l i q u i d | h o n e y [com...

By lnward

121K 3.3K 1K


1 | attention
2 | player
2.2 | player
3 | wishing
this is pretty important.
4 | dipped in ink
5 | make up
6 | don't
7 | sexual frustration
8 | his shirt
9 | three
11 | sadistic tendencies
12 | acquiesce

10 | more

5.5K 159 34
By lnward

y'all boys i officially have 3 books.
this one, trauma, & (newly posted) texting buddy. go check out those two if you haven't please and thank you!! now enjoy reading.


Kevin turns at the sound of your voice, grinning as you run across the patio. "Y/N!" he yells, grabbing you by the waist to spin you in the air.

You laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear as he sets you down. "Okay, that was enough," you grin. "I still have to look presentable at the reception." Then, noticing your surroundings you gasp. "Wow."

"Gotta give it to her, Angie sure knows how to pick a venue," Kevin says, coming up behind you.

"I'll say," you nod, gazing out over the Pacific. Your friend, Angie is getting married today and already her venue is more impressive than you could ever dream. The ceremony itself was held in a small chapel uphill, while the reception is at this hotel on the beach.

It's nearly six 'o'clock, which means the sun is just beginning to sink below the horizon. Faded beams of light stretch over the party, washing the guests in a rosy light. You face Kevin, one of your best friends from college, and grin. "So," you say, punching him on the arm. "What's this I hear about you being next?"

Kevin pulls his phone from his pocket, cheeks turning pink. "I don't know to what you are referring."

You clap your hands. "Oh, tell me you're proposing to Kayla. Please! Where is she, by the way?" you ask, looking around.

Kayla and Kevin have been together since sophomore year – set up by you, actually. It was one of your more brilliant moments in match-making, if you do say so yourself.

"Business trip," Kevin says, turning his phone around – to reveal a picture of a ring. "Got it last Wednesday," he beams, proud as hell.

"Oh, it's gorgeous," you sigh, taking the phone. Then you glare. "Kev I'm," you say. "If I don't have a front row seat to your wedding," you threaten, leaving the sentence open-ended.

He laughs. "If Kay doesn't put you in the bridal party, I'd be surprised."

"Good." You hand the phone back to him and take a sip of your champagne, looking around the room. "So. Who do you think is hooking up tonight?"

Kevin laughs, pushing jet-black dreads from his eyes. "It's a wedding," he says. "Probably everyone."
As you survey the crowd your eyes land on Kevin's parents. "Damn," you laugh. "I forgot you knew Kayla from high school. Does this mean your whole family is coming?"

"Pretty much," Kevin nods. "Even a few brothers. Kayla's parents are pretty tight with the whole lot of them."

"Your brothers?" you grin, blinking happily up at Kevin. "Does this include your incredibly handsome, actor star brother?"

Kevin groans. "Dear lord, I thought you had given up on that."

You wink, tapping your finger to your chin. "I could never give up on your fangirl-worthy, nosebleed-inducing, hotter-than-hell cousin, Keith Powers."
Kevin looks upwards. You watch him struggle to control his laughter. "I don't think he's here," he says at last, grinning in your direction. "Last I heard he was shooting for Famous In Love. I doubt he has the time."

"Shame." You take another sip. "Anyways. What table are you at?" You grab at his seating card.
"No, please – go ahead," Kevin jokes. "I didn't want that or anything."

"Three!" you exclaim, holding out your own. "Me too."

"You don't say." Kevin smiles. Somewhere inside, a bell dings.

"You think the herding bell was the cue to head inside?" you joke, looking around.

As though summoned, a waiter appears at your elbow. "Angie and Algee would like everyone to move to the ballroom so that the wedding party can make their entrance."

"Ah." You ignore Kevin's snickering. "Great. Thank you."

Kevin laughs openly once the waiter leaves. "You think he heard?"

You sigh. "Classic. C'mon, let's go."

The ballroom when you enter is gorgeous – as expected. You look around in awe, staring up at the swaths of cloth and lights. Flowers cover every available surface, spilling out as centerpieces and focal points. Your gaze moves over it all, pausing at a guy in a black suit, leaning against the wall.

Holy shit, he's handsome.

He's of tall height, broad shouldered with a dark gaze. His grills were discreetly shining in the light, it makes you suddenly very aware of your heart beat.

You're also very unaware that you've stopped. At least, that is until Kevin crashes into you from behind.

"Oof!" he exclaims, steadying himself. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," you blurt, tearing your gaze away. "Sorry, I- " you look over, but the guy is gone. Damn.

"What are you staring at?" Kevin asks, pulling out his chair to sit. He grins knowingly. "Something cute walk by?"

"Did you see him, too?" you ask, twisting in your seat.

Kevin cracks up, following your gaze. "There are a lot of guys here, Y/N. You'd have to be more specific."

"Mm, he was about this tall," you say, holding a hand several inches above your head. "Black hair. Dark eyes. Devastatingly handsome."

"You're describing about ten guys, including myself."
You roll your eyes. "No, this guy you'd remember. I couldn't get a good look at him, but –"

"Kevin," a voice says from behind you. He has an slight accent.


You turn, looking over your shoulder and freeze. It's him. The guy from the earlier. Then suddenly, it clicks.

Oh my god.

"Keith!" Chris leaps up, pulling the guy into a hug. He looks startled but, after a few seconds, he hugs back. They clap each other up when they break apart, both grinning widely.

They spend a few minutes like this, deep in conversation while you sit awkwardly off to one side. Keith Powers – Kevin's famous brother. You've joked about him for years, ever since you found out one of his family members was a famous actor.

You saw Keith's picture at some point during college and then spent the rest of your college career trying to convince Kevin to bring him to a dorm party. An offer which Kevin steadily declined. Up until now.

Kevin glances down at you, as though feeling your irritation. "Keith," he says, breaking apart. "This is Y/N."

You give him a small smile. "Hi."

Keith looks back, his gaze unreadable. "Hello," he says quickly before turning to Kevin mumbling under his breath that makes him laugh.

You frown, folding your arms over your chest. Rude. Kevin replies and you roll your eyes, sitting back down. You take a sip of your wine, frustrated. Clearly he's uninterested – fine by you. This wedding is full of hot, eligible young guys.

Thinking this, you scan the room for other prospects. You even spot several good looking guys – but after Keith, your eyes pass each and every one.

The bell dings again.

Kevin says his goodbye to Keith and then slides into the seat next to you. "Finally," you sigh, shaking your napkin into your lap. "Has your super rude brother gone to sit at his own table?"

"Yes," a voice says, sliding into the seat beside you.
You turn slowly. Keith sits in the seat on your other side, a slight smirk on his face. He holds your gaze for several seconds before looking over your head, saying something to Kevin, you ignore it.

Chris laughs. "He thinks your dress is nice."

"no, no," Keith leans back. "Beautiful." He pronounces the word very carefully.

You blush despite yourself. "Thanks," you mumble, shooting a death glare in Kevin's direction. Why didn't he warn you Keith was here?

Kevin shrugs, as though saying that no amount of warning could have stopped you. He's probably right, but still. You stick your tongue out, turning back to your empty plate.

"So. You were able to make the wedding?" you ask, turning to Keith. It would be rude not to make conversation.

"Yeah," he nods. "We're taking a break from shooting."

You nod, about to reply when your plate is set in front of you. "Chicken," the waiter says before moving on. The whole table busies itself with eating.

Halfway through your meal the lights dim, people starting to ding their champagne glasses with forks. After a quick kiss from the bride and groom, the maid of honor stands for her toast. Tara - Angie's sister. She's a good speaker and very quickly the audience is laughing at her stories, smiling and nodding at the couple in love.

And then Keith's leg brushes yours underneath the table.

Your stomach drops, a nervous jerk that gives you pause. Keith continues to face forward, profile serious despite the small smile playing with his lips. His knee remains pressed against yours, the gentle pressure of his leg setting your nerves on edge.

From the corner of your eye you see him look at you. That smirk still plays at the corner of his lips, like he knows something you don't. Emboldened, you turn to catch his gaze. Keith doesn't look away, but continues to watch you with that same, unreadable look in his eyes.

"To Angie and Algee!" Tara cheers.

"To Angie and Algee!"

You murmur the words along with everyone else, taking a careful sip from your drink as you face forward. Your heart hammers like you've just finished a marathon. Damn, why is he so good looking? If only Keith hadn't been so rude, you would be a puddle on the floor right now.

But he was rude. Keith is rude. You shouldn't give him attention.

Beneath the table, Keith's leg shifts against yours, his thigh touching briefly and, unthinkingly you suck in your breath. It's a small sound, barely audible in the room, but somehow he hears it.

You ignore his smirk, glaring determinedly at no one as you purposefully cross one leg over the other - no longer touching. Onstage, the best man finishes his speech. He's not quite as good as Tara, and you can tell that people are getting anxious. Kevin texts Kayla in the seat next to you, his screen bright with his conversation.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen!" the DJ says. "It's that time of night. We would like to invite Mr. and Mrs. Smith to the dance floor, for their first dance as husband and wife!"

Everyone cheers as Angie and Algee make their way to the front. Putting their arms around one another, the music starts. A slow, romantic classical song - one you don't recognize. It's beautiful though, rising to a slow crescendo as they wind their way around the dance floor.

The DJ picks up the mic again. "At this time, if you are married – please join the happy couple."
After a few moments he adds engaged couples. Dating couples. The finally, "And if you're single and just see someone you want to dance with – don't be shy! Bring them on out."

You cross your arms, waiting for the song to be over. Then you can find your friends and escape this madness. Kevin's phone lights up and you consider telling him to turn it off – you're just in that kind of mood – but then someone taps you on the shoulder.

It's Keith.

He holds out a hand, raising his eyebrows and looking to the dance floor. Then back at you.

"I – Okay," you say, startled into accepting.

After a moment, you place your hand in his, standing and letting him lead you outwards. Kevin raises his eyebrows as you go, winking broadly and giving a huge thumbs up. You make a face, just as Keith pulls you to face him. His eyes widen, like he's struggling to keep in his laughter.

"Sorry," you blush, shaking your head. "That's not – I'm not."

Keith's thumb brushes your wrist, soothing away words as his other hand pulls you close. Your heart races at the heat of his body, flush with yours. He dances like a gentleman. One hand cupped beneath your fingers, the other sliding to the small of your back, holding you close.

The look in his eyes isn't very gentlemanly, though.

Your heart thuds when you make eye contact, his thumb brushing over your wrist and making you shiver. Keith smiles as his hand fans out over your back. You feel drunk, even though you've only a single glass.

He smells like outdoors – like pine, and something else. Something rich and sensual. You can't think about it for too long though, as Keith begins to lead.

You gasp when he twirls you, dress fanning at your knees to be caught against his chest. Keith grins, that same, stupid smirk as the music fades away.

The low base of a hip-hop song starts to play and you pull back, breathing heavily. "Thanks." you say, smiling up at him.

You start to turn but Keith catches your hand and pulls you to face him, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He says something under his breath, low and dangerous in a way that makes your heart flutter.

"I'm sorry," you breathe. "I... didn't hear you."

Keith looks thoughtful. "I like you." he says instead, voice low.

Blunt. Very blunt. The intensity of his gaze fairly takes your breath away. Then he moves, pulling you against him and shifting his hips. Hands slide to your waist, taking you with him. A small noise leaves your throat when his hand slides to the back of your body.

Keith turns you so that your back is pressed against his front, arms wound around you from behind. The dance floor is crowded, dark and alive with the pulse of bodies. Keith presses closer, fingers tugging your hair to one side as his lips graze your neck.

You shiver, head tipping back on his shoulder. The beat of your heart and the music melds together, making it difficult to feel where the moment ends and you begin. Keith's hands race up your sides, settling on your hips. He turns you to face him, bending his forehead to rest against yours.

"Let's go." he says.

You nod, not stopping to think about what you're doing. You want this. You want him.

Keith takes your hand in his, weaving you through the crowd towards the exit. You stop by your table to grab your bag, happy that Kevin is off dancing somewhere else. Keith waits for you, touching your hand and tracing soft shapes on your arm.

And then you're outside.

In the lobby.

In the elevator.

There are people here with you, but somehow it just makes things more dangerous. Keith leans against the wall, gaze darkening in a way that sets your pulse racing.

Unable to stop yourself, you reach out. Your fingers lightly brush his thigh and Keith cocks his head, hands tightly gripping the edge of the wall. You watch a muscle in his jaw tick, a slow warning as your hand winds its way up his leg.

Before you can do anything else, the elevator dings.
"Here," Keith says, grabbing your hand with his to lead you off. As soon as the door closes he pulls you against him, crushing his lips to yours. You're in the middle of the hall, Keith's hand running messily through your hair as his other wraps around your waist, pulling you closer. His lips are harsh yet soft, molding you against him as his knee opens your legs.

You make a noise, a moan deep in your throat that makes him pull back. "You want more?" he asks, giving you a devilish smirk.

You nod, looping your fingers through his belt loops. "More," you say, as you press your lips to his.

Keith groans, nipping gently at your lower lip and tugging you down the hall. It takes him several swipes to get his door open, shoving it open with his shoulder to stumble into the room. He pulls you with him, kissing away your giggles as you fall against the wall.

His body covers yours, pressing forward as his lips slide down your neck. You sigh when his tongue flicks over your collarbone, fingers brushing the sides of your dress and inching your skirt upwards. Pushing his suit jacket from his shoulders, you loosen his tie as his lips part yours.

His buttons are the next things to go, half-pulling, half-yanking them from their holes. The floor is suddenly littered with clothing – his tie, your dress – and somehow his naked chest is pressed to yours, only your bra remaining. You wind your arms around his neck, arching into him as he kisses you.

Keith keeps moving, kissing you as he walks you both backwards towards to the bed. Caressing your shoulders and sliding your straps downwards. Keith bends his head to kiss where fabric used to be, gazing up at you through black lashes.

He pushes you back onto the bed, removing your bra and teasing your breasts with his lips and teeth. His hands move elsewhere, sliding down your legs to urge them around him.

You oblige, barely able to think as you arch upwards. Pressing yourself into him, grinding your hips into him as his fingers drift lower and lower. Keith moves his kisses down your stomach, reaching your panties to pull them down your thighs. Your legs tremble as he slowly licks your center, hands circling the outside of your thighs to ease you apart.

You moan, clutching the sheets between your fingertips as Keith moves up, down. His tongue slowly circles your sex, one hand holding your hips steady with the other eases inside you. You gasp as his finger enters, sliding into your already wet opening and back out. In. Out. All the while his tongue traces over your clit.

Your body clenches, hips bucking up into him and at last you grab him by the shoulders, pulling him up to face you. "More," you say, moving your hands to his dress pants.

Keith hovers over you. He allows you to ease his pants down, then his boxers. Once freed you pause, scooting to the end of the bed to take him in your hand. Continuing to look up you bend, licking a slow path up his dick. You slide forward, running your tongue along his underside as you move.

Keith hisses through his teeth. "Damn," he groans. After a few more minutes of this he opens his eyes, jaw clenched.

You slide him from your mouth, moving your lips to kiss his abdomen. Keith grabs the side of your face, pulling you upwards to part your lips with his. Your legs he wraps around your waist, holding tightly as he rolls on a condom.

Keith positions himself beneath you, slowly lowering you onto him. You groan when he stretches your walls, sinking down onto him bit by bit. He bends you both on the bed, opening your legs with his hand to push the rest of the way inside.

Your legs lock around his waist, holding him steady as he pulls back, then in. "Fuck," you sigh, shifting so that he hits a deeper, more intimate angle. Keith rocks forward, hips hitting yours in a bruising rhythm that's somehow still not enough.

"Keith," you moan, feeling him grin against your lips. He smooths your hair back, setting an even more punishing pace. You raise your hips, arching against him and urging him on. Harder, faster, more.

His body moves over yours, kissing everywhere he can reach. Fingers slide across your skin, teasing your most sensitive spots to make you shudder. Feeling this, he pulls you even closer, yanks your thigh higher and fucks into you at a deeper angle. His dick hits your g-spot over and over again, fingers sliding between your legs to coax breathy moans from your lips.

"I can't," you gasp, gripping Keith back with your fingers. "Much longer."

Keith pants something, looking up when you clench around him, moaning his name. He continues to thrust through your orgasm, capturing your lips and sliding his tongue over yours as he also comes. You feel his body clench, pressing your body to his as he shudders apart.

Keith falls to the side, reaching out with both arms to pull you close. He presses a tiny kiss to your forehead, then your lips. "Hi," he says, eyes smiling.

You laugh lowly. "Hey," you say.

"Rude enough?" he asks, repeating what you said to Kevin and you feel your cheeks flame.

"Yes," you grin, trailing a finger down his chest. "But I wouldn't say no to more."

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