The Stepbrother

By LovelyFeminist25

616K 15.2K 2.1K

Serena LaDolce has always been used to being invisible in her rich upper east side life,while coping with her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 3

26.5K 579 105
By LovelyFeminist25

Any ideas who should play Adam??Please comment if you do!!

I burst into tears when I got home.

I told my mom I wasn't feeling too good after eating too many hor d'ouvres.

Really,my heart was broken.

Why,when I finally found a sweet guy,he turned out to be my step brother?

I think I was destined to be a single virgin forever.

I fell asleep right away.It was 2 am after all. After an awkward evening of having Adam give quick glances at me, and having him avoid absolute contact with me,I was ready to go home.

I told Ronnie about the whole mess last night, the next day when he was covering the puffiness of my eyes with make-up.

"Oh honey that's terrible!"he said compassionately.

"I know", I mumbled,staring at this poster on my wall of the Eiffel Tower,"he was so nice to me in the closet.He seemed like an amazing guy and I thought that maybe we could.."I choked up

He sighed,"Sweetie, he's your step brother.You two aren't blood related!"

I scowled to myself,"Ronnie,it's still kinda gross! How can I look at him normally and not remember the two of us making out!?"

"I don't know but you better try to because he's coming over today!"

I gaped"What?"

He nodded"Darlin',your mother's getting married in a week.She told me that he is going to be your partner and walk down the aisle with you too."

I groaned,"But he's so rude to me! And he ignored me all night as though we didn't almost have sex!"

Once again, I was being dramatic

Ronnie rolled his eyes at my exaggeration,"Well,maybe he felt the same way you did.He probably thought it was gross to make out with the girl he's going to be related to for the next,well,who know's how long."

l sighed,"I guess you're right Ronnie.I'll just have to try for mom since I just wanna see her happy."

Ronnie gave me an encouraging smile,"maybe things will get better sweetie,"

"l really hope so."

I called Alexis after Ronnie had left to fill her in with the news.

"I can't believe it!!",she exclaimed into the phone,so that I had to pull away,"I can't believe you made out with the guy who turns out to be your future step brother!That's crazy!"

"I know,it is kinda crazy,"

"I mean it's crazy how you,boy-phobic Serena DID that!!"

"Um I'm talking about how it's crazy that he's my step brother,"I grimaced.

She laughed,"Well who cares,he's totally hot and I gotta congratulate you!Are you going to become a little slut like me?"She joked.

I laughed,although I didn't consider Alexis a slut.She was the complete opposite of me though:extremely gorgeous with her long, straight golden hair and her light brown eyes, and her model physique,she was flirty,outgoing,popular,and experienced with guys. But even so, she's been my true and loyal friend since our mothers met at a birthing techniques class 17 years ago.

"And the worst part is that I'm going to have to move to New Jersey for the summer," I mumbled.

She gasped and I could already picture her putting her hand over her chest dramatically,"What! But we always go to either Tahiti, St.Bart's, or The Hampton's every summer!! This year we had to spend the summer at your beach house in Tahiti!!"

l sighed,"I know,but my mom wants me to spend the summer there in hopes that if l really like it l will want to spend the whole year there."

"You can't!"she yelled in her high pitch voice,"I neeeeeed you Serena!!We have never been apart!!"

"i know. I'm just staying for the summer though.That means that Adam will have to start school here."

"He's hot,not gonna lie."she said

l said nothing.Sure I was starting to dislike Adam,but I wanted a hands-off policy for him when he moved here.

Alexis burst out laughing"Kidding Serena!! l know you hate him...right?"

"Yess!!"I said a little too loudly,as Vienna,our maid knocked on our door and said in her thick Russian accent,"Ms.Serena, Mr.Peter and his son are here."

l groaned "Gotta go lexi.The future Mr.LaDolce is here."

"Byeeee Serena!!"she sang"Gooood luck and don't let Adam get to ya!Text me!!"

I chuckled"OK,bye"

l hung up and headed out,and from the top of the staircase I saw Peter kissing my mom and Adam standing there awkwardly,wearing dark jeans and a with button shirt with thin blue vertical lines,with the sleeves rolled up, and sneakers.

Boy,did the guy know how to look good.

"Come on, Serena!"my mom said,pulling me away from my hot future step brother,who I hope didn't catch me drooling over him,"We have to start planning for the wedding!"

Oh yay.

''So I was thinking of the color Emerald,since we're in May,''my mom was saying,''what do you two think,Adam and Serena?"

"Huh?",we both said,looking up from our cell phones.

We had done our very best to avoid each other,but it was very hard when we had to sit on the same tiny sofa in our living room. Our hips should've been touching,but we were both tilting away from each other.

"What do you think of Emerald?"she asked again.

"lt's nice"I mumbled,while Adam mumbled,"very nice".

"OK then,it's settled!",my mom said excitedly,"now we have to go buy a dress for you at Louis Vuitton or Bergdorf Goodman,Serena."

"We're buying off the rack?"I asked confused,"We never do that?"

"This is going to be a small ceremony,"Peter said,"simple in the plaza hotel."

''Nothing is simple about the Plaza hotel," Adam murmured

"Adam,Please",Peter scolded lightly.

"sorry",Adam said,not looking up from his phone.

Woah, a simple wedding for Lorena LaDolce?Usually my mom's weddings consisted of renting out extravagant places and with the paparazzi dying to get a picture of the wedding.And my mom's ex's loved the attention.But Peter seemed to want something simple with none of the drama and attention my mom's wedding's usually brought.Hmm maybe Peter wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Lets go then,"my mom said,jumping off the me she said,"i told Vienna to start packing up your things already."

l sighed,annoyed and Adam caught that,since he gave me an unhappy look.What the hell was his problem.Jeez.

I had to sit in the back of my mom's Mercedes with Adam.

I looked out the window,feeling Adam's eyes on me every once in a while.

When we got out of the car, I regretted wearing jeans and my ratty sneakers on such a nice day.My mother,as always,was wearing a beautiful black pencil skirt with a red v neck shirt tucked in and her Manolo Blahnik heels.Before going out she tried to convince me to change into a nice dress since we were going shopping at 5th avenue,but nice try mom! It was a miracle she could get me into a dress for those boring socialite parties.

We went into Bergdorf Goodman and I immediatly walked over to a table with a stack of jeans,but my mom grabbed my arm and dragged me to the dress section.

My mom disappeared for 10 seconds,then came back with silky,strapless emerald dress that would be nice,formfitting and reach about 2 inches above my knee.It had a little bow in the front and i had to admit, I was anti dresses and all,but I really liked the dress.

"This is perfect,go try it on,"my mom said to me,handing me the beautiful dress and pushing me towards the dressing room,but my foot ended up getting caught on the rack and I tripped and fell face flat on the floor,causing my mom,and those around us,to gasp.Adam laughed and I heard Peter hit his head.

"Oh my goodness!"my mom exclaimed

Someone pulled me up and I came face to face with Adam,who had a big,pleased smirk on his face.

Once again,why did I make a fool of myself in front of hot guys?!

"Oh honey you have to watch yourself,"my mom said concerned as I straightened out my shirt.

"Are you OK?"Peter asked.

I nodded although I could feel my face burning up as Adam's smirk grew bigger and I limped my way to the dressing room.

I tried on the dress and it fit perfectly.l walked out to show them how the dressed looked,and for once,Adam didn't have a bored expression on his face.

"Oh,you look beautiful,''my mother admired

"Yes you do,''Peter agreed.

Adam just stared at me.

"Well,go take it off and I'll pay for it so then we can go get Adam his suit,"Peter said

"Sweetie,I can pay for the dress,"my mom said quietly as I looked confused.Usually all of mom"s ex's had money and paid for these things,so why was she interjecting?

He gave her a sweet,loving smile that i had never seen any of mom's ex's give her,"No sweetheart,I'll pay"

She smiled back and nodded as I went back to the dressing room to change,Adam's serious,yet thoughtful face in my mind.

Since it was going to be a "simple"wedding,they decided to get Adam a suit instead of a tuxedo.

So there we were,in Louis Vuitton,when Adam came strutting out with that natural confidence I so dearly lacked,wearing a black suit with the inside button shirt being the same emerald shade as my dress.

He had a look on his face that made it seem that he knewww how so damn sexy he looked,yet he didn't over think it.

l tried my best,once again not to drool,but too late,the smirk on Adam's face showed he had caught me.

Embarrassed,I turned away,silently yelling at myself for being so obvious.Adam had obviously moved on past last night. And so should I.

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