Part Time Villains

By amberGoodwin7

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Going to a new school can be hard especially if it is a boarding school in the middle of nowhere,you would se... More

Character list
1.Intro 1
A/N wish
4.Chip on your shoulder
10.Home Affairs part 1
11.Home Affairs Part 2
12.The fastest loser
Author's note
16.Back to Elsewhere
18.Burnt Memories
21:The Wedding
22.Fading memories
Revision/New Version


645 20 2
By amberGoodwin7

It had been an hour since they had arrived and the monotony of the whole event was giving Amber hives, but the threat Kieran had given kept ringing in her ear forcing her to keep a tight leash on her tongue.

"Of course I had to buy the company" Mr. Devon boasted his stubby hand resting on his stomach that looked as if he was expecting octuplets any second, He had a boubulous nose who's hairs never seemed to stay hidden, bushy eyebrows that made him look more like a caveman than anything else, his lips were so thin one might even believe they were not even there and the icing on the cake was the scruffy mop of silver streaked dirty blond hair that sat in its natural state untouched and unbothered. He was always dressed in the most expensive suits which to Amber seemed to contradict his appearance. His guest, however, looked a little too young to even be his granddaughter and looked as bored as Amber did.

"Excuse me," Amber said as she made to leave the small group only for Kieran to grasp her hand tightly holding her back "I'm going to the ladies room" she whispered while glaring at him.

"Don't take too long, " he said in a clipped tone that had Amber casting a cold icy unseen glare at him and stalking off, her fury slowly churning and coming to a boil. Who did he think he was she fumed to herself as she opened the bathroom door, satisfied that she was the only one there she promptly locked the door.While staring at her self a question kept coming to her tempting her answer and with it came the many as they came through like water rushing out of a cracked dam.

Who was she? Amber asked herself while reflecting on all the times a man broke her heart wondering when she had become so timid and docile, orders were never her forte she was the wild wind, she blew where she wanted and how she wanted,

"they used to fear you" her inner voice taunted

"they still do" she countered glaring at her reflection silencing the traitorous thoughts, but deep down she knew no one feared her anymore the other girls would sniggle behind her back whenever they passed her. Even a few had dared throw themselves over, Kieran, and he did nothing even when she stood right next to him.Even the way he treated her was different he kept looking at every pretty girl that passed her and when she glared at him he blatantly ignored her following the behind of a curvy redhead that passed him by, it felt as if she were a trophy to him whose emotions had no consequence. She was the wild wind once upon a time untamed and free when had she become so docile, she sneered at herself at the weakness it had let show ever since he knew she loved him he never was the same he was no longer afraid to lose her. He knew no matter what he did she would still take him. His attitude the past few hours had only cemented the belief that he had developed a kind of recklessness. At that realization, Amber's eyes widened till they settled back into that cold emotionless mask she had mastered all those years ago.

With a new goal in mind she made her way to the door and as soon as she unlocked it flew open and a seething Kieran entered the small room making it feel even smaller, it was a struggle of Amber to keep his blazing gaze.

"You're taking too much time" he gritted out his frustration clear and evident.

"I'm not your pet Kieran, so don't treat me like one, I'm not like the others don't think that I will let you treat me like them," she said a cold indifference in her eyes and voice.And he laughed a dark chilling humorless sound that despite her newfound resolve she felt a dangerous chill go down her spine.

"Listen to me and listen well mo ghrá, I believe I have been too lenient with you." He tsked as he kept a hard grip on her neck forcing her to look him in the eye when she looked down.

"You don't..." she seethed

"What? Own you, baby you became my property the day I laid eyes on you, I let you go not because you made me but because I wanted to because I knew you were not ready for me then.I kept quiet when you dated that little puta, I actually wonder if you're still even a virgin.Remember you only come to me broken, used and damaged" he said a cruel smile on his lips
Amber was shocked she could not believe what he had just said to her.
Kieran had had enough with her bratty behaviour he had decided she needed to be remended that he was not Caleb and would not tolerate the same behaviour she had when she was with him,he wondered what had happened to his little obedient angel and where had she gone to that made her this insolent child in front of him. No matter he thought to himself he would dig her out if he had too because he could not afford her behaving in such a way in front of his people and business associates ,if she disrespected him then no one would respect him in the end he had to nip this in the bud before it poisoned his carefully layed out systems.
"Kieran.." she whispered on the verge of tears.
"Don't cry little dove ,you'll ruin your face .What would I need you for then?" He said giving her cheek a gentle caress "You don't grace my bed do you?" He asked grabbing her roughly and pulling her to him ,when he saw the shock on her face ,truth be told Amber was beautiful ,the most beautiful thing he had ever seen ,her eyes seemed to always reflect a certain alluring light off them that seemed to melt the heart of any man foolish enough to gaze into them ,but looking was not all that he needed to be satisfied and the fact that she was not ready for him always seemed to peeve him as his patience becan to wear thin.He didn't want to rush her but with this new fiesty behaviour the beast in him kept trying to break his restraints and claim what was his and his alone.
It was in that moment that Amber finally saw what everyone else except her was privy to,the monster he was and it was with a resignated demenour that she accepted her fate she was his and she knew that this time he would not let her go ,she had fled one prison only to land herself in one more constricting.
"I'm sorry" she whispered her eyes to the floor
"You're what?" He asked confused at the sudden change in her demaenour
"I'm sorry" she repeted twice more "I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm sorry,  I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry" she repeted constantly as she sank to the ground tears in her eyes and unable to breath it felt as if there was a boulder on her airway and she no longer had control of her body as the repressed memory cae back to the surface she hugged her self as she lay ther in faetal position repeting that same phrase. She was sorry for many things ,her mother dying,her father not being there it had been her fault if she didn't look like the woman he loved maybe he would not stay so far away from her,she was sorry that her friends had to deal with her antisocial   anxiety, she was sorry thay she wasn't enough for Caleb, she was sorry that Klaus and Apollo's  hearts would break in her hands and there was nothing she could do about it, sorry that she didn't want to save them and most of all she was sorry that no matter how hard he tried Keiran would always love her ,that he always had to save her from her own actions.Sorry that the only thing she could give him was the empty and used shell she was. Her regrets kept swelling in her mind making the task of breathing and her vision began to fade but the pain only intensified as the panic attack swept through her. The last thing she remembered was Keiran wrapping her up in his embrace begging her to breath . When he had joined her let alone folded her in his warmth she had no idea, but she tried to breath the pain only growing in its intensity until all she saw was black and the pain had seemingly stopped all together.
Kieran held her collapsed form in his arms for a second until he bagan screaming for help and for someone to call an ambulance.
One of the waiters had heard him and after rushing in to find the woeful looking pair he rushed to the nearest phone and called an ambulance imeadietly
"Don't worry mo ghrá,you'll be okay they're coming" he said still rocking her unconcious body back and forth
When the medics finally arrived he was nothing short of a mess and before the loaded her up he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and whispered the words "I'm sorry" to her sleeping form. He got into his car and followed the red and white that carried within it his world.
It was at the hospital after her had been told she was stable was he finally able to breath easy ,when her father burst through the doors and upon seeing Keiran he saw red
"What did you do to her this time?" He demanded with Keiran's collar in his hands
"I did nothing to her never have" Keiran shouted back in equal anger he had just gone through hell waiting for the doctors to give him any news on her condition for a few hours that had seemed like eternity .
"I don't beleive you ,she always ends up like this after being around you,you mess with her head my little girl doesn't do this or act like this" he screamed
"Like you would know what she is like you were never around long enough to actually get to know a single fuck about her so don't act like you are suddenly father of the year,why don't you go back to your cushy life and play house with your pretty new wife and let those that actually give a damn about her actually be there for her ,we all know she won't want you or that bitch here when she wakes up" Keiran said the anger in his words ringing clearly,he was pissed off ,no pissed was to gentle an word to describe this pathetic excuse of a father had the audacity to come here and accuse him of hurting Amber when it was under his watch IT happened the very event that made her this way "she told you but you wouldn't believe her all because that bitch over there," he said pointing an accusing finger at Melliasa "didn't want to beleive that her brother was a monster and to keep your little wife happy you decided to send her away" he screamed
"She was lying Aaron would never hurt a child" she defended glaring at him
"That's bullshit and you know it,but no your little brother is so pure,let me tell you something then .I've seen who he truly is and you have too you just don't want to beleive it because it will burst that little bubble of yours of a happy pestine family,how does it feel to know that your delusion has broken a child to the extent that she had nightmares that she wakes up from screaming and thrashing for her life, have you ever looked at her work, what child ever paints art that dark hmmm" he said angrily making her let out a little sob
"Why you little..." Amber's father said before he swung his arm and landed a punch on Keiran's eye
"Sir may you please leave or you will be escorted out" one of the nurses adressed Kevin making her turn towards her
"What ME!!! This delinquint who will not leave my daughter alone should be the one escorted out" he said in outrage
"I'm sorry sir but her husband takes precidence over her father so if you will not leave we will forcefully have you removed and banned from the hospital" she said her voice still level
"What since when is he her husband" he asked his eye twitching
"It was never anuled" Keiran said smugly making Kevin lunge at him only to be held back by scurity and dragged away "now if you'll excuse me I'm going to check on MY wife" Keiran said as Kevin was dragged out the door his pitiful wife following him in tears.
Turning away from the scene he asked which room she was in and promptly heading there.
Entering her room his heart broke to see her in the state she was in ,layong in that hospital bed her face looking exhausted they said she was in an induced coma,that this was the most sever attack she had and her body had to heal and rest.Taking the seat next to her he gingerly took her tiny fragile hand in his,
"I'm sorry my QUEEN" he whispered as he silently wept praying to whatever gods would listen to help his little dove. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you"


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