To Live Is To Fight (#2)

By justanothergirl1314

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Second book of 'The Nerd Can Fight' Series *You'll need to read the first book to understand this one* After... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Prequel - Bryant's Story

Chapter 37

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By justanothergirl1314

I gritted my teeth, staring at the phone angrily as I dialed up Preston. He needs to knock some sense into Adam's idiotic head. I get that he doesn't remember me and that he doesn't know me as well as he did before the accident but this is no excuse. What he accused me of doing is so idiotic I wanted to bang my head against the wall so hard I'll make the bump on it worse.

Straight after I settled my butt on the couch with my ice cream in hand, I called up Adam to tell him what I found out.

"Hello?" His voice was raspy and he cleared his throat, repeating his greeting again.

"Adam, Kiara's working for Dom."I cut straight to the point, not wanting to beat around the bush. I was horrified at how close Dom got his people to Adam's family. The kids were in the same room as Kiara and I let that happen.

"Case, that's ridiculous! Kiara's a sweet girl and she would never be acquainted to that bastard." Adam sounded confused and disbelieving.

"You need to trust me, I saw her with one of Dom's men in the park. She's with them," I hissed at him, pulling the tub away from my head to take another spoonful of the ice cream, trying to cool down my burning heart. This guy's pissing me off so much I want to rip his head off.

"Case, I know you're heartbroken but I never thought you'd resolve to this. I know I can't remember you that well but I know I would've never fell in love with someone who would go as far as breaking someone's relationship to get what she wants. I'm disappointed in you, Case." He ranted and that was when I huffed in frustration and hung up on him. If he wasn't going to trust me then I'm just wasting my breath trying to convince him. Might as well call Preston or Jerry.

I know that he lost his memory and all that but that does not give him a right to doubt my motives. I was itching to scream all kinds of profanities at him but I decided that I wasted enough breath over the hopeless matter.

I waited for Preston to pick up the call now but it went straight to the voicemail and I almost threw my phone out of annoyance. I quickly resorted to calling Jerry instead. If this doesn't work, I'm driving down to their place. There's no way that I'm letting that bitch anywhere near the Jones ever again.

I dialed up Jerry's number and as I prayed to God, someone finally answered the phone and I said my gratitude quickly before greeting the person on the other line.

"Hello?" I asked eagerly.

"Casey?" Pio's voice came through and I sighed in relief.

"Yes, it's Casey, Pio. Is your papa or Preston there sweetheart? Can you give them the phone?" I asked him softly, trying not to scare him.

"Pres-ton is here," I almost cooed at how he tripped over his words as he tried to pronounce Preston's name but I snapped back to focus.

"Can you please give him the phone, Pio? I need to talk to him," I pleaded with him, hoping he's having his 'good boy' moments and listens to me.

Before Pio can answer, I heard Preston's voice call out.

"Pio? Who's that on the phone?" I heard Pio answer him, mentioning my name before the phone gets shuffled and passed.

"Case? What's up?" Preston asked me and I felt like I could finally breathe again.

"Thank God, I've tried calling everyone. Why didn't you answer your phone? But that's not important right now. Kiara's working with Dom, don't let her near the kids and don't trust her!" I rambled, letting all my pent up worry spill through my words.

"Whoa, whoa. Are you sure about this? Because someone who doesn't know you that well might think you're accusing people out of jealousy," Preston joked and I groaned aloud.

"Don't I know that," I grumbled under my breath and started explaining how I found out. "I saw her talking with one of Dom's men in the park on my way back from getting ice cream and I instantly jumped her. She's with Dom on this, I'm sure of it."

"Have you told Adam about this? I mean he's the closest to her." Preston asked me seriously this time and I instantly knew that he believed me.

"I've tried. He was the first person I called when I found out but apparently, that amnesia isn't just messing with his memories, it's also messing with his trust on people. He thinks I'm jealous and is trying to break them out by the claims I'm making which is ridiculous! Apparently, now he's "very disappointed in me". I mean sure you lost your memories but I have never lied to him ever since I came clean about walking out on him, doesn't that at least give me some credits?" I ranted to Preston as I tried to extinguish the fire burning in my system by spitting them out.

"Calm down, Case. I'll go talk to him, alright? I'll make sure he understands that you're not that type of girl. Maybe you guys just need a re-introduction to each other. I mean, looking at the brighter side of things, Kiara would be out of the way and you guys can rekindle the relationship you had. Yay for Cadam!"

At the mention of 'Cadam' I pulled my phone away from my ear before taking a bewildered look on who I was calling to make sure I wasn't calling Penelope who was probably the only one who has ever done the shipping talk.

When I pressed the phone back on my ear, I heard Cali ask Preston, "What's wrong with Kiara?" and Preston went with, "Kiara is bad. Remember kids, Kiara - bad, bad, bad. Okay?" I almost laughed at how he was telling the kids to stay away from Kiara.

"Does this mean Casey is going to be Adam's girlfriend again?" I heard Cali whisper in the background and I gaped in shock. I thought she had always thought I was still together with Adam.

"Possibly, little one," Preston chirped happily as he got back on the phone with me.

"I'll make sure she doesn't get anywhere near the kids and I'll try to talk to Adam. I'll tell him to give you a call after I've knocked some sense into him." Preston reassured me and I slumped back on the couch, resuming my consumption of the frozen sweet.

"Thanks, Pres. I'll call you some time soon." I thanked him.

"Alright. Be careful, Case. I know you're not going to stop doing that competition no matter what I say but just be careful, alright? Take care of yourself." I smiled at how worried he was over me. I felt like he doesn't have to be but I didn't want to get a big head and start thinking I'm unstoppable. I still need to train and sharpen my moves.

"Okay, Pres. You be safe too. Tell Adam that if he plans to continue seeing Kiara after finding out about all of this, I'll personally castrate him." I said darkly, still shoving another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth while passing on the threat.

"Okay, now you sound like a psycho ex-girlfriend." Preston muttered, making me grin.

"See? I told you! There's a huge difference between being a psycho ex-girlfriend and simply stating facts!" I claimed. Preston finally had to go and we hung up.

I thought things over, still feeling butt-hurt at how untrusting Adam was towards me. I had half a mind to start driving down to his house just to give him a gruesome slap for doubting my motives.

How could he think that I was merely acting out of jealousy?

Of course I won't deny that I wasn't a tiny bit happy that his girlfriend turned out to be a bad person. But only a tiny bit. Okay, maybe a huge bit but I wouldn't admit that to anyone else but myself.

I closed off the tub of half-eaten ice cream and stored it in my freezer again before stretching. I felt my sides cramping up and immediately stopped, pressing on the cramping spot to will it to relax.

"Ow, ow, ow," I mumbled before sighing when I felt it relaxing. I looked at the clock hung on the wall and decided that it was time to train. I haven't trained in so long but thankfully, there were moments such as earlier that still keeps me on edge. At least I can think of that fight as a spar of some sort that's helping me train.

I went up to my room to change into my training clothes and proceeded to the gym room to get started on that punching bag.

Three hours later and I was drenched in sweat. I didn't want to finish late since I have school tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I've been neglecting most of my schoolwork so far and I didn't want to throw my education away even if my current situation is pretty much chaotic. I didn't want my parents to be alerted to the shit that was happening and make them worry about me.

I took a quick shower, feeling my strained muscles complain as I walk to my room and bathroom. After having a quick shower and feeling clean, I turned off the shower and toweled myself dry. I was halfway done putting my pajamas on when my phone rang.

Adam's caller ID flashed on my phone screen and I had the strong urge to decline the call. I was still butt hurt about what he did earlier and I was too tired to deal with his judgmental shit right now. All I wanted to do was go to bed and be prepared to face hell tomorrow.

But I decided that he deserves a chance for at least reaching out to me. I answered the call, deciding to stay quiet and simply listen to him but after a quiet moment I started to think that maybe he butt dialed me but then I heard her voice and my blood ran cold.

"Adam, baby, what's for dinner?" Her voice was louder than Adam's when he answered her and I came to the conclusion that he didn't butt dial me after all. But he didn't call me to apologize either. In fact, I don't think he called me, period. I was proved right when Kiara's hushed voice filled the line.

"He told me what you said, bitch. Why do you have to spoil our fun, Cassandra? Don't be such a jealous bitch." Kiara sneered lowly, presumably so that Adam wouldn't hear.

Not like he would care what his perfect girlfriend has to say about the girl that risked everything for him.

I gritted my teeth. "Listen here you bitch, if you hurt him or any of his family, I -" The line went dead before I could get my threat through to her and I screamed in frustration.

I called Preston for the second time that day to make sure he gets his brother away from that leech.

I didn't even wait until I heard Preston's greeting before speaking. "Preston, get your brother away from that bloody witch! He's with her in some house, probably having dinner together! Call him and get him away from her!" I barked into the phone. Even though I was furious at Adam, I still cared about the idiot and I didn't want him to die because he wouldn't trust me.

"Case? What are you talking about?" Maddison's voice answered and I groaned. What the hell is today? Answer your boyfriend's phone day?

Too bad you don't have a boyfriend.

Bitch conscience.

"Hey," I greeted Maddison as nicely as I could before continuing in a rushed tone, "Can you give the phone to Preston?"

I could tell that she hesitated but she muttered an 'okay' before she called out to Preston and gave him his phone. At least one of their girlfriends is a decent person.

"What's up?" He repeated his greeting from earlier and I rolled my eyes before repeating the things I accidentally barked at Maddison. I could tell that Preston got the urgency in my tone since he started muttering profanities under his breath and quickly hung up on me.

I sighed tiredly and threw myself on the bed.

I'm tired and I'm so done with worrying about Adam. I told him to stay away from Kiara and what does he do next? Have dinner with the bloody witch.

Way to rub your lack of trust in me in my face, dude.

That was my last annoyed thought before I finally fell asleep, forgetting to set an alarm to get up early tomorrow morning.


Hi guys, I'm super sorry for the delayed update. I had a test this morning and the last few days was super hectic from preparing for it.

My exams were coming up so I might be MIA for a couple of days during those times but I'll still try to update as frequently as I can.

I'm sorry for this. I hope you still love me hehe

I love you guys, I hope you guys have a great weekend! <3

God bless - J

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