(Editing)The Light And The Da...

By Levi_is_da_wae

83.6K 1.8K 580

Hello. My name is Kayana Shiona.I am neither vampire nor human Welcome to my world. Twisted,cruel,disgusting... More

💥Chapter 1 -The Fire💥
Chapter 2 What am I?
Chapter 3 Training and Crowley
Chapter 4 More Crowley
Chapter 5 My demon
Character Info and Wiki and picture
Chapter 7- Bye Crowley. hello Lacus and Rene
Chapter 8- The Virus
Chapter 9 - Yuu and Mika
Vampire Rules + Extra special
Chapter 10 - A suprise for me?
Chapter 11- Crashing Planes.
Chapter 12- Cooking with the Hyakuyas
Chapter 13- Ferid Bathory
Truth or dare
Chapter 14 - Ferid's mischief
Chapter 15 - To Germany and Russia and the Tradegy
Chapter 16 - To Germany and Russia and the tragedy Part 2
Chapter 17- To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy
Chapter 18 - To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy part 4
Chapter 19 - Sanguinem
Chapter 20 - Escape
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
Happy Birthday Lacus -Special
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Ferid oneshot
👑Chapter 28~👑
Chapter ?Recap
Hi! A/n

Chapter 6- Mistake

2.9K 85 17
By Levi_is_da_wae

Kayana's pov.

Finally. I made a contract with Kazu.

"Life sure has a weird way of showing appreciation." -Kayana Shiona.

I sighed tiredly.

Yuichiro. That name. It sounds so familiar. But who is he again.

I chuckled grimly. I've changed alot . I'm colder and I feel nothing in that poor excuse of a heart I have.

Yet. The tears still flow.

Why must everything good come to an end? Why. We all say that. All the time. But do we really know what we're saying?


Not until you feel it.

I inhaled the fresh air around me and stood up .

I wiped the tears off my face and stared at the moon.
How peaceful. Will this good moon end too? Will it disappear too?

You never know.

Life is so unpredictable. You never know. That's why you always have to be prepared.

I will remember you Yuichiro. Those nightmares I have. You always leave me in the end. You must've been important right?


I decided I'd just take a chill pill and relax out here for a while. Clear my thoughts a bit.

What lays outside these walls? I haven't gone out in such a long time.

I can't stand going out there. Distruction is everywhere.

I'm thirteen and yet I feel like if all of my thoughts shouldn't be. I should be in my home. I should have been able to go to school. Meet new people. Make friends. But instead. I'm in an endless cirle of harmless depression. I can't get rid of it. It's always there no matter what.

Where is brother?

Ferid always said that he left him in the hands of something called an ambulance. I forgot about him till just now. I honestly hope he-'s alive. And the ambulance Oh yes. I know them. They helped people . I wanted to ride in one of the vans before. But now I don't really want to see a van painted with red on it.

It's just cringy.

I don't know why.

It just is

Reminds me of the blood I drink. For some reason. The way humans talk about us is as if we're monsters. But maybe we are.


After I cleared my thoughts I walked back to the mansion . I spent a few hours in that place my demon carried me so it was at leat 8:00 now.

I found myself at the library reading some literature book.

Then Chess walked in with a grossed out expression.

"Eew the library." She said with a grimace.

She then saw me and her expression changed to a happy one.

"M'lady Kayana-sama!!!"she exclaimed making a b-line towards me.

I made no effort to move. Chess was just Chess so she would just do it until she gets a hug. Unfortunately I can't kill her. I'm not allowed to

"Oh hi Chess." I greeted plainly.

She pouted.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes. I am." I sarcarstically said.

She gasped.

"Meanie!But I still think your blood smells good!so I will still be your friend!"

I sighed.

This woman has some nerve.

She then looked at my attire for a second.

"H-hey!Why do you have on Lord Crowley's coat?" I asked.
I shrugged.

She frowned and then that turned into a sly smirk.

"Oh oh. I get it now~" she cooed.

I looked at her with wide eyes.

Oh no. Not this.

"Don't worry I wouldn't tell~" she teased putting a finger to her eye and winking.

"No Chess. It's nothing of that sort." I muttered closing my book.

I got up with her following.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

She then answered.

"I was sent here to get a higher iq. But I don't see a machine." She said with a scowl.

No way!!!!!

I face-palmed.

"Here." I said taking up some ramdom book

Oh little did I know that was a huuuge mistake.

I shoved it at her.

"There . That's the machine. Look at the words and read." I snapped.

She smiled.

"You're the best ever!!" She exclaimed tackling me into a hug.

I nodded.

"Thanks now read."


Some stuff there. Just sayin

I was with Horn and Crowley . Horn and I were playing some chess while Crowley was reading some papers with his ever lasting smile.

"Omg!!!!!!" Came a loud voice all of a sudden

Crowley sighed.

"What is it now Chess?" He asked annoyed yet with a soft tone.

"Kayana is a pervert!!!!" She yelled pointing an accusing finger at me.

I was beyond shocked.

"W-what!?" I said surprised.

I swear. Did she see my secret stash of Crowley shirtless phot-I mean what secret stash. Ehem *cough* *cough*.

Horn scowled.

"Impossible. She is one of the most innocent vamp- I mean beings I've ever met." She justified.

I am. I just got a slight issue from Ferid. He's the perverted one messing me up.  But. I only go as far as the photos.

"Lies!!" Chess yelled.

"Chess. Have respect for M'lady." Horn scolded.

Crowley rested down his papers with a bored look.
He then rolled his eyes.

"Chess. How did you even come up with this?" He asked yawning showing his fangs.

"Look at this . Read it!" She said with a deep blush on her face yet a smirk.

'I finally got Lady Kayana!ha!'

I sighed.

"Oh please Chess." I scoffed

Crowley took the book  with a sigh and read along with Horn.

Horn's eyes widened for a second. Then her face had a small tint of pink hue on it. Her mouth was wide open. Crowley was just smirking .

What the hell is going on?

"Om my~Oh my~" he sang closing the book in pure amusement.

"It seems Chess is right." He concluded.

"What. No!" I remarked with an annoyed expression.
"The fudge are you talking about!?"

Horn was speechless.

"M'lady Kayana. I-I um. Did not expect this of you." Horn muttered in disbelief after regaining her composure slightly.

"Expect what?" I asked.

Crowley walked over to me slowly while shaking his head in a scolding way making his hair sway sway  elegantly with his actions.

"Shame ~shame ~shame~.
Like a wolf in a sheep's clothing. Ladies. Please excuse us for a while." He said.

They nodded except for Chess who was whining. Eventually Horn yanked her out.

"Now~for you." He chimed looking at me with a teasing expression.

I showed no fear.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked once again.

He smiled cheekily and smirked after.

"Why don't you take a look." He said nonchantly

I pressed my lips into a thin line.

"Where's the book?"


Oh my f*cking porch.
What the heck. What the heck!What the heck!!!!

My face was red. I had steam bliwing out my ears, nose ,mouth eyes to!!!

"Oh how cute." He drawled.

"So. This is what you have been reading. Mhm~" he muttered huskily. His lips were right by my ear.

His smoothe voice was sending chills up my spine.

"I-i s-s-swe-ear. I-i didn't know about that." I said flustered.

Those themes. Oh no!My innocence!!

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap.

"Oh really. My naughty little brat." He teased.

He removed his cloak from me.

"Hmm~I was looking for this yah know."He said stroking my neck with his fingernails.

I completely lost my composure now.

As in completely.

His hands moved up to my shirt.

Oh no.

"W-what a-are y-you d-

He silences me with his finger and pressed his lips to the back of my neck and nibbled on it.
I pray for help.

"Hush now. You deserve a punishment." He said

Ohhh nooooooo.

His hands then touched my chest area.

May the soul of a Sumerai be with me

He then unbuttoned the first two buttones of my shirt and pulled down the neck part.

He licked my neck gently and sucked it slightly.

I groaned.

"S-stop. Crowley." I murmered weakly feeling pain and odd pleasure. No no no. This shouldn't be.

He ignored me and bit harder. I could feel his hair tickling my skin.

"Fudgecake." I muttered. I'm ticklish!!

I leaned my head back and clenched his shirt as he moaned and greedily slurped my blood.

His arms still roamed but settled for my head.pressing me closer against him which is what I wanted to avoid.

"Mhm~ good quality as usual." He said licking up all the blood that escaped.Feeling his tongue drag up and down...was...good....no...no...no...ugh:(

I sighed shakily and brought my head back up

"Damn you." I said weakly.

He chuckled.

"Well it was your fault . That book was very innapropriate. So you had to be punished."

I blushed again at the thought of that book.
That stupid reteredated book.

Dictionary time
Reterded: It's just an insult.
Reteredated: also an insult

"It wasn't my fault. I din't read the title. I just grabbed it." I defended with a sigh.

He laughed and licked his lips with an innocent smile.

"If you say so~"


I exited the office still a bit. I dunno. I was kinda mental at that time. Like Crowley is such a man slag.

I saw Chess and Horn outside.

Chess looked at me and smirked upon seeing my bruise.

"So~How was your punishment?"

I sighed. For the 100th time that day

"Shut up."



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