A Faithful Choice

بواسطة MyPrideisBroken

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Abigail Everett is ashamed. Her future has been decided since a disgusting earl showed up and began courting... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Coming Soon...

Chapter Twenty-Five

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بواسطة MyPrideisBroken

 Matt cursed. Lord Nolan had arrived and he knew Abigail's real identity. Abigail took a few steps back and wrapped her arms around her body. It took a second for Matt to realize that she was afraid of Lord Nolan. Matt's heart drummed. They were not careful enough.

Lord Nolan put his arms around Abigail, trapping her. Matt slunk into the shadows and stopped by a tree. He could now hear what Lord Nolan was saying.

"Now my love, you will marry me and do as I say. I do not want to have to force you into marrying me."

He was such a creep, it made Matt forget all the plans forming themselves in his mind. Matt lunged, and Lord Nolan swiped at his stomach with his sword. Matt deflected the hit and disarmed the man.
"You will never come near here again unless you want to feel real pain!!!" Matt swiped slowly down onto the earl's wrist. He screamed in pain and Abigail ran to the forest. She came back with her bow, and she shot Lord Nolan straight in the thigh. Matt marvelled at how calm she was.

"Abigail Everett, you have skills!"
The corner of her mouth lifted a wry smile. "Why thank you, Sir Matthew. You have great sword skills as well."
"Why that is by far the nicest thing I've heard all day."
Lord Nolan of Ayr went flying. He scrambled as best he could with an arrow in the thigh and his wrist bleeding.

Matt had one decision. He could follow the earl and kill him, or leave him to die.


Nolan ran for his life. He had left his betrothed and her protector in the woods. He was hurt, so very badly hurt. He did not know if he would live. He had to plot revenge.

He had to kill the troublesome Matthew Larsson.


Matt knew that he had made a new enemy. He just wanted sweet Abigail safe. Matt had the itching suspicion that Lord Nolan would hire Douglas to kill him.

He had to put a stop to it. He had to run. He stopped in his tracks, remembering Abigail. He turned and saw her holding a hurt rabbit. Pride swelled in his chest. This feeling was something other than pride... it was almost loving. He fought against it, but when she tried to calm the irritated animal, it tore his heart in two. She had the other half.

"Abi, are you trying to keep it alive?"
She looked up. "But of course. Wouldn't little Rosie love a rabbit for a pet?"
The idea was so sweet it nearly made Matt cry. Here Abigail was, thinking of his cousin and making sure she was happy. Rabbits were somewhat pests, but Matt was sure that his cousin could tame the animal and speak to it. A pony would indeed be nicer, seeing as Rosie loved horses, but she could settle for a sweet little bunny.

"Do you need help?
"No. Thank you." She coaxed the animal to allow her to stroke it, and the rabbit nibbled on her finger. "Aw! She's so sweet!"
Matt shook his head, ran back to his house to get a crate, and arrived with a fully-made, rabbit-friendly home.

"Oh, Matt! It's perfect for Angel!"
"Angel..." He handed the cage over and together they coaxed the nervous rabbit into the pen. She sniffed around and lay down, looking content. Her hurt leg was stuck out. Sara could fix that.

Matt walked Abigail home and went into his own. He saw his father sitting in his favourite chair by the blazing fireplace. He shivered. His father handed him a cup of coffee and told him to go to bed. Matt tried to protest, but his father nearly shoved him into his bedroom. Matt wondered why his father would want privacy, and then he realized 'twas the day of his mother's passing. He'd forgotten, and he went straight to bed, dreaming of his mother's hugs and warmth. His mother changed into Abigail, and she welcomed him into her arms. The dream was so content; he subconsciously nestled down and fell into a deeper trance.

The next day, they went down to Sara and Ben's. When they knocked, there was a flurry of noise, and Sara came up looking terrible. It looked like she was messing around with something. Matt opened his mouth.

"Don't ask. Rosetta was asleep. I got no sleep last night because she was crying all night long, and Ben had to help calm her down."

Matt nodded in understanding. Rosie had always had a little trouble sleeping a night without her stuffed toy, Carol. "We brought little Rosie a present. May I see her?"
Sara nodded and led the way. Upstairs, there was a beautiful little bedroom occupied by the girl. She was asleep on the cushions of her bed. Her golden brown hair was fluffed out around her head. Ben came in, and Matt noticed that he looked like Sara. "Hello. Sorry. We were taking a nap."
Matt walked over to Rosie and kissed her forehead. Abigail walked up behind him and began to sing softly.

Deep in the meadow, a little girl played.

She had the looks of a princess and the spirit of a knight.

She ran uproad, she played all day, and never followed rules. This little girl had the heart of a king!

She always listened to the birds and sang back in her melody.

Deep in the meadow, a girl played.

Matt watched Abigail intently as she sang. Beautiful, sweet music filled his ears. Little Rosie awoke and threw herself into Matt's arms. Matt felt like Rosie was the girl in Abi's song. When he looked to Abigail, she was wiping tears from her face.

"My mama sang that to me as a child. One of the last things she ever did for me was singing this song, even in her weakened state."

Matt watched as Rosie jumped from Matt's arms into Abi's. She kissed Abi's cheek and whispered, "It's okay. Don't cry. I'm here."
Matt thought at that moment that that was the sweetest thing any little girl could say. "Good job, sweetheart. Now, let's get you dressed."
They dressed Rosetta and hurried her downstairs. Abigail placed Angel and her cage on the table. Matt covered Rosie's eyes with his hands and steered her towards the kitchen. She giggled with delight and tried to pry Matt's fingers off her face.
"No peeking, silly goose."
She laughed, a sound radiated in his heart. "I love you, Rosie."
"I love you too, Matt. Where's my present?"
He took his hands from her eyes and she spotted the rabbit. She squealed and ran up to the animal. It sat there looking haughtily up at her new mistress.
"Oh! She's so beautiful! Where did you get her?"
Matt smiled and inclined his head slightly to Abigail. Rosie read the message and repeated the question to Abigail. "Well Rosie, I saw her injured on the way back from the forest."
Sara and Ben widened their eyes at the couple while Rosie played with Angel. Ben carried the rabbit up into Rosie's room with the little girl running behind.

Sara seized the moment to speak. "Abigail, what about the forest? I know better couples that have had troubles there. Did Matt or someone else hurt you?"
Matt was shocked at how easily Sara pinned her suspicions on him. Abigail glared at her old employee and new friend. "No. Why would he? And Lord Nolan of Ayr came flying in at us, figured out who I am, and is probably telling King Charles now."
Sara paled. If the king knew, that could mean a dampened future for Sara and Ben and their hopes on adopting Rosetta Wesley.

Sara promptly shoved them both out the door, saying how she never wanted to see them again.


Abigail could not believe that her friend had shoved her out the door. Abi knew that she had to talk to Lady Potter, and hopefully she would be able to get advice from her.

When she arrived at Norwood Castle, she felt a sense of anger there. No one answered the door, but she heard a distinct sob. She let herself in and followed the sound.

Lying on her bed was a wailing Lady Potter. She saw Abigail and hurried to pull herself together. The lady escorted her into the formal sitting room, where Emily and Christian were playing.

"Children, I want you to leave. You are not supposed to enter unless under the supervision of Mrs. Faut or another servant." The way Lady Potter was so proper with her children definitely made Abigail want to smile. However, her thoughts were clouded with the memory of Lord Nolan.

The children left, and Abigail turned her full attention to Abigail. "Is there something wrong, Abigail? You have not come to do your job recently. I was beginning to worry."
Abigail grimaced. She'd completely forgotten about her role as the children's nanny. "I am ever so sorry, Lady Potter. I just wanted to talk today, and I will be back as early as I can tomorrow."
Lady Potter smiled. "Thank you, Lady Everett. I must ask why you need to speak to me so badly. Surely there must be a reason for disturbing one's mourning."
"Mourning, Lady Potter?"
The woman's face registered shock. "Have you not heard, my dear girl? My husband is leaving for a full year on business. I do not want my youngest son to spend a year without his father, but it cannot be helped. Tristan- I mean, Lord Potter has to leave immediately."

Abigail attempted to hide her shock. Lady Potter sat down on one of the sofas and gestured for Abigail to do the same. Back when she was a lady, Abigail did the same and knew that she had to wait for the command.

"Abigail, dear, you said you needed to speak. Whatever has happened?"
Abigail turned the corner of her mouth upward. "Lady Potter, I didn't mean to bother your mourning, but Lord Nolan has discovered my identity and has been threatening to turn me into the king."
Lady Potter gasped and clasped Abigail's hand between her own. "I am ever so sorry! When did this happen?"
"It was but a day ago. Matthew Larsson was walking me back to my home after dropping his cousin off at the Skywalker's, and he popped up."
Lady Potter frowned. "Which way did you two go? If you went through the market, you could have avoided Lord Nolan."
Abigail blushed. "Um, we were walking in the forest, on the way to the funeral of-" She waited for this information to be shared.

"Miss Isabel Geoffrey. She was killed at your best friend's wedding, was she not?"
Abigail nodded. Lady Potter continued. "Now, since you were not there, I want to say a few things. First, have you noticed how your friend Miss Wayward and Mr. Nathan Chiffent have been eying each other?"
Abigail was taken aback. Yes, she had noticed her friend talking about and to Nate a lot more now, but she had ignored that. Now Abi thought they were taking it on a more serious level. If they were all courting, that meant that almost all of the best friends were together. Billy Chase was the only one who had not yet found love.

Lady Potter began speaking again. "Secondly, Miss Geoffrey was shot by a certain killer we are all too aware of."
She must mean Jacob Douglas. He was the only real one around. Abigail shook her head. Douglas was taking away nearly everyone she loved. Now, she did not even know Miss Geoffrey existed until recently, but a person's a person.

"Abigail, I will have you know that 'tis indeed Jacob Douglas, but I also want you to know not to chase after him. He will continue to murder, and that is something we cannot change."
Abigail nodded again, aware that Lady Potter was looking rather uncomfortable. Abi realized a little late that a woman like Lady Potter would probably like some time to mourn the loss of her husband, even if it was only for a year.

Abigail almost said that she had not seen her father in thirteen years and she still loved him, but she decided against it. What if Matt was gone for a year? What would she do? Abigail thought that she would scream and cry.

Lady Potter knew how to control herself. "Abigail-"

"No, Lady Potter. I will leave you to your mourning. I am ever so sorry for choosing the wrong time to visit."
Lady Potter steeled herself and smiled. "No bother at all. Tristan- I mean, Lord Potter has been very kind and has promised to send letters every day and a few gifts for the children. Natalia may say she is too old for toys, but she still loves getting presents after her father comes back on trips."
Abigail frowned. "Lady Potter, may I ask you a question?"
Lady Potter laughed. "Seeing as you already have, I assume you mean another one." Seeing Abigail's nod, she continued, "Very well. Go ahead."
"Lady Potter, was it really the right thing to do to arrange a marriage for your daughter? I'm sorry if I've overstepped my bounds, but she seemed a little indifferent at her wedding."
Lady Potter rubbed her stomach. "I was not there that day. You are aware, I assume, why I was gone?"

"Yes, my lady. You were absent on account of..." Abi waited for the lady to finish her sentence for her.

"On account of my youngest son wanted to make an early appearance. Yes. But my Natalia has indeed changed since I proposed she marry Benjamin Monfery. She has been quite rude towards me and my husband."
Abigail smiled. Here was the true Lady Potter. Worried about family and friends.

A servant appeared in the doorway. "Lady Potter, Mrs. Monfery is here to see you. Shall I send her in?"
Lady Potter had composed herself and had gone deadpan. "Yes, Mrs. Raton. Send my daughter inside."
Abigail smiled. "So. Your daughter does care, doesn't she?"
Lady Potter's expression was anything but happy. "We'll see indeed. My daughter has trouble with her timing, as you sometimes do."
The gentle reprimand was all it took. Abigail turned to leave. "Abigail. I want you to be here with me, in case anything Natalia does or says is harsh."
Abigail nodded and took a seat opposite Lady Potter. The servant, Mrs. Raton, and Mrs. Monfery entered. Mrs. Raton took her leave and Mrs. Monfery sat beside Abigail.

"Miss Lawman! I trust you are doing well?"
"I am, thank you. And you?"
"Well enough. The weather's faring quite nicely today, no?"
"I agree. 'Tis a shame that they had to cancel the picnic." A children's picnic had been planned weeks before and was cancelled due to busy roadways.

"Quite. Mother, may I ask you a few questions?"
Mrs. Benjamin Monfery turned her attention to her mother, and Abigail was watching in silence.

"Yes, my daughter."
Mrs. Monfery looked uncomfortable. Abigail stood; ready to take her leave "Maybe I should leave. Mrs. Monfery. Lady Potter."
Mrs. Monfery shook her head. "Two things. First, call me Natalia. Second, please stay."
Abigail sat down again. Mrs. Monfery- Natalia had regained composure and was looking at her mother in question. "Mother, what did you do when you thought you were pregnant?"
Lady Potter's expression turned from shocked to exhilarated. "You think you are expecting a child, Natalia?"
Natalia bowed her head. "Yes, Mama."
"Have you seen a doctor?"
"No, Mama. Almost all the doctors in our region are men. I am not comfortable asking a man those sorts of questions."
"I understand, my sweet. Maybe you could see Mrs. Sara Skywalker. She is a nurse, and helped me with the birth of Riley."
Natalia nodded. "I will do that. Miss Lawman, do you know where Mrs. Skywalker lives? I would ask Mama, but she is in mourning over the loss of my uncle."
"Your brother died? So Lord Potter is not leaving after all?" Abigail's tongue slipped, and she said the words on her mind. Natalia looked like she would cry.

"No. Father is leaving, but Mama is mourning the loss of her brother as well."
"To answer your first question, Natalia, I do indeed know where Sara lives. We are the best of friends."
Natalia looked up in shock. "So can you take me there?"
Minutes later, the two women had said goodbye to Lady Potter and were walking to Sara's. Abigail knew that Rosie would tire of seeing the same people all the time, but Abi and Matt were plenty of company for the little girl.

"Natalia, are you happy with Mr. Monfery?"
The woman sighed. "I thought I would be. He is quite rough sometimes, but I never thought he would do this-" She pulled the sleeve of her dress up over her arm and showed Abi that it was bruised. Compassion swelled in Abigail's heart.

"Was that the only time?"
"Yes. He had just found out that I thought I was pregnant and he squeezed my arm too tightly. I thought it was because he hated me, but he swore it was because he was truly excited." Natalia was smiling now.
Abigail smiled in return. If she married, that would probably be her husband's reaction too.

"So... Miss Lawman, how is it going between you and Mr. Larsson?"
Abigail blushed. "Um, well, I suppose things are going rather well. You know, as well as they can be where we are at."
Natalia nodded. "If Matthew loves a woman he is relentless. His father said that he inherited it. Matthew has never really loved someone... until you. Whenever we see each other, you are all he can talk about."
This is taking a turn for the worse. "Natalia, let us not talk of such things right now."
All she heard was a soft laughter. "Oh, and Natalia? Call me Abigail. I hate 'Miss Lawman'."
"My Benjamin seems to think you are Lady Everett. I hardly think that true. You know, I met her once. Well, saw her really. She did look like you, but her attitude was not the nicest."
"How so?"
"She kept ordering around the servants like she was the queen. I would say, if Lady Everett returns, I shall like to speak to her about it."
Abigail nodded. "Maybe she's taking your advice."
Natalia looked around until her gaze landed on Abigail's. "Are you saying you are Lady Everett?"
"No, I am saying that she will take your advice. I will tell the lady as soon as I see her again. I used to work for her. 'Twas a little odd, having two Abigail's' in one castle."
"If you ever see the king again, tell him that Clocksworth Castle needs to change its decor. It looks horrible!"

Abi couldn't help but agree. 

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