Red Eyes are Dangerous ~ A De...

By allegiaant

76.4K 1.1K 116

Mackenzie Low is the 19 year old cousin of Stiles Stilinski. And after 6 years away from Beacon Hills she's f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Season 2!)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - Season 3a
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 ~ Season 3b
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Season 4
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
5 months later...

Chapter 36

820 17 1
By allegiaant

Parrish outstretches his hands and Derek takes them. He flips them over, studying them. We're all stood in a circle in the loft and by we I mean Derek, Scott, Lydia, Parrish and myself. We're trying to figure out what Parrish is. Parrish looks at Scott who looks to Derek. 

"He covered you in gasoline?" Derek questions, causing Parrish to nod. 

The other night one of the other deputies put Parrish in a car and set him on fire. Which, if done to a normal person, should kill them. And the only thing about Parrish is that he's perfectly fine. 

"It's the hair and nails isn't it? The parts of the body that are actually dead." Lydia questions. 

"Well they should be gone." Scott tells us.

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone." Parrish remarks. 

"Not if you're like us." Scott says, 

"Like you?" 

"I don't think he's like us." Derek says. 

"Then what the hell is he?" I ask. 

"Sorry, but I have no idea." Derek says, then places an arm around my waist. 

My arms are crossed over my chest. Well they sit more on top of my stomach. 

"You knew about Jackson and Kira. Why not him?" I question turning my head to look at him, 

"This is a little out of my experience. There might be something in the beastiary. Did you try Argent?" 

"I don't know where he is." Scott answers. 

"Okay, hold on. What's a beastiary?" 

I raise my eyebrows, that shouldn't even be his first question. 

"Actually, that's not even my first question. Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia?" 

There's silence so he adds, 

"Are all of you psychic?" 

Scott, Derek and I share a look. Derek raises his eyebrows, 

"Psychic?" he repeats, 


"Not exactly." Scott says, 

"Okay then. What are you?" 

Scott looks at Derek who just raises his hands in defeat. 

"Show him." 

I look to Parrish as does Scott. I blink and my eyes glow the ruby red of a True Alpha, only mine are a little duller. 

"Scott and I, we're something of a rarity."


"What's a Kanima?" Parrish questions. 

We sat him down and told him about the supernatural and about who's what. 

"We'll get back to that. Just know that everyone like us- everyone with some kind of supernatural ability- is on the dead pool." 

"But I don't even know what I am." Parrish states. 

"I'm pretty sure they don't care." Derek states. 

I'm sitting on the chair by the desk, it's tiring carrying my own body weight plus another life. 

"How many professional killers are we talking about?" Parrish asks. 

"We're starting to lose count." Lydia answers, 

"But is it still just professionals?" I ask, looking at Derek from my seat. 

"I don't think Hank's ever tried something like this. I think he was just taking a chance." Parrish says, referring to the Deputy that tried to kill him. 

"But if Hank had it. Then who else does? How easy is it to get this thing now?" 

No one answers and Scott and Derek share a look.


"Meredith only went to the lake house once. But I think once was enough." Lydia tells us what she found at the lake house. 

"How'd your grandmother know about her?" Derek questions, 

"She didn't. She found her because of another woman called Maddie. The woman she loved." Lydia says from her spot on the end of the bed. 

She stands up with a photo in her hand. She walks over to Scott and hands it to him. 

"I never met her. But I saw her name everywhere. She was part of a yacht racing team. There were plaques and trophies in the lake house from everything she had won." 

"How'd she die?" Scott asks. 

"How's not the story. It's right before. My grandmother- Lorraine- used to work in San Francisco for IBM. She was there on a weekend when it wouldn't work. She started hearing this sound. Like rain. But when she looked out the windows, all she saw was blue sky." 

"But she kept hearing the rain." I say. 

"It just kept getting louder. Rain. Thunder. Cracking. Like gunshots in her head. So loud, she finally just screamed." 

"Like a Banshee." Derek says. 

"She called Maddie, who was planning on taking one of the boats out on the lake. Maddie said that the sun was shining. So Lorraine didn't say anything." 

"There was an accident." Parrish realises. 

"It took them four days to find Maddie's body. Then it took decades to figure out how Lorraine knew. She started with parapsychologists. The PHD in her name made it more scientific. They built the study in the lake house. According to every pseudo-scientific theory they could find. None of it worked. Then she started getting into more extreme occult and mediums and physics- all of them failures. Until Meredith. They found her in Eichen house. The fragile girl who didn't understand the thing she had. They brought her to the study and almost killed her. She was hospitalised for over a year. She... never really recovered. My grandmother drove her insane and I drove her to suicide. And all she wanted to do was help." 

We all gather round the table as Lydia pulls out a piece of paper. 

"My grandmother created the code for the deadpool. I think she's the banshee that put the names on the list in the first place. She left me this message with the same code." 

"But she didn't leave us a single cypher key?" Scott asks.

Lydia shakes her head.


Derek's POV

I look to Scott as he picks up the gun sitting on the bed. 

"Careful with that." I say, walking over to him. 

"I thought you didn't like guns." Scott states. 

I outstretch my hand for the gun and he hands it to me. 

"Does this have something to do with your eyes?" 

"My eyes... My strength. The healing... Some of the Mate bond with Mackenzie. All of it." 


"Whatever Kate did to me. It's still happening." I answer, placing the gun back on the bed. 

"If the deadpool really was made by a banshee, then there's something else you should know about it. Your name broke the third list. It was a cypher key." He tells me. 

I look down, 

"And the other two were Allison and Aiden." 

"I don't want to make you nervous but, kind of feels like there might be a pattern there, doesn't it? Allison... Aiden... you." 

"Name was picked by a banshee." 

"It could mean you're in danger." 

"Scott. Banshees don't predict danger. They predict death." 

"Then what are you going to do?" 

"Try to stay alive for Mackenzie and the baby."


Mackenzie's POV

I wake up to stomach cramps. It's been happening for the past few days. I went to Deaton and he said it was normal. The cramps get worse and I manage to wiggle out of Derek's arms. I get up and go to the bathroom. I splash water on my face and then look up to see my eyes go red, only thing is, the red is very, very dull it looks like there's barely any red left. I grip the sides of the sink, closing my eyes, trying to change them back, but they won't change. I hear Derek get up and walk to the bathroom. He leans at the door. 

"Hey, Stomach cramps again?" 

I turn around and nod. 

"Also my eyes won't go back to normal. What does it mean? Why won't they change back?" 

He scratches the back of his neck, 

"Nothing. It's nothing." 

"Why are you lying to me? What does it really mean? What are you not telling me?" 

I look down. 

"You're getting worse. Aren't you?" 

I'm met with silence.

"Hey." He says, lifting my chin up. 

"I know what we can do later. Since we've been with each other for nearly a year. Why don't we go on a date tonight?" 

My eyes light up, 

"Seriously? Like our first date?" 

He nods. 

I smile, 

"I'd like that. A lot." He smiles and pecks my lips.

I'm standing in my room at my uncle's house, I got bored at the loft and I need clothes. Suddenly my ears perk up, I hear the printer in Stiles' room go berserk. I quickly go into his room to see bits of paper flying off the printer. I pick one up off the floor. It's another deadpool. I scan the list and see that Derek's name is no longer on the list. I find my name but there's something different. It reads,

Mackenzie Low + Baby. 22.5

I instantly place my hand over my stomach. People are going to try and kill my daughter before she's even born. I find Ellis' name.

Ellis Low. 7

I sigh in relief, they won't go for Ellis right away. But what worries me most is the last bit, at the bottom of the page. I keep reading it over and over again. But it doesn't sink in. The last part of the Deadpool reads,

Password = Derek.

But the thing is. Derek isn't dead. But then if a Banshee made this deadpool then. Oh my god, Banshees predict death. I fold the deadpool in half then half it again. That's why my eyes went red this morning and wouldn't change back. My Beta is dying. My Mate is dying. Whatever Kate did to Derek is still happening and it's like a terminal illness, he's dying. No he can't be. He promised he'd stay and help bring up this baby. I quickly go back into my room and then sit on the floor using the bed as support. I don't know how long I sit there for but I eventually get up and pick out an outfit. I pull out my phone and text Ellis,

To: Ellis.

Hey it's Mackenzie. I have a weird feeling about the school bonfire night tonight. Can you go there please? I'll be there but a little later.

Seconds later I get a response that says he'll be at the school. I put the deadpool in my pocket to talk about it with Derek. He's got some serious explaining to do.

I'm sat it the Camaro with Derek, 

"So where to?" He asks. 

"I'm not sure. You're the guy. You're supposed to plan stuff." I say laughing, 

"Well, I'm not good at planning stuff." 


He glares at me, so I hit him in the arm, harder than I meant to, damn you Alpha Werewolf strength! 

"That's gonna bruise. Which is something I've never had to worry about before." 

I laugh, 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard. But I'm an Alpha so I guess that my strength took over." 

He rolls his eyes. 

"Yeah sure." 

I put my hand over my heart in mock surprise. 

"Did Derek Hale, brooding, grumpy, Sourwolf, Derek Hale. Just use sarcasm?" 

He rolls his eyes again, 

"I got an idea. How 'bout we go to the bonfire?" 

I'm met with a look that says 'Do I have too?' I smile. 

"Yes, you have too Hale. C'mon babe, it'll be fun." 

I take his hand. 

"Or... I could always ask someone else. Like a certain supernatural deputy, or maybe just bump into a sophomore or maybe a freshman, and I could dance with them and..." 

I'm cut off by Derek pulling my face to his. Our lips work in sync until he breaks away. 

"You're not crushing on Parrish, are you?" 

I smile. 

"Maybe, I mean he's fit and he's a deputy." I say, knowing how to push his buttons. 

"He's extremely sexy. He could probably do just about anything." 

Suddenly an evil smile creeps onto Derek's face making me stop, 

"Are you sure he can do anything? Can he make you scream?" 

I smirk. 

"I don't know. Maybe I'll have to give it a try." 

"I don't think you could. Only I can truly pleasure you. And." 

He moves his face closer, 

"I don't think" He whispers. 

I'm so lucky he can't hear my heartbeat right now, because let's just say the close proximity is making my heart go crazy. 

"You love anyone." Another whisper, closer to my ear. 

"But me." 

His lips are grazing my ear when he speaks, 

"You're a tease." I whisper, I can feel the smile. 

He knows me inside and out. He knows how to turn me on. He knows the right things to say to make me want him. He bites my ear and whispers, 


Then bites my ear lower, 





"Mackenzie Low." 

I turn my head and move my face so I'm inches away, 

"And, I love you Derek Hale." 

I press my lips to his, but then break away. 

"We're going to that bonfire."

Once we reach the school and get out of the car Derek places an arm over my shoulders, he's gone into protective boyfriend mode. I know that something's not right. I can hear a high pitch noise. I know it's going to be worse for Scott, Liam and Malia. I look to Derek and whisper in his ear, 

"We need to go into the school." 

I spot Ellis and see his covering his ears. I wave him over. I walk with them behind me into the school. I enter a hall. I watch as Scott attempts to close a lighter that an assassin is holding up. I roar getting attention, my roar causes my eyes to glow red and Ellis' to glow blue. I go to the guy and punch him knocking him down. Derek and Ellis follow soon after. I see three guards walking our way. Derek pushes the first one into the lockers. One goes to Ellis and throws a punch which is easily dodged by Ellis. Then I look to Derek and watch the assassin throw punches that Derek easily dodges. He uppercuts one and then head butts him knocking him out. The one Derek pushed into the lockers gets up and starts towards me. He doesn't get far though, Derek grabs him and slams him back into the lockers knocking him out. I walk towards Scott but the guy I knocked to the ground is reaching for the lighter. These assassins don't take a hint do they? I kick him in the head, knocking him out. Derek walks over to Scott while I look to Ellis to see his eyes still glowing blue, he has blood over his face and I look to the body in front of him. I turn back to Derek and Scott who is leaning against the lockers. 

 "What happened to the gun?" Scott questions. 

Derek and I share the 'Are-you-serious' look and then Derek says, 

"You're covered in Gasoline." 

"Oh yeah." Scott says, remembering. 

Derek offers Scott his hand and he takes it. Then Derek pats Scott's chest. I walk over taking Derek's hand. I look up to him. 

"Congrats. You won your second fight! I'm proud of you." I say acting like he's just started school. 

"Ha ha." 

I smile, 

"What are we going to do about these bodies?" Ellis questions. 

I forgot all this was relatively new to him. I look to Derek, 

"They're the school's problem now." 

I see Malia, I go over to her and help her up and pull her around a corner. 

"Hey. I know I'm not on your favourite persons list right now." 

She interrupts me, 

"Actually you are now." 

"Look. Stiles always has the best intentions. Sometimes he doesn't make the right choices but he's always got the best intentions. The only reason he didn't want you to know about Peter was so that he could protect you and so that you wouldn't fall under Peter's trap. He's always got a plan. So if I were you I'd just prepare myself for the worst. Okay?" 

She nods. 

"And please forgive Stiles. He's not himself without you. He loves you. A lot." 

She nods and I can sense a smile. 

I walk back around and see Derek, we walk back to the car.

Once we get back to the loft I lie on the bed. I watch as Derek strips down to his boxers, he then tosses me his shirt. I strip and pull it on. It smells like him. His scent puts me at ease. I sit up and pull out the deadpool. I unfold it and hand it to him. He looks at me, 

"I was going to tell you." 

I shake my head. 

"I'm not mad. I'm worried. I get that you didn't tell me to protect me. But that's not the only thing." 

I point to my name. 

"Somehow, the benefactor knows about the baby. And they've added how much you were onto what I was originally." 

He puts his hand on my stomach, 

"Which means if they find me and kill me, which is very unlikely though, then they'll be able to kill the baby." I finish. 

"I won't let them come near you. I'll protect you. Both of you. I will die before anything happens to the two of you." 

"But what I want to know is. How does the Benefactor know about Lia. We've only told Cora, Peter, the Sheriff, Scott and Stiles. And then how am I going to cope with her, you said you'd be there to help me raise her. But what Kate's doing to you, it's limiting your chances of ever meeting your own daughter. And I don't want to have to tell her that her father was murdered by a psychotic bitch." 

He smiles, 

"Well you can tell her that her dad died doing something dramatic." 

"Or, I could marry Parrish." I say smirking. 

He flips us so he's slightly on top of me. He holds my hands above my head and starts to kiss my neck, 

"Please don't." I can feel the smirk, 

"Well baby, it's only fair that I get payback. And plus I don't think Parrish can truly leave you wanting more. Can he?" 

He asks teasing. He begins to bite and suck at my neck, creating hickeys. 

"Babe." I say wanting more of him, and he knows I want more of him, he kisses down my neck further getting to my collar bone. Then further so he goes down to the bump in my stomach. I don't know for how much longer he teases me but eventually we both go to sleep.

I wake to a buzzing, it's my phone. I pick it up and answer it, 


"Yeah?" I say quietly and groggily, since I'm still half asleep and Derek's lying next to me. 

"You need to get up, Kira found Brett, he's fine. Meet us at the animal clinic." 

"Okay." I end the call and rub my eyes. 

I manage to slide out of Derek's grip without waking him. Which is a talent. Seriously. Usually he's up at like 5 but he's got a lot on his mind so he likes to sleep in longer. I get changed and walk back to the bed and peck his forehead. He's so peaceful while he's asleep. I leave and go to the animal clinic and walk in to see Scott and Kira making out. 

"Oh my god, guys get a room!" I say. 

"Did you find him? Did you find Brett?" Scott asks. 

"Actually, I think I found all of them." Kira says, taking Scott's hand. 

Scott and I follow her into the examination room. 

"Satomi. This is who I was telling you about." 

"I know who Scott McCall is. I also know who Mackenzie Low is." Satomi says, her eyes falling to my stomach. 

Seriously is it really that bad? I'm pregnant at 19, why does everyone look at my stomach? She glows her eyes and stares at my stomach, just like Deucalion did to my hand. 

"So it's true. A baby born with the rare Werewolf gene. It hasn't happened in nearly 300 years." 

She changes her eyes back to normal and her gaze finally reaches mine. They soften. 

"Are we safe here?" A young girl who looks about 12, asks. 

Scott turns to look at Kira and I and then says, 

"We're gonna need help. A lot of help."


"Wait! Wait!" Scott shouts at Brett as he growls at Chris who has a gun pointed to Brett's head. 

Scott decided he wanted to go to Argent's warehouse. He thought the warehouse could be safer and we could get Chris' help. Then he told me to phone Derek. 

"Brett! This is his place. It's his." Scott yells. 

Brett growls at Chris one last time before walking back to his pack. 

"Scott. If you were bringing guests. You could've called." 

"I didn't have anywhere else to take them." Scott tells him. 

"I know this man. He may not remember it, but we've met before." Satomi says from behind me. 

"You can trust him. I trust him." Scott reassures her. 

"How do we know he's not like the others?" Satomi questions. 

"What others?" Chris asks, 

"Last night, there was a whole team after them. And they used crossbows." Kira says, handing Chris something. 

Chris takes it and then I ask, 

"They're hunters aren't they?" 

"Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore." Chris tells me. 

"Can they find us?" Brett questions. 

"They might already know you're here. Maybe they're waiting for dark." Chris suggests. 

"So we're not safe here." Kira states. 

"We're not safe anywhere. Been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us." Satomi says. 

"They're coming Scott. And they're coming for you too." Chris says looking at Scott. 

"You're still number one on the deadpool." I tell him. 

"I know. I know Lydia can get the answer from Meredith. She just needs more time." Scott says. 

Eventually Derek gets here. He and I are standing off to the side. 

"You shouldn't be here." Derek whispers to me. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, you shouldn't be here. If the assassins really do know where we are then you could get hurt. I don't want you getting hurt." 

"Derek. I'll be fine. I can protect myself. And not that this is news to you or anything. But remember that I have glowing red eyes and more power than any human." 

He nods, holding his hands up in defence. 

Scott comes over, 

"It'll be okay." 

Derek looks at Satomi's pack and then walks a little away from them. 

"They've got claws and fangs, but they're not fighters." 

"That's why I called Kenzie, but then she reminded me that she's pregnant and is weaker. So that's why I had her call you." 

"Well try to remember that I don't have claws and fangs either." He takes my hand. 

"That's why he called me." Braeden says, causing me to tighten my grip on Derek's hand.

Okay, I'm not going to deny it. I'm jealous. I'm jealous of Braeden, her looks, her body. I'm jealous of everything about her.

Derek kisses my temple and whispers. 

"I'm yours. No one elses. Yours." 

I loosen my grip on his hand. 

"Am I the only one hoping that this is a false alarm? I mean, it's possible we wait here all night and nothing happens, right?" 

Derek, Scott and I share a look. 

"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles or Lydia yet?" Braeden asks, 

"Lydia's still talking to Meredith. Stiles and Malia are heading up to the lake house. They're trying to stop it." I tell her. 

"What if there's no stopping it? What if it doesn't end 'till we're all dead?" Brett asks. 

Derek thinks for a second. 

"Then we'll send them a message. Let's make tonight perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked up a gun." 

He holds up his own. 

"Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money is gonna be put on another list. OUR list. They get to be a name in our deadpool." 

Braeden cocks her shotgun and I intertwine mine and Derek's fingers. 

"That was so touching." I say, pretending to tear up. 

He looks down at me and then smiles.

Clink... Clank... Clonk...

"Get back!" Braeden yells. 

Smoke fills the airs and I cover my mouth, coughing, and take cover. Gunshots fill the air, I hear that their aim is all over the place. I'm not even sure they're aiming. I move from my spot fully shifted. I attack the first assassin taking him by surprise. He goes to hit me with his gun but I duck. I throw an uppercut at the guy hitting him in the gut. Then I knee him in a place that a guy should not be kneed in. Another one comes behind me from out of nowhere and tackles me to the floor. His gun is to my head but then he realises who I am and where I am on the list. His gun moves down to my stomach. I kick him in the groin and then elbow him in the head. His body goes limp and I push it off me. I stand up and then see Braeden and Derek, back to back, shooting. I'm getting jealous, but now isn't the time.

"How many are there?" Derek asks, 

"Too many." Braeden answers. 

I feel a sharp pain in my collar bone just above my heart. I cry out in pain, I've been shot. I hear Scott shouting for Kira and I try to make my way to him but I run into two assassins. One begins shooting and I drop to the ground. I pull on one's leg and drag him to the ground. He shoots me in the thigh and then I elbow him and take his gun. I turn to see a bullet heading my way, it hits me in the shoulder and I cry out again. Collar Bone. Thigh. Shoulder. Great! I see the other assassin with his finger on the trigger. I push him down and start clawing at him, I continue to rip at his flesh, until I start feeling different, I begin to enjoy the tearing of human flesh. I instantly stop, and push myself away from the torn up lifeless body in front of me. I sigh and wince. I just killed someone. 

"Kenzie." I look up to see Derek. 

He helps me to my feet. I look down at the lifeless limp body, and then up at Derek. 

"I killed someone." I state bluntly. 

"He wasn't innocent Kenzie. He was going to kill you. It was self-defence." 

"I still killed someone." He pulls me into a hug making me relax.

Derek and I walk hand in hand back to Scott and Kira. Braeden stands on Derek's right. We all stand in a row and face Satomi's pack.

The dead pool is over.


Hey Lovelies, 

How was your Christmas and New Year? I hope it was good and that you all enjoyed it


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