The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

133K 5.6K 725

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 60 - Across the Plank

1.2K 60 12
By BekLittleSparrow24

The Belladonna approached them in an almost caring manner, like an old friend coming to the aid of the wounded ship. Her dark blue flag flapped gently in the small breeze distorting the image of the flower. The Hawk at the front proudly leading the way.

"Stand down!" Dana must have seen Sky's expression soften. She stood taller at the Wheel, she had been watching Sky memorising her orders. Sky had been impressed, the cormorants may not have their sea legs yet, but they were very good at orders. "It seemed we have found our destination."

The crew began to cheer with joy and relief as the crowded around her on the main deck. For Sky however the realisation brought back some important questions. How would she handle this? How would he?

"You were incredible Sky, giving orders like that." Edward rounded Sky with a grin before he saw her face and turned sombre. "You know... I would not want to be in that man's boots right now. May you have mercy on his soul."

Sky wanted to laugh, but his words hit a little too close. When she had first woken alone she would have wanted nothing more than to stride towards him and punch him with all her might in his stomach. Or stomp as hard as she was capable on his toe. Maybe even kick him in a place she knew it would hurt. Then she would have spun turning away from him and walked back to Dana, choosing to ignore him. But that didn't feel right to her anymore.

The Belladonna began to turn gracefully. Her starboard side coming to a gentle gliding stop beside Sally's hull. That was when Sky saw him. She made her decision.

The Captain was at the wheel. It was like seeing him again for the first time. He stood so tall, commanding over his ship. He wore his coat over a light shirt and both of his blades sat on either side of his hips. His stance was an interesting mixture of pride and excitement. Sky could see it in the way he held himself that he was pleased to see them, even in their crippled state. Feelings of safety flooded through her, Dustin was here, they would be alright. A huge smile broke out across her face. His hat sat atop his head the enormous feather almost looked like it was waving directly at her in the wind.

The two ships came together and Sky saw Dustin's crew ready the plank to board Sally. She laughed to herself when Thomas began waving at the rebels from the poop deck a dopy smile on his face. Dustin looked at him, his hat turning to face his first-mate, before Sky saw him say something. Thomas's grin widened and his waving became more vigorous causing his captain to bang his head against the wheel.

Dana moved from the cormorant ship's wheel as the pirates slid the plank across to cover the distance of water between them. Sky moved herself slightly backwards letting the eager rebels disguise her. Edward gave her an odd look, but remained at her side.

Dustin floated down the stairs as Dana crossed the gap and stepped on to his ship. Sky could see the light in his golden eyes. He removed his hat and bowed low in front of her, his smirk painfully obvious.

"Finally decided to grace us with your presence Dana?" The sound of his voice made Sky briefly shut her eyes and dwell in the warmth of it. When he rose he was met with an angry looking Dana. She had her hands on her hips but it was clear to everyone the two were happy to be reunited.

Dustin glanced back and Sky sucked in her breath as his eyes passed by her towards the foremast. A single perfect brow rose on his handsome face. "Ran into some trouble I see."

"You have no idea, Hawk." Edward pipped up from beside Sky drawing all attention their way. Sky's head snapped to him in betrayal. His pleased grin making her grumble. Ed you jerk.

Both ships grew eerily silent as they realised the significance of the moment. Sky took a deep breath before she turned back to face the eyes of the man she loved. All of the light drained from Dustin's expression the second he saw her. The change was so drastic that Sky felt like it should have knocked her over. They stared at each other across the gap of sea from the two ships.

Sky couldn't read him as she began to walk forward. The Cormorants let her pass them, stepping out of her way as she strode forward. She didn't break eye contact with Dustin as she crossed the plank and landed softly on The Belladonna's main deck. The impact almost causing her to wince due to her sore side. Everyone could feel the tension in the air and not a sound was made. The crew of the Belladonna watched Sky awkwardly with rigid backs as she waked along the deck towards their captain.

Dustin's gold eyes are unreadable. Sky came to a stop before him. His hat cast sharp shadows across his face. His shoulders were tight and Sky was shocked to see that he was almost trembling. She kept her expression carefully blank of emotion. She felt tall and regal suddenly waiting patiently before him.

"I know." Dustin whispered. He looked like he was struggling to maintain eye contact with her but forced himself to do so. While his face was neutral, his eyes swirled with so many different emotions Sky struggled to tell them apart; Anger, disappointment, concern, joy, pride, love.

"You know?" Sky lifted a brow and asked softly. Shame flickered his is eyes then. "You know that I was hurt? Devastated?" Dustin looked like he wanted to say something but Sky kept talking in her even voice, lifting her chin towards him. "You know that I felt like swimming out after you even if it killed me? You know that I spent days crying myself to sleep? You know that I finally realised what everything we had been through together actually meant to you?"

Dustin visibly flinched at that. Sky had chosen her words carefully. She wanted him to feel some sort of consequence. However, she couldn't really hurt him and to make him sufferer for trying to protect her was selfish. They might have so little time left together; she wouldn't waste it on anger. Sky smiled finally unable to keep the joy from her voice. "And you know that I understand why? That I love you for it? You know that I forgive you?"

She'd had a long time thinking over her time with him, and Admiral Balthid's words floated in the back of her mind. Dustin stared at her in astonishment. Around them people visibly relaxed.

"You knew all that did you Dustin Hawk?" She felt proud standing there speaking in a light condescending way to the most notorious pirate in the seas.

"No..." Dustin breathed his golden orbs now blazing with different emotions. The shame and anger was still there but he seemed to have come to the same realisation as her. Perhaps he'd even considered if he'd made the wrong decision. "I didn't know all that."

"Good. Because now you do." Sky stared him down waiting for his reaction.

"That was not how I thought that was going to go." Dustin hesitantly smiled at her, his lip twitching into a smirk a dimple appearing in his right check. "I expected a bit more yelling. Maybe a fist to the face. For a moment I thought you might even threaten to shoot me."

"Well, I certainly thought about it Cap'n." Sky grinned at him. "I still can you know?" Dustin lifted an eyebrow his smirk faltering slightly. Sky did not do this however; instead she did what she had wanted to do since their ship had stopped.

Sky threw her arms around Dustin. He reacted without hesitation or surprise and Sky let him lift her off her feet, finally feeling like she was home. This was where she belonged. As the deck fell away beneath her Sky was wrapped up in Dustin's strong arms. Everything else was forgotten and there was no longer a multitude of eyes watching them, it was only Sky and Dustin embracing. He held her so easily that when he put her down Sky felt as though she was coming back from a great height. He didn't let her go and Sky took the chance to tip his hat further back so she could kiss him. Before their lips met a loud voice cut through the air.

"Alright love birds." Edward called from the other ship folding his arms across his chest. "We are all so happy for you. But may I please remind you that we have a war to attend?" The sarcasm was so pungent Sky shot him an annoyed look over her shoulder.

"I really hate him." Dustin muttered irritated his arms pulling Sky closer, but she could hear from his tone that the statement was a lie.

"He's right." Sky couldn't keep her smile away; she suspected Edward had wanted to see her give the pirate a good punch in the stomach. "There are a few developments we need to discuss." A thought occurred to her. "What is Admiral Balthid?"

"He is on the islands." Then Dustin rolled his eyes. "Glad it's him and not me. These people are crazy."

"Hawk," Dana walked over to the couple. "We need discuss our plans." She met Sky's eyes both of them thinking of the great cannon, "And some other things. No doubt the King will be arriving soon. I would hate to be unprepared."

Dustin seemed reluctant to let Sky go, but the reality was that there were more important things to be done. "You're right. We were beginning to think we'd never find you in these peaks. We're wasting time." He turned to look at his crew, "We have to get to Intargo. That is where the others are waiting."

"Very well," Dana gave him a curt nod. "I request the assistance of one of you crew to guide our ship, if I may?"

Dustin hummed in understanding, casting a look at the support beams on the fore mast, then motioned behind him. Dana had done a splendid job of navigating the peaks, given their circumstances, and though the worst was behind them a more experienced sailor would get them to the larges middle isle faster.

"It'd be my pleasure, Ma'am." Thomas, who had strode down from the poop deck, inclined his head respectfully. Dana looked him over approvingly then turned to leave. Thomas moved to follow her but paused at Sky and Dustin. "Lass."

Sky smiled embracing him. Thomas hugged her tightly before speaking quietly in her ear. "Thanks for going easy on Dust lass. Heavens knows we've all 'ad a shit week because of his sulking. Just don't let 'im make ya feel like you did the wrong thing by coming after us. We're all glad ya here, even if some of us won't admit it." He pulled away giving her a wink and strode towards the plank.

Sky moved to follow them back to Patchwork Sally caught up in the moment her mind taking in Thomas' words. Dustin's hand grabbed hers. Sky tuned to face him realising that of course she would travel on the Belladonna. She laughed awkwardly feeling almost dumb for her confusion. However, the seriousness of Dustin's expression threw her. Despite their tender reunion, he had still left her for a reason. And she defied his last wish by showing up unannounced on the rebel ship.

"You and I, Sweetheart, need to talk." Sky swallowed at his quiet tone. This may not be a pleasant conversation.

"Aye Captain."

The rebels moved aside as Thomas' talk dark frame walked on to their ship. Edward looked him up and down then held his hand out as the man passed before him.

"Take care with her," He said. Thomas seemed surprised as he took the younger man's outstretched hand. "Sally's been through a lot." Sky smiled at his use of her name for the ship.

"No offence lad," Thomas grinned good-naturedly, "I reckon she's in good hands."

The two men looked at the mast together with amused expressions, before turning to each other the same grins on their faces. "I reckon you may be right Master Thomas."

Edward gave Sky a mock salute as the plank was pulled back onto the Belladonna by Jenkins. She smiled at him knowing they would see each other soon enough. She just had to endure a very awkward conversation with Dustin first. Then they could plan for the war to come.

Dustin turned from her and walked over to the captain's cabin beneath the poop deck. The two ships began to move with The Belladonna leading the way. Patchwork Sally followed behind, Thomas looking comfortable at the wheel. Dustin opened the door and looked back at Sky who was yet to move. He swept his arm across his front motioning for her to enter. Sighing Sky walked past her captain and into the dark cabin.

It was neat as always. Dustin's bed in the corner looked unslept in and the mahogany desk had been cleared of clutter. The morning sun did not shine through the yellow glass windows at the back because of the fog, leaving them in dim light. The door clicked shut behind her gently and the intake of a deep breath followed. Sky walked slowly around the space unsure of where to start. Her mind kept taking her back to memories from his cabin. She thought of their night together after the ball, when Dustin had been shot.

"I suppose it wasn't really fair of me was it?" His disheartened voice made Sky turn to him. He was leaning against the door. His eyes were down cast hand his posture stiff.

"No. It wasn't." They face each other in the dark space. Dustin removed his hat as he walked past her up to his desk. He sat then leaning against the hard wood. Sky watched him content to wait and see what he said.

"I will be honest Sky," He looked her up and down slowly. "I am not thrilled to see you."

"Yes." Sky responded standing in the middle of the room her arms uncomfortable at her sides. "I can see that."

They continued to regard each other for some time. The silenced was not awkward but rather tense in nature.

"But now you're here."

"Now I'm here." Sky repeated feeling like they were going in circles. She took a breath in and out. "Dustin, you know that is war is as much mine as it is yours. It was not your place to take that decision from me."

Golden eyes studied her, narrowed slightly. "Perhaps not." It was all he said, so Sky continued.

"I don't need to tell you that I am capable. You know I am not a dead weight." She still wasn't sure what to say.

"I do."

"So what then Dust?" Sky asked hurt but trying not to let herself grow frustrated. "We have many more important things to discuss. King Patrick is on his way here, with my brother, to fulfil some warped promise to my father. So why are we here, in you cabin, saying nothing to each other?"

He didn't react. He simply continued to stare at her. Sky was about to speak again when he cut her off. "So that I can apologise to you."

"Apologise?" Sky was honestly surprised.

"Do not misunderstand me Skyler, I do not regret what I did; if I could go back I would do the same thing every time. But you are right. You aren't dead weight, and you are more than capable." He took a staggered breath and shifted against the table. "I did it for me, not you, and that is why I am sorry. "

"For you..." Sky said her eyes traveling to the rug on the floor beneath her feet.

"I had to protect you." He looked away from her too, both of them unable to maintain eye contact. "I've lost the people I love before Sky, in different ways yes, but I still lost them." He was speaking unfiltered now, his words coming with more purpose. "I failed them. My crew, my friends, we are going to die in this war. I thought if I could save just one, if I could keep the woman I loved safe..."

Sky looked at him her face flushed and her eyes beginning to sting with emotion.

"If I could keep you safe, then maybe this once, I might not have failed." His eyes turned back to her then and she saw his pain. "Once we set off I knew that it didn't matter. I failed you anyway." Sky wanted to correct him, he hadn't failed her. He had hurt her, yes, but if she thought there was a way to save him, she would have done it too. But he continued. "I know what it's like to have someone you love turn their back on you."

James. Sky moved closer to Dustin, he was much taller than her on the raised step even leaning on the table, so Sky took a step up so that they were equal on eye level with each other.

"I am sorry Sky." He told her. "It was cruel to force you to stay away when you know everyone else won't be coming back for you." Sky smiled, he understood, it seemed like they had both been thinking a lot since their night on Harpers Ilse. "And while I'm may not be pleased you are here, at least I know you won't live the rest of your life hating me for what I've done."

"Dust," Sky stepped up to him and took his hands. She threaded their fingers together as she spoke. "I was angry, but I didn't hate you for it."

Dustin gently removed his hand from hers and it felt like he was tearing her chest open. "It time you would have. Bitterness grows Sky and after a few years you would have spent all you time wondering how things would have been different had you only woken sooner."

She knew he was right and bowed her head. But she still believed she wouldn't hate him for it. "Not you Dustin. I wouldn't have hated you."

His fingers lifted her chin up lovingly with half a smile on his lips. "Hating yourself gets you nowhere either Sweetheart, it only brings more pain." She met his golden eyes. "Trust me. I know."

They were very close together and Sky just wanted to rest her head against him but she was terrified he would reject her comfort. He sighed deeply and shut his eyes his lashes resting on his cheeks.

"At least this way, I know you are where you want to be." Dustin's words were filled with resignation.

"I am." Sky couldn't hold herself back anymore. Luckily, she didn't have to. Dustin seemed to know what she wanted and his arms came around her a second later, gently pulling her into an affectionate hug. She smiled when his strong hands brushed her hair down her back and he rested his chin on her head softy.

"So am I."

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