Color Blind

By KayyyBrown

1.2M 45.3K 10.2K

Audra Jones left Miami after her longtime boyfriend Antonio cheated on her. Refusing to pity her life, she de... More

Opening Thought
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Author's Note: Baby Names
Author's Note: IMPORTANT
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I'm Back!
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Two

23.4K 805 194
By KayyyBrown


Audra's POV

I've been lying in my own blood for hours and I'm certain I'll remain here for a while. With nothing else to do, I recall the attack.

After hours of waiting for the perfect opportunity after Antonio left, I finally had my chance. Hearing water running and loud moans, I crack the door to make sure it's ok for me to go.

What I saw was Vlad and Bella having anal sex.

Swallowing back the bile, I walk as best I can to their room looking desperately for a phone. Aha! Found one!

Still hearing water running, I sprint as fast as possible with the limp I have and lock my bedroom door behind me.

Deciding on who I should call, I settle on Dani because I know her number from heart.

On the phone, I explain the situation as well as I can only to have Vlad kick the door in and attack me for taking his phone.

His punches, his kicks, his unrelenting words made my already wounded body and spirit splinter then shatter into a million pieces.

My baby is dead for sure.

I vaguely remembering him and Bella saying something about "24 hours" and "She dies" but it doesn't phase me.

I've lost my baby and the love of my life. Yeah our relationship moved quickly, but the quality of our love was way more important than quantities of time.

And at this point, I'm ready to die.

I'm almost positive I won't make it to my 20th birthday but I don't regret how I've lived my life. I doubled up on high school and nursing classes to get my RN degree, made a name for myself, started my life over, and truly fell in love.

How many people my age can say that? But it does stop the rage boiling inside of me.

How could God allow this to happen to me? How could he let my baby perish in the midst of chaos and vendetta?

A mother is supposed to protect her child and I couldn't even do that.

Salty, stinging, and scorching tears run down my face blinding my bruised and swollen eyes. I'm so weak that I can't even lift my arm to wipe them away.

I blame Danté for this! He's always do cynical and selfish! I'm sure that Vlad made up some bullshit lie to cover his tracks because he knew Danté would believe it!

He doesn't even try to think or look for himself. The bastard just lets everyone else dictate his life and when things go wrong he sulks in solitude.

Anger boils within me but I can do nothing about it; I'm immobilized practically. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to think, and it hurts to still be alive when I could be with Leo and my baby in Heaven.

But I'm left alone to endure the consequences of other's actions.

The silence around me is deafening All I can hear is the shaky and shallow breaths I take and the dull thud of my heart that I'm certain will give out here shortly.

At least I hope it will.


Danté's POV

Marc wasn't lying: Audra's dogs were angry. Ignoring the pain of the stitching Marc is performing on my wounds, my mind races to come up with an effective scenario to save Audra.

I have some nagging scruples that she'd rather be rescued by anyone other than me.

That's where Marc comes in. He openly admits his feeling for her and he's competition that I'd love to get rid of.

Too bad he's Audra's lifeline. But he's not mine...except for those damn dogs! I had to kick the shit out those beasts just to get them off my arms and legs.

They'll be downright terrifying when they're full grown.

No matter how much I try to focus on getting Audra to safety, my mind wanders right back to Marc.

I don't wanna ask him the inevitable question, but I just have to know.

"Hey Marc?" Fuck! That needle fucking stabbed me when his arm moved. Probably to look up at me.

"How can I assist you now?" His words ooze with sarcasm and a bit of disdain. I don't need this metrosexual narcissist!

"How do you feel about Audra?" Up until now, his large hands had my leg in a vise grip. But when Audra was brought up, his touch became tender and loving.

Thought I can't see, I imagine that doe-eye look on his face with hearts circling around.

Bad sign number one. He lets out a deep sigh and I prepare to hear the inevitable.

"Not that you'd know anything about treating a woman right., but I care for her deeply. At first I thought it was because she was something I've never seen before besides on porn"

This fucker. He continues.

"But her passion, strength, and loving personality have me speechless. I've always been a womanizer to some extent, yet when I saw her that first day in those lavender scrubs, I knew I she was something special. I'm so sorry that she lost Leo. I'm sorry I lost him as well- he was my bestfriend."

I hear his words begin to become strained and I know he's fighting back tears. Tears that he'll openly she'd for Audra and similar to the ones that leaked when she mourned for Leo. But I have yet to give anyone besides Bella my all.

Bad sign number two.

There's a few minutes of silence until I hear him clear his throat.

"But when we get her back home, and we WILL, I'm going to make sure she knows that I'm here for her. Anytime or anywhere I'll be there when she needs me. And if it's meant for us to be together, I certainly will be thanking God forever."

Bad sign number three, I'm screwed.

By the end of his words, he's cleaned up the wounds and have bandages them.

Besides a thank you, I don't say anything to him because the love and dedication in his voice is something I haven't given anyone but Bella and my family.

What is wrong with me?

I hear Marc's footsteps become faint and Dani's heavy ass footing come towards me.

"Dude those dogs got you! But so did I!" She howls with laughter. She's lucky I wouldn't hit a woman.

"Whatever. How's the progress?"

"All of of the ammunition and bulletproof cars are in place. We'll be finished tracking Audra in five minutes and her siblings are en route."

"But what are we going to do about the money?" I don't have a will!

"I'll take care of it. You actually have a will but no one can locate it's last known location or notaries. I had some friends look it up..." Marc interrupts and says.

Oh course it's Marc to the rescue!

"How are you gonna take care of it?" I ask. He's not Houdini you know.

"I'm going to pay for it. Your will is or was worth 5 million dollars and I'm paying it out-of-pocket and in cash."

Shit, he might as well be Houdini 'cause he's working magic.

Dani lets out an excited squeal but I'm not all that enthusiastic. How am I suppose to right my words when Machismo over here is stealing the spotlight.

"This isn't necessary Marc" I say only to hear him scoff.

"I will do anything for Audra. Anything. No amount of money is a problem if it means her being safe and in my arms..."

Dani lets out a loud "AWWW!" and I'm sure they can see me sulk. I want to be her savior!

I hear a a phone ringing and Marc speaking quietly in the background and I not so secretly wish I could strangle him.

Remember this is for Audra, my mind chides me.

"OKAY EVERYONE PLEASE COME TO THE LIVING ROOM RIGHT NOW!" Dani yells and I feel my eardrum pop, damn woman.

While I hear multiple footsteps, I hear the front door open and causal murmurs from unfamiliar voices.

Once there aren't anymore footsteps, Dani begins to speak again.

"Everyone, these are Audra's siblings and their children. Except for the youngest because he's 17. Care to introduce yourselves?"

"I'm James and I'm 17."

"I'm Ranisha and I'm 33, these are my four kids Marvin, Micah, Melody, and Mariah. In order they 9,6, and the twin girls are 4." The children murmur hellos.

"I'm Latoya and I'm 29, and these are my twins Shawn and Marcus who are 7." They say hello as well.

"I'm EsDena and I'm 26 and these are my twins Rochelle and Tanya and my son Zachariah."

Finally there is one more introduction.

"I'm Karmen, I'm 24 and this is my five month old daughter Nevaeh."

I hear the soft coos of a baby and my heart warms. I can hear the children running around and playing.

"All of you get ready, I'm keeping the kids with me" Mary says to the crowd.

Dani makes one more announcement.

"The bags have you names on them so get dressed and put on your bulletproof vests and Marc or I will strap your ammunition on!"

I hear a plethora of 'yes' and 'okay' and Marc speaks to me.

"Are you coming?"

"Of course" by the time I had finished my reply, he had me by my sore arm pulling me towards a room.

"Start getting dressed" he commands.

As I strip down, he tosses me my clothing one by one and confides in me.

"Audra's sisters are pretty." Here we go...

"I wouldn't know, I can't see."

"True. The one Karmen with the baby is gorgeous."

"But isn't she married or something?"

"I asked and she said no. The father is a lowlife."

Why is he telling me this?

"Do you like her or something?"

"I think I do. Even though you're a dickwad and all of that, you laid claims to Audra first. I see so much of Audra in Karmen and vice versa that I've realized it's not always the woman itself, but what she has inside. But it doesn't hurt that they're both sexy as hell!"

The light has opened up at the end of the tunnel. I will not let Audra go!

After I'm done dressing, a kid named Micah runs up to me and puts a note in my hand.

His small body hugs my leg and holds it tight. Is this what having children is like?

"Micah, I can't see will you read me the note?"

"Mr..." His voice trails off in question

"You can call me Té." I feel his body squeeze my leg even tighter and it becomes painful due to the dog bites.

"Okay Uncle Té, are you blind?"

"Yes I am."

"Like the Three Blind Mice?"

I have no clue what story that is, but I go ahead and nod.

"Micah will you read me the note?"

"Call 476-8594. No funny business. Time is ticking."

I feel my blood run cold and I pull Micah close to me ignoring the pain. He hands me the note.

"Did you see anyone out there when you saw the note?"

"Just someone driving a black car really fast away from the house. Why?"

"I'm just curious. Are any other kids outside?"

"Yeah, all but Nevaeh cause she's a baby."

"Will you tell them Uncle Té said to come inside?"

"Yep" I hear him scurry off yelling at the kids long before he reaches the front door.

"What's the commotion?" Marc is beside me and I didn't even hear him.

Jumping a bit, I hand him the note and explain what Micah said. Before he can comment on it, I'm attacked by a swarm of children chanting "Uncle Té".

So this is what parenting consists of. They won't stop so I ask what they want.

"HUGS" they all yell and eventually succeed in knocking me to the ground and smothering me with hugs.

And it feels so good.

"C'mon kids, time to eat!" Mary says.

"Let's eat with Grandma!" yells Micah. He sure is the ring leader of this group.

When they leave into the other room, Marc and Dani start strapping ammunition on people.

Everyone was unsure about James coming, but absolutely insisted he come to save his sister. He's a fine young man.

We have the cars so groups are formed.

Group 1: Karmen, Marc, and Ranisha

Group 2: LaToya, Vince, and James

Group 3: EsDena, Alex, and myself

There's a knock on the door and someone comes in and by the tone of the conversation, is familiar with Audra's siblings.

Ranisha introduces him.

"Everyone, this is my brother-in-law Tyrell. He was the hacker working with Vince. Since Latoya and I are married, and EsDena and Karmen are single, have a good look at him!"

"Hello" his voice is even deeper than Marc's baritone and I hear Dani take a sharp intake of breath.

She must like what she sees.

"I'm looking for a Dani?" He asks. I hear her make her presence known and they are going to be the fourth group.

We say goodbye to everyone and I get smothered by the kids once more. I hate to leave them but I have to save their Aunt.

Once everyone has weapons and directions, we get into our respective cars and drive.

Riding in the back with EsDena, Alex passes a phons back for me to call Vlad and Bella and they answer on the first ring.

"It's about time you called..."

*Hey guys! This was a tough chapter to write! There was so much to get out and say before the showdown comes. So the rest of it will be continued in the next chapter!

Do you think everything will go smoothly in the rescue?

Will everyone make it out alive?

Can you think of any good couplings?

Let me know what you think!

Check out my other story WALKING ON THIN ICE!

Thank you for all of the support!😘

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