When Her Mate Moves Into Town...

By SheLovesHerWords

639K 12.6K 1.1K

Lane Connor. Adored by many and rightly so. Kind, at times to a fault, a smile that lights up any room she en... More

When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Authors Note)
When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Intro)
Chapter One- Whispers of Permission. *Edited*
Whispers of Permission- Ryders POV *Edited*
Chapter Two- What history we make in History. *Edited*
Chapter 3-Fourthly, fifthly and...sixthly? *Edited*
Chapter 4- Hope For Maybes *Edited*
Chapter 5- Caution: Chair Will Cause Blushing. *Edited*
Chapter 6- Relief in school. Safe? *Edited*
Chapter 7- Hospitals Gazebos and Hallways. *Edited*
Chapter 8- Holding Pinkies *Edited*
Chapter 9- Reminder: Thank the girl that pushed me over.
Chapter 10- Help. Looking for lost hickey.
Chapter 11- Sweet and Scary
Chapter 12- Ruining people. The good way.
Chapter 13- Tingles as a wakeup call. That's new.
Chapter 14- Next step? Why not?
Chapter 15- Can soon come sooner?
Chapter 16- We have an announcement. And another. Oh, and another.
Chapter 17- Life is great when things aren't great.
Chapter 18- Beating me at my own game. But hey, I'm a good sport.
Chapter 20- Lane meet Leah. The evil side.
Chapter 21- We Do Things Short 'Round Here.
Chapter 22- The moments, before the moment of truth.
Chapter 23 - Putting trust to the ultimate test.
Chapter 24 - Love from those just met.
Chapter 25- Ryders POV
Chapter 26 - Two day compromise ends quicker than expected.
Chapter 27 - Ever since you moved into town.
Chapter 28 - Epilogue
Bonus Chapter!
Not a new chapter.

Chapter 19- Now, now. Laney knows best.

17.6K 349 25
By SheLovesHerWords

A/N Not much to say except for thank you for all the votes, comments and adding my story to your library! Hi to all my new fans and thank you so much for all of the support! :)

Here it is. Hope you like it! :)



He definitely held to his promise last night.

Yes, my voice is shot. Yes, I can’t really walk right. Yes, I’m dead tired. And yes, I feel incredible.

Last night, his goal quickly turned from trying to make me regret teasing him to a night of passionate love-making.

It’s like every time we get intimate it gets better and better and let me tell you, it was freaking great the first time we were.

The couch. Blush.

I did only get two hours of sleep but that’s because not only did we indulge in each other, we talked.

I got to do what I’ve wanted to do for a while. I got to find out more about him.

His family, his friends, his life. His life before me. Before us.

You can tell that he misses his family and friends. I know that it’s not my fault that he’s away from those that he grew up with but when I put myself in his shoes and think about being away from my family and friends I can’t help but feel bad. My heart breaks for him.

He keeps reassuring me that he wants to be here. That he could’ve turned his Uncle Tom’s, our former Alpha’s, offer down but he didn’t. He chose to come.

I found out that his dad, Jim, who is Tom’s brother, used to be a part of this pack but when he found his mate, Leah, while doing business for the pack a few hours away, he decided to move there with her. Jim is the younger of the two so he didn’t need to stay in Brightwater being that Tom was next in line for Alpha.

So that explains why Chase wasn’t Alpha of the Great Heights Pack and why he could be ours; from his father, he has Alpha blood running through him.

Apparently he and his family which includes his parents and his sibling, Tate, his brother which is 2 years younger than he at 22, have visited before but they were always short visits.

I wonder why I’ve never seen them before and most importantly I wonder why his jaw clenches when he talks about his brother. Not like he does much of that anyway.

All I know about Chase’s 22 year old brother Tate Parker is that. He’s 22 years old and his name is Tate.

I know that there’s no bad blood because the few times that he mentions him, there’s the same look of love that he holds for the rest of his family.

When he’s ready, he’ll tell me what’s wrong.

I’m excited yet scared because Chase told me that his friends can’t wait to meet me. I’m excited because that means they don’t hate me but I’m scared because that means they don’t hate me yet.

I got a pointed look from Chase at that thought.

In his hometown he was a teacher as well.  He told me that in all honesty, he likes teaching at Brightwater High a lot better than at Great Heights. He says that part of the reason is me but the rest has to do with respect that the female Were’s here have.

When I asked him what he meant he told me that at his old school, unmated AND mated female students would constantly throw themselves at him.

Seriously? Unmated I get but mated? That’s horrible.

After I voiced my thoughts on that quite hysterically he laughed and continued to tell me that even though the occasional unmated she-wolf would show interest it didn’t compare to his last school.

At my frown of people showing interest in him he told me that they never acted on it. It was more of just checking him out.

I blushed from being jealous but a smile took over my face because that’s why I love my pack. Once you see that someone is not your mate you move on. Well, except for two men that had and has it out for me and Brittany with B but she’s backed off.  Apart from that, my pack has respect for mates and that fills my heart with pride. Two bad eggs aren’t going to change that.

A frown took over my face again when he said that he only has to worry about the humans now.

That’s when he told me, well showed me rather who he truly and will only ever want. If you know what I mean.

I blush thinking back on last night but no one can see because as of now my face is buried in my arms that are on my desk.

“Miss Connor can I see you after class?” My math teacher asks me.

The same question I’ve gotten after all of my classes so far.

“Yes sir.” I manage to say in a raspy voice; sitting up straight trying to stay awake.

After class I walk up to his desk and he proceeds to ask me if I’m ok. The same as all my teachers.

No, “Detention for sleeping in my class.” or anything because they know that my behavior today is out of the norm.

I smile at his concern and apologize explaining that I just didn’t get much sleep last night.

He nods his head not quite believing me but lets me go.

I wanted to tell him the closest thing to the truth but something far from it. It’s true that I didn’t get much sleep but I don’t have to tell him why. That would be quite awkward don’t you think?

‘Oh it’s nothing sir. It’s just you’re co-worker kept me up all night ravishing my body. But it’s ok because we’re getting married. Oh it’s fine because we’re mates. Mates? Well we’re both Werewolves. Isn’t that great?’

Yeah, no. Not gonna work.

As I walk out the door Blake is instantly by my side and we walk to the one class that I won’t have any problems staying awake in.

“Blake, Lane.” Chase greets us.

“Hey, Mr. Parker.” Blake says in a playful tone.

“Hi, Mr. Par-“ I yawn.


“Take your seats you two.” Chase laughs and sends me a wink on the sly.

I laugh.

As I turn I’m faced with amused stares from members of my pack. They all bow their heads swiftly acknowledging me as their Luna but smirks are soon back on their faces.

I laugh and shake my head. They’re enjoying this way too much.

Chase decides to give us a free period so Blake a few others and I get in a small group and we just goof off and play around for the whole period.

Chase goes around the room stopping at different groups and participating in their conversations.

While in my group I keep stealing glances at Chase and I catch him stealing glances at me too.

I just love how everyone accepts him. He’s so amazing and likeable. The girls like him because he’s a nice guy and because let’s face it, he’s hot, and the guys like him because he really is just an all-around cool guy.

When I steal another glance at him he’s already looking at me and walking towards us. It’s then that I noticed he saved our group for last.

He comes over and talks with us, and of course fits right in, until the bell rings.

After I move my desk back to its right place I stretch and yawn.

“I have a feeling he’s going to want you to stay after so I’ll see you later. Pack house tonight? Movie?” Blake asks.

I smile and nod. “For sure. I’ll be there.”

“Ok, see you tonight then. Bye Alpha.” Blake says.

My eyes widen and I whip my head around and breathe a sigh of relief when I see no one is in the room.

“Blake may be a little slow at times but he knows not to call me that in front of humans, Lane. Give him some credit.” Chase playfully scolds me while closing and locking the doors.

“I know. I’m just out of it right now.” I say and yawn again. “Damn I’m tired.” I chuckle and give him a pointed look.

He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“I know. I should’ve given you more time to sleep. I’m sorry.” He says pulling me into an embrace.

I smile and wrap my arms around him.

“Chase, it’s perfectly ok. Don’t worry about it. Everything about last night was amazing.”

“You know, I gave you all a free period so that you can sleep.” He says rubbing my back; a smile in his voice.

“CHASE! Don’t give me special treatment!” I pull back and put my hands on my hips.

He pouts and grabs me by my hips but I stay put.

“But I love you.” He says before giving my lips a feather kiss.

I laugh whole heartily.

“I love you too.” I say and kiss him.

“You hungry?” He asks walking over to his desk.

“Kind of. We have enough time to go to the café and get something.” I say looking at the time.

“Nah. I brought you a lunch. I figured you can eat it here and then sleep a little before your last class.”

My face breaks into a huge grin.

“You’re amazing you know that?”  I sigh.

“Of course I do.” He says with a boyish grin.

“Oh gosh.” I shake my head.

“I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy telling her to…love...you”

We all bust out in laughter. Carter, Blake, B, Ace, Riley, Chase and I are in the movie room watching Role Models right now. Gotta love Paul Rudd.

Chase has been acting weird all night. He keeps fidgeting and constantly checks his phone.

I hope he’s not stressing out over Ryder.

I try to listen in on his thoughts but I can’t hear anything.

I try again and still I get nothing.

Ok, I know I’m new to this but it’s not that hard to figure it out. You pretty much become a pro at communicating through your link the first time you do it.

Just then his phone lights up and a huge smile spreads across his face.

Well at least I know it doesn’t have to do with Ryder. In no way would he ever have a smile like that for Ryder.

Knowing that he’s ok I turn back to concentrate on the movie still wondering why I can’t read his thoughts.

“Baby?” I hear Chase whisper in my ear.

“Hm?” I ask turning to face him.

“I need some air. Want to come join me for a little?” He asks.

Remembering that he’s been fidgeting and wanting to know why I can’t hear his thoughts I agree.

We walk out of the movie room and when the door closes I hear my mom talking to another woman. I don’t pay attention to what they’re saying because I have other things on my mind.

But then that’s when I smell something. Three different scents.

Just as we round the corner I see my mom standing in front of a woman talking animatedly and my dad talking with two men.

Who are these people?

I look up to ask him to see that he’s already looking down at me with a huge smile.

Just then I hear a gasp.

“THAT’S HER?!” I turn towards the voice only to be tackled into a tight hug. If it weren’t for Chase we would’ve went flying.

Everyone is laughing. Why are they laughing?

“Come on dear, let the poor girl go. You’re scaring her.” I look over to see and older man, around my dad’s age, that looks vaguely familiar.

She lets me go and what Chase says next has me gasping and leaves my mouth hanging open.

“Yeah. I love how you just pass by your son as if I’m nothing, mom.” Chase laughs.

“Oh shut your mouth! You know I love you. Come here!”

As they’re hugging I’m standing there looking frantically between everyone in the room.

Now I know why the older man looked so familiar. It’s an older version of Chase! It’s his dad! This is his family.

A huge smile spreads across my face and I let out a chuckle.

“Oh my! Look at that beautiful smile. Hi darling, I’m Leah! But you already know that. It’s so great to finally meet you sweetie! So any thoughts?” Leah introduces herself with a face splitting smile.

“Uhm…thoughts?” I ask and look between Leah and Chase.

“Yeah, you know. On how to punish Chase for not letting us talk sooner.”

I laugh.

“I can definitely think of some things.” I smirk at Chase.

He gulps and everyone in the living room erupts into laughter.

“Hi dear, I’m Jim. So good to finally meet you.”  He gives me a hug.

“Good job son.” Jim says and gives Chase a pat on the back.

Chase just stands there looking at me and smiles proudly.

“Well, may I say that you, love are fine.” I look up to see who I’m assuming to be Chase’s brother, Tate.

He looks like Chase but is a bit shorter and I can see that he has his moms light brown eyes.

At that he gets a slap to the back of the head from the other three Parkers in the room.

“TATE! Don’t start.” Jim scolds.

“Aw, come on. You know I was only joking. Not about her being fine though. That I was not joking about.” Tate says in a matter-of-fact tone.

Now I know why Chase acts the way he does when he talks about Tate.

I look over to Chase and yep, there’s that clenched jaw.

I laugh amused at Tate’s antics and Chase’s face. If looks could kill.

I grab Chases hand and place a small kiss on the back of it to calm him down.

He looks down at me and his eyes soften. I use my gift of calming people down and his jaw relaxes completely and he squeezes my hand in thanks.

“Whoa! You weren’t lying, Chase. That’s amazing. How do you do that?” Tate asks me in wonder.

My dad cuts in and answers.

“Legend has it that some of our ancestors worked alongside the spirits. Did their bidding for them in this world. Sometimes it would get too dangerous so the spirits, wanting to protect them, blessed them with a gift of manipulating people’s emotions. When things got dangerous a look into their eyes and you can calm them down enough to do as you see fit.  Talk it out, flee or end them. It’s a legend but we have the gift as well so take it with a grain of salt.”

Everyone stands around a little; letting it sink in.

“Wow. That’s truly remarkable. I vaguely remember hearing stories of these helpers. True decedents in our midst. It’s an honor.” Jim says looking at us in awe.

I giggle softly. Not softly enough because Jim looks towards me and has a light blush on his face and a boyish grin.

“Making fun of me, Lane? So soon? I like her, Chase.” He jokes

We all laugh and make our way into the kitchen.

“So, what other emotions can you manipulate?” Tate asks suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh because I can see behind his flirting. He truly just gets a kick out of messing with his brother.

“Tate. If you don’t stop right now, so help me.” Chase growls.

“What are you going to do big bro?” Tate teases.

Chase steps forward but I step in front of him and give him a pointed look.

He sighs and backs down.

“Aww. That’s so cute, Chase. Listen to Laney here. She’s knows what’s best.” Tate smirks.

“That’s it!” Chase growls and charges after Tate who is directly behind me when something crashes in the living room.

Tate turns towards the living room, pushes me back a little and puts his arms out on either side of me; in a protective manner.

Everyone is still for a second until we hear,

“BLAKE YOU IDIOT!” That’ll be Riley.

“Seriously man?!” There’s Ace.

“You can’t go one day without breaking anything can you, Blake.” Carter.

And wait for it….

“NICE ONE MAN!” Yep, there’s B. Laughing and cheering Blake on for breaking something.

“Well if you hadn’t hit me in the back of the head I would have seen where I was going!” Blake defends himself.

“Well if you hadn’t knocked me into the wall by trying to get to the kitchen before me then-Whoa.” Riley stops in the door way looking at the unfamiliar faces.

Not knowing that she was going to stop, Ace walks into her and stumbles back.

“What the? Riley?” He looks up after he gets his footing and sees all of us standing there; confusion on his face.

When he stumbles back he bumps into Carter, who stays rooted because he saw Ace stumble back so he braces himself for the impact which causes Blake to walk right into Carter and fall on his ass.

And there goes B again. Laughing his ass off.

Blake groans.

“Oh wow! You’re killing me here, Blake!” B says and wipes away imaginary tears.

After helping Blake up, B and Blake look up to see the rest of the crew staring ahead confused.

They turn to look and Blake has an excited look on his face and yells,

“Hey look! A big Chase!” and points at Jim.

My parents Chase and I shake our heads and laugh while Jim, Leah and judging by Tate’s now relaxed form are amused with the show that was just put on for them.

 “Hey guys. What’s going on?” Ace speaks up first; cautiously.

Chase walks around me and pats Tate on the shoulder and gives him a look. He flicks his eyes over to me then back to Tate. Tate looks at me then back to Chase and nods his head.

“No prob, bro.” Tate says returning the pat.

Hmm, I’ll have to ask Cha-

‘I was just thanking him for protecting you earlier, babe.’ Chase says through our link.

‘HEY! I can hear you now. What happened before?’ I ask.

‘I couldn’t have you reading my thoughts and then ruin the surprise now could I? I had to block you out baby. I’m sorry.’

‘Oh. Well, that’s ok. Can you teach me how to do that?’ I ask.

‘Absolutely not!’ He yells and looks at me with a shocked face.

‘WHY NOT?! Why can you block your thoughts from me but I can’t with you.’ I ask angry and cross my arms over my chest.

He sighs.

‘Not right now, baby. Please. I’ll teach you once we put an end to Ryder for good. I need to know what’s going on with you at all times alright?’ He pleads.

It’s my turn to sigh now.

‘Fine.’ I give in and my arms drop to my sides. He gives me a kiss and by the time we’re done we notice that during our little leave of absence everyone has introduced themselves to one another.

We all sit in the living room much like the day after Chase and I announced that we’re mates and get to know each other.

From time to time Chase and Tate will talk and bust out laughing like brothers should. See, I knew Tate’s flirting was all an act and Chase doesn’t really hate him. I wasn’t worried one bit.

One thing we all should be worried about though is that Blake, B and Tate click instantly. That can’t be good for our health.

This should be interesting. I shake my head.

I sigh and lean more into Chase’s chest. He wraps his arms around me tighter and whispers that he loves me. I return the declaration and he kisses the top of my head.

Our families finally met and from what Chase has told me, his family loves me. I couldn’t be more excited!

Next up; Chase’s friends. Fingers crossed.


YAY! We finally got to meet Chase's family! Totally didn't see that one coming by the way. I usually have an idea of what's going to happen in the chapters that I write but it didn't happen like that. I actually wrote practically this whole chapter out and decided that it wasn't working and I didn't like LC's mood in it so I started all over again! Haha. I feel much better about this one and when I was thinking that it was about time to end the chapter, I looked to see if it was long enough and it was longer than what I usually write. By a little but I was shocked. Haha.

Alright I'm done with my rambling for the night. Hope you guys liked this chapter! :)

Vote, Comment and Fan if you want! Please and thank you! :)


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