| Babies in the Garden | Namj...

By x_SugaTae_x

546K 16.9K 9.1K

seokjin and namjoon want a family, they just don't know when to start one. More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26: part 1
chapter 26: part 2
chapter 26: part 3
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
the end
thank you!!!
hewwo uwu

chapter 37

7.8K 234 97
By x_SugaTae_x

sorry if theres any mistakes im reeeaaally bad at multitasking!

also this is a little longer than my usual chapters so enjoy.

ALSO IM NOT A DOCTOR, i did do some research while writing this fic and stuff but i just briefly read up on hearing and eye disabilities so lets just pretend anything i said is even remotely possible.


They left early that morning, the kids were bundled up and put in the warm car. Seokjin walked tong-tong over to jinyoung's house. He tearfully gave the pup a goodbye kiss and hugged him. The Hormones were making him cry more than usual, jinyoung opened his door to his friend crying into the pups fur. Jinyoung only rolled his eyes and told the dog to head inside. Seokjin hugged his friend tightly, seeking comfort. Jinyoung smiled and rubbed his back.

"It's gonna be okay, no matter what happens right?" seokjin sniffs and gives a small nod. They part ways quickly and namjoon helps him in the car. Seokjin holds namjoon's hand tightly the whole ride to the airport. He's not scared or even nervous, he just feels sort of empty at the moment. He feels a little bit of excitement deep, deep down but that's it.

The whole process is difficult, the kids are all still sleeping and so they eat get two babies. Yoongi clings to namjoons back like a baby monkey while hoseok is cradled like a baby to his appa's chest. Seokjin holds the twins in his arms as they wait. Its an hour wait before they're all heading to the gates. It's so early and seokjin's feet are starting to swell, he just wants to nap but they have to get on this long flight and he's sure the kids are going to wake up cranky. Namjoon kisses seokjin forehead, it helps the oncoming headache somehow and seokjin smiled fondly at him through puffy eyes.

The flight is long and seokjin almost cried about 12 times but they made it through it somehow. Jimin was very fussy and taehyung had a pout on his little face the whole time. Yoongi kept hoseok entertained while namjoon slept. Seokjin slapped him awake when they landed, the kids laughed at namjoons frazzled state. It was another half an hour before they got outside and namjoon got a taxi. They got to their hotel fairly quickly, seokjin was so happy. Namjoon quickly checked them in and they all got in the elevator. Jimin cried in seokjin's arms, thankfully the other kids seemed to be in better moods. Seokjin soothed jimin as best as he could while they made their way to the room.

Namjoon took care of the kids while seokjin slept in the comfortable hotel bed, jimin slept curled up next to his mama. They were meeting the specialists the next day so seokjin wanted to make sure he and the twins got as much rest as possible. Jimin hated seeing doctors, so many poked and prodded at his little ears. Only his mama and appa were allowed to touch them so whenever anyone else even got near them he would cry. It would certainly be a stressful day for him and seokjin worried about that. He never wanted his babies to be uncomfortable or stressed, he shook those thoughts away. This would be good, they'd get answers and after this visit they'd stop with the doctors visits unless they were necessary or jimin asked himself to go.

Seokjin also however worried for taehyung. His baby had been a little clumsier than usual and seokjin worried that his eyesight had worsened. Of course none of the doctors at home really told him much, which angered him. Taehyung was an incredibly happy and curious baby, nothing stopped him when it came to exploring. Recently he had been getting hurt a lot more. Bumps on his little head or he'd step on something pointy and cry. He'd hold things really close to his little face, blinking owlishly several times before frustratingly putting whatever was in his hand down. Of course that never brought down his spirits for long because he'd get right back up with a big smile.

Whatever happens seokjin and namjoon will always love their babies.


"We're here to see Dr. Martin," namjoon told the receptionist. She typed something inter her desktop before reaching for the phone. She talked quietly into the other end before smiling and hanging up. Namjoon called his family over and then the nice lady led them down a long hallway. Seokjin could hear a few baby cries and what he could only assume was mothers crying in relief, he hoped he would be crying in relief that day.

"Would you all like some refreshment? The doctor should be in, in a few minutes," seokjin asked for water and juice boxes. She nodded and left shortly after to get their drinks. Namjoon squeezed seokjin's hand comfortingly.

"Do you think this will be too much? I mean they're both seeing doctors today, shouldn't we give them a break in between?" seokjin worried. He had tried to clear his mind but as soon as they set foot in the building all his worries hit him full force.

"Honey we only have a limited amount of time here, i would've loved to give them time in between but unfortunately we can't," namjoon soothed. It was true, they only had about 3 days before they had to get their things ready and fly back home. Seokjin felt horrible for having the twins appointments the same day but they were on a time constraint and there wasn't much they could do. The nice lady from before came back and handed them their drink, seokjin drank his water quickly before gathering the twins in his lap. They happily nuzzled into their mama's chest and drink their juice.

"Hello im Dr. Martin," an older man greets them. He's got white hair but the kindest eyes, seokjin finds himself relaxing a little. They shake hands, the doctor even gives the kids small handshakes.

"So who should we look at first?" he asks quietly. Jimin has curled up tightly, seokjin knows he's afraid. Namjoon takes taehyung from seokjin's lap.

"This is jimin uh.. The doctors said his hearing isn't getting much better, they said it's almost completely gone and... i don't know, they don't tell us much, we just want answers," seokjin says. The doctor nods, writing a few things down before kneeling in front of jimin who's facing seokjin's chest, refusing to look at anyone.

"We like the children to be as comfortable as possible," he said as he got his equipment ready. Seokjin cradled jimin closer to him and hummed a song to calm him down. Jimin whimpered in his ear when the doctor got closer.

"Its okay my baby," seokjin kissed his chubby cheeks and held his tiny hands. Jimin surprisingly didn't cry, he just whimpered and tried to hide in seokjin's warm embrace. Namjoon took the kids out in the waiting room while the doctor checked jimin out.

"Well from what his files say and what i just checked it does seem as though most of his hearing is gone but his condition does not seem to be worsening," he smiled gently at seokjin while handing jimin a lollipop. Jimin sniffled and showed it off to seokjin who smiled. He was so grateful to hear this news. He felt tears come to his eyes but he blinked them away.

"Now with that being said, jimin could very well have full hearing capacity with hearing aids. Of course everyone is different but there is a very high chance that jimin will leave this room with excellent hearing," he told seokjin. This time he let a few tears slip as he held jimin close. This was such great news.

The doctor stepped out for a moment and talked to namjoon about the situation. Namjoon walked into the room where seokjin was in and hugged his husband tight. The kids played around the room while seokjin and namjoon eagerly waited for the doctor to come back.

"This is fantastic news, i can't believe it," seokjin whispered. Namjoon nodded while wiping a tear away. jimins chubby hand stroked his appa's cheek while they waited for the doctor to arrive. Jimin had calmed down tremendously now that his parents and siblings were with him. He giggled happily at his appa who made silly faces at him. The doctor and a few nurses walked in a few minutes later. Namjoon gathered the kids up in the corner of the room while the nurses checked jimin out.

"Now, we're going to try these, he'll be pretty sensitive at first, everything will sound louder than usual while we get the proper volume for him," seokjin nodded quickly. His eyes were welling up with tears and namjoon was holding his shoulders gently. The doctor got closer to jimin and slowly attached the hearing aids.

"Remember to talk a little lower in volume, and here... we go," he turned them on and a hush fell over the room. Seokjin kissed jimin's cheek and hugged him tighter.

"Hey baby," he smiled gently as jimin's head turned to look at him.

"My sweet boy, how do you feel?" seokjin asked him gently. Jimin smiled up at his mama and giggled before stopping abruptly and then giggling again. Seokjin couldn't help but cry silently at his beautiful boy.

"Chimchim," taehyung toddled over. Jimin looked over at his twin and clapped his hands happily, he startled himself a little but continued to clapanyways. Soon his other siblings came over to him. Hoseok climbed into namjoons lap and whined about wanting food,jimin stared in wonder at his brother. Yoongi ruffled his hair while trying to comfort seokjin. Jimin reached over for yoongi who hugged him.

"Why is jimin being weird?" yoongi asked his parents.

"He can hear you now yoongi," namjoon told them excitedly. Yoongi's eyes widened as he looked over at his younger brother. Hoseok only continued to whine, unaffected by what was going on. Taehyung didn't seem to fully understand what was happening yet.

"H-hi chimchim... uhh im your hyung," yoongi told him slowly. Jimin giggled at his older brother and smiled big up at his parents.

"Now we're going to try to fix the levels a little, his hearing at first will most likely be a little higher pitch at first but it'll go back to normal the more he gets used to it," the doctor told them as he got on his computer. They did a few tests to see what would be a good volume for jimin. The doctor turned to the teary eyed parents with a smile, it was always an amazing feeling to help people like this.

"So, how do you all feel?" he asked. It was definitely an overwhelming thing. Not only for the child but for the parents as well. Seokjin wiped his tears and cuddled a giggly jimin closer to himself. Namjoon hugged his family and gathered his thoughts.

"We can't thank you enough doctor, this feels like such a relief," namjoon shook his hand. He didn't know how to properly convey how grateful he was at the moment.

"Well it is my job! Now some information to know-," he went on to tell the parents about all the precautionary measures to take. He taught them all the information they'd need on keeping them clean and making sure they were working properly. He also handed the parents pamphlets and different informational guides, they gratefully accepted all the information.

"Thank you so much Dr. Martin," seokjin couldn't help but hug the man. He was so happy and grateful and overwhelmed, so many thoughts were going through his head, he was mainly happy, so so happy.

"Nurse jiwoo will take you into the ophthalmology hallway," he sent them off with a warm smile. With this wonderful news seokjin and namjoon felt like they were on top of the world. They felt instantly optimistic about taehyung's appointment.

The nurse walked them over to another receptionist at that part of the facility before returning to her area. Another woman walked them over to a room and asked them if they would like any refreshments. They declined and waited excitedly. They would definitely be celebrating later that night.

"My sweet boy, im so so happy," seokjin rocked his sleepy baby. Jimin smiled sleepily at his mama and slowly began closing his eyes. He had been through a lot and was very tired. Taehyung was tired as well but he had to stay awake a little longer. Jimin quickly fell asleep with a small smile on his chubby face. Seokjin passed him over to namjoon who held his son close.

"Come here taetae, we can nap a little later okay?" seokjin scooped him into his arms. Taehyung nodded sleepily and cuddled closer.

"Tired mama," he mumbled. Seokjin kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. A female doctor walked in quietly after knocking on the door gently. She smiled and shook the parents hands before sitting in a wheely chair.

"Hi im Dr. somin, so im guessing this is the little guy we'll be seeing today?" she smiled at taehyung who sleepily waved.

"Yes, the doctors back home told us that his vision is pretty bad... our pediatrician also said his eyes are pretty sensitive," the doctor nodded as she checked taehyung's eyes. She shined a light in his eyes making him pull back and whine. She nodded and looked through his files before nodding again to herself.

"Well i'd like to take a closer look, im going to administer some eyedrops just so i can get a clearer look," she says as she walks over to get the eye drops. Seokjin stands with a sleepy taehyung and waits for the doctor to come closer. Taehyung doesn't whine or pull away from the doctor as she drops a few drops in his eyes.seokjin tries not to think about that too much.

"Now just sit him here and i'm going to use this device to get a better look," seokjin sat taehyung down on the small stool and held his tiny hand. Taehyung giggled at the weird device and let the doctor examine his eyes. He sat quietly and was a very well behaved baby for her.

"Alright taehyung i just need to check a few more things," she smiled at him making him giggle. she did a few more tests on him, like holding up pictures and asking him to describe them. Taehyung giggled most of the time, his little eyes squinted and he shook his head a few times before making something up. The doctor would give him encouraging words and thumbs up after every answer.

"Good job taehyung," Dr. somin handed him a lollipop and turned to he parents. They sat quietly for a moment and that's what scared seokjin, the silence.

"So taehyung's case unfortunately doesn't look so well, he has some vision but its so little that i'm not sure he can really see anything at all," seokjin froze. He was so optimistic that everything would go well. He felt himself slowly crumbling in on himself but namjoons warm hand on his stopped him.

"His eyes are very sensitive as you saw earlier, though his vision is gone it's still important to protect his eyes. We could try glasses but i'm afraid the prescription would be too much for him at this age. Now, this doesn't mean he'll be like this forever, in the future he could possibly get surgery to improve his eyesight but it won't be normal like yours or mine. The most he would probably ever see is very blurry, imagine like when there's lots of fog and you cant see clearly. I'd also like to say that this is no ones fault, sure some things could have caused this but there's no guarantee, these things just happen," she reassured them. She was right, there was no use in them beating themselves up because they weren't at fault. Neither was the twins biological mother, she could've been healthy when pregnant and this could've happened. That sort of lifted a weight off the parents shoulders.

"S-so what should we do?" seokjin asked shakily. Taehyung was fast asleep in his mama's arms as the parents talked. Yoongi had sensed the situation and had taken hoseok to the other side of the room to play. The doctor smiled at them softly as she gathered her notes.

"Well since his eyes are sensitive i would highly suggest getting him sunglasses, the sun and fluorescent lights can really damage his eyes as well as give him head aches. Also i'm going to write a prescription for some eye drops that i would like you to administer everyday, twice a day. Take him for normal check ups just to see if his eyes are healthy, and keep raising him like the normal kid he is," both parents nodded silently as she gave them more information and answered more questions. For now taehyung was pretty much completely blind but whos to say that in the future he won't be. Things could change in a few years and even if they didn't namjoon and seokjin would love their baby the same.

"Thank you so much doctor," seokjin thanked her. She smiled at them and handed namjoon a folder with more information before getting a nurse to escort them out. This was the only thing she hated about her job. Of course you can't help everyone but when young kids come in and she has to give bad news it's a different feeling. She lives off of excited parents having their child see for the first time or adults crying with joy from seeing for the first time. Sadly not every case will have a happy ending but that doesn't mean you can't make one.

The taxi ride back to the hotel was quiet. Not in a bad way, it was calming and like a weight had been lifted. The twins were sleeping peacefully, yoongi and hoseok were slowly falling asleep and namjoon was caressing his hand softly. He felt relief, they had made this trip with so many questions and worries and now they've got their answers and the worries are somewhat gone. No matter what the outcome was going to be they would never treat their children differently, at least in a bad way. Of course they'd have to adjust with taehyung and even jimin but overall their children would have a normal healthy life.

"So, should we go to the beach tomorrow?"



okay so the other day i re-read this one fic i read a long time ago and i realized that my fic is super similar to it. not in the sense that they copied me but honestly if you looked into it you'd think that i copied them, WHICH I DIDNT! i just wanted to bring this up because i would never ever copy someones hard work, our stories are only similar in some aspects but still i just wanted to get this off my chest, i just want everyone to know that okay bye. also no one actually accused me of copying it but i could honestly see how someone would think that, idk im sensitive okay! like i said i just had to get this off my chest. the story im talking about is found on AO3 and its "Organized Chaos" by namjoonah , its so good and cute and i love it.

okay so on another note, this story probably will have 2-3 chapters left!!! so with that being said i have 3 fic ideas.

1) an A/B/O fic which includes a lot of blood and gore(probably) and will require lots of trigger warnings. honestly ive never written anything as intense as i feel this fic would be so idk???

2) fluffy, cute, soft, squishy, hybrid au!!!! warning: it WILL make you soft! there will be no "heats" or any of that bc honestly i hate some fics were these "heats" just pretty much excuse people from getting violated but ANYWAYS! it'll be so cute and just fluffy, i mean just imagine like yoongi taking care of the maknae line as cute little hybrids.... HELLO?!?!?!

3) rich, handsome, sophisticated but also soft ceo JK hiring cute, sweet, caring, soft taehyung to be the nanny of his kids and then well... im sure you all know they'd fall in love BUT theres always gotta be that evil wife that ruins all the moments between them. anyways, angst and softness and baby bangtan and nanny tae?!! and smart and soft jungkook?!!!!!

so let me know which of these you would be interested in and i'll get on them right away! by the time this fic is over the new one should have like 3 chapters ready. love you all!

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