I'm The One • Drinny

By KitKat_Mikaelson17

39.6K 1.1K 593

"I'm sorry" he said and I shake my head slowly. "It's not your fault" "It is" "I could've said no..." "But y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Book 2 - Summary
Chapter 1 | Remember Me
Chapter 2 | It's him
3 | Aww, dont you want to share a bed with me, weasley?
4 | Draco, you smell so good! Can i kiss you?
5 | Like what you see, Weasley?
6 | Please don't get killed
7 | You can never be too sure
8 | You didn't get laid or something?
9 | I'm definitely going to hell for this
10 | I will not let you bring an enemy into my bed!
11 | Only Us
12 | Did you sha**ed her?
13 | Let's kill that b*tch
14 | It consumes me
15 | Stormy Eyes
Book 3 Addition Characters
1 | Ginny, will you marry me now?
2 | F.uck My Life
3 | Those beautiful grey eyes
4 | Ogling her like a lunatic
5 | Weasley, what happened to your hair?
7 | Close your goddamn mouth
6 | oh yeah? it's fucking stupid
8 | My red
9 | one suicide
10 | stuck with me
11 | this moment is perfect
Another Aesthetic ✨
12 | Hump and Dump
13 | Wedding massacre
14 | The One
~ Epilogue ~

Chapter 3

1.7K 50 12
By KitKat_Mikaelson17

Third Person POV :

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry..."

Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger said at the same time when they're at their bedroom and then Ginny run to Hermione's direction and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry Hermione. I shouldn't have said that to you.. I was just so angry because.."

"I know.. it's okay. I get it. If I was in your position I'm sure I'll get mad too"

"So we're good?"

"Of course we are. I can't stay mad with you Gin! We'll both be lost without each other"

They both chuckled and hugged each other again before they seated at Mione's bed.

"Should we have some sleepover? Oh Mione I've just seen a best sunset in my life!"

"Really? Well is this best sunset moment has anything to do with a certain blonde boy?"

Ginny blushed madly but nodded her head anyway.

"Well then we should definitely had a sleep over because I want to tell you something too! It's about Harry!"

"Ooh!! I bet it's great" she wiggles her eyebrows while Hermione just rolled her eyes at her.

"Just get your things and come back in here you crazy"

"Well surely we all can't be perfect Mione"

Hermione laughed at her friend words and throws a pillow at her bum before she disappeared to her room.

Fifteen minutes later, both girls already in Mione's bed with lots of chocolates and marshmallows to accompany them.

"I'm sure after eating all this sugary sweets my action won't be controllable and I'll get so hyper" Ginny said while plopping one marshmallow at her mouth while Mione just laughed at her.

"Thank Merlin it's Friday"

"Cheers to that" Ginny raised her marshmallow and Hermione do the same then they both meets their marshmallow, like they doing a toast and after that they broke apart in laughed.

They both shared to each other about their moments with their men.

"Aww. Mione! He clearly likes you back!"

"How can you know that Ginny? I'm sure you're mistaken"

"Nuh uh. I'm sure. Just wait and I'm sure he'll tell you about his feelings sooner, because all this triwizard thingy. Who knows that he'll succeed right?"

"Well I'm sure he'll succeed" Hermione said before plopping a chocolate in her mouth and Ginny just shook her head.

"You're really whipped Mione"

"I'm not Gin! I'm just really really scared about his safety.. I know he handled the dragon really well but.. oh Merlin. I'll do anything just to keep him safe"

Ginny smiled at Hermione. She's really got it bad, Ginny thought.

"Well, you on the other hand, I can't believe that Malfoy could be that sweet!"

"Oh Mione! He's so Perfect! I think I won't let him go any soon. He's stuck with me" Ginny said happily before eating another marshmallow.

"Well if he makes you happy, I'm glad Gin. Hopefully he won't do anything bad to you because he had to face me first then he'll face the rests of the Weasley clan, and of course Harry"

"Of course. Right after I hexed him with my bat boogey hex first, of course"

They both laughed out loud. Enjoying their self while Harry and Ron already sleeping peacefully in their beds.

After they ate all the sweets, both of them are really sugar high and can't sleep.

"You know what? I suddenly have the brightest idea ever!"


"How about we play truth or dare?"

"Mm it sounds great. But if it's only the two of us.."

"Of course not! We'll wake the boys up! What do you think?"

"I think it's great" Hermione now jumped from her bed and Ginny's laughing when Hermione almost fell down on her butt. Hermione laughed too.

"Wait wait.. you have to look hot for Harry!"

"Oh what should I do?!"

"Wait here and I'll get you my lipstick"

Ginny was gone for only two minutes and after that she came back with a grin on her beautiful face.

"Here. Just put it lightly so it won't show that you try so hard just to see him"

"Okay Okay. What's next?"

"Here. Spray some perfume on your neck"

After Hermione did as she told, Ginny sighed

"I wished Draco could be here too"

"Aww don't worry. You still can see him tomorrow!"

"You're right. But I want him here now" Ginny whines but Hermione already dragging her out of their room.

They arrived at the boys room in five minutes. Ginny stand at Ronald's bed while Hermione stand at Harry's.

They both smirk at each other before yanked opens the boys blanket and screamed at them.

"Wake up wake up!"

"Bloody hell!" All five boys wake up from their sleep.

"What the hell Ginny?!" Ronald shrieked like a girl while Ginny just rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Get Up you lazy arse! We're going to play truth or dare"

"What in the world is happening right now?! Bloody hell is that you Hermione?!"

"Yes it's me Ronald. Come on get up!"

"Mione What is it?" Harry asks sleepily and Hermione face softened at the sight of him. He truly is handsome! Hermione thought. That messy raven hair, that clever green eyes that so deep, makes me get lost in it. Oh Merlin, I got it bad. Hermione thought.

"Yes Harry? Ginny and I thought you boys want to joined us for truth or dare game. But you could go back to sleep if you want" Hermione said softly and Ginny almost snorted at her friend's behavior.

She's so whipped! Ginny thought.

"Nuh uh. No one is going back to sleep. Come on get up from your bed and let's play!" Ginny clapped her hands excitedly and both Ronald and Harry, seated themselves sleepily.

"Merlin what is wrong with both of you, earlier you both fight, and now here you are like a five years old that has a sugar high that goes around waking people at the middle of the night!" Ronald continued on his ranting.

Then Hermione seated next to Harry at his bed and Ginny seated next to Ronald.

"Wait, can I come and play too?" Neville Longbottom asks them shyly and Ginny nodded enthusiastically at him.

"The more the merrier!"

"Then I would like to joined too!" Dean Thomas walked from his bed and seated himself next to Ginevra.

"Oi mate! Come on up!" He yelled at Seamus and the later groaned before seated up and move to their direction.

"Now what's this all about mate? I'm trying to get some sleep here. Oi ! What are you two girls doing here at the boys dormitory?"

"Relax Seamus. Hermione And Ginny wants to play truth or dare with us"

"Oh okay. Carry on"

"Okay. I'll be the one that does the spin. Anyone object?"

All six of them shook their heads and Ginny nodded in content. She start spin and it pointed at Neville.

"Ha! Neville! Truth or dare?"

Neville looks terrified by Ginny's antic.

"Umm truth, I guess?" He answers nervously.

"Fine. Who's the prettiest girl in Gryffindor? From first year until seventh year"

"Umm.. I think it's you" he muttered quietly.

"I'm sorry but we can't hear you mate" Ron said annoyed

"Umm it's Ginny, then followed by Hermione and after that by Parvati Patil"

"Aww! Thank you Neville! Okay moving on!"

She spins again and this time it's pointed at Ronald

"Well well!" Harry grinned widely and Ron rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Truth or dare Ronald?" Hermione asks him


"I dare you to send a letter to Pansy Parkinson and tell her how much you love her" Hermione and Ginny grinned widely while Ronald's jaw dropped down to floor.

"Are you guys mental? She's Malfoy's puppet! I won't.."

"Do it. No back down" Ginny said through a gritted teeth and Ronald raised his hands up in surrender.

"Fine. I'll do it tomorrow morning"

"No, now. Harry, call Hedwig now so he can delivers Ronald's love letter to Parkinson" Ginny smirks evilly at her brother while he gulped before grab a parchment and start writing his letter.

Then Hedwig come and Harry give him the letter and he patted Hedwig gently before that owl flew from the boys dorm.

All of them broke in laughter and Ronald send Ginny a deathly glares.

"I'll get you back for this Ginevra!"

"Okay moving on" this time. It stopped at Harry. It's Ronald's time to smirk at him.

But Ginny's too fast for her brother.

"So Harry, truth or dare?"

"I choose, dare"

"Okay. I dare you to tell your feelings to the girl you fancy right now!" Ginny said excitedly while Hermione's eyes widen and Harry shifted uncomfortably.

"As in right now?"

"No next century! Yes now!" Ginny rolled her eyes at Harry's stupidity.

Then Harry clears his throat before turned to see Hermione.

Cliffhanger!! Ha ha ! Got ya! 😛
Don't hate me just yet, next chapter would be special 😄

So what do you think? Who's the girl Harry fancy? Anyone knows ? 😄😁

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