Trust Must be Earned

By love_dangerous

64.6K 2.1K 182

Trust Series Book 2 : Follow Tatianna and Andre as their lives get even more mixed up and crazy! If you haven... More

Trust Must be Earned
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Filler Chapter
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 6

1.7K 47 3
By love_dangerous

A/N: Updates have been completely awful and I really don't have any excuses other than I haven't felt creative in a long time. Chapter 6 is really long and super cute. So yeah I hope you like it! Please comment and vote! Those kinds of things help me write better and are motivation. I love all my little monsters! Be good and if you're not good don't get caught!

I was loading up the dishwasher from breakfast and my mind was on a racetrack with thoughts circling at top speeds. I couldn't stop thinking about Matthew; which was totally fucked up. What if he got out of jail!? No that's crazy. I need to take a chill pill.


"Huh?" I answered absent mindedly.

"I asked if you....maybe, um....if you wanted to go to the carnival tonight?" Andre stuttered.

"Awwww that's so cute, babe."

"Well I heard girls like that kinda shit." He mumbled.

"I'd love to go baby. This is so unlike you! It's so romantic and spontaneous!" I squealed.

"Yeah, well, I'm trying to be a better boyfriend. I'm trying to show you that I'm still Dre."

"I can see that and it means a lot to me." A grin spread across my face as I ran and jumped into his arms. I knocked him back and we both hit the floor with a loud thud. Andre landed on his lower back with me straddling his waist.

"Oh my goodness, baby! I'm sorry. Are you ok?" I gasped.

"Haha yeah you kinda caught me off guard though. Like, I really wasn't expecting that one from you." He chuckled.

"Yeah it was kinda out of the ordinary for me." I blushed realizing just how childish my little stunt was.

"No worries, angel, it was cute." Dre spoke sweetly.

"You're not supposed to think I'm cute. You're supposed to think I'm badass." I pouted. Andre burst out laughing, but I really didn't think it was all that funny. "Why is that funny?"

"Well, first of all I've never heard a girl say that before. And second of all, you are about as badass as a pink mouse that lives in a little girls doll house and gets dressed up in fairy princess outfits." Andre teased.

"Hey!" I whined and hit him on the arm. My attempt to cause pain only earned me more laughs from my gorgeous boy. Andre face turned from playful to sexy in a split second, and he grabbed my hips and turned us both over.

"Did you just hit me?" He growled.

"Maybe." I giggled and took my bottom lip between my teeth. I know what that does to him.

"Answer me." He whispered biting my ear because me knew what that did to me.

"Make me." I challenged.

"Alright you asked for it." Andre smirked. He slipped his hand under his t-shirt that I was still wearing and slid my panties to the side. I jumped as his fingers jammed into me without any warning.

"Damn Tatianna, you're so wet for me already." He licked his lips. Andre slowly pumped his two fingers in and out. My breathing picked up and I was trying keep quiet. Dylan was still in the house and we were on the kitchen floor! Andre wiggled and scissored his fingers around. I couldn't help but scream as he lead me to my climax! Dre found my g-spot and continued to pound into me with just his fingers. I was so close. It didn't take much for Andre to get me to come. Everything he did was amazing.

"Andre I'm close." I moaned. He looked directly into my eyes and pulled nothing fingers out. I practically yelled at the loss of contact. He was denying me a release, and I was dying. "Andre!!!"

"Did you hit me?" He asked condescendingly. I nodded. "Use your words."

"Yes, I hit you." I whined.

"And?" He raised a brow at me.

"And I'm sorry." My body was shaking with need and I was whimpering from the ache between my legs that could only be relieved by Dre. He started rubbing my core slowly; he would gently brush my clit or tease my entrance a little, but he never pushed all the way in like I needed.

"Please baby. I need to come."

"Who's gonna make you come? Who is the only guy that has made you feel this good?"

"You! You are! Only you can make me feel this good!"

"Damn right I am! Now, are you gonna hit me again?"

"No I promise I won't!" I urged. I would definitely be hitting him more often if it brings out this dirty possessive side. It's really fucking hot and I've only seen it one other time at the cabin when I called Emily boo. I like this side of him a lot but I'd never admit that to him!

"Good girl." Dre cooed, right before slamming three fingers inside of me. He was pumping faster that before and hit prying my spot every time. I moaned his name as my orgasm made me feel high. I was in ecstasy. Andre smirked at my current state and then he dipped his head down and began to lick me clean.

"So sweet. So perfect." He purred.

"I love you." I sighed in content. Andre pulled the shirt back down and lifted me so I was sitting on his lap. I buried my head in his chest and breathed in his perfect sent. This boy had taken over my heart and I was perfectly fine with never getting it back.


"Tatianna! Are you ready yet?" I heard Andre call up the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I shouted back. I met Andre at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh baby you already did that today." He smirked. I blushed.

"You're dirty." I chastised.

"You like it." Andre countered and I didn't deny it because it was really true. The dirty things he said to me were always the biggest fucking turn on. "So, you really wanna do this whole carnival thing?"

"Yes of course. It's gonna be so much fun!" I squealed. Dre groaned in reply and I lead him out to the car.

"Can I drive? Please please please!!!" I jumped up and down.

"If you get the keys you can drive." He held his keys up above his head and I jumped for them. This was childish and I loved it. This side of Andre was my favorite. He was cute and playful. It was perfection and for a few minutes I felt like a regular high school girl without any stalkers or gangs trying to kill me.

"Please give me the keys." I pouted and gave my best puppy dog face.

****Andre's POV****

Tatianna knew I really couldn't say no to her. Whatever she wanted it was hers. I wasn't whipped or stupid; it's just that when you love somebody you want to give them your all and do anything just to see them smile. I could barely deny her at a normal time but then when Tatianna brings out that damn puppy dog face I am like putty in her hands. It sounds pathetic but I guess love does that to people. It takes over your whole life.

"Please, you never let me drive your truck." She stuck her bottom lip out just a little bit further. I was gonna cave it was inevitable.

"I told you, get the keys."

"But I'm short and your really tall. Just put them a little lower for me." Tati pleaded.

"Alright fine." I grinned evilly and dropped the set of keys into my briefs. Tatianna's eyes went wide. She looked shocked for a second before she shrugged. She reached her hand into my briefs and gave my dick a firm squeeze. I let out a small yelp. She smirked, clearly proud of the reaction she got and then she pulled out the keys. That plan totally backfired. I figured she was going to just give up because it's not like her to just shove her hand in my pants in the middle of my driveway, but Tatianna is just full of surprises, and now I'm half hard. This is going to be a long night. Tati skipped happily over the the drivers side and I jogged to catch up with her. She hopped into my truck, and she honestly looked so sexy driving it.

"Put your seatbelt on." She reminded me. I rolled my eyes.

"Why it's so annoying and it cuts across my neck. It also prevents me from doing this." I leaned over and tried to kiss her, but she pulled away.

"Please put it on."

"Why do you care?" I snapped. Tatianna didn't look at all phased by my harsh tone. She simply looked at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes and calmly replied.

"There are a million ways to say I love you: "Put your seatbelt on," "Watch your step," "Get some rest."....You just gotta listen." I was honestly stunned by her wise words. I shook my head in disbelief. Only Tatianna.


"Yeah I'm not always so dark and cryptic." She giggled only half joking.

"I've noticed." I laughed along with her. "Turn here babe." I instructed and Tati took a sharp left into the parking lot of the boardwalk.

"I adore carnivals! I don't think I've been to one since I was still living in Chicago." She smiled.

"When did you move here?" I that was the only thing I didn't know about her. I knew everything there was nothing else for her to tell me and I loved that about us. We could read each other like a classic novel.

"Right after freshman year." Sadness flinched across Tatianna's face, so I quickly change the subject.

"What do you wanna do first?" I ask as Tatianna parks the car.

"I don't know yet, like I said, it's been a while since I've been to one of these. But I know for sure that I wanna stay and watch the fireworks." She beamed. I was hoping she would want to. I know how much she loves cliches so I was planning to kiss her as the last few fireworks exploded in the sky because that's how it feel ok is her. Wow I'm staring to sound like a chick. I got out of the truck before I started trying to watch the Notebook or some shit. I walked around to the drivers side just in time to see Tatianna jump out of the car, stick the landing, and salute like she was standing beforehand panal of judges and hundreds or adoring fans. I chuckled.

"You are so strange."

"Really? You ain't seen nothing yet!" She laughed and ran though the parking lot. She took a big leap and went right into, what I recently learned is called, a round off flip-flop. She finished the two skills with an incredibly high back tuck. Tatianna landed it perfectly and saluted to me. I clapped and cheered for her. A few people also clapped, but most people looked at us as if we were aliens. She giggled and I charged at her scooping her up and swinging her around.

"Tatianna James had just won the all-around gold medal!!" I screamed in my mock announcers voice. She laughed hysterically.

"Put me down! Put me down!" She shrieked. I laughed and returned my angel back to the earth.

"So you just won an Olympic gold medal, Tatianna, what are you gonna do now?" I continued with my little act.

"I'm gonna tell my boyfriend I love him!" She smiled. I put one finger on my ear as if I was hearing a message through my imaginary ear piece.

"This just in, he loves you too." I announced.

"DJ is so amazing he is just the best boyfriend ever." She smirked. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Not cool, babe." I said seriously. She laughed louder.

"I thought it was pretty damn funny."

"I'll show you pretty damn funny." I growled as I lifted her over my head and walked the 50 feet to the dock. I held her out over the edge. She started screaming and begging me not to drop her into the ocean. It was March but the water was still really cold.

"Please don't." She pleaded between laughs. I pulled her back onto the dock and kissed her.

"You know I'd never let you fall." I said that about letting her fall into the ocean but we both knew that what I just said had a much much deeper meaning.

"I really do love you and if I ever did win a gold medal. You are the one that I want by my side the entire competition." Tatianna looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. I loved it when they got like this. They were almost completely black. It was so fucking hot and it only happened when she felt strongly about something. It doesn't matter what emotion just as long as it's a strong one. Her eyes were hauntingly beautiful.

****Tatianna's POV****

Andre was just staring at me. His gaze was so intense and I didn't know what to make of it. I squirmed, looked away, and covered my body up. Andre grabbed my wrists.

"Angel you are beautiful. Don't you ever feel like you have to hide yourself from me." He demanded. I was so taken aback by his words I just nodded my head. Who was this man and what the hell happened to my boyfriend.

"Um can we start on that roller coaster?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"That one?" Andre questioned pointing to the big great and yellow coster.

"Yeah!" I smiled excitedly.

"Sure, that's cool." Andre wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked into the fair grounds like that.


"That was so much fun!" I squealed as we got off the roller coaster.

"That was not fun." Dre grumbled.

"Haha, let's go again!" I jumped up and down.

"Babe if you want me to be able to walk tonight, not to mention take care of that body, we really shouldn't go again." I blushed at his crude comment.

"So then what now?"

"Let's just walk and see what we find." He suggested taking my hand in his and leading us away from the coaster. We passed other happy couples, and screaming children. I rolled my eyes at some twelve year old girls who thought they were the shit. I was just enjoying the whole atmosphere as we came up to the midway. I have never ever played a midway game before. I've always wanted to tho.

"Do you wanna play a few?" Andre asked reading my mind.

"Yes please."

"Alright pick one you like and we'll give it a try. I'm just warning you. These games are not meant to be easy."

"Ill be fine. They can't be that hard." I defended. He rolled his eyes and we kept walking until I cam across a giant penguin. I needed it! It was too fucking perfect!

"I have to have it!" I beamed.

"You're cute." Andre chuckled. He handed the man a five dollar bill and I was given three base balls. All I had to do was knock all three milk bottles down. This was gonna be easy. I threw the first ball and completely missed the stack. Andre tried to stifle a laugh and failed. I hit one bottle with my second ball and two with my third.

"You gotta let me play one more time. I was so close." I begged. Andre sighed and handed the man another five. He looked at me clearly amused with my little show. I threw the base ball and hit all the bottles, but only two fell.

"Hey that's not fair." I protested.

"That's how the game is played, girl!" The employee grumbled at me. I rolled my eyes and threw the second ball, and again I hit the bottles but only two fell.

"We are gonna be here all damn night." The man laughed. Before I could even reply Andre stepped up to him.

"Aye, watch it." He growled. "Angel why don't you let me try?" I sighed knowing that I probably couldn't do it and handed Andre the last ball. He took a step back and then whipped the shit out of that ball and all three bottles came crashing to the floor. He looked at the man as if he was daring him to say something.

"She'll take the penguin." The man just nodded and pulled it down for me. I looked at Andre.

"Thanks baby! You're the best!" I stood on my tippy toes and pecked him on the lips. After that we played a few more games and by the time we were done I had a bear and a puppy. And Andre had three basket balls. The sun was almost down at this point and we had made our way to the very back of the park. Right on the edge of the dock there was a Farris wheel! It was all lit up in blues, purples and greens! I looked up at it. How did I not see it before. I was too focused on what was in front of me that I never bothered to look up.

"Can we?" I asked.

"Um...wouldn't you rather do something else?"

"No. I wanna ride on the Farris wheel with you." I said sweetly.

"No you don't." Andre rushed. "Wouldn't you rather get something to eat?"

"Dre, what's up? Is there a reason you don't wanna do this?"

"No...well yes. I just really don't like things like that."

"Andre do you have acrophobia?" I asked the surprise was evident in my voice.

"Babe, I love how smart you are but sometimes it's ok to use little words too." Andre teased.

"Oh sorry. What I meant was are you afraid of heights?"

"I'm not afraid...I just don't like them very much."

"Oh my god, Andre James is afraid of heights!" I chuckled.

"Shh! I'm not afraid."

"Admit it and I'll stop."

"Ok I absolutely fucking hate heights." He huffed.

"But you live on the eleventh floor!"

"I didn't pick the condo. Dylan did. Think about it, in all the times you've been in my house have you ever seen me out on the balcony?"

"You have a balcony?" I asked astounded.

"Yes, and that is my point exactly."

"Well do this with me. Just once. Please? Exposure to your fear can be good therapy."

"You don't believe in therapy!" He called me out.

"Very true, but I do believe in love and romance." I purred as I rubbed my hands up his abs.

"Alright fine. But I'm only doing this once and know one will ever hear about my fear. Understood?"

"I'll keep it to myself." I promised. I grabbed Andre's hand and lead him to the line of people. The wheel moved non-stop so you had to be quick about getting on and off of it. We stepped into our little car. It was an enclosed box with a bench on each side. Just like the one at Navy Peir in Chicago. It brought back childhood a little bit. As we started too ascend, I notice Andre change. He wasn't the strong brave faced Andre that I always saw. I saw a little boy for the first time. A little boy who looked so lost and scared. He body was shaking and his eyes were darting all over the place. He looked down through the glass and gasped. I moved to sit on the same bench as him.

"Hey, hey. Don't look down. Look at me." I said quietly but firmly. He lifted his head and looked at me with panic. "That's it babe. Don't think about it. Just think about us right here right now and how much I love you." Andre nodded but he still looked frightened. This was a look that I never hoped to see again. It was honestly heart breaking.

"Tatianna?!" He croaked.

"Here, ask me anything. I won't get mad at you at all. Now is your chance to ask me anything you've ever wanted to know."

"What is your last name?" He asked. Most people would be offended that after all this time he still didn't know my last name but that's because I hated it. He used to ask all the time but I wouldn't tell him because I have my dad's last name and if my dad was never in my life and I hate him why would I like having a part of him attached to me? I just never use it. I don't even tell people when they ask. I sighed. He deserved to know.

"My full name is Tatianna Marie Scott."

"Baby that's beautiful. I know you don't like it but Tatianna Marie is heavenly. And lucky for me it's the name of my angel."

"You're so cheesy!" I giggled.

"And you love it." Dre countered.

"True." I admitted. I felt the Farris wheel jerk and come to a stop. We were two cars away from the very top. Andre looked at me and fear filled his eyes.

"What's going on?" He whimpered like actually fucking whimpered and it was the cures thing ever! I looked down but I couldn't see.

"I don't know, but most likely they stopped it so a handicapped person could get on. No big deal this happens all the time on Farris wheels. If it's broken they'll make an announcement. And since they haven't imma say that it's not." I rationalized calmly.

"I really hate this and you should feel really fucking special that I'm sitting in this box of death with you." Andre grouched.

"You always make me feel special." I shrugged.

"Come here." He wrapped me in his arms. I layed my head on his chest and breathed in his perfect scent. "I love you."

"I trust you." I didn't really want to say that but it slipped out. My voice was barely above a whisper. I was hoping he didn't hear me but clearly he did because his breathing actually stopped.

"You what?"

"Don't make me say it again." I whined burriyng my face in his chest.

"No what did you say?" He sat up forcing me to look at him.

"I said that I trust you. I think I can forgive you for what you did. I mean, don't get me wrong I'm still so angry and hurt but with time I know that we can move past this."

"God I love you so fucking much and I really don't deserve you."

"No, you do. I'm not perfect and neither are you but together we just work. Like, I can't explain it but we just do."

"Hmmm I'm pretty sure that's called true love." Andre joked.

"Hey look were back down." I pointed out. "You didn't even notice. Did you?"

"Nope, I was a little busy." Dre chuckled. We stepped off the Farris wheel.

"Where to next?"

"I wanna do the haunted house."

"Oh no. Andre, no way." I stated quickly.

"Wait why not?" He stooped and looked at me.

"I don't do haunted houses. I absolutely hate them." I rushed.

"That's not right Tatianna. You can't make me get on that spinning wheel of death and then expect me to let you skip out like that." Andre called me out.

"But baby it's so scary." I whined

"I'll protect you." Dre whispered and kissed my forehead. I nodded. I really didn't wanna do this but he was right I made him face his fears and now I was gonna face mine. We walked over to the dark brown shack. I looked up. Panic and anxiety settled in the pit of my stomach.

"It's so big!" I said breathlessly.

"Tatianna! I know that you love it, but now is not the time to be talking about my dick." He smirked. I laughed and playfully hit him.

"I'm serious Andre." I whined.

"Yeah and so was I babe." He winked.

"Let's just get this over with." I rolled my eyes.


"That was awful!" I flipped out as soon as we had gotten out of the shack.

"How would you even know? You spent the whole time on my back burriyng you head in my neck. I pretty sure I heard you praying at one point." Andre was laughing hysterically.

"Don't mock me! I told you taking me in there was a bad idea."

"Yeah it was." He mumbled. "Hey, I just realized that I left my phone in the car. You want me to take you stuff back while I run and gran it real quick?"

"Yeah that'd be great." I smiled handing him my penguin and all the other things we won today. Andre and I walked over to a small brick wall. It encased a little park for kids. He lifted me onto the wall.

"Please do not move from this spot. I will be right back. Ok?" He ordered. I laughed at his sudden seriousness as if I was gonna run away or some shit. I took out my phone and answered a few text messages. I felt a tap on my leg causing me to look up. My eyes were met by several black hoodies. They looked like a bunch of wanna-be thugs. Excuse me, my man is a real thug and y'all can back your punk asses out the way.

"Hey lil mama. Aren't you to pretty to be alone." The first one said. They all seriously looked to be like 16.

"I'm not alone my boyfriend will be right back!" I rolled my eyes and tried to seem confident.

"Come on." The second guy pulled me off the wall.

"What the fuck!?" I sassed.

"You're gonna come with us baby."

"Just come quietly." Another boy added. That was when I noticed the tattoo on the first boys wrist. A halo with devil horns could only mean one thing. They were Gods. Fuck! This gang that I thought was small and relitively harmless was getting bigger and more powerful by the second.

"She's not going anywhere with your punk asses." Andre stepped over and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I think she's gonna want to." The first boy lifted his shirt to reveal his gun tucked neatly into his jeans. I'm honestly so fucking tired of this shit. Like I don't want this life. It's all a game of boys and thier egos. And it's all a game I don't wanna play.

"Wanna bet?" Andre smirked and lifted his shit to show off his glock.

"Yeah well, we can shoot it out right here. If that's what you want." The kid stammered and fear raked through his body.

"Kid, go home and write your English paper or some shit. We both know you're way to young to play in a game like this. You wanna play with the big boys then you need to stop this petty shit. Man up!" Andre scoffed. The kid looked bewildered at Andre's mini lecture. I was suprised to.

"I'm a God. Imma pop you one." He tried to maintain this facade.

"Big mistake." I giggled. I learned from day one that no body threatens a James boy. It never ends well and it may be the last thing you ever do. Within seconds Andre and the boy against the brick wall I had previously been sitting on. He had his hands on the kids neck and I could tell he was squeezing. Not hard enough to kill him but hard enough to hurt him. I reached and slid the boys gun from his jeans. I laughed when I saw that it was a revolver. His six bullets could never hold out against a glock. Pathetic.

"Please please." The kid begged. Andre smirked. I used to get more scared when he got like this but now it barely phased me.

"I'll make you a deal. I'll let you and your little friends live but from now on you pledge your allegiance to the Kings."

"I can't-" The boys answer was cut short by Andre slamming his back into the wall.

"Life or death." He growled.

"I'll join the kings." He croaked.

"I thought so." Andre grinned with malice. He dropped the boy and he crumpled down to the pavement. The two other boys rushed to his side. I laughed. It was like watching a German shepherd fight a bunch of chihuahuas. Andre pulled out his phone.

"Hey Dyl....woah can you watch the tone. I got you fresh meat....yeah ex Gods.....they tried to run a train on Tati so rough 'em real good.....iight thanks bro." Andre hung up and turned to the boys. "She is mine, and I swear to God if you so much as look at her again I will not hesitate even for a second to fucking kill you. Do I make myself clear?' He raised his voice. I huffed. Men.

****Andre's POV****

I was super fucking agitated but I wasn't going to let it ruin my plans with Tatianna. We waited for a few minutes until X came to pick up the boys. I don't know what he was gonna do to them and frankly I didn't really care. All I cared about right now was my browned eyed perfection standing over their.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry about all that." I sighed running my fingers through my short curls.

"It's ok. I kinda like watching you in action. It's a turn on." She mumbled. I chuckled.

"I'm going to make love to you when we get home." I was still horny from when I fingered her on the kitchen floor earlier!

"Thanks for saving me."

Tatianna, I promised that I'd never let you fall and I'll always be around to catch you."

"I know. I love you." She smiled. My heart sped up. Maybe she says that often, but to me it feels like I never hear it! And even though I know I don't always believe that this is real.

"Why do you always seem to attract the biggest douche bags?" I questioned only half kidding.

"I don't know. Why were you attracted to me?"She giggled.

"Ha ha very funny Tati." The sarcasm was evident in my voice.

"Let's go down to the sand to watch the fireworks."

"Ok, but here take this." I pulled my hoodie over my head and Tatianna put it on. She used to put up so much more of a fight when I tried to make her wear my clothes. Now she wanted to. We walked down to the sand. Neither of us realized that we didn't have chairs or a towel.

"We can always just shower together before we go to bed." Tatianna shrugged.

"Nah, that's ok. I like my women dirty." I laughed as she playfull punched my shoulder.

"You're a perv."

"You like it. I rebutted. Tatianna didn't answer me she just sighed sweetly and leaned into me. I felt so complete with her in my arms. I could literally feel the love radiating from her body. When she was happy I was happy and I worried a little less, and when she was hurting I was breaking for her. Tatianna and I watched the fireworks explode above us. If someone could have put what it was like to be with this girl into one event. It would be fire works. Loving her was one giant, beautiful, colorful, explosion of heat and passion. Tatianna got a text about halfway through the display. She gasped.

"What's wrong, angel?"

"Oh nothing important. It's just that my favorite gymnast got injured at Texas camp today, and Emily just texted me about it." Her voice was shaky.

"Is she gonna be ok? Like is she out forever?" I was trying to identify with Taitanna. I literally knew nothing about gymnastics and about injuries in the sport but she seemed really upset about it so I was doing my best.

"Ummmm she should be ok. Everything is gonna be ok. She's safe." Tatianna whispered. It sounded almost like she was trying to convince herself of that. It seemed to me like a little thing to be sad about but gymnastics is Tatianna's whole life so I'm not gonna question it. I just rubbed her back as the grand finale erupted through the night sky. When it was all over. I took Tati's hand in mine and took my baby home

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