Sex, Love, and Basketball *Bo...

By KarmyVolkevens

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**Includes SLB Books 1 and 2** Sex, Love, and Basketball follows a groups of girls and a few guys on their jo... More

1. Move In Day
2. Campus Tour
3. "Shopping"
4. Do I Know You?
5. "Is This a Game To You?"
6. I Deserve Better
7. "International House of Pussy...I mean Pancakes."
8. "I Know It Was You."
9. Daaaammmnnn!
10. Feel My Pain
11. One on One
12. Legal
13. Birthday Sex
14. Momma Don't Play (Skip to the very end of this ch.)
15. Just a One Time Thing: Part 1
16. Just a One Time Thing: Part 2
17. A Deal's a Deal
18. Why Her?
19. Needing Space
20. Making Up
21. Just For The Night
22. Faking It
23. Taking L's
24. Double Dating
25. Perfect Timing
26. Ex's and Oooooh's
27. Pizza and Chill
28. The Honeymoon Stage
29. "Hoemance"
30. Stitches
31. Saying Goodbye
32. The Jealous Type
33. Buzzer Beater
34. First Fight
35. Official
36. Head Ahh
37. "I'd Go Anywhere With You."
38. Exposed
39. Christmas Break
40. It's All Good
41. Sistah Sistah
42. Bad Timing
43. N.I.M.D.K
44. Christmas
45. New To This
46. Fighting and Cheating
48. YT People Sh*t
49. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 1)
50. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 2)
(Book 2) 1. The Perfect Couple
2. Awkward Situations
3. No New Friends
4. You Ain't Got No Nipples!!!
5. One Hundred Yard Suicides
6. Get The Strap
7. "Are You A Boy Or A Girl?"
8. Baggage
9. P.E. To The TT. Y
10. Break Ups, Makes Ups, And Things That Start With The Letter P
11. Explosions and....Proposals?
12. First Times and Goodbyes
13. Sebastian's Tree
14. Hypocrite
15. Cherry Pie
16. Match Makers
17. I Hate You
18. Number 22
19. Heat Of The Moment
20. "Eating"
21. The Silent Treatment
22. Meeting The Rents
23. Talk To Me
24. Parking Ticket
25. Ménage à trois
26. Ménage à trois (Part 2)
27. Three's a Crowd
28. Bad Idea
29. Recovery Road (Part 1)
30. Recovery Road (Part 2)
31. Family and Friends Day
32. Old Habits
33. First Fights and First Dates (Part 1)
34. First Fights and First Dates (Part 2)
35. Ghosting
36. Ambush
37. Group Hangout (Part 1)
38. Group Hangout (Part 2)
39. The Kick Back
40. Millenniums

47. Misunderstandings and Mental Breakdowns

972 59 3
By KarmyVolkevens

Sorry for any mistakes or grammatical errors.


"I'm not trying to take sides, I just think that you should have given her a chance to explain herself. Dani loves you and I find it very hard to believe that she'd cheat on you." Chastity spoke calmly.

I guess she thought I'd go off on her like I did Dani.

"I do too, but why would someone make that up? We've been together this long and someone just now wants to start shit?"

"Now you know people that do stuff like this don't care when they do it. The girl might have just been bored." Chastity said, shrugging.

"I swear to God if Dani is cheating on me, I'm killing her and whoever this Taylor girl is."

"In all fairness, Taylor was simply warning you. She never said she was the one Dani was cheating on you with. Not that she's cheating." Chastity pointed out.

"Well, she should have minded her own fucking business."

Someone started knocking on the door, so Chastity got up to get it. She looked through the peep hole and turned around with a red face.

"Who is it?" I asked already knowing the answer. The only person other than Gio that could make her blush like that was Jayla.

"It's Jayla." She said failing horribly at fighting a smile.

"Well open it, weirdo."

Chastity opened the door and Jayla smiled at her.

"Hey, Chastity."

"Hey." Chastity responded shyly.

I just rolled my eyes because her having a crush on Jayla was all kinds of messed up. Not only is Jayla my ex, but Chastity is dating Gio and she's supposed to be straight. Not to mention Jayla having a thing for Aniya. It's a lost cause. But you can't help what you feel.

"Why are you here? Your dumb ass friend left." I said interrupting whatever awkward moment my roommate and ex-girlfriend had going on.

"I came here to talk to you." Jayla said stepping past Chastity and coming over to my bed.

Chastity closed the door behind her and walked back over to her bed.

"About what?" I asked already knowing Dani sent her here. I'm not stupid.

"Why would you believe some random girl over Dani? You have to be stupid to believe she's cheating on you." Jayla said taking up for her friend.

"Well, then I guess I'm stupid. I don't know what the fuck to believe. All I know is someone is sending my girlfriend naked pictures of themselves and then I get a message telling me that she's cheating." I said getting mad all over again. Not that I ever stopped being mad. "Today wasn't the first time someone sent her that shit. It's been happening for a while now and I've been ignoring it. Because I know how she used to be. Girls still have her number and can send her anything, but I don't know what someone would gain from lying on her."

"If you two break up, that makes Dani available again. Come on now. You mean to tell me that you can't see that this is bullshit? Dani is not cheating on you." Jayla spoke confidently.

"That's what I was trying to tell her." Chastity mumbled and I glared at her. "I'm just saying."

"I know you wouldn't let Dani see, but will you show me who messaged you?" Jayla asked and I grabbed my phone and went to the Instagram app, so I could pull up the messages.

"It's some girl named Taylor." I said giving Jayla my phone. She started scrolling through it and then facepalmed.

"Shit." She said before looking at me. "You owe Dani an apology."

I gave her a questioning look before asking, "Do you know who that is?"

"I don't know her, but she seemed to know me. She walked up on Aniya and me a while ago and she mistook Niya for Dani. I forgot all about it." Jayla informed me and now I was the one facepalming.

"Oh my God." I said hitting Jayla. "You idiot!"

"How am I the idiot? You're the one that doesn't trust your girlfriend when she's literally done nothing to make you not trust her." Jayla argued.

"You're right." I said burying my face in my hands. "I'm so stupid. I was so mean to her and she didn't even do anything."

"She's pissed. She tried to fight Aniya." Jayla said chuckling.

"That's nothing new." I said laughing too.

"Just come back to the room with me and you can apologize to her."

Jayla stood up, but I hesitated.

"She's gonna be so mad at me." I whined and Jayla laughed like it was funny.

"Well, she has every right to be." She stated. "Dani loves you. She's good to you and you believed some random girl over her. Hasn't she proven herself to you by now?"

Jayla was only making me feel worse.

"I get it, Jay. I was wrong."

"You're damn right you were. Now go apologize to my hoe." Jayla ordered and I stood up so I could go beg for my girlfriend's forgiveness.


"You won't believe who's behind this whole misunderstanding." Jayla said once we entered her and Dani's room.

"Who?" Dani and Aniya asked at the same time.

"Us." Jayla said making both girl's frown.

"What?" Dani asked looking confused.

"Yeah, what?" Aniya added.

"Niya, you remember that girl that came up to us that one night when we were sitting on our bench?" Jayla asked blushing slightly.

"The night I told you how I felt?" Aniya recalled and Jayla nodded. "Oh, the girl that thought I was Dani."

"Yeah her." Jayla confirmed. "She's the girl that dm'd Nadia. Her name is Taylor."

"Wait, who?" Dani asked like the name was familiar.

"Taylor." Jayla repeated. "She's about 5'4 with caramel skin, dark curly hair, and brown eyes. She recognized me that night, but I'm not sure how she knew me. She's probably one of the randoms that gave me their number because she was tripping about me not hitting her up."

"Her." I said giving Dani my phone and she facepalmed like Jayla had when she saw her.

"Remember the day we met? We were supposed to be touring the campus and I held the door open for those girls when we were leaving the caf?" Dani asked me and I just shrugged. "We ran into one at the movies with Raquel and Malaya. This is that girl's friend."

I was starting to remember, so I nodded my head. "Komfort and Taylor." I mumbled the girl's names, but then I frowned.

"You fucked both of them." I recalled. "At the same time."

"Okay then, baby sis." Aniya said, dapping Dani up and I glared at them both.

"That was the last time I saw that girl. I've been faithful to you, Nadia. I swear." Dani pleaded, but she didn't have to. I believed her.

"Yeah, this whole thing was a misunderstanding. I'm not really sure about the nudes situation, but I can assure you that Dani is innocent as far as cheating goes." Jayla concluded.

"I just need to get my number changed or something because I'm sure some of that shit is from hoes from high school." Dani sighed. "You're the only girl I'm interested in, Nadia. I love you and I would never cheat. I hate that I even have to say this because you should know by now and it really hurts that you don't trust me."

I felt really bad about this whole situation.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." I apologized. "I should have believed you. I know this doesn't show it, but I do trust you."

"If you trusted me, you would have believed me." Dani countered. "You didn't even let me give my side of things. You immediately went off and told me to leave. I try so hard to be the best girlfriend to you and this, despite it being a huge misunderstanding, was a huge slap in the face. It just made me realize that this whole thing was a mistake. One of the reasons I wanted to be with you is because you saw good in me when I couldn't even see it in myself. Now I realize that you didn't see it at all."

"What do you mean this was a mistake?" I said feeling my heart drop to my stomach. Please tell me I heard her wrong.

"You don't trust me, Nadia. If I haven't earned your trust, I don't deserve to be with you right now."

"I do trust you." I said feeling my throat tightening up. "I'm sorry, baby. I should have believed you. We don't have to break up over this. It was just a big misunderstanding. I love you, Daniella. Please don't-"

"Okay okay. Baby chill. I was just messing with you." Dani cut in before I could beg anymore.

She was actually laughing like that was funny.

"Why would you play like that?!" I said pushing Dani as the tears that were building up from her stupid joke released themselves.

"Awe come here, crybaby." Dani said hugging me and letting me cry into her chest. "That's what yo ass gets for not believing me."

"Damn, Dani. You didn't have to do her like that." Aniya spoke, sounding like she thought this was funny too.

I just kept my face buried in Dani's chest. Even after her telling me it was a joke, I was still sad. My heart was racing a mile a minute. She can't play with me like that. I thought I ruined everything and lost her for real.

"Aww. I didn't mean to make you cry for real." Dani said kissing my forehead.

"You're such an asshole." I mumbled into her chest.

"I could say the same thing to you." Dani replied. "I wouldn't even be wrong for breaking up with you because you were going to break up with me over a rumor."

"I never said anything about breaking up with you." I finally looked up at Dani. "I wasn't even going to break up with you, I just didn't want to see your face in that moment because I was hurt."

"So you're telling me, if I had really cheated, you would have stayed with me? Nah, I don't believe that."

"That's not what I said. I'm saying that I wasn't going to break up with you over the rumor. I just needed time to think the whole issue over. I didn't know what to believe." I tried to defend myself.

"Have I given you any reason not to trust me? Let's be real. What have I done to make you even a little bit unsure about my faithfulness to you?"

I could tell that Dani was hurt by me not believing her. I would have been hurt too. She's literally been the perfect girlfriend and I haven't given her credit for it yet.

"Exactly. You can go now." Dani said letting her arms fall from around me.

I just stood there because I didn't know if she was joking again.

"I'm dead ass, Nadia." She said in a tone she rarely used with me. "You didn't want to see my face then and I don't want to see yours now. I know I've been a good girlfriend to you, but you don't seem to know that. I'm not breaking up with you, I'm just asking you to leave my room. I need time to think the whole issue over."

I couldn't even move because Dani had never dismissed me like that before. I wanted to cling onto her and beg her to let me stay, but she didn't look like she wanted me to touch her. She was just joking and now she seemed really mad at me.

"Don't do her like that, man. You know she has trust issues. It's not even that serious." Jayla tried, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Either you leave or I will." Dani said, ignoring Jayla.

I was still frozen in place.

"Aight bet."

Dani tried to walk past me, but I grabbed her arm.

"Baby please." I spoke in a taut voice and she almost looked like she was going to stay, but she ended up pulling away and leaving the room.

"I swear my sister is bi polar or something. She was just laughing." Aniya said with a look of confusion.

"You okay?" Jayla asked coming up to me with a concerned look on her face, but I didn't say anything. I just stood there and let tears run down my face. I know I probably deserved it, but Dani had never hurt my feelings this bad.

Jayla wrapped her arms around me in an attempt to comfort me and it sort of worked, but I wanted to be in Dani's arms. I felt more arms around me and realized that Aniya had joined Jayla in trying to cheer me up.

"Is it a bad time to suggest a threesome?" Aniya asked actually managing to make me laugh.

"The worst, you idiot." Jayla said hitting her, but I'm not sure where.

I really need to fix things with Dani.


I was so mad at Nadia. I had never been this mad at her before, but it really hurts that she doesn't trust me. I've done some fucked up shit to girls in the past, but I've been so good to Nadia. I haven't given another girl a second thought and the girls here are thirsty as hell. I could find a girl to fuck right now if I wanted to, but I'm not on that hoe shit anymore.

I'm in love with Nadia's doo doo head ass. I know that's childish, but I don't want to insult my baby. I shouldn't have pretended to break up with her. That was mean and I made her cry. I just wanted her to feel how hurt I felt when she believed Taylor's dumb ass over me. I get that Aniya and I are identical, but come on now. What the fuck do I look like cheating on Nadia out in the open with Jayla's ole bean head ass? Okay, let me get off my best friend.

I wouldn't be mad at Nadia for long. Before the night ended I planned on going over to her room and moving on from this. I just wanted her to understand how hurt I was. How can she not trust me? What am I doing wrong?

I sat down on a bench after walking around for a while and pulled out my phone. I needed to speak to someone and I knew exactly who to call.

My mom picked up on the first ring as usual.

"Hey babygirl." Her voice rang through the phone.

"Hey, Ma." I sighed into the phone.

"What's wrong, baby?"

It didn't take much for my mom to figure out that there was something wrong with me.

"Nadia and I got into it because girls have been sending inappropriate pictures of themselves to my phone for a minute now. On top of that, some girl saw Jayla and Aniya all boo'd up and mistook Niya for me, so she told Nadia I was cheating on her. Nadia believed the girl and went off on me. Once things got cleared up, I was already mad at Nadia for not trusting me, so I hurt her feelings." I explained. "I don't want to be mad at her, but I'm doing everything I can to be the best girlfriend to her and it doesn't seem like enough because she doesn't even trust me. I love her, Ma. I'm in love with her, but I feel like she's never going to trust me despite everything I'm doing to prove to her that she can."

"Don't stress over this, baby girl. Nadia loves you just as much as you love her. She knows you love her, this was just a simple misunderstanding. Don't let it ruin what you two have going." My mother was the voice of reason as usual. "I think it would be a good idea to get your number changed. You'll have to wait until tomorrow since it's so late. Well it's early here, but you know what I mean."

"Isn't it like 2 in the morning? I forget about the three hour time difference sometimes."

I wonder what my mom was doing up. Or did I wake her up?

"Did I wake you up?" I asked feeling bad. My relationship problems weren't my mother's problems. I didn't want to disturb her sleep because of my issues.

"I hadn't been asleep for long."

"You could have ignored the call, Ma." I said standing up and walking back in the directions of the dorms.

"You know I can't do that. You're too far away from me for me to be ignoring your calls. I might ignore the wrong one. I don't mind losing sleep for you. I've been doing it since you were born."

My mom was seriously amazing.

"I love you, Ma." I spoke gratefully.

"I love you too, babygirl. Is that all you needed to talk about?" She asked and I nodded, not thinking about how she couldn't see it.

"That was all. I just needed to cool down. I'm gonna go talk to my crybaby now."

"You made her cry?!" My mom asked, seeming either angry or shocked. I'm not sure, but my eardrum was ringing either way. "Don't be mean to my baby."

"Of course you'd be defending her right now." I rolled my eyes.

"You better stop making her cry and you better stop trying to fight your sister. She told me you've been starting shit with her."

"How did we even get on that?" I asked, laughing.

"It doesn't matter, just know I gave her permission to knock you on yo ass if you keep it up. You used to do this same thing when you were kids, then you'd run to me or Damien like she was bullying you. You'd always end up begging her to forgive you. It was like a ritual of yours or something." She recalled. "Niya would never hit you back. It wasn't until you'd pushed all of her buttons that she'd even come close to retaliating."

"I love having her here with me." I smiled at the thought of my sister. "I know I can be annoying all the time, but I'm glad we know the truth now. I always wanted her to be my sister."

"I know she loves being there too." My mom added, making me scoff.

"Yeah, with Jayla. I barely get time alone with Niya." I rolled my eyes.

"You've known her your whole life. She and Jayla just met. Don't be jealous."

My mom never just took my side.

"I'm not jealous." I lied. "And I knew my cousin Aniya my whole life. I just met my sister Aniya."

My mom got silent on the other end and I was worried that I'd made her feel bad.


"Yeah, baby?"

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. But....I'm gonna let you go, baby girl. I love you."


I didn't even get to say it back.


When I got back to my room the light was on, but Aniya and Jayla were asleep in Jayla's bed and Nadia was asleep in mine. Her nose was red and her eyes looked a little puffy, so I could tell she'd cried herself to sleep. I felt like such an asshole.

I turned the light off before kicking my shoes off and getting into bed with Nadia. She moved around in her sleep and cuddled up to me. This wasn't anything new, but I still got butterflies in my stomach at the fact that she clung to me without even thinking about it.

I wrapped my arms around Nadia and closed my eyes, but I wasn't really tired.

"Dani?" Nadia whispered in a groggy voice.


"I love you."

Nadia snuggled more into me and I hugged her a little tighter.

"I love you too."

"I really do, Dani." She sat up a little so she was looking at me even though the room was mostly dark.

I didn't say anything in return.

"You believe me, right?"

I could see the worried look on Nadia's face even with the dark messing with my vision.

"Yes, I believe you." I said managing to find her lips in the dark. "Go back to sleep, baby."

"No." She whined. "I'm so sorry for not believing you. You've been the perfect girlfriend. You are the perfect girlfriend. I'll never believe anyone else over you again."

Nadia didn't realize how cute she was right now. She was obviously sleepy because she could barely get her words out, but she was determined to get my forgiveness.

"I forgive you, now go back to sleep." I said trying to push her head back onto my chest.

"You promise?" She asked still refusing to lay her head back down.

"I promise." I chuckled. "Go back to sleep."

Nadia finally laid her head back on my chest. I thought she was going back to sleep, but she sat back up.

"You good?" I asked raising a brow.

"I wouldn't be able to handle losing you."

Nadia's voice was laced with both fear and sadness. It made me feel even worse about pretending to break up with her. I didn't know it would get to her that much. It was just a joke.

"You don't have to worry about that. You're stuck with me until you get sick of me and even then I'm still gonna be here." 

"You promise?"

Nadia seemed so child like when she asked that again. What did I do to my baby? It's like she's really scared that I'm gonna leave her when I would never do that.

"I promise." I told her once again. "I'm over what happened today. Let's move past it."

"I wish we could, but this is always going to be in the back of your mind. I don't want you to hate me."

"Babe, you're half sleep and you're saying ridiculous things. I could never hate you. I can barely stay mad at you for more than a few minutes."

Nadia really needed to go back to sleep. She was trippin'.

"You were gone for almost an hour."

"I wasn't mad at you that entire time." I spoke honestly. "Being mad at you is very difficult for me. It makes me feel bad even when you're the one in the wrong."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing." I groaned. "Please go back to sleep. We're good. I'm not mad."

"I'm annoying you aren't I? I'm just gonna go to my room."

Nadia tried to get up, but I wrapped my arms around her so she couldn't move.

"Nadia, chill. You're not annoying me." I sort of lied. I wasn't really annoyed, but I really wanted her to stop apologizing and just go back to sleep. I wasn't even mad anymore. There was no point in dragging this on. "Just go back to sleep."


Nadia and I ended up going back and forth until she got too sleepy to talk anymore. I was so relieved when she finally knocked out. I'm never messing with her like that again.

I was happy when I woke up before her the next morning. I was able to sneak out of my bed without disturbing her.

Jayla and Aniya were gone, so I assumed they'd gone to breakfast. I went into the bathroom to shower and do my other morning routines.

Once I was done I came out of the bathroom and Nadia was sitting on my bed with her knees pulled to her chest. She still looked sad and I was starting to feel helpless. What the hell is wrong with her?

"Good morning, beautiful." I said walking over to my bed and kissing Nadia's cheek. She gave me a weak smile in return.

"Hey." She replied in a soft voice.

Something was off with her, but I didn't know what it was. It couldn't be about the stuff from yesterday could it? I was over that.

"What's wrong?" I said sitting on my bed and eyeing my girlfriend.


"Nadia, you look drained. Any other morning you'd be all over me by now, but you're just sitting there looking sad." I frowned. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm fine."

Nadia got out of my bed and went into the bathroom, leaving me to wonder what was really going on with her.


About an hour later, Nadia finally came out of the bathroom. She was wrapped in a towel and her curls were damp and pushed to one side of her head. She looked almost edible.

Luckily, Jayla and Aniya came back to the room, but left again, so they could spend the day together doing who cares what.

Nadia went to my dresser to find something to put on, but I didn't want her to. I got up and walked over to where she was, wrapping my arms around her and placing a kiss on her neck. Unlike usual, she grabbed my arms and tried to unwrapped them from around her waist.

"Not right now," was all she said as she continued searching for something of mine to put on.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because she'd never done that to me before. At least not seriously and I could tell she was serious right now.

"Yo, what's wrong with you?" I said grabbing Nadia and making her face me.

I was taken aback when she immediately began to cry. What the hell is wrong with her?

I wrapped my arms around her and tried to be comforting despite my confusion.

"W-What's wrong, Nadia?" I spoke worriedly, but she just continued to cry.

I felt so useless. I couldn't even help her.

The room door opened and Jayla and Aniya walked in laughing about something, but immediately stopped when they saw me holding a crying Nadia.

"Damn, Dani, what'd you do to her this time?" Aniya asked looking worried while Jayla just frowned.

"I-I don't know. She just started crying. She won't tell me what's wrong." I said feeling like I'd cry too.

"Did you ever consider the possibility that she might not know what's wrong?" Jayla piped in and I frowned in confusion.

"How would she not know?"

"It's probably just one of those days." She said sounding all too familiar with the situation.

"So w-what do I do?"

"That's all you can do for now." She said referring to me holding Nadia as she cried. "And then when she stops, give her something for the headache she's bound to have. And then you hold her as she falls asleep because she's going to be exhausted from all the crying. Sometimes she falls asleep first and the head ache comes after."

Sometimes I forget that Jayla and Nadia used to be in love. I've only known Nadia for a semester and some change. Jayla not only knew Nadia, but she dated her for three years. She knows her better than I do. I know it probably shouldn't, but it made me jealous. I should have known this, but this has never happened before. Why now?

I walked Nadia over to my bed and made her sit down.

"I'm gonna get you some clothes to put on." I said going over to my dresser and grabbing some sweatpants and a T-shirt. "Do you guys mind?" I said once I'd brought the clothes back over to Nadia.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." I heard Jayla mumble as she and Aniya turned around so Nadia could change.

I ignored her statement and focused on my girlfriend.

"Okay, you can turn around now."

"We just came back because Jay forgot her wallet. It was a waste of time since she's not paying for anything today." Aniya said playfully rolling her eyes.

"I needed my license." Jayla defended herself.

"You're not driving though."

"You don't even know your way around for real."

"I know it well enough to get where we're going, so grab your wallet and come on."

Aniya and Jayla's bickering was cute, but at the moment, it annoyed me. They needed to get the hell out so I could comfort my baby.

I climbed into bed and pulled Nadia into my arms.

"I got you, baby." I mumbled into her hair as she cried into my chest.

Jayla spoke as if this was normal, but something had to cause it. I didn't want to keep asking Nadia about it because I doubted she'd respond anyway. I just need to wait until she was calmed down.


What's wrong with Nadia? 😭 Is she being hella sensitive or is it something more? 🤔
Are Jayla and Aniya going on a date? 👀
How has Chastity not gotten over her crush on Jayla by now? 🙄 She has a whole boyfriend.

Anyway, I have about two chapters left in me for this story. I feel like it's becoming repetitive. That's mainly because the plot wasn't thought out, but that won't be the case with the sequel. Expect more drama. Maybe even some broken hearts. 😪💔 (Ain't no ships safe 😈) Unexpected encounters and more.

As always, thank you all for reading. Thanks to the ones that vote. Even y'all lazy doo doo heads that don't vote. 🙄

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