The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 51

1.3K 57 17
By BekLittleSparrow24

This is a long chapter. Apologies if that's not your thing, but I couldn't bring myself to cut it down. As a result this comes to exactly 4500 thousand words, not intentionally. This chapter could be done in three chunks (Short chunks) but I feel like it all just flows together too well to split it.

Would love to hear you opinions and as always, hope you enjoy.



It was a lovely night for a walk. The stars were out and glistening happily down on them, the moon's light was soft, only a sliver visible in the dark blue sky. The air was warm with only a small breeze shifting the leaves in the few trees that surrounded them and the only sound in the night was trickling water.

Dustin and Sky walked along the bank of the same stream Sky had used as a passage the last time they had come to Harpers Isle. How things had changed. It seemed the world didn't know that tomorrow everything would shift as they sailed to war.

Sky's shoes scrapped on rocks as she picked her way through the small bushes along the water's edge. Her arms were thrown out to either side to help balance her, not that she needed it; all her recent fighting had drastically improved her coordination. She was a little further along than Dustin who was taking his time. Despite his words of needing to talk he had been very quiet. It was Sky who suggested they come this way. Away from the town, she could almost forget what was to come.

It was a while before Sky noticed the sound of crunching behind her had stopped. She looked over her shoulder to see her Captain regarding her with a pained expression. His light brows furrowed down over conflicted eyes, his lips, normally so ready to twitch into a smirk, were turned down at one corner. However, as she turned and faced him his eyes creased as he smiled. His whole demeanour converted so quickly, Sky wondered if she'd even seen correctly.

"Having fun Sweetheart?" Dustin laughed as he walked up to her where she stood standing on a large rock. Sky frowned at him. His cheer seemed forced to her ears.

"Is it even possible to have fun during times like this?" She asked taking his hand and stepping off the rock. Dustin sat down and gestured for her to do the same.

"I wouldn't say that." Dustin turned to the cliffs and the water out beyond. "These last few months have been some of most important in my life." Sky said nothing, what could she say? She did not disagree, but it felt wrong somehow to be grateful for such suffering.

"I suppose we've had our moments, haven't we?" Sky smiled at him thinking of everything that had happened since she stepped on to the Navy Brig. Yes there were many memories that would haunt her for a long time. Seeing innocents slaughtered. Lucus. Sky took a deep breath. There were happy times too; sitting with Thomas under the Hawk on the Belladonna, learning to fight and defend herself, talking with Edward and the others in the dining hall. Yes, there were happy times.

"I still can't believe you infiltrated the ball just to dance with me." Her voice was light with affection remembering his pompously deep voice and jealously over Edward.

"Well," Dustin let go of her hand to lean back on the rock. "In truth, I wanted to hear the Kings plans in his own voice. I had to see his face when he spoke." Dustin's tone went cold and Sky's lip pulled back in annoyance, the King would not destroy her last peaceful moment with Dustin.

"Didn't trust me, huh?" Sky teased trying to bring the light mood back.

Dustin's eyes fell slightly as he looked at her. "It's not that Sky. You know that." He took a deep breath. "I would trust you with anything. Everything."

Sky leaned her head against his shoulder. "I trust you too Dust." He tensed slightly next to her. She grinned gently thinking his reaction was due to her using his nickname. Soft lips met her temple.

"I love you, Skyler."

The whispered words were said with so much emotion Sky had to pull back to look at him. His gold eyes held her gaze and Sky could see him come to some sort of decision in his mind. Sky clenched her teeth expecting him to ask her to stay behind again. She steeled herself against his pledging and prepared herself to argue.

But instead, he just smiled at her, a real smile... a sad smile, and took her hand to place a tender kiss against her knuckles. When he looked away back to the water his frame seemed lighter, as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"I won't kill him." His voice was strong this time and Sky looked towards the back of his head at his hair. It looked almost silver in the night. "If I can spare Ash I will. I promise."

"Dustin," Sky breathed. She remembered his face at the Cormorants hideout, remembered the pure hatred. The look of determination for revenge.

"I wouldn't be able to do it Sky." Dustin spoke as if hearing her thoughts. "His betrayal crushed me, and believe me, I wanted nothing more than to make him pay. But, losing Tom," Dustin stopped speaking and shut his eyes, "I know that pain." He turned to her, his eyes practically glowing like the stars above them. "I can't do that to you Sky. It would destroy us both."

They looked at each other for a long time. The stream behind them filled the silence with steady constant noise.

"Thank you." Sky's voice broke as she was overcome with an unknown sensation of agony.

Dustin turned his frame back towards her and brushed a lock of her hair from her face. His hand then came to rest against her check. Sky smiled against her tears and closed the distance between them.

The kiss was soft. It spoke of promises and respect, of everything they had shared with each other and of what was to come. Dustin's thumb caressed her check lovingly as she leaned into him. Sky placed her arms around him and hummed as his lips left hers and travelled down her neck leaving gentle blooms of heat across her skin. His arms came around her as his lips retreated and he rested his head against her shoulder his breath tickling her collarbone.

"Tomorrow." Dustin's lips moved against her skin.

"Tomorrow." Sky agreed. Tomorrow was when it truly began. Tonight was the last night they might spend together on dry land. Sky shivered.

"Come on," Dustin pulled away mistaking her shiver for cold. In truth she was scared. What if there was another way? Some plan that would mean they would be safe from all this death, a way that meant Sky could be with him. They could return to her home on Rendes. Or they could set sail for the distant lands her father wanted to see. Anything that would mean they could live. But no, that wouldn't be fair. Sky had wanted to escape and in escaping she had found something she wanted more. But even that love for Dustin wasn't enough to cause her to abandon her people. She knew what that felt like.

Dustin stood with her still in his arms. She looked up at him. He wouldn't do it anyway; it was his duty and so she would stand alongside him as the cannons fired. Warmth filled her when he kissed her forehead.

"We should get back now." He withdrew from her, but laced his fingers through hers. "I needed to tell you that before we left."

"When do we sail?" Sky asked as they began to pick their way back to the town slowly. His hand squeezed hers reassuringly.

"Eight," He said moving a bush aside, "Or just after. It is truly incredible how quickly the people of Harpers Ilse can prepare for battle." Dustin smiled at her. "But even they aren't fast enough to do it in one night." Sky nodded as they walked hand in hand towards the busy town.

There were still some people carrying barrels full of water and food for the long voyage, but most people were in their homes now choosing to spend their last night with loved ones. The market space was still relatively busy with the Admirals men talking about the events of the day. Many of them had struggled with their new change in command; however despite everything they seemed to respect Dustin. Some even gave small salutes as Sky and Dustin passed them. Sky was proud of him. He walked a little taller, his stride confident with purpose.

Not hope though, Sky noted. He still believed they wouldn't come out of this. She was beginning to feel the same and was surprised to find that it no longer bothered her. She was scared yes, she was angry at the hand that had been dealt to her but if they could go down saving the lives of the people that would be enough.

To Sky's left the Tavern stood with men drinking and singing a sad song, their solemn melody a contrast to her expected celebratory good spirits. It seemed they shared Sky's feeling. Over all it was a humbling moment with the three ships in the background that the crescent moon behind their masts and the men's lament.

Standing a bit further away from the tavern between two leaning buildings stood a couple. Sky paused as she recognised them. They were standing together their foreheads touching. The woman was speaking softly as tears fell from her checks. Marle suddenly fell to his knees before her and rested his head against the front of her dress. The women smiled with raw eyes as she stroked his head and said something.

Sky turned away feeling suddenly guilty for intruding on the intimate moment. At her side Dustin's easy gait snapped to attention.

"At ease Hawk." Admiral Balthid walked toward them, some of his men in the market place stood in anticipation at their commanders presence. The Admiral looked at the bonfire that was blazing down on the beach, Dustin's crew were dancing to some music to far for Sky to hear. His gaze turned back to the men singing in the tavern.

"They know that if we don't win this the King with simple try again." Dustin lowered his hand as he followed the Admirals stare.

"Then let us hope it doesn't come to that." He turned back to face Sky and Dustin his eyes dropping to their connected hands. "I understand that you will want tonight for yourselves," he said causing Sky to blush despite herself, "But there are some things we need to sort out Hawk. Should things fail we will need some sort of direction, a safe rendezvous for survivors."

Dustin nodded in understanding and released Sky. "Very well." He looked to the bonfire. "Give me one moment Admiral; I need to speak with some of my men." Then to Sky he said, "Rouge and Aster, along with a few more, will be assisting the townspeople with the Brig. They do not know this little detail yet." Dustin grimaced at the statement.

Sky felt somewhat saddened by that news, but of course it would be good to have some of Dustin's men to help them; many of these men could use some training in combat. Still, Rogue was one of her friends and she would miss his straightforward manner. He would take the news well she suspected, as he did most things, with a curt nod of understanding. Poor Aster, would simple go with it regardless of how he felt about not sailing under his captain.

"Of course Captain. Take the time you require." The Admiral understood Dustin's dilemma. Everything had moved so quickly. "I shall wait." Dustin thanked him and left them to go find his most likely half-drunk crewmates.

"Do we have enough men to sail the ships?" Sky wondered out loud.

"We do. Barely. My crew was rather unharmed by the people. It was Largs officers that attacked prematurely and suffered the consequences." The Admiral answered her watching Dustin drag a semi-conscious man to his feet and began waving his arms around in annoyance. Clearly some of his men didn't want to be kicked off his ship.

"However," He continued, "many of our men in the cells have had a change of heart." Admiral Balthid looked back to her. "Most of them are members of the Schooner you boarded on your way over. It appears they feel they misjudged the pirate Hawk." Sky frowned at this.

"They were spies for the King. Why should the side with us?"

"Often spies, as outsiders to most things, will side with whatever team they believe to be winning. It seems some of them have come to the conclusion that it is yours." She noticed that he did not include himself. It was her team not theirs, though Sky did not correct him. "Having said that; there were some who were simply grateful for their lives. They understand that the King will most likely punish them for their failed, and when offered an alternate chance at freedom the price of sailing with your captors is a small price indeed."

"Sir." Sky realised that in the hectic events she hadn't gotten the chance to ask him about his reaction to the Cormorants leader. "You know Dana. Don't you?" She watched his expression carefully but saw no clues as to his confusion earlier.

The Admiral was looking at her also his brows dipped creasing many creases between them. "Dana, no I do not know her. But her name brings some memory to mind." He smiled warmly at her and Sky knew he was telling the truth. "Again I disappoint you with my knowledge dear. Perhaps I heard it sometime during my time at the Kings palace, though I can't tell you where nor when. It is not a name I've heard recently however, that much I can tell you."

"I see," Sky murmured wondering about the woman's past. Edward did not know either. Maybe that was something she would never know.

"I would not concern yourself with such things Skyler." The Admiral stated to her look of perplexity. "It is probably nothing of importance." Sky doubted that but nodded regardless. It did not matter at this time as Dustin was making his way back to them his posture slouched with irritation.

"You should get some rest dear," Admiral Balthid smiled at her. "We have a very early start tomorrow." Sky nodded again watching the approaching pirate.

"Dustin says it will be just after eight as the townspeople want to pack some last minute supplies on the ships." The admiral regarded her evenly for a moment then smiled, though it did not reach his eyes like before.

"Ah. Right you are." He stepped up toward Dustin, "Regardless, my dear, it will be the last safe night." As her Captain came to rest in front of him, the Admiral paused. "Your father would be proud of you Skyler."

That made her forget whatever it was she was thinking and look at the elderly man. Would her father be proud of her? "We have to finishes this Sir, and then yes, I think he would be." Sky said unsure. Dustin's gaze found hers and he looked like he was about to disagree when the Admiral beat him to it.

"No, we just have to do the best we can." He looked at Dustin and his lip turned down disapprovingly. "He will rest easy knowing that his daughter did her best. I hope the same for you dear, do not resent what someone will do for the one they love. Be proud of them for their effort to protect others."

Sky frowned at his words. She frowned deeper when Dustin shot an angry look at the man he respected. "Shall we Admiral? As you said, there are other ways I would like to spend this night."

"Yes. Indeed." Dustin gave Sky an apologetic look at the inconvenience which she waved away in understanding.

"Don't worry about me. I think I will go find Thomas. It will be good to hear him sing something a bit more lively than this." Sky said as the drunken men began singing their sad song horribly out of key. The truth was she felt somewhat out of place and if there was anyone who made her feel like she belonged to was the Belladonna's easy going first mate. "I will see you after?" She asked Dustin who smiled affectionately at her.

"For sure Sweetheart." He replied.

"Goodnight Admiral." Sky turned towards the beach. "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight dear." With that the men left to discuss emergency procedures amongst other things. But as they walked away Sky noticed some hostility in their hushed voices. She turned back to see Dustin snap something. The Admiral sighed and responded in a calm manner. Sky shook her head choosing to disregard it as pre-war tension.


As she suspected Thomas was the one proving the music for the pirates who continued to dance around on the cool sand, much more sloppily than before. They were hooking arms and spinning, one hand clutching pints of what she assumed was rum. Some of Dustin's men were not dancing but watching with good spirts. Sky saw Bates and Fane lounging on the sand, they smiled and gave her a friendly wave as she passed.

"Lass!" Thomas broke his song and the crew, unknowing their lead singer was no longer keeping them on track, began to speed up. "aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He trudged across the sand and pulled her into a hug. He smelt of drink but not overwhelmingly so. "Come lass!"

Suddenly Sky was hurled forward into the dancing men. They embraced her also but then Thomas started his tune up gain and soon Sky was flushed, laughing loudly as the crew twirled her in circles and lifted her into the air.

Sky kicked off her boots and hooked arms with a very drunk Jenkins, who apparently after six large jugs of ale, became a complete gentleman. He even bent down to kiss her hand, granted Sky had to pull him up quickly to stop him from toppling over from his clumsy bow. Sky revelled in the feeling of sand between her toes and sea spray in her hair as she skipped along in time with the pirates singing.

They danced for what felt like hours. By the time most of the men had collapsed from drink or exhaustion Sky was flushed with heat and panting. She laughed with joy as she feel into the sand next to Thomas, the tattoo across his face standing out against his dark skin in the fire light.

"This is how it ought'a be lass." He watched some of the men make toasts to their captain, to the people of Harpers Ilse, and to the Admiral for 'not being as big a King bootlicker as the others'. "Haven't seen 'em this happy in a long time." He grinned at them, his friends. "Was worried for the Cap'n for a while there. Seemed so lost the poor lad." His grin turned to her. "guess I 'ave you to thank aye?"

Sky blushed. "Don't thank me Thomas, I should be grateful to you. All of you. I would still be pretending to be a boy on a Bring, run my men who didn't like me much." She laughed less joyful now. "Or I'd have been found out and killed. Either way, I think we should call it even."

Thomas looked at her for a long while. So long, in fact, Sky began to wonder if he was deeply moved by her words or all the rum had slowed his mind. In a flash Thomas shot up, then proceeded for fall over in a heap at Sky's legs. Sky gasped in shock as he snapped to his feet again ungracefully.

"Men!" He yelled out across the beach. The people on the sand looked up at the call. "Another toast." Thomas declared vociferously which earnt a merry cheer. "To Sky, a lass whose heart's in the right place, it is." The men looked to her sitting with her legs splayed out in front of her in a very unladylike manner. She smiled goofily and waved that them, to her right Bates, the ship doctor, rolled his eyes, his glass one only moving slightly to the left. "We thank ye lass for causing good old Dust to nearly pull 'is hair out in frustration." Ruckus laughed followed this and enthusiastic nods at the expense of their captain. "A toast to dabla-" This time Sky laughed as Thomas' drink caught up with him and he exclaimed loudly a drunken mess of words. The other pirates didn't seem to notice and roared wholeheartedly after Thomas' torrent of nonsense.

"To Sky!" Sky lifted her fist in place of a drink and the crew downed their mugs.

"To Sky." An amused voice from behind her caused Sky to jump. She flopped back down against the sand and a laugh followed. Some seconds later she was gazing up at her beloved captain. His hat was not on this time, it must have been still on his ship.

"Lie with me." She laughed up at him. Dustin lifted a brow so perfectly Sky almost didn't even notice the look of amusement at her provocative words. Sky huffed and rolled over onto her stomach. "Not like that you lewd pirate."

Another laugh. "Of course not my lady." She looked up at him standing above her with his smile wide and his face open. There was no sign of that tension she'd seen before. "Come on Sweetheart. You must be pretty tired."

Sky let him hurl her to her feet. They left the snoring pirates on the beach as the unkempt fire crackled complaining of its death. Dustin led her to the tavern and inside past more of the town's people, they weren't signing anymore. Many had that look Sky had seen many times while working in the Pigs Pen on Rendes. Sorrow.

Dustin pulled her gently by her hand up a set of stairs that led to some rooms to be used for guests. Some, she noticed, where occupied. The grain of the floor against Sky's bare feet reminded her of being home. The wood creaked as Dustin pushed open one of doors to reveal a small room. It was modest with a large bed, a small nightstand and a single trunk pushed under the window. Sky didn't even consider what past guests would have done in that bed as she moved from Dustin and collapsed onto the soft mattress. The sheets were smooth against her check and smelt of crisp ocean scent. Sky sighed. Fresh sheets on a real bed were better than a dreaded hammock any day.

She could have fallen into blissful sleep then and there, but instead forced herself to roll over and face the man standing at the door. He was leaning against the frame, his arms crossed across his chest and a smirk on his lips.

"Tired?" His voice was light, but suddenly everything seemed very real. Did he expect her to... Sky swallowed and pushed herself into sitting position. He moved into the room, shutting the door quietly behind him and began to remove his boots.

"Dust..." Sky's voice was small. "I-"

His finger stopped what she was going to say. Sky could feel her chest rise and fall. He was looking at her with such tenderness.

"Skyler." His chuckle made her cheeks heat. He sat next to her on the bed and Sky could barely think as she watched his every movements. "I'm afraid I am going to have to decline your previous offer."

What do I- How does it- What if-? His words finally registered in her mind. "Oh." Was the response she came to.

Dustin leaned forward and kissed her nose. "I love you. Can I-" He hesitated seeming almost insecure of his next words. "Can I just hold you tonight?"

"Hold me?" Sky repeated slowly. Hold me. A warm bubbling feeling filled her stomach.

"Please Sky." Dustin pulled back. He looked so unsure. "It is our last night together, I don't want to..." He tailed off awkwardly.

Sky smiled, her love for this man almost made her want to cry. "It is not our last night." She replied finally, feeling relived. Her panic gone and replaced with a deep exhaustion. "I love you too Dustin."

She leaned in to kiss him. Like their kiss before, this one was soft but passionate. They poured out everything to each other through the contact of their lips. Sky placed her hand over his chest and felt the rhythm of his heart beat beneath her fingers. She smiled against his lips at the rapid pace of his pulse. Her own heart rate soared as he began to whisper her name into the kiss like it was the only word he could remember. Dustin sighed at her withdrawal and wrapped his arms around her. They pulled back the covers and settled beneath, staring at each other with no distance between their bodies.

They stayed like that for a long time, arms holding each other in comfortable silence. The night was quite around them too, as if sensing the peaceful atmosphere. Outside, the pirates had all given into sleep, the bonfire having blinked out of existence. This close to him, Sky could faintly smell gun powder and steel and oddly they brought her comfort. Dustin's eyes had not left hers for a single movement. It was like he was committing every detail of her to his memory, trying to burn her into his eyes so that when he shut them, she was all he could see. She smiled.

"Marry me." Sky whispered. The words came out evenly. She had been thinking of what the Admiral had said, she realised that she would have considered it sooner, but it was never something she'd thought about. It occurred to her that most ladies her age were already having families. On Rendes, she supposed one day she'd have to settle down, but it was not something she looked forward to. In fact, after her father's death, she was rather opposed to the idea. Now lying here with him, Sky knew she might not get another chance to ask the man she loved.

"Sky." Dustin looked honestly surprised by her request his breathing hitched. "Oh, Sweetheart." He smiled sadly as his hand stroked the side of her face. She said nothing. Her hazel eyes simply watched his, not faltering. She had just begun to build her confidence again to tell him he didn't have to answer now when he open his mouth. "When?"

Was that a no? "After. Dustin after all this. Say you will." Her hushed words were fast. "Please."

Golden orbs traced the lines of her face, taking their time. His hand moved over her shoulder and down to take her hand pulling it between their bodies. He kissed her skin and Sky became flustered wanting him to speak. Perhaps I shouldn't have spoken.

"'After all this,'" He murmured against her hand. There was a long pause before he spoke again. "I will." The sorrow in his eyes didn't match his words; they both knew there may be no after, but at his answer Sky let her lids fall as sleep lulled her closer.

"Thank you." She whispered sleep claiming her. As she drifted she felt warm breath across her face.

"My precious Sky." Dustin's voice was far away. "I am so sorry." He kissed her lips one last time. "Forgive me."

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