Angel•Bellamy Blake (under ed...

By Beacon_Blake

6.2K 172 18

"Everyone around me gets hurt brown eyes, now back off before you get added to the list," I spat turning away... More

Original Characters
The Accident
Boxed In, Breaking Out
Enjoying The Sunshine
Hair Gel FuckBoy
Lady and The Tramp
The Way The Cookie Crumbles
Ask Nicely
Black Beauty
Fog, Demons, and Goodbyes
Battered and Bruised
My Saviour
Home Sweet Home
Murphys Disease


201 11 0
By Beacon_Blake

"I just really enjoy elephants. They're my favourite animal ya know,"



Groaning I slowly sat up cradling my pounding head in the palms of my hands. The coughing across the room spiked my interest as I shot my head up to look at the culprit. Bellamy came stumbling into the dark dropship with crimson blood dripping from his nose. Fear spreads through my body as I watched him crumble to the ground. Using the wall to get to my feet I unsteadily walked to Bellamy who was now laying on the floor with Octavia by his side. Crouching down I used my left hand to caress his cheek letting my fingers delicately rub his jaw. Octavia already had a damp cloth on his forehead while she intensely watched him.

"Hey brown eyes, long time no see," I said jokingly trying to lift the tension in the air. His eyes travelled up as he examined my face for any injures. His facial features showed that he clearly wasn't too happy about my joke. His warm, glossy, chestnut eyes gazed into my cold, ice blue ones as he opened his mouth.

"I'm scared Alaska," he managed to mumbled out while tears filled his eyes. I lifted his head onto my lap letting my eyes intensely watch him.

          "I won't let anything happen to you, ever. Not while I'm around at least," I strictly told him not just trying to convince him but also myself that he'd be ok. He shakily raised his right hand as he cupped my left cheek lovingly. I placed my left hand over his as I intimately gazed down at his face. Moving his hand to my mouth I gently feathered a kiss onto his knuckles as his eyes fluttered shut. Stripping off Pierces coat I placed it on the ground letting Octavia fumble with it. Picking his head up off my lap I placed him carefully on Pierces rolled up jacket. His gentle curls fell onto his face as laboured breaths left his parted pink lips. I bent down pressing my lips to his forehead before standing up.

"I know you're going to argue with me but I'm feeling better and need to talk to Clarke," I informed Octavia holding my hand up to stop her from asking questions. Sighing she pointed towards the corner as she turned back to assessing Bellamy. I stumbled over to the blondes slouched figure crouching in front of her. She glanced up once she realized someone was near her.

"Hey blondie, how's it going?" I spoke out asking while a smirk danced on my lips. Her baby blue eyes watched me as her body sat in the corner with a lazy slouch. Her skin was a sickly pale colour and huge bags stood prominent under her light eyes.

"You look like shit Laskie," she shot back at me a smile finding its way onto her face. I rolled my ice eyes, my smirk growing.

"You don't look too hot yourself Clarkie," I said as the words playfully rolled off my tongue. Laughing she shoved my body causing me to fall onto my butt. I gazed at her raising an eyebrow in a challenging manner. My smirk dropped as a thought popped into my head resulting in my heart rate picking up significantly.

            "How's Ace?" I asked instantly feeling my heart beginning to break at the thought of my possibly sick brother.

         "He's fine, I checked him for a fever but it never hit. He's outside if you want to see him when you get better," Clarke responded gazing at me as I stood from the ground. My eyes flashed over her face as she processed that I wasn't about to wait. Turning around I jogged to the drop ship entrance throwing the curtain open. Light flooded into the dark room forcing me to shield my eyes from the foreign sight. Looking over the sea of camp-goers I spotted Ace and Phoenix lounging casually by the wall. Letting my feet explode from underneath me I sprinted at them. Already breathing heavily I ran straight into them wrapping my arms around the 2 tall boys. Taking a deep breath I took in their scents holding them as close to me as humanly possible.

          "Nice to see you too," Phoenix spoke playfully as his arm snaked around my waist. Laughing lightly I pulled away letting my laboured breathing calm down slightly.

"I thought I was going to die. I thought you were going to die," I said softly gripping Aces face in my hands. His ocean green eyes watched me a smile forming on his face as he pulled me close. He wrapped his arms around me while I nuzzled my face into his chest. Tears slowly fell down my face as I sobbed quietly into the lanky boy. Another pair of arms surrounded me creating walls separating me from the world falling apart around us. Letting my body shake and quiver I grabbed a fist full of Aces shirt in my small fists.

             "Never, do that again," I spoke up the words slightly muffled by the fabric of his shirt. He ran his fingers gently through my hair trying to sooth me as he kissed the top of my head.

           "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon," he responded back trying to convince me. Sniffling I pulled away wiping the stray tears off my face. Throwing a punch at Aces shoulder he recoiled gripping it in pain.

"Don't ever scare me like that again," I said angrily at the hurt boy. He just rubbed his arm pouting in my direction causing a smile to light up my face.

          "Jackass," he mumbled out quietly throwing Phoenix into a fit of laughter. Squinting at Ace I ran at him tackling him to the ground in a heap. We wrestled for a bit until I got him into a head lock and he tapped out. Huffing I stood up brushing off my pants.

        "Maybe next time bud," I said as I put my hand out to help Ace up. He gripped my hand and yanked me back down to the ground letting me land face down in the mud. He stood up brushing off his shirt smiling down at me.

           "Maybe next time bud."


          Standing in Bellamy's tent I knitted my eyebrows together as I watched my reflection in the mirror. He had somehow acquired a long piece of glass that sat in the corner of his small palace. Slowly stripping off my white t-shirt and jeans I examined the many bruises and scars that littered my body. I sighed while running my fingers over a cut that ran from just under my right breast to my left hip bone. Tears slowly brimmed my eyes as I looked at my disgusting appearance each disfigurement screaming a different insult. My stomach was sickly thin showing off parts of my ribs as bruises covered my torso. Hands appeared on my hips pulling me close while Bellamy nuzzled his face into the nook of my neck. Letting his breathing fan my exposed skin I shivered into his touch. Melting into his chest I allowed the tears to continue to leave rivers down my blank cheeks. He feathered kisses over me, his lips barely touching my skin as his brown eyes intensely watched mine in the glass. His eyebrows scrunched as he examined my body his gaze settling on my visible tattoos.

           "Hey, I didn't know you had these," he spoke gently as his left hand brushed over my left hip. A geometric elephant was displayed proudly on top of my hip bone, the cut just missing it. A smile graced my lips as I felt his fingers run along my cut. Sighing I spun around wrapping my arms over his shoulders. He snaked his hands around my waist holding me in place, I leaned back against his touch leaving room between us. My baby blues eyes gazed up at his chestnut ones while no words were spoken. I smiled slowly causing a grin to light up his adorable face.

"Can you tell me about them?" He sheepishly asked, cutting through the thick silence. My smile grew as I shoved him on to the bed giving me room to move around. Nodding I looked down at the ink that marked my body. It all held a different vibe to it than the other marks that stood out all too prominently. Picking up Bellamy's hand I used it to point out the black writing situated on my ankle that popped off my light skin. The words 'Cross My Heart' in elegant writing was etched just below the bone on my right ankle. Letting his fingers graze my body as I guided his hand to my collar bone put a look of love over his face. His eyes watched me as adoration danced in their depths not fearing to be caught. Placing his hand on my left collar bone his thumb stroked the numbers delicately placed there. In black font the date '05/17/2133' sat just above the bone, his eyes tracing every piece of the artwork. Spinning around his hand trailed to my spine sending shivers through my body as I tilted my head back. Right in the upper middle of my back was a pale purple gladiolus on my spine. His index finger ran down the beautiful flower while I closed my eyes contently. Pushing my hair sideways I exposed the design that was drawn on the back of my right ear. Small stars speckled the area showing the cancer constellation. Turning back around I crawled onto his lap letting his touch move to my hip. His large hands engulfed the small geometric animal while his eyes pierced mine. Smiling I intertwined our fingers flashing him the tiny black rose placed on my left index finger.

"God you're gorgeous," he whispered, his eyes taking in my whole appearance. Despite all the markings he still looked at me like I were the only girl in world. Gazing down at him my cheeks flushed as the compliment registered. Moving our hands to my mouth I gently pressed my lips against his knuckles. I sat on him, admiring the beauty beneath me. There was sexual tension in the room yet no desire to do anything. Intimacy danced in the depths of his caramel orbs as a crooked smile made up my lips. Letting go of his hand I let my fingers fall and brush against his jaw. Capturing his left cheek in my right hand I slowly rubbed the sharp line. Stubble was prominent under my finger tips but I didn't mind.

          "What do they mean?" He asked breaking the silence as his hand moved my hair off of my left shoulder. He looked at the black numbers that permanently stood out against my light skin.

          "This ones for the twins, it's their birthday," I responded as I glanced at his hand that traced part of the writing.

         "My moms name was Rose," I explained quietly as I rubbed my index finger gingerly. Bellamy gently held my hand intertwining our fingers and squeezed lightly. Sighing I glanced down at the geometric elephant.

          "I just really enjoy elephants. They're my favourite animal ya know," I continued as a smile grew on my pink lips. He didn't respond, just mumbled while he rubbed the back of my hand.

       "If you haven't been able to tell yet, my brother and I have been making promises with each other since we were younger. We always end with the same sentence, no matter the situation. Cross my heart," I said locking my gaze with his.

       "Last but not least I just really enjoy how gladiolus and the cancer constellation look," I concluded, his thumb still slowly running over the back of my hand. I smiled down at him, watching his eyes examine mine. Viewing all of his features I carefully cupped his cheek with my left hand. He leaned into my touch, my thumb gently ran just above his cheek bone. His adorable caramel orbs gazed up at me, an unexplainable emotion hiding in their depths. His hands tightened on my waist as he got up so that he was sitting. With my legs still on either side of him I intertwined my fingers, letting my arms hang around his neck. Playing with the hair at the nape of his neck I reclined in his hold. Without warning he stood up using his hands to support my weight. Letting out a squeal I pulled myself closer to his body scared that he'd drop me. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. Placing his hands on my butt to keep me up right he glanced at me. A smile lined my lips while I purposely leaned back against his hips. His eyes narrowed at me as his head swooped down near mine.

"You sure you wanna do that?" The flirtatious words flooded my ears, my brain not missing the huskiness that laced his voice. Almost as if I were glass he ever so gently placed a kiss under my ear, slowly making his way down my neck. His hands gripped me harder causing an involuntary gasp to leave my lips. I felt him smirk against my skin but he didn't stop. Finally finding the crook of my neck his lips grazed me. Having enough of the tension I laced my fingers through his hair forcing him to look at me. His lips were parted and his eyes seemed to be on a whole new colour spectrum. Clouded with lust I reached for his lips.

"Hey B can you-" whipping my head to the side my eyes locked with Phoenix's. He stood in the door way his head peaking through the tent, standing like a deer in headlights. Ever so slowly a smirk found his lips as he kept his eyes locked on mine.

"Sorry for interrupting," he said excusing himself, but not before he shot a wink in my direction.

"Ace!" I heard the young boy scream through the camp as he went on a journey to find his twin. I knew that they were going to discuss what he had just walked in on. Groaning I laid my head on Bellamys shoulder breathing in his scent. He just laughed a whole hearted sound that caused a smile to grace my lips.


Walking out of the dropship I stretched my arms, watching the 2 boys battle infront of me. Phoenix had his legs wrapped around Aces neck while he sat on his back. It looked extremely painful but neither proceeded to tap out.

"You guys are so stupid," I called out laughing while the boys wrestled.

      "Shut up Laska before I put you in a choke hold," Aces threat muffled by his position face first in the ground.

"I'd love to see you try," Phoenix said laughing loudly at his twin. The moment brought me back to the day I got arrested. To the day I killed my father. So much sadness was held in the one day that I chose to ignore it. Being brought back from my memories I glanced at the boy beside me. Murphy stood to my right laughing at the boys, a genuine smile lighting up his battered face. Stepping sideways I nudged him with my shoulder. He turned his head towards me, his blue eyes shining in the sunlight. I shot him a smile displaying my pearly whites. He just rolled his eyes in response and his arms wrapped around me. Letting him hold me I melted into the warm embrace finally feeling comfort. With my face stuffed in his shirt I glanced up resting my chin on his chest.

          "It's nice to have you back," I said quietly putting all my emotions into that one statement. He just pulled me tighter to his body, his gaze never leaving the twins that were still on the ground.

          "Stop Laine, you're gonna make me cry." The words left his mouth playfully the smirk on his face never leaving. Scoffing I rolled my eyes.

         "Shut up Murph," I laughed pushing him gently, we both stumbled backwards his grip holding me infront of him. Making eye contact we both giggled. Finally I snaked my arms around his waist, resting my check on his chest. I watched the boys continue to wrestle, a small smile on my lips. Life seemed to be ok in this moment, all the pieces landing where they should.

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