Love Contract - A Love Sick f...

By DaniAurie21

57.2K 2.8K 617

I have always wondered what life would be like after Phun and Noh's book ended. Here I can create a future fo... More

The Intro to my version of Phun and Noh
Plans for a Reunion
Old Friends
Words and Actions
P'Noh in Person
Some Doubts and Concerns
Hidden Thoughts in the Open
The Semi-Finals
The Time In Between
The Act of Facing Reality
The Greatest Love
Mick's New Job
The Pain and the Hope
Fi's Revelations
The Contract
Another Kind of Reunion
Separate Yet Together
A Glimpse Into The Past
A Time of Coming Together
The Confrontation
Lies and Manipulations
We're Famous Here Too?
The Hindrance and The Help
Trust, Guilt and Forgiveness
Full Disclosure
Games of Cats vs Mice
Love Oasis
The Accident
Gulf, the Highrisers, and a New Leap Forward
P'Tear Variety Show Revelations
Tearing It Up
The Night Before...
Live Stream Antics
Kirisat Ngonkomdhon
Fian Charoenpakdee
Stating My Intentions
The Date
5 Million Views in Just One Day
Baby Shower
The Passage Of A Term
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 1
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 2
Secret Time
Noh Steals A Slogan? Elevation Is The Revolution?
Phun's First Work Trip
Unwavering Love
Midnight Meeting
Ending On A Sour Note
Clearing Out The Cobwebs
Visiting Jack And Getting Back On Track
Reuniting With Ohm
Self Discoveries
Catharsis And Carry On
Catching Up (A Time Skip?)
Addressing Some Allegations
Welcome Home My Star
Catching Up With Per and Meeting Khom

Family Ties

926 42 7
By DaniAurie21

Noh helped Mom with her huge bag and wondered what the fuck she had in there. He felt like he was carrying everything and the kitchen sink. He glanced down and saw a laptop case, several large files, a bunch of little purses and two glasses cases. Why would she need two?

"Good afternoon Madam, Sir. I'll take that thank you." The new housekeeper took the bag effortlessly and Noh was sure she had a kitchen sink carrier of her own.

"Elsie. This is Noh. He is Phun's partner."

She bowed, her face unchanging with that announcement and Noh greeted her warmly as he did everyone. She noticed his bag and offered to take it to the guest room.

"That's ok. I'll be in Phun's room. I usually stay there."

"I see. Then I'll let you know when it's time for dinner."

"Thank you and Elsie, this falls under..."

"The C clause. I know Madam." She smiled a bit and went off.

"The C clause?" Noh asked as soon as she was out of earshot. He didn't know her so he wasn't sure what to say around her.

"All things confidential. It's in her contract. She's new to the house and to us unlike Chad, so she needs to sign."

"What if you have to let her go?"

"I don't see why. She's outstanding."

Noh smiled. Mom was always like this. "I'll go drop of my bag."

"And I'll change. Did Pang call you?"

Noh winced. That had been one hell of a call. She made him feel like he was a dog because he and Phun came without her. Mom saw his face and walked away dying with laughter.

Noh entered Phun's room and was hit by his scent immediately. His body reacted and he hissed. This guy wasn't even here and had him all hot and bothered. He went to the bathroom and ran his hands under freezing cold water. That sucker died right away.

He strolled out and down, entering the living room where it all began. It made him smile.

"What are you smiling at?" She snuck up behind him as he ran his hand over the couch.

"Just at memories. This was where it really started. Once I entered this house and sat on this chair with Phun and Pang, it was all over."

"Who fell in love first? I was always curious. Tell me about you and Phun as you remember it."

So, Noh told her everything, holding nothing back. They had never talked about this before. Noh's visits during break had been about a week at most and Phun was usually around even if they were avoiding each other for the sake of the contract. They talked on the phone too but it was mostly to share what was going on and check on each other.

After the discovery, she had taken a step back from this boy she had trusted and began observing him closely. She found that her initial impression had been correct. He was a warm boy who was raised right, and though a bit wild and a tad thick-headed, he followed his heart and always did what he thought was right.

Because of this, she had opened up again and let him back into her life and her family. She worried of course. It was obvious he had a sexual relationship with Phun, but the worry of some scandal like a teen pregnancy was eliminated immediately. They confessed to using protection and Phun had even told her he thought he was Noh's first. In fact, Phun had confessed to having more experience than Noh. It had disappointed and relieved her mind at the same time.

Still. Gay love? Was that even right or ok? What would people say? She wondered how she would have to fight for and defend them but now it seemed they had set themselves up to be their own defence. It was beautifully done too.

"Whose idea was it to talk about Phun and have this secret love thing going around?"

"Mom. Think about it." Noh made a face.


"Give the beautiful lady a prize. He said we needed a hook. Something to grab everyone's attention. He talked to whoever and they brought the idea to me. I was so pissed at first. Then he told me why in private and I realized that my best friend was a secret genius. I hate that guy. Anyway, I couldn't call Phun so I just ended up leaving his name out of the whole thing."

"And the whole thing exploded."

"Yes. I never doubted I would be with him and after I got over my first venture into the wild unknown of college life and chicks, I was absolutely sure. I still like girls. I still think they are hot. I just think Phun is the greatest thing on this earth."

"I once called you and got Ohm. We chatted and he asked me how your soul mate was doing. I took it as a joke that time but he's right. You are perfect for each other. You find a balance and you communicate which is one of the things a relationship truly needs."

"It wasn't always like that. I used to have doubts and I used to overthink a lot which made me hesitate. When I felt more comfortable with us, Phun still had insecurities. Us hiding was another issue that chafed at us but you put an end to that quickly enough."

She laughed and the door opened. Mr. Phumipat walked in and grinned when he saw Noh.

"There's the celebrity. How are you Noh?" They did the handshake, man hug thing then he sat with them.

"So how long are you here for?"

"The entire holiday. Phun and I planned it that way a long time ago."

"Oh. I see. Where is Phun?"

"He's at my house. I heard something about a son swap."

"Noh's spending the night here while Phun will be at his house."

"How does your father feel about this?"

"Mom wanted Phun so she get's Phun and if he has an issue, then he can head to the pub and when he get's back he can make up the bed in the guest room. That's mom's way. So how have you been Dad? I was so mad when I had to go on that gig and missed your visit."

"Ah yes. The seminar. I did get to speak to some of your professors so that wasn't bad at all."

"They told me. Some were very impressed but Badt has an issue with your party."

"Ah yes. He was the only hold out. I wasn't asking for your grades. I was simply asking how you were getting along. He was a bit difficult."

"A bit? He's the only music teacher who gives me B's and tells me take it as a compliment since I'm not one of his favourites. He did give me one A though and said it was because he was warming up to me. Everyone knows Badt gives C's."

"So how are your grades?" Noh smiled. He always asked this. "Haven't gotten them for the term yet. I'm not sure what the hell I did to be honest."

"Phun did say you were scared shitless about the signing. His words."

"That might be an understatement. I was constipated until I got home and let's not talk about the heartburn. Please."

The Phumipat's laughed gaily. Noh was always brutally honest like this. It was the thing they loved most about him even when he was being inappropriate like this.

"Pardon the interruption but dinner is served."

"Oh. Already? Thank you Elsie. The time sure has passed." Mom got up and looked at her boys.

"Well, let's go."


Noh dropped into bed and his phone rang. He grabbed it from where he had ditched it on the bed and answered.

"Your dad said I was outstanding."

"What?" Noh sat up and blinked. "Come again?"

"Your dad said I was outstanding. I felt my ears turn red. Embarrassing."

"What happened he said that?"

"He was talking about how charismatic you were. Said you reminded him of his dad and how his mom was an outstanding woman kind of like me. That's why she got his attention. I wanted to jump up and ask him so why can't you just like me but I sucked it in."

"Dad doesn't dislike you. He just doesn't want you for me. Phun. Dad never hated you. He made that clear to me last Winter. Dad thinks you're a great guy who's smart and has great potential. He just wishes you had fallen in love with someone else."

"But I didn't and I want him to accept that even though it's selfish of me. I want us to be like you and dad. Is that stupid?"

"No. You know how long it took your mom to warm up to me all over again? A shit long time and I was so upset about it. I worried about it and there were things I wanted to ask her that I felt would just widen the crack between us. I hated it. I want you and dad to be close but it's going to take a fucking long time. He hates to say sorry for shit he did and this was a doozy."

"I don't even want him to tell me sorry. I just want him to talk to me and do shit with me. It's childish."

"Just be you Phun and slowly reach out like he's a wild animal and he might bite unexpectedly."

"Shit head. Shut up. I miss you tonight. Your scent is all over here and it's got me all kinds of heated up." Phun admitted softly.

"Want to do that? Remember when we couldn't see each other? What we used to do when we talked late at night on the phone?"

"Oh. Fuck." Phun's breathing went all weird. He tried to calm down. Noh laughed and smirked. "Is your hand in there Phun? Did you slip it in before I told you?"

"Noh. I didn't. Shit. I don't think I need to. I feel like the first time we did it."

"Like the moment you touch yourself, you'll come? You really miss me." Noh was pleased. They had just seen each other.

"It's like I always used to have a cookie after lunch and suddenly you take that cookie away and gave me jello only I don't like jello. So I craved that cookie for a couple of years and suddenly cookies are back. I can eat them again only when I do it opens the floodgates and suddenly having one a day isn't enough. I feel like I need to make up for missed cookie time."

"For me it's like I knew the cookie would be back so I guess the anticipation is different but the need is there like a low grade burning sensation that only you can stop with your mouth and your tongue and the way you squeeze me so tight. The best part? The way you open up to me with every part of you because you trust me."

Phun hissed. "Now I'm touching myself."

"Me too. Put your hands around the base and jerk what's mine Phun. Take the other hand and grip those big balls. Fondle them for me."

"Shit. Noh." Phun's voice got all breathy and distorted.

"Mmmmm. Keep right on playing with them the way I do. Remember the way I suck one into my mouth?"

"Fuck! Shit!"

"Mmmmm. And then I wet a finger while I suck and rub it against your hole. Want me to slip it in Phun?"

There was a sound and Noh heard Phun fumble the phone. He smiled. Phun had come.

"Damn it! I'm not a silly teenager. Why do you reduce me to nothing like this?" Phun grumbled then sighed. "It's because I love you. I know it."

"I love you back too." And Noh came just like that.


Banging on the door woke Noh at... 7 in the morning? He groaned and heard laughter on the other side.

"Get up. We have a lot to do!" She sang out and Noh rubbed his eyes and rolled out of bed without a complaint.

They did have a lot to do. Pang was coming the next day but they were all going to be staying at Noh's house that night so there was grocery shopping and cooking to do because Mom wanted to carry food over. Then they were collecting Pang and her boyfriend and going directly to Phun's family cabin for the rest of the week (Noh's dad still hadn't said if he was coming or not). That meant more shopping and stuff.

A couple of streets over, Noh's mom was spritzing ice cold water on Phun's face to wake him up. The boy slept like the dead and she knew just calling him and telling him to wake up was useless.

Phun leaped up with a shout and blinked at her. She had done this to him more than once and the evil grin on her face told him she enjoyed it every time.

"I am never coming to visit you again!"

"That's what you said last time my sweetheart. Now go wash the rest of you and get ready. We have a lot of work to do."

Phun groaned but he got up and headed to the shower. She watched him with a shake of her head then headed out.

They both left their homes at 8:30 and went to the same stores at different times. They never saw each other though they ran into a few friends who saw either or both. Noh was stopped several times but it wasn't that bad. Since he had a basket and she had a trolley, they just happened to look like people who were there at the same time.

"It was a great idea to have me grab this."

"I have my moments. Dear can you reach that box for me?" She added when another young couple walked by.

Phun wasn't utterly useless in the kitchen. He knew how to cook basic things like ramin and other noodles, rice, porridge, fried chicken and he could do a mean grilling at a hibachi. Otherwise, he was useless. Noh's mom was about to attempt to change that.

Phun found himself cooking and stirring and tasting and he had to admit, he was a fair hand... with guidance. He was still better than Pang anyway. She was a danger to herself and others thought she insisted on cooking.

"So is Mr. Nawahindakarn coming tomorrow?"

"He said he was this morning."

"Really? Oh. Well ok." Phun's expectations had been non-existent. It was nice to hear that he was coming but Phun was going to read nothing into that decision.

"He's mellowed quite a bit since your visits and calls." She pointed out after she tasted the chicken sauce.

"He used to put the phone down on me and pretend like it cut off when I called back."

"I stripped his back for that one." She commented softly. He was a damn grown man. What a stupid thing to do.

"It hurt quite a bit," Phun stated plainly. He could be honest with this woman who had always been honest with him. "But I figured he would mature and get over it even if he did get a little help to see the light."

She snorted and Phun instinctively looked back for Noh even though he wasn't here yet.

"Well he saw something, that's for sure." She moved several pots onto the rests and put some more on the stove to start new dishes.

"So who is this boy Pang is bringing?"

"It's Pop. They got back together."

"Really? I thought he cheated?"

"No that was actually a lie made up by this girl named Grace. They are going to school together and she wanted him for herself. She planned the whole thing and Pop still ended up dating some other girl. So the other day they met when Pang went out with her friends for midterm break. They started talking again and the truth came out."

"Wow. So is he still an idol or whatever?"

"An IG star? Yes. He models now too. He told me he worked for a sub group of the people who hired Elevation."

"Oh. Well." She blinked a few times and shook her head.

"Yeah. I have seen him in a few magazines. He's ok. She liked that guy for a long time so she must be glad that they are on equal footing again."

"Are they at the same school?"

"Actually no but they aren't as far from each other as Noh and I are. That guy is hours away from me."

"You must have missed him when he left." She could hear someone coming through the door.

"Like a bad tooth." Phun stated loudly so Noh could hear.

"I resent whatever you just said about me and I need some help. We have a lot of things to carry."

Phun helped Noh and his dad get everything into the house that needed to go in then stole some time with Noh before dinner.

In the study above the yard, Noh's father watched the young men as they tussled. They were safe there with the high gate and the trees and they were taking advantage.

With his hair that length, Noh looked so much like his mother. He even laughed as she did. Truly, they were alike in almost every way. They kissed and he grimaced and looked away.

They didn't look dirty as he expected but they made him uncomfortable. He had noticed his wife watching that BL crap and had even caught a few episodes himself by proximity. They weren't terrible thought they often painted women in a bad light. He even liked some of the story lines like that Moon one. It was sweet and fluffy which he found approachable.

He heard laughing again and looked down again. Phun was tickling Noh as he fought hard to get away. It reminded him of a time with his wife on that very same lawn just after they were married. Land had been cheaper then and he had been able to buy the land and the house with a good loan. They had even paid it off quickly because of the old textile factory his father had left him.

Was Noh the receiver in this relationship? He watched Noh get the upper hand, flipped Phun and began his own version of torment. His father blushed and moved away from the window. That display made him feel reassured a bit but still. Who wanted their son to take it up the ass?

It didn't matter to him that Phun was a good boy from a great family. He didn't even care that he was now in the company of important people who 'shaped the framework of Thailand's future' (whatever you say honey). He just wanted his son to be normal and what was normal about any of this?

What was normal anyway?

Times were changing radically and what wasn't normal before, was accepted now. So then was he the abnormal one?

Noh kissed Phun with a laugh. They were rough housing outside and he now had the upper hand.

"I remember this." Phun said with a soft smile. "It was the day you made me feel ten feet tall and so in love with you."

"You were scared shitless." Noh said with a roll of his eyes. Phun laughed.

"I was all those things."

"You thought I was going to pull away. You started letting go of my hand."

"Yes. I was going by president. You though, you were going with your heart full throttle. I've never seen anything like it. No wait." Phun nudged Noh onto his side so they were lying facing each other. "I've seen you commit and do what you need to do so many times. But this was different. This wasn't the Music Club. This was us and there was so much more on the line... 

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