed back. The colour had returned to his face and his eyes were bright. Sky hadn't known how close he had been to death and it wasn't something she wanted to think about. "You know, technically you wouldn't have needed to save me if I hadn't save you in the first place."

Sky lifted a brow at him.

"So you do owe me." He grinned and tilted his head to the side. "How's this sound, if we ever have to sand railings again, you take my share?"

Her gentle laughter warmed the berth deck making it seem a little less gloomy before she paused sobering. "Your arm."

Edward's smiled dropped slightly too. He looked down at the limb sitting against his leg. He lifted it before them both and a tinge of pain crossed his face before he covered it. His arm extended down from his strong exposed shoulder down to his elbow. Where his wrist would have been Sky could see Edwards face as he looked down to his missing arm. Bates had amputated where Sky had buckled the leather strap so that half of Edward's forearm still remained. It would be easier for him to adapt than if bates had taken the whole arm. The stump was bound in an old shirt as the bandaged were needed elsewhere.

"I passed out before he removed it." Edward seemed almost perplexed by his new disability. His eyes flicked to Sky's face. "Well, I guess he finished removing it. King Patrick had almost finished the job himself."

Sky placed her hands on his leg gently wanted to saw something. Not for the first time she wished she possessed the right words to console her friend. She didn't need to though because it seemed Edward had enough words for them both.

"I guess it's a small price to pay for something so special." His light brown eyes shone as he looked towards her making the young woman flush. "You owe me nothing Sky. I want you to know that." Sky smiled at him and wanted to hug him but was fearful she'd hurt him. Instead she leaned forward and kissed the top of his head. "Hawk on the other hand, owes me a great deal I'd say." Edward smirked wickedly at something behind her.

"It would appear so." Sky looked over her shoulder to see Dustin standing above her with his arms crossed across his chest. "But as it were, there is no other hand, so I also owe you nothing."

"Dustin!" Sky snapped, outraged at his quip. Behind her Edward laughed. The two men smiled at each other.

"Thank you Edward." Dustin said with an honest face. "For keeping you promise."

They both looked to Sky between them and she looked at Edward with slightly annoyed eyes. "You are welcome Hawk. But seeing as how dear Skyler is still alive and therefore indeed of my protection, I would like to humbling request to remain on your fine vessel." There was nothing humble about Edward's tone or his words and it made Sky smile. "It would seem I rather like the idea of life sailing the seas. In fact, I might even be able to have Sav whip me up a fancy hook. Then who would be the better pirate Hawk?"

"Might be time for an eye patch Cap'n." Bates mumbled to their side. Dustin lifted an annoyed brow at his doctor who ignored him as he moved on to his next patient.

When Dustin returned his gaze back to Edward his face was friendly. "Very well Ed. It would be a pleasure to have you serve on my 'fine vessel'." Dustin rolled his eyes and unfolded his arms. "That is, if I don't go insane from being around you." But his eyes showed Sky that he was proud of the younger man. After all, Edward had saved the most important person in his life.

"So you will come with us then?" Sky asked hopeful and happy.

"Indeed I shall. I have to protect you from him." Edward jerked his chin in Dustin's direction, who grumbled something under his breath that sound like the words 'ungrateful bastard' before following Bates to get a report.

"He said it's great to have you abroad." Sky told Edward and the both laughed.

A shout from the top deck altered them that Thomas was pulling in to doc the ship. The next few hours would be the most painful for all of them.


Sky helped the crew carry wounded from the Belladonna on to the island of Intargo. They moved them from the berth deck to the pier when Nichola's men carried them away to be tended to by the women on the island. Sky tried to let her mind go numb as she worked, thinking of the men as objects. It was the only way she kept herself together.

When the men had seen the rebels arrive they had called for the women and children to return immediately as assist with the injured. The moon gave enough light for the gory task and the stars above shone down on them all.

The port was full with eight ships all bobbing soundlessly on the gentle waves. They would have to wait for the sun to rise to see the havoc the battle and wrought on the fleet. Nichola and the others had arrived a few hours after the other having come from the west island. They had not brought happy news.

Admiral Balthid had died. A cannon ball had ricocheted off the mainmast and into the elderly man's chest shattering his ribcage and internal organs. His first officer, Lieutenant Scott, had been promoted to Commander when Balthid had passed and took the role with dignity. He had removed his hat as he spoke with Dustin and Sky wanting to tell them himself. With approval from Dustin he had taken it upon himself to organise the disorderly men of the Kings Navy. The last Sky had seen of him was when he turned towards the Jane Duchess. She assumed he would inform Sav and would have some things to speak about with the king's Commodore.

Sky wasn't sure what was to happen with her brother. Dustin had spared James's life and thought the cormorants had respected his actions, Sky wondered what the other rebels would have to say on the matter. It was a problem for the new day however, as James would work with Commander Scott for the time being. It was clear to everyone that the officers were no longer their enemies. Some had even offered to take wounded to the makeshift hospitals that had popped up.

They had heard nothing from the townspeople's ship yet and Sky was beginning to give up hope. When the brig had docked the officers had said the men just threw themselves into the water. It was unlikely that the rescue teams had saved them all. As more and more reports came in it was becoming painfully obvious at the detrimental effect the battle had on the lives lost. Both sides suffered a blow harder than Karniva had seen in years.

Let us hope it never happens again. Sky placed the body of a young officer down gently. He cried out clutching his side. Sky could see the blood was already starting to seep through the fresh bandage. Sky turned to head back to the ship and collect her nect victim when a hand at her shoulder stopped her.

"Governor Nichola has ordered that you rest." The young woman was around Sky's age with pretty black hair and almost violet blue eyes. "All the heroes of the rebellion are dismissed from duty." She smiled at Sky who shook her head.

"We aren't heroes," She whispered her breath casting a puff in the cold night air. "Just survivors of a pointless slaughter."

Her eyes were on the young officer she had placed. He wouldn't have known why he had been dragged into this. They were all just following orders. Orders of an old decrepit king. The young woman looked confused and followed her gaze down to the officer.

"Treat him kindly." Sky told her. "This wasn't their fault." The woman nodded slowly before turning. Sky saw her crouch and heard to speak with the young man. Her voice was soft and warm and the officer's moans of pain quieted slightly as she spoke.

"Lass," Thomas walked towards her from the pier. "Finally time to rest. Lord knows we deserve it eh?"

The other pirates were handing over their injured to the women of Intargo with grateful faces. They walked over behind Thomas with heavy steps. Sky wondered if they would even make it to the inn Nichola's men had cleared for them. It was in the main area of the town and at their slow pace they might not all get there some pirates choosing to sleep in the cold on the ground.

"Sky? You coming?" Edward said gently next to her as the men started to moved past. Thomas had paused too looking back at her he could see in her face what she had wanted to ask before she even opened her mouth.

"He went to the Fort." Thomas called back. "Don't know why it all couldn't wait till morn' but the Cap'n left with at Commander officer fellow. Reckon ya find 'em there." He turned to follow the other pirates too tired to say anything else.

"Come on Sky." Edward began walking after them.

Sky didn't move. She was bone dead tired and every single muscle in her body throbbed painfully but she didn't want to go to the inn. She wanted to feel safe after all this torture and there was only one place she could find that.

"I will see you in the morning Ed." He turned back and sighed.

"Good night Sky." He still looked like he was in pain as he began walking away after the pirates. Thomas waited for him and walked with his as a support if he needed it.

Sky trudged long the pathway of Intargo alone. There were others on the streets but she could hear nor see them. Her head was down as she watched her feet moving slowly in front of her, taking her towards the fort on the hill.

"Lady Davion." Sky looked up at the voice, her movements sluggish. The man who had shown them the Fort yesterday held the gate open for her.

She said nothing as she walked past him and up to the door of the bread stronghold. It fell away at her touch and creaked as it swung inwards. Sky stepped through the doorway and wanted to curl up in a ball right there and sleep away the day's events. But she pushed on, fuelled but the sound of a distant conversation. The men's voices came from the opposite direction of the meeting room and Sky walked down the stone corridor until she found a lit room.

The door was slightly ajar and warm candle light spilled out into the dark corridor. She could hear the voices of three different men from inside but in her tired state could not make out what they were saying. One voice, even muffled to her ears, made her feel instantly better. Powerd on by Dustin's quite soothing tones, Sky pushed open the door and walked right through their meeting.

Nichola stopped midsentence from explaining something to Commander Scott and they watched the tired mopping figure of Sky cross the sitting room towards her captain. Dustin was in a huge green armchair one leg crossed over the other and his back slouched. He sat up when the young woman came to a rest before him.

"Hi Sweetheart," Dustin said tenderly looking up at her.

Sky's eyes were shut and she just wanted to collapse on top of him. She swayed slightly. Warm hands found hers and ever so lovingly Dustin guided her in to his lap. They both fit easily on the armchair. Dustin's arm moved under Sky's legs as he lifted them across his own so that she was sitting with his leg under her knees and her side to his chest. Her head, far too heavy on her shoulders, fell softly against his collar bone.

"Perhaps we should continue in the morning." Nichola's voice was gentle as he looked at Sky already fast asleep in Dustin's arms.

"Thank you." Dustin said in a whisper to wanting not disturb the sleeping woman as the other two men stood to retire for the night. Commander Scott closed the door with a soft click behind him. Dustin reached out and took the glowing candle from the table next to him and blew it out. Sky shifted slightly in his lap and he stroked her light brown hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear and kissing her cheek.

"Good night Sky."

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