The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 61

1.3K 56 7
By BekLittleSparrow24

When they arrived at Intargo, the largest of the southern isles, it was almost noon. They had passed some of the other islands. The Cormorants had been very close to the western island and Sky had seen a glimpse of the Maribelle waiting patiently in the deeper waters for her Admiral. The Townspeople's ship hadn't been with her.

Dustin took the wheel from one of his men. The man gave him a salute then inclined his head to Sky.

"Glad to have ye back aboard lassie." His voice was gruff and when he smiled his front teeth were sliver.

"Thank you, Mr. Roberts." Dustin grumbled shooing the pirate away as he stood behind the wheel. Sky, who had come to stand next to him, lifted her eye brow at him questioning his annoyed tone. Dustin sighed. "You would not believe the trouble they gave me for leaving you behind. Thomas didn't speak to me for a whole day. I'm half surprised they didn't try mutiny."

Sky laughed imagining the poor captain telling his crew that morning Sky wasn't coming only to be met with backlash. "Good." She grinned facing the wind to get her hair out of her eyes. "It's nice to feel wanted by someone."

Dustin shot her a hard glace disapproving of her jab. "Don't you start, Sweetheart."

Her smiled widened as she looked out over the main deck at the crew below. When she met the eyes of the men they all smiled to her, some tipping their hats. Fane had even stuck his head out over the crows net to wave down at her when they'd emerged from the captain's cabin after their talk. It's good to be home.

Dustin led the two ships towards Intargo with steady hands. The waters were clear of rocks here and deep enough for the ships to pull right up to the island's dock together. Sky had never left Rendes, but many of the people who came to her town had been from the islands in the colder southern waters. She'd heard stories of there being different settlements on the various islands and they would all come together to trade. Intargo was the hub of the cluster of islands. What Sky hadn't expected, however, was for it to be so big.

The port was huge, with smaller fishing ships scattered here and there. Sky noticed with some interest that there were fair few lager ships as well. One ship even had a nasty looking blade attached to the front of it where the bow sprit would have been. SKy couldn't imagine how it didn't sink with all at metal at the front. The Cormorants were following close behind. As they approached the port, Sky saw that Intargo was a well maintained town and she considered whether the merchants she'd overheard on Harpers isle were wrong about the state of the south. There were large buildings not far from the docks made of both wood and stone. To the right of the bustling port was where most of the residents lived, their houses spaced out neatly across the land. Further back from them Sky had to squint to see farm lands.

The left side seemed to be the more busy side of town; there were tall buildings and markets. Back further overlooking what must have been a channel through the peaks was a large stone fort. Next to it stood a regal looking stronghold. The whole place buzzed like a hive.

They seem completely self-sufficient. Sky realised. It almost appeared that the South had accepted that the King had stopped offering his support. It almost seems like they have been planning this for a very long time.

That both inspired Sky and made her feel uneasy. King Patrick was striking at them before they decided to become their own nation. The idea was startling to Sky. What would happen after this? Would the whole Kingdom fall apart? If it did then her small fishing town far west would be left suck. While Sky had never really felt attached to the island, it was where her father had chosen to stay. When he had met her mother scorning the King as a result.

"That is where the others are waiting for us." Dustin was looking at the fort. "It took us longer to find you than I realised."

"Perhaps," Sky said with a smirk, "When you plan to 'meet on the waters' you should be a little more specific."

Dustin was not impressed with her remark as he called for the anchor to drop and guided them skillfully towards the dock. "Why thank you Sky, I shall try to remember that next time we are running for our lives."

Thomas pulled up behind them. Sky noticed with a small amount of pride that Dustin was closer to the pier, though only by a narrow margin. Sky looked out at the land before and was confused to see only males. There were no children either and the men moved with purpose in their tasks.

"Where are the women and children?" Sky asked as they descended the stairs.

"Once we told them the King was coming, they moved them off to the less populated islands." Dustin's gold eyes moved across the large town. "There are still some around but not near the dock."

Dustin's crew were involved in their routine of disembarking the ship. Men hulled the rigging and prepared the ramp. Dustin and Sky walked down it on to the pier together where they were met by a man who looked like a mercenary with leather clothing and a hammer strapped at his side. The rebels on Patchwork Sally were slower at getting off their ship, so Dustin sighed and faced the approaching man preparing for interaction.

"So you did come back, eh?" The mercenary appeared to be in his middle years with dark hair and whiskers. "The Admiral said you would, but we were beginning to wonder if the idea of a real war was too stressing on your nerves."

Sky blinked at him offended. A real war? To stressing? Does he know who they are? Dustin made a low noise in the back of his throat and Sky could tell from his stance that he was trying to be pleasant for the sake of diplomacy. The man didn't seem to notice, but his eyes turned to Sky.

"Has she been on your ship this whole time?" He suddenly snapped outraged and before Sky could say anything he huffed in disgust. "Filthy pirates. Only use them when it's convenient for you, eh?"

Next to her, Dustin tensed ever so slightly. Sky, however, recoiled as though he'd slapped her. Her hands clenched at her sides in rage. Had he just assumed that Dustin had left her on his ship like an object and 'used' her while his men searched for the Cormorants? She was so angry at his words; she almost punched him off the side of the pier.

"I would watch your mouth sir." Dustin said in a silky smooth voice. He looked back over his shoulder appearing to be uninterested in whatever the man had to say. Only Sky could see the anger and displeasure in his eyes. "After all you aren't far from joining us 'pirates'."

Thomas led Dana down the ramp with a hand and Sky felt some of her sour mood dim at the pirates attempt at being a gentleman. Dana's rebels trailing behind her, looking around at the town in awe.

"Take us to Nichola. We're wasting time." Dustin commanded his attempts at remaining polite gone. The man held his arm out directing them toward to fort rather disrespectfully. "Oh," Dustin paused pretending as through something had just occurred to him. "You would do well not to insult any of the women amongst us. They could put your own men to shame in a duel." Then with more emotion than before, but still in a condescending voice he added, "And Skyler is not my whore. She happens to be the daughter of Christopher Davion. We should consider ourselves lucky to count her as our ally. Please do not tempt her into changing her mind."

Sky blushed at his words. She could see that Dustin was trying to make the mercenary uncomfortable, but surly he didn't make her sound so important. The man's face turned bright red and he looked at Sky again in shock. Her father's name clearing changing his impression of her. Christopher had spent many years making the waters safe for the southern people to trade. He may have even spent some time on the islands himself, Sky wasn't sure. Regardless she decided to play along with her captain and lifted her head proudly narrowing her eyes at him as though his comments could have possibly changed her mind on where she stood.

"Forgive me Lady Davion." He bumbled and bowed slightly at the waist. "I was not aware."

"As long as it doesn't happen again." She walked past him feeling only slightly guilty for the act. She was certainly no lady and it was odd to have her father's name define her. This must have been what James felt.

The man nodded and followed them saying some things to the men he passed quickly. Their eyes turned to Sky then looked away quickly as she caught them.

"I am growing very tired of their shit." Dustin snarled next to Sky as they began to walk through the dock towards the Fort. The men of Intargo watched the two crews as they passed with varying looks of disappointment. "We were here not even three hours before they stared questioning our resolve. I think Admiral Balthid only offered to explain the situation because he was sure I would snap and thump one from across the room."

"Why do they think we went to all this trouble to save them if we weren't committed?" Sky asked.

"You'll see." He mumbled casting a dark look at the man in front of them. "These people are rather... intense."

The walk up to the Fort would have been pleasant enough had the people not stared at them like they were coloured blue from head to toe. They had been expecting to see the great Cormorants, rebels who and wreaked havoc on Karniva, the Kings own island, for years. When faced with the reality that these people were just a collection of outcasts was disappointing. Sky felt that they should be thankful. The Cormorants may not look like much but they had all worked hard for get o where they were. They had put in the effort for a long time, and had trained for this day. It just wasn't on the terms they had expected but as diligent as always, they would step up and make a strong stand against the King.

"Excuse me, but are you really Lady Davion?" A high male voice asked from behind Dustin and Sky. Sky groaned and faced her friend with an annoyed look.

"Ed." Sky greeted mildly. He looked at her then to Dustin, who was walking with his shoulders down trying to get to the Fort quickly.

"Did I interrupt something?" Edward seemed almost pleased to be aggravating the pirate who was pointedly ignoring him.

"No," Sky fell back a step with him, Dustin's pace just a little too fast her she shorter legs. "It's just that these people don't seem grateful to have us here at all."

"I noticed that." Edward said following Sky's eyes as they walked through the town.

The path from the docks was paved and led them into the streets of the market district. There were shop fronts around them. A blacksmith ahead of them was teeming with activity. Men carried swords on barrels away from the shop to load on to one of the ship in the harbour. Clangs of steel work filled the air. The Fort and the stronghold peaked out from over the buildings. It was close but the streets seemed to wind in an unclear manner. It was different from the straightforward layout of the mainland.

"There is a rumour going around back there that we have gained the support of some great Lady. Some of the men are asking if the great Commodore's daughter has come to bring balance." Edward nudged her playfully. Dustin, ahead of them, turned his head slightly in irritation. Sky noticed and smiled. She may have assured him of their relationship, she'd even asked him to marry her, but it seemed to pirate was still jealous of the young cormorant.

"My father helped them during his service. I think the feel they owe him." Sky explained as they walked together.

"Right..." Edward lowered his voice, "I suppose they don't know about the cannon then?"

Sky internally winced. "I guess not. Let's keep the more detailed knowledge to ourselves shall we?" Dustin faced them then giving Sky an inquisitive look. "At least for now."

The mercenary led them to the gate of the Fort. There was a small crowd awaiting them there. Some of the men had run up ahead from the dock to inform them the rebels had arrived. The guards there let the crews pass. One singled Sky out with a finger and nudged the other saying something. They looked at her with intense expressions.

"They seem to care a lot about me..." Sky murmured uncomfortable as they passed the gates and walked up to the large wooden door of the Fort.

"Indeed." Dustin walked at her side. "With Ash under the King's control, the people were incredibly disheartened. Apparently your father spoke up for them in the Kings court when they were struggling. And rumours of your involvement with the Cormorants reached this place incredibly fast. It seems they had been hoping to have you side with them against your brother."

Sky sunk in her posture. Against James... She sighed. "Well as long as they don't start treating me like a princess we might be able to work in peace together. The Mercenary led them into the Fort and down a large stone corridor and waited outside the third door they passed. Only a small group of rebels had followed them into the fort and they seemed nervous for what was behind the door.

Dustin opened the door and looked at Sky with a mischievous glint on his face. "After you my Princess," He gave her a low bow as he gestured for her to entre before him. Sky was very tempted to step on his foot as she passed him, but felt content with her glare. She heard him chuckle behind her.

Sky walked into the proper strategic meeting room to find it was huge and already half full of men awaiting them. There were men from Intargo and Harpers isle crowded around one side of the large round table. Sky saw uniforms too, the Admirals men standing tall next to the others. Movement caught Sky's eye as Rogue, standing near the Admiral, lifted his hand in a salute to his captain. His face broke into a pleased smile when he saw Sky in the door way. Beside him Admiral Balthid also smiled knowingly as if he'd expected nothing less of her.

"Captain Hawk. Welcome back." Admiral Balthid said. "Skyler dear, always a pleasure."

Sky grinned at him. Dustin moved in behind her and stepped out of the way. The mass of people waited outside with the exception of Edward, who was most likely meant to wait with the others, but had missed that detail because he's walked with Sky, and Dana. Her eyes scanned the room powerfully.

"Gentlemen," Dustin regarded a few men individually who standing closest to the stone table. "May I introduce the person you have been waiting to meet," He stepped aside and gestured Dana forward. She strode into the room and all eyes turned from Dustin to her in expectation. "The leader of The Cormorants."

Some eyes widened in awe others narrowed. Some of the officers even turned to each other in surprise. Many of them would have known about Dana and some may have even seen her before. Dana strode toward the table and placed her hands behind her back. She looked incredibly influential then standing before all of the people of the rebellion.

"The time has come," Her voice held authority. "King Patrick will no longer rule over these lands. He claimed the throne from his father before him and his before him. Our lands started divided did they not? Soon they may be again."

The men of Intargo smiled and nodded vigorously. The history of Karniva's Kingdom was known well. The islands to the west and south had served on their own long ago. But they fell into hard times and struggled to continue their trade. The King at the time had offered them protection and support uniting them to the mainland. It had been many lifetimes ago and slowly the kingdom had worked together. King Patrick had grown up in a time when the Kingdom's growth had slowed and it was starting to slip again. With his actions it was very possible the mainland would lose all of its outer islands. And while the southern Isles may be able to pull it off the rest of the islands would collapse without support.

Sky could see that this made both Dustin and Admiral Balthid uneasy. Both were navy men who had served their country and were doing so still. They would protect their people, but this was a step too far. Sky believed similarly. Things had to change, but to completely rip apart the Kingdom was not the way to do it.

"I tell you, we mustn't let that happen." The men's faced fell and some even started to argue. Sky realised that Dustin was right about them. They wanted to be their own people. They wanted complete independence. "We must stand united again in this, not for ourselves, but for our people and our country. King Patrick will be on your doorstep with days, we haven't the time to argue. Our cause is this; we defend those who are wronged and unable to defend themselves. We will reclaim this Kingdom and build it again the right way. With peace and unity. I ask you, people of the Southern Isles, to join us and right the wrongs committed against us."

Dana finished strong and her eyes scanned the faces before her. Sky wasn't sure what the woman had expected. The Admiral was looking closely at her, some small light seemed to flick on when she finished and he nodded to himself as if he could finally place her. His men regarded the cormorant with awe at her words. They had been committed to this because of their country and to hear the person they had been fighting against say she wanted the same things, they finally relaxed.

The Intargo people however did not seem persuaded. One man from the other side of the table stood and faced Dana. He was incredibly tall and his lithe frame was held high making him seem even taller still. His skin was lighter than the men from Harpers and was stripped of hair, his face clean shaven and his head bald. Dark eyes were deeply set into his strong features making him appeared intelligent and powerful. He wore leather like many of the Intargo people, but his was stained a deep red. A brighter cape, made of cloth, was pinned to one shoulder and hung over his right arm.

"Nichola Karkorf," The man crossed his cloaked arm across his chest and slightly inclined his head towards Dana. "You speak with a deep passion Cormorant," He seemed older when he spoke his voice deep and rich and Sky struggled to place his accent. The southern people spoke slightly different to the people on Karniva, holding the vowels for slightly longer.

"I can assure you," he continued glancing at the Admiral, "We have the same goal. We wish to see our people restored. And so we shall offer everything to this war."

Clever man, Sky could see Dana's annoyance; the man was telling her that they would only work with them so that they could take the King down. After that, they would do what was best for them.

"Mr. Karkorf-" Dana began.

"Please, Nichola will surfice. Miss ?"

Anger and pain flashed across Dana's expression but she covered it smoothly. Sky could see that Nichola had noticed it and she wondered if he was testing the Cormorant for cracks of weakness.

"Dana is my given name. I have no title Mr. Nichola," Dana did not reveal her last name and Sky wondered if that was because it brought pain. Nichola acknowledged her words with a small tilt of his head. "I must accept your help. Neither of us can complete this task alone." The Intargo people smiled excitement flooding the room. They knew that they wouldn't be able to stand against the Navy fleet without the Cormorants, but Sky saw that they believed they were the ones pulling the strings. Sky felt a very odd feeling of anger. They were arguing over who the rebellion belonged to.

"Nichola," Admiral Balthid respectfully turned to the other man. "We need to know that once this is over you won't turn on the people who came to offer you aid."

Nichola smiled, his dark eyes twinkling in amusement. Sky still couldn't figure out whether she liked this man or not. To her side Dustin watched him with intent eyes. However, Sky noticed that there was some small amount of admiration in his golden gaze.

"As I have explained to both of you Admiral, Captain," His eyes moved to each of them and Sky saw him spare her a small interested glance. "My people want only what is right, as you Dana, have said." He said her name with an interesting shift. "However, even as you doubt us, how am I to know you will be true to your own cause?"

"You know we are." Sky snapped before she could stop herself. All eyes turned to her and Dustin sighed beside her. Edward merely smiled. "Don't patronise us. Not when you have been waiting for a moment like this. You knew the King would strike, but I don't think you were prepared for him to bring the fight to you."

Nichola watched her speak with no intention of interrupting. His dark eyes ran across her face meeting her own and that is where they stayed. Sky saw some agitation in them as though she were treading too close to something she wasn't meant to near.

"You may have heard what the Cormorants were doing on the mainland," Sky said not outright wanting to accuse their potential allies. "Perhaps you were waiting for them to strike first so you could make your intentions clear when the Kingdom was wounded."

"Sky," Dustin cautioned very quietly behind her. But Nichola's smile twitched up and Sky knew she'd been correct.

"Things have not gone that way." She said gently. "The battle has been brought to you. Perhaps the King was informed of your intentions, but that is irrelevant. We came to help you. Not just to save your people from a massacre, but to finally put a stop to this madness. And it should end with us. Whatever comes after is not set in stone. It relies on the decision you make now." Sky could see some of the Intargo men paying close attention to her words.

"Work with us and if we somehow pull through this, then we can talk of what comes next. But until that moment we cannot be doubting one another. There are so few people we can trust Nichola. I don't know who will be standing after all the smoke clears, but I know that if we start this with our blades already pointed at the other's backs, then we may as well kill each other here in this room. We have to stand strong together now or we won't be able to stand at all."

Dana's grey eyes were bright with pride as though Sky had said what the woman hadn't been able to. Dustin was watching Nichola in expectation. Sky felt like she could hardly breathe. Nichola was looking directly at her; he had not broken his gaze once while she spoke giving her all of his attention, now his dark eyes were giving no emotion away. The room was completely silent.

"I feel I am at a grave disadvantage young Madame. You know my name, yet you keep yours? Honesty must come before trust."

Sky could see that he already suspected who she was. One of his men must have informed him. After all she, had been allowed by Dustin when the others had waited outside, she must have some importance.

"You are right." Sky lifted her chin. "My name is Skyler. I am the daughter of Christopher Davion. My brother sails here under the Kings colours to destroy you. He believes he is fulfilling a task my father started."

"His is wrong." Nichola said strangely gentle.

"Yes. He is. They all are. King Patrick is the only one who will gain from this war." She said thinking of the innocent lives in the Kings navy. They were simply following orders; they did not know the nature of the Kings plan. "So let's prove it to them together."

Nichola's gaze held her for a moment before he bowed. His men around him nodded in approval of his decision

"Together?" Nichola smiled and Sky could finally see kindness in his dark eyes. "You use the same words as your father. He spoke for us in times where we were unheard. For that," He turned to Dana, "And for all your effort leading to this moment, we are allies to our death."

"May it come later rather than sooner." Dana spoke Sky's mind.

It was time for the people of Karniva to take their stand against their King and finally end this long battle.

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