The Love of my Life (RM x Rea...

By XutieMiako

289K 9.1K 4.3K

This is about how your love story with Namjoon unfolds. •Completed• Thanks to @Baetanbuys for making the cov... More

First off...
Getting Ready to Move
Finally Arriving in South Korea!!
Cleaning Your Apartment
Meeting BTS!
Beaming with Happiness
Chased by Crazy Fans
Meeting Yoongi
Getting to Know You More
An ARMY in His Eyes
Cooking Spicy Soup
Surprise Kiss
Feelings for you?
Attacked by a Drunk Guy
Your Middle School Past
Your High School Past
Dating You For Your Looks?
I Love...
"You Jerk!"
Smiling Sunshine
Making ARMY Happy
A Present For BTS
We're Not Perfect...
Confessing to You
"You Look Like a Goddess"
True Love
Rest in Peace Jonghyun (Shinee)
"I'll Teach You"
Wanting Seconds as Well
Out Like a Light
Hate Comments
Waking up to Each Other
Live Stream (Q&A)
Sexual Harassment
Christmas Special (Clarification)
True Friends
Announcing Relationship
Visiting Your Middle School
Ugly As Always
Telling The Manager...
Taking Care of Him
Having Problems...
"Don't Ever Leave me... Please"
Both of Your Faults...
Playing Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Valentine Special
Happy Birthday Hoseok!
Not The Right Girl For Him...?
Information : True or False...?
Happy Birthday Yoongi!
First Date?!
"Don't Spend Money on me"
Claw Machine
The Beach
Being Chased by Crazy Girls
BTS Five Year Anniversary
End of the First Date : Sunset
Fourth of July (Special)
Two Days : Already Missing Him
"I miss..."
Supportive or Hating
Happy Birthday Namjoon!
A Month With Family
Tears of Joy
Halloween Special
Happy Thanksgiving!
Christmas Special! (Part One)
Chirstmas Special! (Part Two)
New Years Special!
Some Fresh Air
Valentine's Day Special!
Wedding Day
Q&A With Namjoon
Disapproval? Or Approval?
Distractions to Pass The Time
Livestream of Your Daily Life
Motivations to Confess
For Your Supporters
The Adoring Scarlet
The Special Day
My Other Stories
Epilogue: My Happy Ending

Christmas Special

3.7K 108 79
By XutieMiako

XutieMiako: To start this off it's an author's note!
Reader: I want to read!!
XutieMiako: This is very important for you to know though!
Reader: I'll just skip this!
XutieMiako: For those who didn't skip this author's note, thank you!
Anyways as you can tell by the title, this is a Christmas special!!
So since Christmas is tomorrow, I won't be updating on Christmas Day.
I need this break off to spend time with my family. I'll definitely update after Christmas so I hope you understand!
Thank you for reading this author note, and please enjoy this (probably long) Christmas Special. 😁 Potato out!

When you woke up, you immediately got out of your bed. You forgot that you and Namjoon sleep together. You grabbed your phone and you dashed into the kitchen. Another thing you forgot was to go to the bathroom to do your morning routine. Seokjin was in the kitchen cooking. He heard you, and he turned around with a smile. "Good morning, Y/N," he said. You smiled back. "Good morning!! Can you guess what season it is??" You asked, excitedly. But you didn't say it too loud since you knew the others were sleeping. "Erm... winter...?" he answered, questionably. "That's right, and Christmas is in two days!" you said, happily. Seokjin chuckled, "I'm assuming, with your reaction, that Christmas is one of your favorite holidays." You nodded. You loved Christmas, it was the time of year where you get presents and spend time with people who are important to you. Although your family and friends aren't here; you were able to spend time with BTS. That, in a way, was something you would love. Since BTS was your favorite boy band, they're important to you. Plus, they're your best friends now. You walked over to Seokjin. "What's for breakfast?" you looked at what he was making. "Nothing special just a simple breakfast," he answered. "What, where's the Christmas spirit?" you asked and he laughed. "You're so right, I need Christmas spirit," he agreed. You started playing Christmas songs on your phone. Then you started helping him make breakfast more Christmasy. You sang along with the songs.

~After a while~

When you were done with making breakfast, you immediately walked into your bedroom. Namjoon was still asleep. You walked to the bedside and watched him. Then you smiled warmly when his eyes slowly opened. "Good morning~," you said, and Namjoon smiled. "Morning, jagiya," he grabbed your arm and pulled you on top of him. You buried your face in his chest. "It's almost Christmas," you said, and he hummed. "Yea, Christmas is in two more days," he said. "I got everyone more than one present but I'm pretty sure I got you more presents," you informed. He wrapped his arms around your waist. "Mm~, I can't wait until you see the amount of presents I got you," he smiled. You sighed quietly, "Don't tell me you wasted a lot of money just to buy me presents..." "I won't tell you~," he replied. "Well, I think it's time for you to get up and get ready for work," you said. He released you. You stood up and smiled at your boyfriend, who was stretching. "Come on now, lazy," you grabbed his arms. Then you pulled him up. "Babe~, I'm tired," he pouted and you pouted back. "But you have to work~, ARMY wants everyone to work hard for them," you said. Namjoon yawned, "Fine... Im going." He headed towards the bathroom. You waited until Namjoon was done using the bathroom. Then you walked into the bathroom and did your morning routine. You also brushed your hair. Normally, you brush your teeth after you're done eating. You walked into the dining room, and you waited for the others. When the others came, everyone started eating. After you were done, you got up and walked to the bathroom. Then you headed straight to the bathroom and brushed your teeth.

~After a few minutes~

"Babe, we're leaving!" Namjoon shouted. You immediately ran to the door. He was waiting for you. You ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Have a nice day at work!" you smiled cutely. "I'll see you later," he gave you a quick kiss on your lips. He waved and so did the other members. They started entering the BTS car. You closed the front door and walked to the garage door. You opened the door and started looking around. Seokjin told you, when you were helping him cook breakfast, that there was a Christmas tree and decorations in the garage. You looked around. "Ah, there it is," you said out loud when you spotted it. The Christmas tree was in a rectangular box. You walked over to the box and picked it up. Then you walked into the living room. You slowly placed the Christmas tree down, then went back into the garage to retrieve the decorations. After a while, you had every Christmas decoration in the living room. You started unboxing the (medium sized) Christmas tree. Then you started setting up the Christmas tree. You didn't use the instructions because it looked pretty easy. When it was all done, you smiled at the Christmas tree. Then you started decorating it. When the decoration was complete, you looked at the it. "It's missing candy canes..." you thought to yourself. The Christmas tree was decorated with tinsel and ornaments but the candy cane was missing. You decided to go buy candy canes so you walked into your bedroom, and started choosing clothes to wear. (Your clothes are: A black Christmas sweater that has a little reindeer in the right corner of it, along with a gray beanie and scarf, one of Namjoon's hoodie, gray skinny jeans, and black converse high)

You went into the bathroom and started taking a shower. After you were done taking a shower, you put on your clothes (beside your beanie and scarf). You dried your hair and brushed it. Then you put on your beanie and scarf before walking out of the bathroom. You grabbed everything you needed, and then grabbed Namjoon's car keys. Then you went into the garage before opening it. You got into Namjoon's car and started backing out of the garage. After you were a good distance from the garage, you pressed a button (in Namjoon's car) to close the garage. When the garage was closed, you started driving off to the store. When you made it to the store, you parked the car before getting out. Then you walked into the store. You immediately started looking for candy canes in the Christmas section. Just then, you bumped into someone. You were about to apologize but you recognized the person, it was Baekhyun. "Baekhyun, I'm so sorry for bumping into you," you apologized and he smiled. "Don't worry about it, Y/N," he assured you. "Why are you here?" Baekhyun asked. "I'm here to buy candy canes for the Christmas tree," you answered while looking around. "Oh yea? Me too," he said. You looked at him, "Then we can work as a team and find them together!" Baekhyun nodded and smiled, "Lets do it!"

~After a while~

You and Baekhyun eventually found the candy canes. You grabbed four packages of candy cane. Baekhyun grabbed about ten. "Whoa, how big is your Christmas tree?" you asked curiously. "It's a big Christmas tree, it's up to my house's second floor," he answered. He used his hands to show how big it was, making you laughed. "Jordan said the both of you live in a house together," you remembered. He nodded, "Yup, I live with my girlfriend. The other members can't disturb the two of us," he smiled. "Speaking of house, Jordan mentioned something about you moving..." he said. "Oh yea, I had to move..." you said. "Why??" he asked curiously. "I would love to tell you but I have to go!" you rushed to the cash register and paid for the candy canes. Then you grabbed the bag and ran out of the store. You headed straight for the car and got in. When you were in, you sighed in relief. "That was close... they don't need to know yet..." then you started driving back to the dorms. When you got back to the dorms and parked Namjoon's car, you closed the garage and rushed into the living room.

~After about two hours later~

You were finished decorating the Christmas tree and the living room. You smiled brightly at the room in front of you. Then you grabbed your phone and took a picture before sending it to your group chat with BTS. No one replied so you assumed that they were busy practicing. You checked the time (2:17 P.M). Then your stomach growled at you. "Okay, I guess that's my cue to make lunch," you headed to the kitchen. You opened the fridge and looked through it. "Hmm... maybe rice with eggs," you closed the fridge. You poured some rice into the pot and started cleaning the rice. After you it was clean, you cleaned it one more time before you put the pot into the rice cooker. You sighed. "I need to wait until the rice is done before I cook the egg. Then I can eat," you opened a food cabinet. You looked around and saw gummy fruit snacks. "These are unhealthy but I'm starving," you grabbed two packs of the fruit snacks. You began eating them. Eventually, you ate all the fruit gummy in the two packs. Your stomach growled at you again. "Are you for real...?" you sighed. You decided to make a (healthy) banana strawberry smoothie. So you grabbed the ingredients, and started making the smoothie.

~After a few minutes~

You're starving but the rice was finally finished. Plus, you just finished making the smoothie. You poured the smoothie into a glass cup. Then you grabbed a pan. You also grabbed butter and an egg from the fridge. You started cooking the egg. When you were done, you prepared your plate. You put the rice first and then the egg. Then you opened a cabinet and pulled out a spoon. You placed the plate and spoon on the table. Then you grabbed your smoothie and walked over to the table. You sat down and started eating. After you were done eating, you started finishing your smoothie. When you were done, you grabbed grabbed everything and brung them to the sink. Then you placed them into the sink and started washing them. When you were finished washing the dishes, you placed them on the dish drying rack. You sighed. "Time for my daily walk," you grabbed your backpack and phone. You started listening to music before heading to the front door. You put on your shoes before locking the door behind you. Then you started walking to BigHit.

~After thirty minutes~

BigHit wasn't so far as it was when you were living in your apartment. When you made it to BigHit, you walked in and started walking towards the practice room. Just then, Jess stopped you. "Y/N, you can't go in there!" she blocked the door. "How come...?" You asked, curiously. "Um... uh... they're really trying to focus and they don't want to get distracted," she said. You could tell that she was trying to make up an excuse. You sighed, "I can stay quiet." She looked at you, "Please leave," she said. You looked at her in disbelief. Then you turned around and walked out of BigHit. You started walking back to the dorms.

~To BTS~

Namjoon opened the door that led to the practice room. "Was that Y/N...?" he asked but it seemed like he already knew the answer. "Yes..." Jess looked down at the ground. "You did a good job, Jess. Don't start crying because you told off your favorite YouTuber," he patted her head. She nodded but a tear rolled down her face. Namjoon walked back into the practice room before closing the door behind him. "Was that, noona?" Jungkook asked. "Yes but it seems that she already left," Namjoon answered. "Good because she can't ruin this," Yoongi said.

~Back to you~

You were walking back to the dorms. Then you sighed, "What are they doing in there...?" Some guys were catcalling you but you ignored it. Soon, you heard the guys following you. "Time to run," you started jogging and eventually sped up. "Pace is key," you thought. You made it back to the dorms. It seems like none of the guys, that were catcalling you, didn't follow you too far. You unlocked the door and quickly closed it behind you, then you locked it.

~Time : 10:30 P.M~

You heard the door open and you walked out of your bedroom. Then you looked around the corner. You had already changed into your pajamas (Your clothes are: One of Namjoon's white long sleeve shirt, reindeer pajama bottoms and black socks). While peeping around the corner, you saw BTS entering the dorms. "Baby, I'm home!" Namjoon informed. You slowly walked towards the front door. "Welcome home," you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. When he tried to kiss you on the lips, you avoided it. Hoseok entered the living room. "Whoa, it looks so cool!" he jumped up and down. The rest of the members walked into the living room, "Y/N, you did this all by yourself?" Seokjin asked, impressed. "Yea," you said quietly. "This is so cool!" Jungkook walked around the room. "Thanks... I mean, I sent photos to the group chat. But I guess you guys would be distracted so no one saw," you said in a low tone. They pulled out theirs phones to check their messages. "Oh babe, sorry. We were just busy today," Namjoon said while looking at the photo. "Yup busy... Jess told me that, I'm going to sleep," you turned around and started heading back to your bedroom.

~To BTS~

"What's wrong with her...?" Yoongi asked. "I don't know, I'll go check on her," Namjoon walked towards the bedroom. He walked into the bedroom. "Babe, are you okay?" he approached Y/N. She was laying on the bed. "I'm fine," she replied. He looked down at her. "You acting different," he pointed out. "How...?" she asked with her back facing him. "Well, for example... when I leave and come back, I normally give you a peck on your lips, and you love it. Today, however, you avoided it," Namjoon crossed his arms. "Well, I just didn't want to distract you," she replied. He continued looking down at Y/N. "What...?" he asked. "You were too busy today when I tried visiting you so I'm clearly a distraction to you," she explained. "So go and finish whatever you were doing, I won't distract anymore," she said. He sighed and sat on the bedside. "Babe, we had to do something important. Of course you're not a distraction, please understand," he said. He turned his body. Then he leaned down and kissed Y/N on the forehead. "We're doing something special for a special person," he told her before getting up and leaving the room. Y/N sighed, "Yea... Don't think too much of it." She eventually fell asleep.

~The next day (Christmas Eve)~

~Back to you~

When you woke up, you rubbed your eyes before opening them. Then you turned your head to look at Namjoon. You gave him a kiss on his forehead before getting up and walking into the bathroom. When you were in the bathroom, you turned on the water and started washing your face. After you were done, you grabbed a towel and wiped your face. Then you brushed your hair. You walked into the kitchen. This time, Seokjin seemed more festive. You walked over to him and told him good morning. Then you started helping him with breakfast. After a few minutes, you finished. You decided to eat before BTS. After you were done eating, you washed the dishes. Then you walked to the bathroom. You started brushing you teeth. Just then, your phone started vibrating. After a few minutes of brushing your teeth, you rinsed your mouth. You grabbed your phone to check your notifications. It was a message from Jordan.

Hey, Y/N!
Do you want to make Christmas cookies with me?
Can I come over to your new place?
I prefer going to your house instead...
How come?
Well... I mean... I want to see your Christmas tree!
I want to see your new place though!
But sure, we can bake Christmas cookies at my place.
Do you want me to pick you up?
No I'll be fine!
I can get a uber...
Are you sure...?
Yup, just give me the address.

You turned off your phone after Jordan gave you her address. You looked over to Namjoon. Then you walked over to the bedside and started shaking him. "Joonie, wake up," you said. He turned to you and slowly opened his eyes. "Five more minutes," he mumbled before closing his eyes again. You giggled, "I mean, you can sleep for five more minutes but I'm going to leave." He immediately opened his eyes and sat up on the bed "What, why? Did I do something wrong?" he asked, worried. "No, don't worry. I'm going to one my best friend's house so we can make Christmas cookies," you informed as you walked over to your dresser. You could feel Namjoon staring at you. When you turned around, his eyes widen. "Stay still!" he quickly grabbed his phone. "What, why? No pictures!" you covered your face. "No jagiya. Please, it's perfect," he positioned his phone. The he took one photo with your hands covering your face. You moved your hands a little so you could see. He took another picture and you immediately walked over to him. "Namjoon!" you snatched his phone. Then you looked at him and smiled. "Deleted," you selected the photos. You looked at Namjoon, he was looking down sadly. You couldn't help but feel bad. You sighed before canceling the selected photos. Then you gave his phone back to him. He looked up at you. "Keep them..." you smiled. His face lit up. "So can I take as much photos of you as I want?" he asked. You giggled, "Sure cutie." Then you kissed him on the forehead. He smiled brightly at you. "Just don't take too many photos because I'm ugly," you said. Namjoon shook his head. "No way, you're my goddess," he stood up and gave you a kiss. You kissed him back with a smile.

Namjoon pulled away. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" he asked and you nodded. "I was distracted by a handsome man," you ruffled with his bed hair. You turned around and started towards your dresser. When you were at your dresser, you opened up the drawers and decided on your clothes (Your clothes are: A long sleeve black crop top with the letters 'BTS' on the right corner, with one of your merchandise's white hoodie and it says 'Y/S/N [Your Subscribers Nicknames]' in big front that was centered in the middle, ripped skinny jeans, and black & white Nikes). You went into the bathroom and started taking a shower. After you were done taking a shower; you put on your clothes, dried your hair and put your hair into a high ponytail. You walked out of the bathroom and grabbed your rounded glasses before putting them on. When you had everything, you started listening to music. Then you walked out of your bedroom. You walked into the kitchen. "I'm off," you told the others, who were eating. "Your leaving?" Yoongi asked and you nodded. "I'm going to my best friends house to make Christmas cookies," you explained. "Save us some!" Taehyung said and you nodded. "Sure thing," You smiled. "Wait, Y/N," Seokjin stood up. You watched him opened the fridge and grabbed something out. "Have this, it's tea and it's super healthy," he walked over to you and handed it to you. You smiled, "Thank you." Then you walked over Namjoon. You gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Joonie, have a nice day at work," you said and he smiled. "Thanks, have fun, babe," he said before giving you a peck on the lips. "Oo~," the others said and you laughed. You head to the front door. "Bye guys, have fun practicing," you put on your shoes. "Have fun, save us some cookies!" they all said in unison. You giggled. Then you opened the door and walked out. You closed it behind you, and waited for the uber.

~After a few minutes~

You finally made it to Jordan's house. The house was pretty big. You payed the uber driver and thanked them. Then you walked up the front door and knocked on it. You waited for awhile before Baekhyun opened the door. "Oh hi, Y/N," he smiles at you. "Morning, Baekhyun," you said. He moved away from the doorway so you could walk in. "Jordan's getting ready at the moment," he informed as he closed the door. You nodded in response. "Please, make yourself comfortable," he said. "I will," you replied. You awkwardly stood there for a while. "Um... where's the Christmas tree??" you asked, curiously. "This way," he motioned you while smiling. He started heading to the stairway, and that's where you saw the Christmas tree. Like he had mentioned, it was big. "It's so pretty!" you looked at it. You were both amazed and mesmerized by it. Just then, you saw Jordan walk out a room, probably the master bedroom. When she spotted you, she shouted your name before rushing down the stairs. "Jordan!" you ran to her and gave her a hug. "It's so nice to see you again! How's it going?" she hugged you back. "I know, I'm sorry for not visiting you. Same old, same old, you know?" you answered. She chuckled and nodded at you last statement. "Jordan, I'm heading to work," Baekhyun said. She pulled away from the hug and walked towards him. Then she gave him a kiss. "Bye sweetie~, have fun at work," she said. He smiled before giving her a hug. After awhile, they broke the hug. "Bye Y/N, have fun with Jordan," he waved and you waved back.

Baekhyun had left to work. You and Jordan were in the kitchen getting things ready. "You know Y/N, this would be a good video," Jordan said, hinting that she wanted to be in one of your videos. You smiled, "It would be a good video." You grabbed your backpack and pulled out your camera. Then you set everything up for recording. After you and Jordan were finished getting everything ready, you started recording. "Hey guys, Y/Y/N (Your YouTube name) here, and today we have a special guest! This is Jordan, she's one of my magnificent best friends. Say hi," you said. She waved to the camera. "Hey I'm Jordan, and I'm Y/N's biggest fan!" she said, happily. "So today Jordan and me will be making Christmas cookies. I didn't plan to record this but Jordan suggested it, and it seemed like a good idea. So let's get started!" you said, excitedly.

~After thirty minutes~

When you and Jordan had finished making Christmas cookies, you stopped recording. "Thanks, now I have a Christmas related video," you smiled at her. "You're very welcome," she said as she ate a cookie. You had to leave now because your uber just arrived. "My uber here, I have to go," you informed. Her eyes widen. "Hang on!" She placed the cookie down before running off. With confusion, you looked over at the direction she ran off. After a while, you slowly started placing the cookies equally into seven bags. Then Jordan came back with a huge gift. "This is for you," she placed it onto the counter. "What, you didn't tell me that you were getting me a present!" you said angrily because you didn't get her a present. "Don't worry about it. Just having you is the best present that I could ever ask for. Also a bonus is being in a video with you," she said. You smiled before giving her a hug. "You're so kind. Thank you," you said, and she smiled back.

You left Jordan's house. Luckily, the gift was able to fit in the car. After a while, you made it back to the dorms. You grabbed the bag full of cookies and your present. Then you walked into the dorms before closing the door behind you. You headed to the living room and placed the present under the Christmas tree. Then you walked into the kitchen and placed the bags onto the counter. You walked to your recording room and grabbed the presents for the others. One by one, you started placing them under the tree.

~A few hours later~

The time was 11:30 P.M. and the others haven't come home yet. You began to worry but then the door opened. "Babe, we're home!" Namjoon shouted, and you immediately ran to the front door. "You guys took forever!" you gave him a hug. He hugged you back, "Sorry, we were busy practicing," he patted your head with one hand. You sighed in relief. "Guys, there's presents!!" Jimin shouted from the living room. The others ran into the living room to check it out. "There's lot!" Hoseok jumped up and down excitedly. You smiled, "Yup, that big one is mine though but the rest is for all of you." "I'm going to sleep, I'm tired," you rubbed your eyes. "Goodnight, babe," Namjoon gave you a kiss on the forehead. Then you headed to your bedroom. You laid down on the bed and pulled the blanket over yourself. When you closed your eyes, you instantly fell asleep. Plus, you had completely forgotten about was Christmas.

~The next day (Christmas Day)~

When your eyes were open, you immediately sat up, remembering that it today is Christmas. You turned your head, wanting to see Namjoon but he wasn't there. Then you looked around your bedroom, confused. "Where is he...?" you looked around before seeing a note on the bed stand. You immediately grabbed the note. "Morning, babe. You're probably wondering why I'm not there with you right now. I just wanted to let you know that I'm supposed to be practicing SUPER early today. I'm sorry... I told you I was free on Christmas but the manager changed his mind. Please understand ~Namjoon," you sighed after you read the note. You got up and went into the bathroom. Then you washed your face and brushed your hair. When you entered the kitchen, you noticed that the cookies were gone. Seokjin wasn't there and the others weren't going to be here either. You walked into the living room, there were no additional presents, just your presents to BTS. With a sigh, you walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. When you finished eating breakfast, you headed back to your bedroom. You walked into the bathroom and you started brushing your teeth. After you were done, you walked to your recording room.

~About two hours later~

The entire time you were editing videos. You had just uploaded the video of you and Jordan making Christmas cookies. Then you sighed since you had imagined your Christmas with BTS. But here you are, all by yourself and editing videos. You finished editing about half of your videos. But then you got bored and decided to watch other YouTubers instead. One by one, you tapped on videos and time passed by.

~Time: 5:30 P.M~

You stopped watching YouTube videos. It was time to take a shower so you got up from your chair. You walked into your bedroom and grabbed your "Miss Santa Claus" outfit, that you were planning to wear.

Your outfit looks like:

(Along with thigh high black socks and a Santa hat)

You walked into the bathroom and took a shower. After you were done taking a shower, you put on your outfit and dried your hair. You brushed your hair and decided to keep your hair down. Then you walked out of the bathroom and grabbed your Santa hat, that you left on the bed stand. You put it on and grabbed your socks before putting them on. Then you grabbed your phone and texted Namjoon. After a while, no response. Just then, you felt tears streaming  down your face. You wiped them furiously with the palm of your hand. "Why am I crying?! This is normal! I've always been single every Christmas, this is like being single. But instead, I'm all alone... why am I crying...?" you thought to yourself. You let your tears stream down your face. Eventually, you laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

~Time: 9:30 P.M~

You slowly opened your, now swelled up, eyes. Then you got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. You turned on the light before turning on the water. Then you started washing your face. After you were done, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You were a mess, you took off your Santa hat and grabbed your brush. Then you started brushing your hair again. After you finished brushing your hair, you put back on your hat and headed towards the kitchen to make dinner.


"Okay, is everyone ready...?" Namjoon asked the staff members, who volunteered to help. They all nodded. "Hyung, you got a message from Y/N," Jungkook held up his phone. He stared at the message. "Where are you...?" was the message. "I mean, we're outside the dorms..." he said. "Don't reply," Namjoon told Jungkook, and he nodded.

~Back to you~

You sighed as you ate your Christmas cookie. Just then, you heard the doorbell. With confusion, you looked over at the front door. "Maybe they forgot their keys...?" you thought to yourself. You stood up and walked to the front door. After you checked the window, you opened the door. Just then, a pathway of Christmas lights in, revealing kids with roses. The kid in front came up to you and handed you a rose. "M," was all he said before running off. One by one, the kids gave you a rose and told you a letter before running off. There were sixteen kids in total. The letters were, "M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S." But the last two kids didn't tell you letters, they told words. They were "My and goddess." You thought for a second and put them together. "Merry Christmas, my Goddess," you mumbled to yourself. Just then, Jess and five other ladies came running up to you. They started placing Christmas related stuffed animals inside the dorm. "Merry Christmas," they all told you before running off the direction the kids ran off early. You looked down at the stuff animals, they were super adorable. Then the members of BTS, besides Namjoon, came up to the front door and placed presents down. "Merry Christmas, Y/N," the members told you. Their order was from oldest to youngest. All of them had placed a total of twenty-four presents in front of the door. Each member was carrying four presents. You were completely confused on what was happening. Just then, you saw a figure, it was Namjoon. He was walking to you while following the pathway formed by the Christmas lights. When he approached you, you stared at him. "Hey, Y/N," he smiled. Then he realized your eyes were swollen. "Oh no, don't tell me you felt lonely..." he said and you nodded. You felt tears streaming down your face once again, they were tears of happiness. He wiped them away. "Here," he handed you a ring box. You stared at the box and then back at him. "I'm home, babe," he placed the box in your hand, and you immediately gave him a hug.

The others appeared out of nowhere but it seemed the kids and females disappeared. They helped you carry in all the presents. Namjoon brought the stuffed animals into the living room, and you placed the roses into a flower vase. You filled the vase with water and set the new set of roses next to the roses Namjoon gave you last time. You smiled brightly, your boyfriend went through so much to get this prepared for you. When Jess told you they didn't want to get distracted, she meant they didn't want you to see their surprise... The other came out of their rooms carrying one present each. "These are from us," Seokjin smiled, and you smiled back. "I guess it's time to open presents!" Taehyung and Jungkook happily shouted in unison, making you giggle.

~After a few minutes~

You opened every present and so did the others. But you saved the ring box because you wanted to open it last. You finally grabbed it and slowly opened it. It was a ring, an infinite ring to be exact. It had birth stones on the opposite side of each other. Your birthstone on the right and Namjoon's on the left. Then you started crying happily again. Namjoon immediately went over to you and started wiping your tears. "It's a promise ring," he explained while smiling at you. You stopped crying and smiled. "Thank you," you put the ring on your index finger (on your right hand). "Also, babe... where'd you get that outfit, it's sexy..." he looked down at the outfit while bitting his lips. Then he looked back up at you. You giggled, "My secret," you winked at him. Suddenly, you felt your phone vibrate. You immediately grabbed it, your brother was calling you and you answered.

~After a few minutes later~

You just ended the call with your brother. He was finally able to reach, and you were able to talk to your family again. "It's snowing!!" Jungkook shouted, happily. You immediately got up and ran outside, without thinking to put on a jacket. Little white specks were slowly falling down. "Its so beautiful," you looked up. Then you heard a snap. You turned your head to see Namjoon taking pictures of you. The Christmas lights from before, was still making that pathway. He smiled and walked over to you. Then he handed you a hoodie. "It's cold, babe," you smiled as you took the hoodie. Then you put it on. "Merry Christmas, my goddess," he smiled. You gave him a warm smile in return. "The best Christmas ever... Merry Christmas, Joonie~," you said. He chuckled before leaning in and giving you a kiss. You kiss him back.

Amount of words in total:
6,216 ~> 5959
I expected it to be long... but not this long...
If you finished this without skipping to the end then congrats!
Anyways guys, this story has reached a thousand reads! I'm so happy, thank you all for reading.
I appreciate all of your support!
Like I said in the last chapter, I will be doing something special but we'll discuss that when Christmas is over.
So Merry Early Christmas all! I hope you guys have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Note: The presents you got in this Christmas special do indeed appear in the upcoming chapters.
... and soon forgotten after a while
Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this long Christmas Special!

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