Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFic

By serenityloves7

589K 17.8K 2.7K

13 year old Cecelia was adopted by the De La Garza's 3 years ago. When she is finally forced to get to know D... More

Troubled: A Demi Lovato Fan Fic
Chapter 1
Demi's Home
Don't Go
Battle Wounds
Little Duckling
Disney World
Don't Forget
Up and Down
The Fall
Dead and Back
Let Go
Simple Things
First Day
Lost and Found


10K 296 18
By serenityloves7

"Well it looks like everything is clean. You're good to go Miss. De La Garza."

"Thank you."

I changed into my clothes and Demi and I left.

"Baby girl I'm so so proud of you."

"Thanks Demi."

"You've changed a lot. I'm seeing the real you more and more everyday."

"I think it's me."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just not sure what I like anymore."

"Well I'll help you find what you like. As soon as we get back to our parents house."

We drove back to our parents house and they were anxious to hear about the appointment. I very matter of factly informed them it was fine and I was healthy.

"Cece you're home! Come see what we got for you!" Mackenzie ran up to me followed by McKenna.

"Cece I missed you!" She hugged me.

I followed them into the living room to a like of shopping bags.

"Woah what is all this?" Demi and my parents appeared behind me.

"We picked out clothes and jewelry for you!" Kenzie announced.

"It was Demi's idea." My mom smiled.

"Now you can see what you like." Demi winked.

"Go on look in them!" Kenzie walked over to a bag and shook it out.

"Guys you didn't have to buy all this!"

"We love you. You needed new clothes."

"Thank you guys. I love you."

"Group hug!" Kenna called out.

We spent the rest of the afternoon looking at the clothes and having me try them on. I felt pretty and loved. It felt amazing.

Even when we stopped to have sandwiches for lunch I was able to eat. Sure I ate slowly, but I got the food down and I kept it down.

Having a new look made me feel like a new person. Like my old self before I got into the bad things. Too bad the happiness was short lived. Demi ordered the twins to go play quietly in the guest room. I knew that meant we were going to have a family discussion.

We sat around the living room in an awkward circle. Id rather have sat in different rooms and yelled things to each other. It would be much easier. Demi spoke first.

"So obviously the next step is we need to talk to the police about what happened."

I looked down.

My father spoke next. "We want you to decide when you do it. It does have to be done."

I sighed. "Can we just go now? I just want to get it over with."

My family looked shocked.

"Of course." My mom spoke. "Me and Demi will go with you. Are you okay with staying with the twins Eddie?"

"That's fine. Good luck Cece. Just remember you have all of our support."

"Thank you Daddy."

We entered the car and drove to the police station. I felt at peace. Yet sort of numb.

Demi and my mom tried to talk to me but I told them I wanted to be alone.

Once we got there I was lead into a room with a desk. I sat down across from a police woman with a computer and paper work in front of her.

She asked detailed questions and I answered the best I could. A lot of it was foggy.

I know you want to hear exactly what happened. But you aren't going to.

Demi and my mom were in another room filling out paper work.

Before I knew it we were done.

"I've filed the report and we will be searching for the offender. We will call you when we know something."

We left the building and got back in the car.

I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to be alone. I was exhausted.

Once we got home I slipped into my bedroom and under the covers. I stared blankly at the wall wanting to feel anything. Something. I felt scattered.

"Cece? Talk to me. What's going on?" Demi tried to lift the covers but I pulled them back.

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

"I thought we broke that wall. Talk to me."

"There's nothing to say. Go away."

She finally retreated and I was left in the dark silence.

I heard someone else come in.

"Cece? It's your bestie. Mommy told me you're sad."

"I'm not sad Kenna. I'm just tired."

"Why are you tired?"

"I don't know."

"Wanna cuddle?"

"Sure." I smiled.

She climbed under the covers with me.

"I love your new clothes."

"Thanks for getting them for me. I love them too. Want to try some on?"

"Really? You'd let me do that?"

"Of course!"

We sat up and I gave her a piggy back ride to the living room.

I dressed her in the smallest t shirt I could find. It happened to be a daisy shirt. Then I gave her a blue skirt. I did her hair in a messy braid. It was alarming my clothes sort of fit her.

"There. You look beautiful."

"Wow Cece thanks! Are you feeling better now?"

"I'm feeling great."

Once again Kenna saved me.

"Girls? Where are you?" Demi called

"In here mommy!"

"Aw! You guys are adorable. Let me take a picture!"

We posed with Kenna giving me a kiss on the cheek and our arms around each other.

"Alright ready to go home? Our flight leaves early tomorrow and we still have to pack."

"Yeah let's go."

I hugged mom and dad goodbye and buckled Kenna in her car seat. While we waited for Demi to get Kenzie we listened to my iPod.

Finally Kenzie got in the car.

"Let's play pop stars!"

"I hate that game! I don't like singing!"

"Too bad! Cece wants to play!" She stuck her tongue out at Kenna.


"Girls stop fighting. How about you sing for us Kenzie. And then we can play a game Kenna wants to play."

"Fine. I'm gonna sing..... I wanna sing one of your songs mommy!"

"Go ahead!"

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide and gave us a very... loud.... performance of This is Me.

Kenna rolled her eyes and elbowed me. I had to laugh.

At least Kenzie is cute and can act right?

"Okay now it's Kenna's turn."

"I don't wanna sing!"

"Don't be a chicken!"

"I'm not a chicken!"

"Girls settle down."

"I bet you're a good singer McKenna." I said, curious to hear her voice.

"I'm not." She looked down and I could tell she was upset.

"Hey don't say that!" Demi turned around. "Why do you think that?"

"Mackenzie told me I sound bad."

"Mackenzie Ann Lovato!"


"Apologize right now to your sister."

"I'm sorry."

"See Kenna? She didn't mean it."


I worried for Kenna. She was so shy and she seemed to lack confidence. She knew a lot more than she should for a 5 year. I could tell she felt like she needed to fix everything. And a 5 year old shouldn't have that kind of stress.

"Mommy can I sing for you?" Kenna looked up.

"Of course baby!"

Kenna sang Believe In Me. Her voice was so angelic and beautiful. But it broke my heart she picked that song.

"That was beautiful!" Demi had tears in her eyes.


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