Oliver (Vocaloid) x Reader

By Panda_chan12

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Working on a new description and this book is being rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that Oliver is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter: It's your birthday!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
So sorry ;-;
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 31

303 13 38
By Panda_chan12

(I'm sorry but I have to say this but I recently saw this pic (not the pic up there) of Oliver and Len... I can't explain it but they had 'white' stuff all over there faces and yea...this book will probably be reported if I show you...if you do wanna see and die of fangirling then PM me! I'll send you the link since Wattpad messenger sucks affffff)

3rd POV~

"Ahhhhh, such a tiring night~" Miku sighed in exhaustion while clasping on the couch. She tilted her head back, letting it rest into the comfy pillow.

"I know right? I never knew the boys would be so tiring when they're drunk! Heck they're even tiring when sober!" Rin yelled, while plopping onto the floor. "I thought we would be able to stay up more late and watch a movie and eat snacks..."

"You know the snacks are gone?" Meiko suddenly popped up, taking a seat at the corner of the couch onto the floor.


"Yea while we were busy somehow Haku got drunk and ate all the snacks." Meiko stared at the passed out Haku who was laying at the corner of the room passed out with empty bags of chips and empty sake bottles.

"Well this was a disaster." Rin sighed.

"Finally he went to sleep..." SeeU mumbled while slowly walking down the stairs. She looked up, her face showing that she was clearly fatigued. "oh you're all here."

"Well not all of us, Gumi-chan and (Y/N)-chan are still up there."

Miku shot up, her hair a bit messy and fuzzy. "no Gumi is in the kitchen...she's stress eating right now..."

"Oh well that leaves (Y/N)-chan then..."

Miku eyes suddenly widened. "wait (Y/N)-chan went to take Oliver-kun to bed..." She paused before gasping. Instantly she jumped up and sprinted to the guests room.

"W-wait! Miku! D-don't wake up Piko!" SeeU pleaded, it took an entire hour for Piko to finally sleep and to stop crying. SeeU defiantly didn't want to deal with that again.

Miku ran past all the guests room until she reached it, she quickly pressed her ear against the hard wood, checking for any movement or sounds. She then slowly opened it peaking in with wide teal eyes.

Miku quickly covered her hand with her hands, holding it shut tightly. "MMMMMMMMM!" Miku hummed in excitement, she tried to conceal her fangirling scream.

"W-what's going on?" Rin whispered before looking over Miku's shoulder. Miku walked in a bit further letting the other girls peek in.

"they're.sleeping.together.and.they're.cuddling.and.they're.only.inches.away.from.each.others.lips.one.movement.and.boom.their.first kiss.i.want.to.scream.so.bad." Miku whispered without hesitating one bit.

"They look so cute!" Gumi gushed.

"Aww they didn't f-" SeeU slapped Meiko's head.

Suddenly a snap was heard. All the girls turned to where the sound was directed to which it was Miku. Who was now taking pictures. "what?" Miku blinked in confusion. "I'm just taking pictures." Miku shrugged as if it wasn't creepy.

"Taking pictures of two people sleeping? Aren't you creepy enough?" Meiko placed her hands on her hips awaiting for an answer.

"Well this is for my personal use. You know, I can actually make a book! I have so many pictures that I don't even know what to do with?!"

"You take stalking to the next level...."

"What? I'm just a simple shipper, that's all. And don't look at me like that Rin-chan! I've seen you do the same! Taking pictures of (Y/N)-chan and Len-kun!" Miku stuck her tongue out.

"She knows?!" Rin gasped in shock.

"We should probably leave before they wake up..." SeeU spoke softly, her eyelids slowly closing more and more every minute, Piko drained her energy as he constantly requested her to sing and dance or to make up a story that has a happy ending. Being the loyal person SeeU was, she of course obliged.

"Come on leek freak." Meiko grabbed on of Miku's pigtails and dragged her out.

"W-wait! I'm not done!" Miku tried reaching whatever came in her way to stop Meiko, just enough time for Miku to get more pictures.

The girls soon left, they all clasped to the floor falling asleep.

The next day~

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHY AM I IN A DRESS?!" Fukase stared horrified at the pink sparkle dress. He then looked up, the window reflecting his image. "WHY DO I HAVE MAKE UP ON?! RINNNNNNN?!" He yelled angrily, the major headache he has making his anger ten times worse.

"Uwaaaaa, my throat feels like hell..." Piko whispered in a hoarse voice, he massaged his throat a bit thinking it would soothe it.

"Why the hell am I in a closet?" Gakupo looked around. Every move he did, his body ache. "where did all these bruises come from?!" Gakupo felt strange, as if his head felt a bit lighter. Usually his hair would be a bit heavy but now it's light! Gakupo rubbed his fingers through his violet locks until he reached a certain spot. A bald spot.

"WHO TOOK MY MAID DRESS?!" Len yelled angrily. Seems like he is still a bit drunk.

"E-eh?!" Oliver had now begun hyperventilating. W-what is she doing here?! W-why am I in bed with h-her?! Millions of questions raced through Oliver's head. He froze, not wanting to wake up (Y/N). He still had his arm wrapped around her, his face more redder than ever. It's even more redder than the first time (Y/N) kissed him on the cheeks!

(Y/N) then shifted a bit startling Oliver hyperventilate even more. His heart pounding in his chest, his breathe quivering more and more every minute, his nose feels like it's gonna bleed at any second, his mind feeling a bit fuzzy, what the bloody hell is going on with me?!

Suddenly the door opened revealing the banana shota, "oh, ho ho ho! Getting it on are we?" Len smirked at the flushed sailor.

"S-shut up..." Len eyes widened, never once Oliver said that to him until now. He's serious about her, isn't he?

"Well then, it seems like you're busy so I'll just leave you two~"

"N-no! Wait!" Oliver was to stiff to move any of his body parts except his mouth.

Len ignored him and shut the door, "why do I suddenly have a grudge against walls?" Len mumbled to himself as his fists was somehow throbbing in pain.

"...great the bakas are up..." Rin groaned, barely waking up from all the yelling up stairs. She rose slowly, the sun blinding her electric blue eyes, she quickly shielded her eyes.

"Why are you all sleeping in the floor?" Len suddenly popped up, sipping some coffee.

"Well since you all took the guest rooms we had no choice!"

Len took another sip, clearly not caring. "what happened last night? All I remember was Oliver asking for a drink! Then the rest is blurry."

"So it was because of you!" Rin yelled angrily.

"AHHHHHHHH!" A loud thud was heard near the stairs. Fukase laid there, his face had a 'did that really just happen?' look. He slowly got up, pressing his hand against the wound.

"MY HIGH HEELS!" Miku springed up, forcefully grabbing Fukase legs, making his head swing back hitting the floor again. "THIS ONE WAS MY FAVORITE TOO! FIRST KAITO RUINED IT AND NOW YOU?!" Miku glared at both guys. "I really should stop letting you all borrow them." Miku sighed while rubbing her head, trying to prevent a headache.

"You still haven't fixed it yet?" Len casually sat on the couch, "NO! IT'S IRREPLACEABLE! KAITO BROKE THE FREAKING HEEL!"

"Really?" Len asked obviously not caring at all.

"Oh~ I remember that!" Luka chuckled suddenly popping up from under the stairs. "I told you it was a bad idea Miku-chan."

"Well it was for Oliver so of course I had to do it!"

"What are you talking about?" SeeU asked confused.

Miku faced her, "oh right~ you weren't here when that happened, it was when we first was going to go and meet Oliver," Miku then paused for a bit before gasping, "OH and also it was the very first time we met (Y/N)-chan!"


"Yep yep!" Miku chirped. "here I'll tell you the whole thing!"

2nd POV

You walked around the city, lights gleaming in every direction. It was quite a beautiful city, every turn you took thousands of people would be crowded in the streets so it was quite hard for you to get through but somehow you managed. You looked around, every store had a teal haired teenage girl poster plastered in on the glass, each one would say 'HATSUNE MIKU TOMORROW! GET TICKETS NOW!'

Hatsune Miku... You said her name in your head, she was quite popular. Every car that would pass by would be blasting a different song from hers, along with some other vocaloids.

You quickly came to your senses before  looking down checking the map that was leading you towards the candy store, you were craving sweets for some reason.


You finally reached the destination as you walked inside a cute little store filled entirely with sweets. They even have candy of her too? You walked towards an entire section of sweets that had the same girl from before with her smiling wide and bright. You looked around, none of these sounded a bit appealing as they were all blueberry flavor, you sighed before taking one step back until you felt something on your ankle as if someone had tripped. "OWWWWWWW!" a high pitch scream yelled startling you. You quickly turned around to see a person clasped on the floor.

"O-oh I'm sorry! U-uh-" you bent down checking on them to see if they're ok. They looked up, beautiful teal eyes stared back at you almost looking really familiar though it through you off as it also had a bushy black mustache.

"It's ok!" The person chirped with a low voice. The person jumped up, revealing a large brown trench coat and a brown top hat matching it. "you're fine~" it singed in a low voice.

"Miku-cha- er I mean Mikuo-kun!" Another person came up, with a oversized white trench coat and again a bushy mustache. "Rin-to..." It eyed you before clearings its throat. "R-rinto, what's wrong?!"

The blonde stared at you for a bit before turning towards the other person. "Lenka and Kaiko are having 'issues'." The blonde empathized the 'issue' part with her fingers.

"I see...well uh-" she looked at you, "um thank you for saving my life! Here buy these! These are the best candy in the world!" It winked before running off with the blonde.  They seemed to familiar, their voice were obviously girls trying to sound like boys. Though Rinto was it? She sounded like that boy, Ken? Ben? Ben 10? Zen? No wait that's another fandom. Men? No he was definitely not a man. Was it Len? Len Kagabitch? That doesn't sound right...

Suddenly a crash was heard behind one of the aisles. You rushed over to see if everything was ok, until seeing a blonde boy holding onto dear life in the aisle with a yellow dress with oink ribbons tied around the waist, the other obviously was a male was on the floor with a blue glittery dress on and a broken heel.

"RIN GET THESE OFF OF ME NOW!" The blonde one stuttered, "oniie-chan! We are undercover! Shut up and call me Rinto!" The other whispered harshly.


Kaito laid helplessly on the floor, almost resembling a dead corpse. "I've fallen and I can't get up..." He muttered.

"What happened here? It's like you guys were trying to gangbang and failed..." A brunette woman showing up with shoulder length hair, her outfit was a red crop top showing her entire stomach but was cut off at her waist by a red mini skirt with brown boots to top it off.

"Meiko that is not appropriate!" A girl with oink hair growled, hitting Meiko on the side. "Owww sorry..." She mumbled before noticing there a new person at the group. "who are you?"

That question suddenly snapped you back to reality, "ah I-I'm (Y/N) (Y/LN)!"

Meiko smiled, "well then (Y/N)-chan, I'm Sakine Meiko." She bowed, "sorry for our inconvenience but these guys are too idiotic to actually be handled."

The pink girl then kneeled down, she looked like that girl Luka.

Sure enough the blue one that was dead on the floor, "I saw these kawaii small treats that were shaped like ice cream and then I got really happy that I forgot I had high heels on and I started to dance a bit then it snapped..." He cried.

"I tried stopping him but-"

"YOU DID NOT TRY STOPING ME! YOU WERE LAUGHING AT ME! UNTIL YOURS ALMOST BROKE!" The blue guy yelled angrily at the blonde one trying to be a girl which you assumed was Len Kagabitch!

"I would have too..." Meiko chuckled under her breathe.

"This is why I didn't want to cross dress." Possibly Luka sighed.

"Yea it was a dumb idea!" Len yelled.

"You guys are breaking our cover." Rin whispered, she pointed at you before everyone turned gazing their eyes on you.

"Uh i-its ok! I won't tell anyone!" You promised, which of course they believed you.

The teal haired one sighed in relief, "ahhhhh that you so much! We just wanted to get in here and buy some candy! Though it's sometimes difficult for us as there are millions of fans trying to get an autograph or a picture with you."

You pouted slightly as it seemed they were quite annoyed with that, you wanted a picture with them. Luckily Luka who studied your facial expression, she easily knew what you wanted. "I suppose a few pictures could be an award for you not keeping a secret."

Your eyes enlightened, "really?!"

She hummed, "of course, you seen really nice so of course we can't obliged! We just get annoyed when millions of people are tugging at you, urging you to take a picture with them, but if it's like fans that come in a single file than of course that would be ok!"

You smiled before the teal one out an arm across you, "I'm Hatsune Miku! You probably already know that anyways it's a pleasure to meet you!" She gushed. "That's Shion Kaito, Kagamine Len, Sakine Meiko, Merugrine Luka, and Kagamine Rin!"

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but if you fell for my beauty and voice I need to tell you that," the blonde came up, taking off her white top hat with a white bow popping out, "I'm a girl."

"I figured that out already..." You muttered.

"Ok guys we have to hurry up before we got to go!" Miku announced before every coming to your side, smiling brightly.


"Where are you guys going?" You asked.

"Well we came her to buy some kind of strawberry candies for a new upcoming vocaloid!"

"A new upcoming vocaloid?"

"Yup, his name is Oliver!"

Oliver... You said his name in your thoughts. 

"Anyways (Y/N)-chan where are you going to school?" Rin suddenly asked.

"Um why?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanna come to ours! It will be fun! I wanna know more about you so you should come to Project Diva Highschool! If you wanna come then we'll be waiting!" She smiled brightly.

You thought it for a quick second, going to school with my favorite vocaloid? Is this a dream?

"Yea! I'll think about it!"

Flashback over~

2nd POV~

You fluttered your eyes open, waking up to the sound of constant whimpers coming from behind you. You looked back seeing Oliver a blushing mess laying as far away as possible. "Oliver?"

"Y- you're up!" I-I U-uh, I'm so s-s-sorry, I don't have a-a clue on w-what happened last night, but I'm s-sorry for sleeping n-next to you so casually!" He pleaded before averting his eyes away.

"Um it's fine...you were drunk so of course you wouldn't remember!"


"You were like Meiko..."

"How shameful of me!" He cursed.

You got off the bed, letting Oliver breathe in peace. You walked downstairs with Oliver trailing you behind.

"Oliver, I never knew you had it in you! Usually people would take small steps but you sir took one big one!" Fukase laughed.

Oliver clenched his fists before taking a deep breathe to relieve himself.

"Well then, we have school tomorrow and shortly a concert to be at, this will be a tiring month!" Rin grumbled.

"Yea, plus you haven't even done the work I brought you back from school!" Len growled at Rin.

"I'm doing it! I'm doing it! Though Mr.Trashcan has volunteered to do it for me so he has it right now."

"Rin you baka! You're gonna get an F!"

"F stands for Fabulous~ so I'll get a fabulous grade."

Len sighed annoyed.

Time skip to next day cause I have no idea what to write next~

You were heading to your first hour, everyone dragging their feet from being tired, "hey (Y/N)-chan!" A certain black haired girl smiled at you.

You turned facing the demons twin who was actually an angel, "hi Ma-ri!"

"So where you heading to?"

"To (whatever your first hour is)"

"I see." Suddenly a book at tossed at her almost hitting you to. She groaned a bit before rubbing the spot, the fools that did it yelled, "thats what you get Ay-ri!"

She sighed.

"Don't people know that you're Ay-ri's twin?"

"No unfortunately, Ay-ri says I'm not worthy of being her sister... though I wish they stop confining me with her as I have multiple bruises ever where!"

"Maybe because you look so alike, don't take this personally but maybe try changing your look a bit. You and Ay-ri have almost the same hair style and you almost dress the same so of course people would confuse you with her."

"I never thought of that...Thank you so much (Y/N)-chan!" The girl than ran off.

"You're welcome?"


I kind of rushed the end but anyways so you guys think I should write longer chapters? I mean like they will be a bit slower update but more longer chapters!


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