Versus the World

By PeaceLoveJessi

62.7K 689 396

A group of five young women have been best friends for years. Getting over their troubled past, they make the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Note from author. Please read.

Chapter 8

2.7K 22 7
By PeaceLoveJessi

Chapter 8:

What the fuck! Those three words keep running through my mind over and over and over again.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I look around the room at everyone. It looks like a fucking connect the dots worksheet! Kendra has her gun pointed at Ash, Kane is aiming at Kendra, Ian is inching his way to stand in front of his mate but still has a gun pointing in Kane's direction, Grace has somehow managed to get a gun from somewhere and is aiming at Ian, and Shadow, well she looks like she is in shock. The girl even has her mouth hanging open and her eyes are as round as saucers. Then I turn to Nathan and he looks just as confused as Shadow.

So back to the what the fuck!

This can't be happening.

Finally I find my voice and ask, "What the hell is going on? Kendra, come on, that is your sister you are threatening. We don't do this kind of shit to each other. Please explain, 'cause what I am starting to think, is as bad as this situation looks." Man, please don't tell me she is the traitor. She can't be, she just can't. I refuse to believe she is.

"Indy, come the fuck on. You know me. Don't you dare start thinking I am the god damn rat!"

"Then tell me why the hell you are protecting him." I reply back to her, nodding my head towards this Jayce guy.

"I will tell you but it is going to be in private. Just you, me and the girls. Now!" She says, looking torn about something. She continues to say while looking at all the guys, "And while we are talking, none of you are to lay a hand on one another. You touch him, I will not hesitate to fucking behead you!" After that, she walks out the door and into the hallway.

I look at the girls and they all decide that its best to listen to what she has to say before we start trying to killing each other. So, following Kendra's lead, the rest of us exit the room.

Once I get into the hallway, Kendra leads us a little further away and into an empty VIP room. The room is trashed and looks like the people who were here, just left. Explains why it's empty. When we all get settled into the room, Ashlee speaks up and says, "Well, are you going to tell me why you did that?"

"Would you stop acting like a butt hurt bitch? Look, I'm sorry I threatened you. No, I am not the damn snitch, I hope that none of you even thought that about me." Kendra says, looking piss and disapppointed.

"We don't know what to think but I am sure none of us would have even considered you to be the rat. Can you please get to the point though?" I ask her. I really want to know what the hell is going on with her.

"Yeah, well you see, if anyone of you would have hurt him, you would have hurt me. Killing him would have lead to my death. Uhm, he is my mate. And trust me, I am so not very happy about this shit. I mean, he is hot as hell. There is no denying that, but I don't want a mate. Can't you see my problem here? I would love to let you kill him, but we can't."

Damn! Did not see that one coming. Kendra is a lot like me when it comes to her feelings about finding a mate. We just do not want one. About the whole protecting Jayce thing, I totally see why now. She had no choice, if she wanted to live, she had to protect him.

We can't live without our mates once we find them. If the die, we follow after. It is said to be a painful experience. First our wolf goes into mourning for the loss, then they slowly die. In turn this makes us human, then we can and will get all kinds of sicknesses that we wouldn't get if we were still wolves. Upon getting sick, our lives end shortly after. I don't know about others but I personally wouldn't want to go through that. So, like I said, I understand.

"No shit?!" Shadow shouts. "Bro, it sucks to be you right now. Sorry, but I am happy it was you and not me."

"It's about damn time one of you three girls gets tied down to a mate! Hahaha this is too good! Oh gahhh, sorry I know you don't care to hear this, but congrats! Oh and you are so forgiven for that little stunt you pulled. I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose. Well, unless it's a practical joke."

Walking over to Ashlee, Kendra gives her a hug. "Thanks girl, I didn't want to do that to you but I had to do something. You know damn well if I was going to shoot you, I wouldn't hesitate. I would have pulled the trigger immediately. I would have hated myself after but I didn't want to hurt you." Kendra says to her.

"Well, I don't know about you girls, but DAMN that shit was craycray. I love you all and I think we need to get some drinks, then go back to the guys and let them know what's up. I am sure they are getting nervous. Plus, I think Kane is freaking out. I can feel his anger." Grace say.

Through out all this, I have been quiet. Thinking about it all, this might just work to our advantage when it comes to Royal and his crew. I don't know if I have explained him yet but he is a big time drug dealer, trying to take over the states with his products and put other big time suppliers and dealers to rest.

So we have a big problem with him and he is starting to affect our business a little. Not much but eventually it will get worse. This is why he needs be taken care of and soon. Maybe this mating will help us in the long run. I decide to share this thought with the others real quick before we go to the bar for drinks.

When I am done running this across them, Kendra says, "Well since we don't really know anything about who this Jayce guy is, maybe we should find that out first. Then see if he is willing to come home with us and join our group."

"Didn't he say something about wanting to make a deal with us?" Shadow asks.

"Oh yeah, wonder what that is about. Maybe we should go find that out as well." Grace says back.

Heading down to the main bar, we order our drinks and go back to the room we were originally in. When we walk in the door, the tension is uncomfortably thick. All the guys immediately stood and looked at us expectantly. Nate is the first to speak. "You want to fill us in on what the hell is going on here?"

Kendra is the one to answer him and says, "Yeah, about that. He is my mate..."

It was so silent, I was expecting crickets to start chirping. After a couple minutes Ian starts laughing and says, "Well I'll be damned." This makes the rest of us start laughing.

Jayce and his guys look like they are shocked about the mate news but are even more confused about our behaviour at the moment.

When we all calm down, Jayce starts talking. "Well I say we order a couple rounds and cut to the chase of what this meeting was supposed to be about."

"Sounds good to me, looks like I am pretty much empty now." I say while shaking my cup that has only ice in it now. Man, I love a good gin and tonic.

After about ten minutes of awkward silence and waiting around, a bottle of Grey Goose and a bottle of 1800 is brought to the room. The server sits the bottles, and multiple shot glasses, down on the table that has been pushed off to the side of the room.

Pouring shots for everyone, Jayce starts, "So, like I said earlier my name is Jayce Zvara and I would like to make a deal with you girls. I know who you are because you have a pretty good business going on over the west coast. My business partner, Cole Haze, and I do the same thing but we have taken over the east. I'm sure you have probably heard of us."

"As in 'Haze-Z' from the east coast?" Shadow asks.

"Yes, that would be us."

"Damn, you really are as hot as I have heard." Shadow says back to him, earning herself a growl from Kendra.

I can't help but laugh. "For someone who doesn't want a mate, you sure don't act like it."

"Bitch shut up, it isn't me, it's my wolf."

"You didn't want a mate?" Jayce asks Kendra.

"No. Sorry to burst your bubble, but no I did not. It was not a plan of mine. It kinda fucks with what I was doing with my life. Plus, we need to talk about how this is going to work. But we will get to that later." Kendra says back to him.

"That's fine. We do have a lot to discuss. Aren't you leaving town in a day or two though?"

"Yes we are. We will talk about all that later tonight but for right now, let's get back to the point." I cut in.

"Right, okay. Well like I said, we want to make a deal with you. We need your help taking out Royal. I know you have been having problems with him. Just as we have. I don't like what he is doing and taking money away from me just isn't going to fly. We want to take him out for good. Unfortunately, everything we plan somehow gets back to him. His people keep showing up to a lot of our drops and pick-ups. It is getting pretty annoying. We have someone under our employment that is working for him as well. For some reason we can't figure out who it is."

"We are having the same problem. We are trying to figure out who our big mouthed snitch is as well. That is why when Silver protected you, things got a little ugly in here between us." I say back to him.

"If you are willing to work together, maybe we can take him out. If we join forces, then we can control the drug scene across the States. How does that sound?" He asks looking around the room at each of us girls. At least he knows we run this show of ours.

"I say lets do it." Grace says.

"I agree. We should." Ashlee says after Grace.

"Why not, its more money. Plus, I kind of want to see what this Haze guy looks like. Maybe he will be a good fuck." Shadow says. I turn to her and smile while shaking my head. Just like Shadow to say something like that.

"Well Silver, what do you say?" I ask Kendra.

"I'm down if you are Indy."

Looking back to Jayce, I say "Well I guess we are game. What's your plan?"

After about an hour and a half of discussing and trying to form a good plan, I think we have finally come up with something that might work. Standing up and reaching out to shake his hand, I say "Well, I think that is about it for tonight. It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

"Oh and about the guys in this room with you, are they trustworthy?" I ask him, just now thinking about it. We went over all that shit with these other men in the room.

"Yes, they are 100% loyal to Haze and I. You don't have to worry about them." He tells me.

He stands and looks over to Kendra and says, "Do I get to know your name? Silver is quite the name, especially for a were but I know it isn't your real name."

She replies back to him. "It's Kendra, if you want to get to know me more before we leave, we are staying at Bally's. If you give me your number, I'll text you the room number we are in."

"Okay sounds good. So, how about a dance to start getting to know each other. I always say, a girl that knows how to work it on the dance floor, knows how to work it in the bed as well."

Kendra smirks at that, and replies with, "I guess you will just have to come and see. I think we are going to get along great."  She grabs him by his wrists and drags him out of the room.

"Awwwwww. Our girl is finally mated. Maybe he can tame her a little." Grace says.

"Shit, I doubt it. I just hope he can keep up with her. Plus he seems to make it want to work with her. Well, from how he was acting tonight." I say back to her.

"Yep. I say we join them down on the dance floor. I want to find someone to take back to the room with me." Shadow says.

"You and me both! If she found her mate, that must mean there are men out there for us too and I want to live up my single life while I can." I say back while walking towards the door. Nate catches up to me, pulling me to a stop he says, "So, you don't want to go another round with me?"

"Boy, you know I do. I was hoping to find someone to join us, since I doubt Kendra will be doing that with us anymore."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Let's hit the dance floor and find another hot chick to share our bed with. Oh, hey, how we going to work out the sleeping arrangements tonight? I doubt Kendra will be letting 'Z' leave her tonight."

"Hmm.. good question. I guess we can figure that out later. Let's go have fun for now." I say, pulling him down the stairs behind me.

Seeing we were the last ones down, everyone was already dancing and having fun. I really do love all my peoples. They truly are great. Enough of the thinking though. Its time for me to get drunk and join the fun!!


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Updated & edited 6/9/2018

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