
By Annaleen101

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I'm not normal. I just know I'm not. I constantly have horrific nightmares about demons hunting me down and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen : Lucifer
Chapter Sixteen : Katheryn
Chapter Seventeen : Dysly/Majerious
Chapter Eighteen : Katheryn
Chapter Nineteen: Dysly/Majerious
Chapter Twenty : Katheryn
Chapter Twenty-One : Dysly
Chapter Twenty-Two : Katheryn
Chapter Twenty-Three: Katheryn
Chapter Twenty-Four: Lucifer
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Author's Note: Thank You!

Chapter Thirty-One

608 23 4
By Annaleen101

There are butterflies in a cage.

The cage door opens on its own.

They are all finally free.

Some butterflies stay and flutter, many fly to the sun.

One of the butterflies has golden wings.

The butterfly transforms into Luna. I fly toward her, toward the glowing sun.

Luna raises her hand. "No. You have to stay."

"I want to be with you," I whimper. "They don't need me anymore. I need you."

"No. You must stay."

Luna caresses my cheek before wrapping me in her warm embrace.

As soon as she does, a warm sensation tingles up my spine.

Luna and I speak simultaneously, "I'll always love you. No one will love you as much as I do."

The warm sensation becomes greater; it gives me comfort.

Luna kisses my forehead before flying back to the sun with the others.

"Katheryn, wake up."

My eyes shoot open. The room is bright, too bright. Am I dead?

"And stay awake."

I don't want to die.

"Aaah!" I struggle to be free from whatever was holding me down. "Somebody help me!"

No, calm down Katheryn. You're safe and sound. You're in Sky, in a hospital. You're safe and alive. An IV is strapped to you because you've lost so much blood. It's OK, Katheryn.

I take the needle out of my arm and sit up. Flowers, so many flowers, fill up the empty space of my room. Along with the beautiful flowers, are chocolates and way too many Get Well cards.

I take a deep breath and lie back down in the hospital bed and, for some reason, think about how I would definitely wear a hospital gown to prom. Moments later, a nurse enters along with Sarah and Emily; they squeal excitedly when they see me awake. I assume they expected me to still be unconscious and just came to visit.

"Princess! Oh, I'm so happy to see you!" Emily pats my head. Sarah takes my hands and kisses them. "This has been the longest month of our lives."

"I've been out for a month," I ask shocked.

"Yes," Sarah says. "Thank goodness Mary saved your life."

I snatch my hands away. "What?"

Emily stares worriedly into my eyes. "Princess-"

"Where is Mary," I ask forcefully.

Sarah says nothing. Emily steps toward me. "Princess, Mary is dead. Your damage was so terrible, that while she was healing you, she died. The doctors just went on from there."

"No." I don't believe it. I don't want to believe it. "No! I told her not to! She promised me she wouldn't!"

Sarah says, "She had to because without it, you would've died. The doctors wouldn't be able to do anything!"

"She should have let me die!"

Emily whispers, "I don't think anyone would let you die."

Kind of reminds me of the man with the red hair, my father. He barely knew me and he died for me. Or when Jason was against me fighting my first battle. I have so many people who care about me here and I'm so thankful. I just wish no one else had to die.

Sarah and Emily surround me with hugs. "We're sorry Princess."

"It's alright," I sniffle.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Sarah assures me.

"If they let you out," Emily says.


A few days later, I was released from the hospital. When Sarah and Emily came to pick me up, they told me to expect a B-I-G big party for me once the Palace was repaired.

The Palace is a wreck; it's cool and disturbing to think that I made it that way. I notice the gaping hole in the wall and on the ceiling, the shattered glass, the craters and dry blood. The memories send chills up and down my spine.

Joy is here beside me. We watch as some the Palace workers fix up part of the Palace. Joy was so happy to see me alive and in one piece. When she had seen me, she jumped on me and wrapped her arms around my neck before thumping my head. "It took you long enough, sleepyhead."

I manage a small laugh. "I guess was worn out."

Joy laughs and hugs me again. It's silent for a short while until Joy asks, "How did it feel... to be in Ultimate Power?"

I don't know. It was horrifyingly exhilarating. I felt like I was flying higher than the clouds but also squashed under a giant's foot. I felt strong but weaker than an infant. I was uncontrollable, but I knew what I was doing. After, I wanted to vomit.

"Joy, I never want to be in Ultimate Power again," I admit. "Never."

Joy chuckles. "Never?"

"Never ever."

"Don't worry," Joy says. "When you're older you'll be able to control it."

I look down at my hands. "Joy, when you said you couldn't see my future anymore-"

"It wasn't because Lucifer was going to kill you. I knew he wasn't, I knew you were gonna kick his ass."

I laugh and softly nudge Joy. "I was going to--"

"I know," Joy says. "But it doesn't matter now. You're here and you've won."

Just as Joy finishes her sentence, she suddenly turns toward the door of the Palace and focuses on it. "Someone's here."

I look to the door as well, but don't see anyone. I was going to ask Joy what she sees when the man reveals himself, the man with the red hair . He's alive, he doesn't have wings, but he's alive. I can't help but smile at the sight of him. He's alive.

"You can turn invisible," is all I ask. It's the only thought that I could speak first.

"Yeah," he mumbles. He steps forward a bit and so do I.

"You risked your life for me."

"Yes I did," he says. "You're my baby. I would do anything for you."

I wince at the words "his baby." I still can't believe that he's my father. "Where have you been?" I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt my lip quivering.

"Katheryn," he whispers. He outstretches his arm to me and I immediately fall into his embrace.

"I'm here now. And I'll never leave," he says before he kisses the top of my head. "I love you."


Since the Palace was under construction, Joy offered my dad and I, along with the Sarah and Emily, to live with her and her aunt until the Palace was repaired. The other residents reassured me that they had a place to stay or family to live with until then and Joy was certain her aunt wouldn't mind if the Princess and the King stay in her home for a while.

While everyone else was settling in, I had to take care of some personal business .I haven't seen Jason in a month since I was in the hospital. It would be nice to see him again and I'm sure he's been worrying about me.

"Knock, knock," I exclaim cheerfully when I enter Jason's house. Jason beams at the sight of me and nearly tackles me. He presses his lips to mine and kisses me like he's never kissed me before. After, he holds me close to him and laughs.

"I'm so happy to see you. I'm glad you're OK."

I cut right to the chase. "Jason, I love you."

His eyes grow wide with surprise, but before he has a chance to say anything, I do. "I love you so much. So much. And I'm ordering you to move into the Palace with me."


"I'm the Princess. So you have to do what I say," I chuckle. "And I can't stand being away from the people I love and I love you."

Jason manages a laugh and runs his fingers through his hair. I stand on my tip toes and press my lips to his. His lips are sweet and we linger in the moment, not that I mind.

"I- I love you, Little Miss Princess," Jason whispers when we both release. Although Jason stammers, I could still hear the sincerity in his voice. "And I'd be happy to move in with you."

"Yay." I nuzzle into his neck and smile. "I can't wait for you to meet my dad."

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