Angels & Demons

By Lunox02

3K 220 181

#117 in "Heaven"{05/12/2019} ~Cover made by AllieStar_~ Jason Gray is a boy who has lived with his grandpare... More

The Day It All Began
Light In The Darkness
Lumen Academy
Lumen Academy(2)
A "Perfect" Start
What Am I?
This Can't Be Real ...
Beanca's Island
The Douchebag's Story
Back To Earth
Angel On Earth
Unexpected Company
The Mission
Arrival In Hell

Heaven Under Siege

111 8 14
By Lunox02

Hello there everyone! Finally I've finished this new chapter, so I truly hope you'll all like it! Please tell me what you think about it by your comments and votes! Thank you all and see you next time :D!


Day by day pass, becoming better and better. The private lessons Chaeron gives us are amazing and already in a short period, I master all the basics. And, even more important, if I should believe Chaeron, I believe Brandon doesn't hate me as much as before. He still looks at me with this hatefull look on his face, but a lot less than before. And, honestly, I even almost start liking him. Sometimes, when he forgets I'm around, he talks and laughs a lot with the others, and he's also an amazing student. He already masters the basics and is deadly good with his two swords.

Today we have flying lessons, one of the only lessons, together with animal training, that Chaeron didn't teach us. Like every morning I eat breakfast in the dining room and follow the others to the flying arena.


"Alright everyone!" Miss Evermore shouts, "Today I'll teach you how to reach lightning speed. This is a very handy move when you're in a fight, because it will surprise your oponent and the light it creates will temporarly blind your oponent!"

"Sounds like fun!", I hear Amy silently whisper besides me.

"So, all deploy your wings and follow me! This move is easier, and safer, to perform high up in the air so you can't crash into something. But still, be carefull! Control is everything!"

We all do as she says and deploy our wings. When I do so, I still feel some stares at me ... Well, it's not like I really mind anymore. If I would be them, I would do exactly the same. We fly up, which goes really smooth, and hang in a circle around Miss Evermore. She explains us how to do it and after trying it out a few times, I actually get really good in it.

"Alright everyone, well done! Now we've done that, let's start with ..."

Suddenly the sound of a giant explosion interrupts her. We all look around to see where it came from, and it doesn't take long before we all see: smoke starts rising near the academy's gate.

"What was that!", I hear someone shout, just before another explosion, closer by this time, hits on the courtyard. When the smoke rises I see where the explosions came from: about one-hundred winged demons fly around the academy and shoot dark red orbs of mana at the academy. When I suddenly hear the screams of other angels, my body takes over. I try the skill Miss Evermore just teached us. In less than seconds I reach the courtyard and see the ravage going on there.

The once beautifull courtyard was now filled with black, smoldering holes and burnt plants. Spread over the arena there are small groups of angels fighting demons with scaled bodys and sharp teeth. They're dark red and black wings take away all light and their blood-curdling screams fill the air with fear.

I suddenly see Pete fighting with two dark angels at the same time, but he's not strong enough to take on both. I quickly create a small orb and throw it at one of the demons. The other one is quickly finished by Pete's sword.

"What is happening!!", I shout when I finally reach him.

"I don't know, they shouldn't even be able to get here!", he shouts back while shooting a plasma orb.

While blowing another dark angel away with a levitation spell I see my classmates and other students and teachers arriving. But just when they join, even more dark angels start flying down from the sky. It's like there's no end to them ...

I'm getting more and more tired by using so many mana, so quickly pick up a sword from the ground and start slaughtering every dark angel coming close to me. The adrenaline streams through my body and my heart bumps so loud and hard I'm afraid it will fall out. I keep mowing down demons on my left and right, but more keep coming. I suddenly see Brandon, fighting like a lion with his two swords, but surrounded by at least ten enemies. Without thinking about it I yet again use lighting speed to reach him, and just in time I chop of the heads of three dark angels and join him. Without saying a word we continue slaughtering the endless enemies ...

"EENOOUUGH!!" A really deep and demonic voice reverberates over the battlefield. "JASON, WHERE ARE YOU?!!!"

The sounds of battles fade away and suddenly the only sound you can still hear is the fast breathes of both dark and white angels.

"JAAASOOOOONNNN!!!" The creature shouting falls out the sky and lands on the ground, making dust fly up around him. When I can finally see who was calling for me, my heart stops and I get goosebumps. It was the demon from my dream! The same giant, black and horned wings, his dark scales covered by small, dark red flames, ....

"Disappear from my ground, Arathor!! You are not allowed to enter and especially an attack won't be tolerated!!"

"Ahh, Chaeron!", Arathor turns his head towards Chaeron, who steps out of the crowd and stands right in front of the demon, who is at least a meter taller than him, "Long time no see! Still such a small, weak little angel I see?"

"I won't say it again, Arathor ...", he says with a dangerous tone while a dark blue, sizzling aura starts surrounding him. The smile on Arathor face suddenly disappears and an angry, but slightly afraid look appears.


He flies up and disappears in the clouds together with the rest of his army. I suddenly feel the eyes of the angels around me staring. Chaeron quickly walks towards me and lays his hand on my shoulder.

"Ok, Jason, let's got to my room."


I have no idea how long I've been sitting here, left alone with my thoughts and guilty feeling. Arathor's last words still worry me: "I hope for her that you'll surrender, or she'll never see daylight again! ..." It couldn't be that he had Emily, right? That was impossible! But still, I couldn't get it out of my head. My thoughts suddenly get disturbed by a closing door. Chaeron returns from the council's meeting and he doesn't look too happy.

"I'm sorry, Jason, but they've banished you.", he says unhappily. "I tried to convince them not to, but I just couldn't. They think you're too big of a threat to ..."

"Don't worry, Chaeron. I already expected that to happen.", I say trying to comfort him. "I'll survive, you and the other teachers have teached me enough to survive."

"I'm still really sorry, Jason ... Well, let me at least give you a goodbye gift then.", he says while walking to a big bookcase. He takes out one of the books and a small secret entrance opens itself. He takes something out of it and then walks back to me with a sword in his hands. It has a long, metal blade and the handle looks like a dark red dragon spreading his wings.

"This right here is the Demon Slayer. It's one of the most powerfull swords ever made and one of the biggest fears of dark angels. It is yours now. Use it well."

He lays the beautifull sword in my hands and goosebumps spread over my arms.

"Thank you, Chaeron. I'll do."

"I just want to ask you one more thing. What did Arathor mean with her? Do you have any idea?

"No, not really ... I would tell you if I knew."

Chaeron looks at me with a questioning face, but decides not to ask any further.

"Well then. Go pack your bags now. You have to leave this world within an hour, or they won't ask you friendly again. Just use the stone I gave you to go wherever you want."

"Ah yea, almost forgot to say, Jason.", he says, just before I can shut the door, "the piece of stone I gave you isn't strong enough for more than one person. If you're not alone, you'll need a bigger one ..."

"Ehm yea, I'll keep that in mind ... Thank you, Chaeron, for everything.", I say before shutting the door behind me and walking to my room.

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