The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 63

1K 53 12
By BekLittleSparrow24

It was well into the night when they emerged from the Fort. Sky hadn't felt fatigue so deep in a long time and while she wanted this all over with, part of her hoped it would be another few days before the Fleet was spotted. Each of the leaders excused themselves to inform their men of what had been discussed in the meeting. Dana had marched away with utter determination on her face. Sky knew her Cormorants would be prepared for the worst by the time the morning sun kissed the waters. Admiral Balthid had followed a few moments later pausing to speak with Nichola and Dustin. He would have to take a boat back to his men on the western Island and wouldn't be able to communicate later.

Sky waited alone, her back leaning against the cold cobble stones of the fort's external wall close to the gate. She sighed out the cool night air and let her head fall back towards the darkness above her, eyes shut. Her mind was a whirling mass of noise. Ideas flew this way and that and her thoughts raced with endless possibilities. She tried to concentrate on her breathing, but her head refused to calm itself.

"You are sure now is a good time Captain Hawk?" A voice disrupted her attempt at meditation. Sky opened her eyes and dropped her head down. A wave of dizziness hit her at the motion from her earlier smack with the Hull of Patchwork Sally but Sky pushed it aside.

Nichola was standing a few paces from her at the wooden door that led into the Fort. His red cape fluttered peacefully at his side. His expression was one of interest and hesitance making for an unusual mix in his dark eyes. Standing just in front of him and blocked subsequently from the torch light omitted from either side of the door, was a silhouette of a strong man in a hat. Sky smiled.

"Hang on." Dustin mumbled leaving Nichola behind for a moment as he walked towards her. "Sky Sweetheart?"

Sky pushed herself off the wall and turned to face him. She was so tired that she just wanted to rest her forehead against his chest and have him hold her. Dustin when he was directly in front of her he dipped his head to catch her eyes.

"You alright there Sky?" He whispered tenderly.

Sky hummed softly in response and hear the concern in his words. "I'm fine Dust. Just tried."

His gazed scanned her face for a moment longer before he looked over his shoulder at the Governor. Nichola was waiting patiently with his arms threaded behind his back and his stance in the direction the sea.

"He has some words to say to you." Dustin said a tinge of annoyance in his tone. "I can tell him to wait for another time. I'm sure he'd understand." His face softened as he looked back to her and Sky knew that even if he didn't, Dustin would make him understand.

"No." Sky told him. "There may not be another time. I'm fine Dustin, really. I can meet you back at the docks if you'd like?"

They had decided to spend the night getting their ship ready. Dustin seemed like he'd wanted to be ready to go at a seconds notice and his men saw no really problem in staying on their ship. Sky was also thankful, the last time she and Dustin had stayed at a Tavern she'd woken alone. This way, he would have to wake her up and haul her off his ship if he wanted to abandon her again.

"No," He mimicked her with a small grin and leaned in and kissed her nose sweetly. Sky was taken aback for a moment. "I will wait for you by the gates."

With that he walked past her down the path towards the Fort's gates. Sky tilted her head as she watched him.

"Lady Davion," Her attention was captured by the approaching Nichola. He bowed in front of her a knowing smile on his lips. "Please my Lady, a moment of you time? Your captain was rather reluctant to give me even that, but he said you may be more forthcoming."

Sky wondered if Dustin would have really used those words, but she nodded and held her hand out towards him. Nichola turned her outstretched offer of a hand-shake and kissed the back of her knuckles. Sky was too tired to try to play along, but she gave him a warm smile as she withdrew.

"Just Sky is fine Nichola." The strain in her voice was evident to them both. She was the daughter of a fisherman; the title didn't apply to people like her. If the man took offence, he was good not to show it.

"Forgive me. I understand you must want your rest," He smiled gently. "I simply desired to thank you. It was because of Christopher that these people were able to flourish in a harsh time. We never got to pay our respects to the great man."

"I'm sure my father wouldn't have felt you owed him anything." Sky spoke honestly.

"Perhaps not, but that does not mean it isn't so. Please accept our gratitude on his behalf. I was fortunate enough to know him and I have been blessed again to have met you Sky."

Sky felt her cheeks burn and shifted awkwardly at his words. She was not some great legacy. Her father had done all the work; she was just making sure it wasn't all corrupted into something catastrophic.

"What will you do Nichola?" Sky asked unable to help herself. "If by some miracle we do win?"

He smiled, his intelligent eyes giving nothing away. "That my Lady, will depend on who survives with us." He bowed again. "Please excuse me. It was a pleasure, but I must organise the rescue crews. There is much to be done tonight."

He moved past her and gave Dustin a small nod of acknowledgement as he exited the Fort grounds. Sky walked over to stand beside her captain and together they watched him walk away. Some of his men flocked to his side almost immediately and Sky shook her head. Whatever he had planned after this would be for the benefit of his people. Sky doubted that the man really knew what that meant himself. They would just have to wait and see.

Sky hadn't realised how much weight she'd been putting on Dustin till he took a step forward and she stumbled. He looked back at her with amused eyes. They turned tender when he saw her struggle to remain upright.

"Come here." He mumbled with an eye roll. Sky wasn't sure what he meant, but she stood in front of him. Dustin moved around to her side and in one fluid motion, as though she weighed nothing at all, he had her scooped up in his arms. Sky could feel the strong muscles of his arm behind her knees and wrapped around her back as he held her form to his body. Her own arms reached up over his shoulders and hooked behind his neck. Sky placed her face against his chest and mumbled a small thank you into his shirt.

"You are most welcome Sweetheart."

Sky wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep. Dustin's easy steps and the beating if his heart had lulled her into a gentle slumber. It was only when he had to shift her slightly to open the door to the captain's cabin that Sky roused blinking. His scent of steel and gunpowder was less strong than she remembered and the skin on his cheeks was not as smooth.

"You need to shave." Sky grumbled her thoughts without meaning to.

"Really?" Dustin's voice was sly with a note of laughter. Sky felt her body being placed gently into softness like he was putting her to sleep on clouds. "I think you may have to deal with it for tonight Sweetheart."

The captain's bed, built into the hull of the ship, dipped to her side as Dustin lay beside her. His arms went around her middle drawing her back into his chest. Sky smiled when feather light kisses ran down the back of her neck and along her shoulder. She could feel the tiny whiskers on his chin tickling her skin.

"Mmmm," Sky let her body relax completely. "Dust?"

"Yes Skyler?" Dustin mumbled in her ear. She could feel his warm breath fan across her check.

"Don't leave me this time." Sky didn't hear his reply because she was out a second later.

When morning came it was quite. The fog had made the yellow windows cloudy and blocked the light. The men had worked long into the night and were appreciative of the small sleep-in. Sky opened her eyes to see only brown. The hull of the ship was in her face and groan in annoyance she tried to roll over to the other side in her hammock.

She only succeeded in smacking her peaceful captain across the face with her fist.

"Shit." Sky, shocked into attention, bolted up right smashing her skull against Dustin's forehead as he too rose with alarm. "Shit." She groaned at the contact and went to press a hand against her sore head.

"Stop." A pair of hands restricted all of her future movement as Dustin turned and hovered above her slightly. "Stop moving you idiot." The words held far too much affection to be hurtful.

Sky looked up at him her hazel eyes huge. His face was just above hers and two red marks were beginning to blossom across his cheek and forehead. He held her hands lightly at her sides and used his right elbow to keep himself up beside her.

"Sorry." Sky whispered softly.

It was Dustin turn to groan as he rested their heads together very carefully. "Not the best way to wake up I will admit." He mumbled shutting his eyes, a smirk appearing on his lips. "But very effective."

Sky leaned up and kissed the red mark on his cheek lovingly. "Better?"

"If I say no will you keep going?" The smirk on his lips was wider and his eyes lit with mischief.

Sky rolled her eyes and pushed gently on his arm. He leaned away from her and let her sit up. It was still early and though it would have been fine for them to spend a few more moments together, but Sky knew if she started something now they might be caught underprepared when the King arrived. She did not smile at the idea that they could be blown up for spending the morning together when they should have been preparing for the battle.

Dustin sat up beside her his face serious. "Do you think it will be today?"

Sky was looking at the swirls in the tinted windows at the back of the cabin. "I think they must be close."

A sigh came from her shoulder as Dustin rose from the bed. He turned and looked down at her. A lop sided smile appeared on his lips.

"What?" Sky reached up and smoothed her hair back down and around her shoulder.

"Nothing," He mumbled but there was something in his eyes that said otherwise. "Let's go. We've got a long day to come." He reached out his hand and lifted her from the bed.

The air outside was cold, but Sky barely noticed as they emerged onto the main deck. Some of Dustin's crew were working away; checking the rigging and packing powder to use for the cannon shots. Most of them were still resting below deck, but Sky could see that the men didn't mind the early start. It was a way of distracting their thoughts. Sky felt overwhelming pride of the crew she belonged to. After everything, they were ready to give this final push their absolute all. She would stand tall beside them.

"Well I'll be damned, ain't you glowing lass." Thomas called from above her. He was leaning out over the railing onto the main deck beside the wheel. "Enjoy your sleep?"

Sky looked up at him and tilted her head to the side. "Glowing?" What exactly is he insinuating by that?

"Ah," Thomas had a deep grin, the swirling tattoo on the side of his face twisting up. "You see lass, when a man and a woman indulge in-"

"Master Thomas," Dustin snapped. He walked past Sky and up to the poop deck his expression hard. "Status report if you'd please."

"Aye aye Cap'n." The first mate saluted then gave Sky, down on the main deck, another look and she lifted an annoyed brow at his comments. To which he only winked.

As Thomas began informing Dustin of the work still to do, Sky cast her gaze across the ship. One of the men was hulling the top sail's rigging and tying it off against the mast. Sky's good mood sunk slightly as her promise came to her mind. She spared a glance at her captain who was acknowledging Thomas words with a nod, and walked over to the other pirate.

Some of the men greeted her and she replied warmly. There were a fair few men around the deck working away on various things. Marle looked at her for a moment before returning his attention to the ropes.

"Can I help?" Sky asked walking over to take one of the ropes. He passed it to her wordlessly and as she secured it with a knot she tried to word her thoughts. "She asked me to tell you about her. Elise."

Sky paused waiting for some reaction. She got nothing. Marle just continued working. Sky continued; she had promised her friend that she would and even if he said nothing, he might still want to know.

"She is incredible Marle. But I guess you must know that." Sky said awkwardly. "She taught me to knit, I wasn't very good at it, but she was incredibly patient. She wanted me to tell you about how she used to swim with her friends in the-"

"Don't Sky." Marle held up a hand in Sky's face. His expression was uncharacteristically rigid. "Thank you. But please, don't." Sky nodded in pained understanding. "Those are things I would have wanted to know, but from her. I wanted to hear her tell me with her own voice. I am grateful lass, but I can't; it's too..."Marle stopped and looked at her his blue eyes were shining. He sighed and turned away without another word moving to port side to begin his work again.

Sky's shoulders dropped disheartened and she let out a sad breath. Some of the pirates watched with confused eyes one even walked over to her, but her attention was on the tense back of Marle. He would be a father and he wasn't even able to know the woman he loved or their child.

"You alright Sky?" Edward looked from her to the disappearing pirate with worried eyes.

"I never want to have children." Sky mumbled unfocused. It simply wasn't fair; they would have made such good parents together.

"Ah yes. I think that is wise. What with your impulsive outbursts and Hawk's awful arrogance? No I don't think the world is quite ready for a person like that." Edward replied chirpily.

It was only then that Sky realised who she was speaking with. The Cormorant was dressed in clean clothes and had his blade at his waist and his dark hair was wet from his bath earlier. He grinned down at her and Sky, feeling relived to have him, smacked him hard in the arm. Edward's smile grew in an attempt to cheer her up. She was annoyed to find that it did.

"Seriously though Sky, I think you'd be a great mother." He laughed when she blushed, but became sombre. "I always wanted a family someday. But the reality is that even if we want it, it's not possible for us is it?"

Sky shook her head. "What if it wasn't a possibility, but reality?" Thinking of their unborn child. "I think that would hurt even more." Understanding downed on Edwards face as he looked at the man on the other side of the ship and he sighed.

"Ah. I guess it would."

Sky faced him. While she was always happy to see him, shouldn't he be on Sally helping the Cormorants prepare. She was about to ask him the question when her captain did it for her.

"Edward!" Dustin called from the poop deck, his hat tipped back on his head. "What are you doing on my ship?"

Edward smiled at Sky in a way that told her he took small pleasure in annoying the man, before giving Dustin a mock salute. "Dana sent me to keep an eye on you Hawk. Said I am to sail with you when we disembark."

Dustin mumbled something to Thomas who shrugged looking amused. "Fine. Then at least make yourself useful and check the cannons are secured." The captain ordered looking like he would have questions for Dana later.

"Aye Captain!" Edward called back.

"Did Dana really send you Ed?" Sky questioned doubt clouding her voice.

"She did." Edward looked hurt before he grinned. "Though she wasn't really concerned about Dustin. Just thought that might irritate him a little. She wanted me to look after you actually." Sky was surprised and Edward elaborated. "Dana said that Hawk will have enough on his mind and though we all know you can hold your own, it would be best if he's not distracted by your safety. Hence you are stuck with me still this is over."

Despite his words both of them were smiling. Sky would be glad to have him with them.

"How are the others?" Sky finished her knots and followed him to where one of the cannons was held.

"I think we are almost ready." Edward replied testing the rope tied to the gun. "Nichola has organised his men for the rescue teams. There are about twenty small boats waiting in the port. Dana says they will go out and collect any men from the water." He shook his head slightly. "These people must have nerves of steel to go out into a war in a dingy."

"It will be necessary," Sky said retying one of the ropes so it was stronger, the last thing the needed was a loose cannon capable of crushing them all. "We will lose ships in this, the more people who make it the better."

Edward agreed. "The Admiral is ready too. I think he was ready form the moment he got here. His officers are even more organised than we are."

Sky stopped herself from telling him that the cormorants were not very well organised considering she had been the one to help them on numerous occasions. Perhaps it was just a rough time for them. Then again it's rough for us all.

She was suddenly distracted though because she saw far out to the west the mast of Maribelle as she came around from the side to the front of the peaks proving Edwards words. The others ships in the Intargo port were starting to prepare themselves for the battle. The Belladonna would sail out of the channel first and the others would follow after.

The port was bustling now with movement as the people woke in anticipation. Dustin's crew had gathered on the main deck, some polishing their blades, others inspecting their pistols. Dustin white gun was clipped in at Sky's waist. Sav had given her a holster so that she could stop carrying around in the back of her pants. A cutlass was strapped to the other side.

Young messenger boys dashed from the ships communicating the status of each of the rebel leaders with the exception of Admiral Balthid. One ran past Sky and Edward and hastened up the steps to the captain. He looked to be around fourteen. Dustin listened to him with a commanding but inspirational face. When the boy was finished he gave him a nod and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. The boy's face lit up at Dustin's words and he nodded vigorously before saluting and dashing away back to the ship he'd come from. Dustin smiled after him.

"The time has come men!" Dustin called from the wheel. "Raise the anchor and unfurl the sails. We will await the King's Fleet on the waters." He lifted his head and Sky saw such determination in his golden eyes that is overflowed into each of his men. It washed over the ship filling them with purpose. The scene before her was surreal for Sky. This was finally it. The moment they had all been working towards, was upon them.

Once the King arrives the battle will start. Sky thought to herself as the men grew in courage around her. What will come next? Sky knew the answer. She knew only one thing was certain to happen from this war. Carnage.

"It is our time to show him who we are!" Dustin yelled his words powerfully as around him the ships began to turn. "We will take back what he stole from us. We will make him feel our might and we end his tyranny once and for all!"

Battle cries chorused around Sky in exulted jubilance. Even Edward responded to the captains words. Sky could feel the excitement buzzing in the air around her. But she did not share it. Cold hard dread flooded through Sky for a brief second then came the clarity and calm of what her future held.

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