No Lies Just Love

By DaretoDream_98

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I stared at myself in the long mirror, seeing my hourglass shape and my thigh gap that everyone wants. Their... More

Chapter 2 - To New Beginnings
Chapter 3 - Here We Go
Chapter 4 - Love Story
Chapter 5 - The Opposite of Hope
Chapter 6 - I got a Girlfriend
Chapter 7 - He is Everywhere
Chapter 8 - The Truth
Chapter 9 - Normal is Just a Word
Chapter 10 - Bastille and Giggles

Chapter 1 - Nightmares & Horrors

823 29 20
By DaretoDream_98

Feel free to comment on this story, whether it's about how bad it is or about how good it is. Any suggestions would be awesome, maybe just message me. I had a lot of fun thinking of this creepy idea and I hope you people enjoy it! Follow, comment, and/or vote! Thanks :)

Oh and before I forget... Thanks to one of my supporters... You are so fun to talk to @candycaneloverz :) Read her books everyone :)


Chapter 1

My name is Destiny Black and I was only six years old when I found my Daddy murdered in our home with blood surrounding him and his body was so terribly mangled that I could barely recognize him. I only knew it was him because of his wedding ring that I used to twirl around his finger.

I was scarred for the rest of my life, and the complete experience of it all didn't get any better. A man named James Durham was the detective that was assigned to the mysterious murder of my dad. His ice cold blue eyes stared into mine as he growled, "I know you know something." He put me through hour and hours of interrogation. I was just old enough to be able to remember certain details but my mind stopped me from reaching them and yet he still was convinced I knew something. He thought that I was lying but my mind was blank. I was so little when he interrogated me, but he didn't care how young I was, the only thing he wanted was praise for solving The Impossible Case.

The only thing I seemed to remember was that my mother died giving birth to me, that my Dad's name was John Smith, that my name was Destiny, and the face of the man that killed my daddy. I helped them draw a sketch of the man as best as I could. It's the sketch that I've kept with me all these years. The one that will help me convict that bastard of a man.

Several years after that horrific night I managed to figure out that they couldn't even identify my dad. The only one who knew he ever lived was me. My testimony and the blood was the only reason why they even investigated at all. The body was so mangled, and the house was wiped clean of fingerprints that they had nothing to go on except for what I said. The detective eventually closed the unsolvable case.

They eventually found out who I was but the information they had on me, had nothing on who my parents were.  They took me in for a few days, but as soon as they realized it was hopeless they threw me straight into the foster system and with never a thought of me again.

The moment I got to a foster home, I was abused. The first one was the worst, when I didn't do some small thing right, I was punished. The worst was when I neglected to do the dishes and my foster dad had already consumed so much alcohol he could barely stand straight. He pulled his belt out of the belt loops and whipped me. I tried to run but the alcohol must have made him stronger because he grabbed my arm as hard as he could and threw me across the room. I fell through the glass table and I lost consciousness. I woke up in the car to the group home in the city with a cast around my arm and my head throbbing so much I lost consciousness again. It never got that bad again but how I was treated wasn't far from that.

I managed to keep up my grades as best as I could and I got some money from doing this and that. My fourth foster home wasn't as bad as the rest had been. They allowed me to get a paper route to save up some money. They treated me good, but I still wasn't quite part of the family. Loneliness became the norm, and I came to resent the pity that anyone bestowed on me.

This foster home was the last and best home. I stayed there from age 9 to 10, but I had to leave. I had to make a life of my own away from the homes that just made me depressed and lonely. I had just enough money to survive for a month or so but that was it. That didn't count the travel from Miami, Florida to who knows where. I had no idea where I was going to go, but I got into a bus and I road until I felt I was safe to a town in Florida called Cambelton, population only 222.

I slept on the side of the road and in youth homes for four years. I travelled lots because one day on July 1st, 2009 when I was 10, I saw the man that I only saw in my nightmares. The man that was on the sketch.

I only saw a glance from him, I shivered in fear. He had so much power over me. I ran.

In order to stay hidden I found someone who could change my identity, making it seem like I was older so I could find work to stay alive.

I always felt as if someone was watching me. I moved from state to state trying my best to stay hidden. I made sure that I wouldn't get attached to whoever I met. I kept everyone at arm's length. By the time I was 15, I couldn't count the amount of places I've been on my hands.

The first few years of running were terrifying because I was still only a child, but now that I am older I have learned many tricks to survive. I only stole when I really needed to and if I did steal it was from someone who was rude or awful towards me. I learnt how to avoid loving and caring and how to distance myself from people that I could love. I never kept the same name for long. As soon as I saw him I would pack anything that I still had and hop on a bus or train to some place new.

After staying in Weston, West Virginia for just under a year, I thought that I was safe. I was so completely unmistaken it was sad. The day before the anniversary of my coming to this place, I caught a glimpse of the man that gave me nightmares. The man that wouldn't stop from killing me because he already killed a man what would stop him from killing two?

I have always wondered why on earth anyone would want to kill a man with a child. Why would anyone want to kill a man and make his child an orphan? Then I remind myself that any man that even thinks of doing anything of the sort is not a man at all. They are the scum of the earth, malicious, revolting, and repulsive scum.

I stared at myself in the long mirror, broken, and dirty mirror. I see my hourglass shape and my thigh gap that everyone wants. Their jealousy clouds their minds, but they don't know my story. They don't know what has happened to me.

I saw my secretive green eyes staring back at me. Everyone craves the beauty that I possess but they don't know what I hide. They don't know what I've done to keep my secrets.

Everyone is dying to be as perfect as me, but what they don't realize is there is no such thing as perfection, nobody can be perfect. They don't know me, they don't know who I am, or was, or who I am going to be.

The rage inside of me is about to burst I am going to find that man who dared to kill my father, and I don't know what's going to happen after that.

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