His Mafia Bride (Completed)

By TanaRw

336K 9.3K 436

I love his arms around me. They make me feel safe and loved. That is, until I see what he does with his han... More



5.3K 164 13
By TanaRw

Ally Past:

The party was in full swing. No one noticed me or talked to me. I was a wall flower taking in the rich life. Their world was bright yes, but they are people all the same. Good looking yes, talked different in some way or another yes. But they were just people.

Pushing away from the wall, I walk around, find a couple French doors and go out them, in the crisp cool air. I didn't know till this moment my skin felt like it was on fire, from the lights and hundreds of bodies filling one room.

Breathing in deep, I let the cool air wash over me.

Walking forward to a big water fountain, I marvel at it. A woman sits in a clam, with a pearl in front of her, her legs laid in front of her, a man stands on another platform, he wears a suite, his hair pushed back, he holds out his hand to her, as she holds her own out to him. But their hands are too far from one another to touch.

Someone walks up behind me, by the sound of their shoes, it sounds male.

Looking over my shoulder, it's the man from before. The one I'm somehow, supposed to get close to. "I wanted to apologize for anything and everything, that Maggie said to you." He stops only a few feet from me, I could reach to him and my fingertips could touch his suite.

"Apologies don't mean much, from it coming from someone else, that isn't at fault. Thanks, even though you are just waisted your breath." Facing the fountain again, my eyes linger on the pearl. Pearls can take years, if not more in time in the future to form, protected with in a clam.

Logan comes closer, stepping around me, so I have no choice but to look up at him. "You don't hold back, do you?"

"Why should I hold back, when telling the truth, to a pompous pretty boy?" Crossing my arms, I challenge him with the look in my eyes.

He cracks a smile at me, holds his hands up to me in a surrendering gesture. "Okay I get it, you don't go for the empty gestures." he then does something I don't expect, he holds out a hand to me. "So how about this gesture; will you dance with me?"

Glancing around there are a few people out here. Looking back at him, he hasn't moved at all-like he had become a statue like the man in the fountain. Shrugging my shoulders, I take a small step back from him. "I really don't think I would be the best dance partner for you."

He moves his head, his sharp features becoming brighter in some places and darker in other places, from the lights coming from the house and the glowing of the lamps around us. "Two left feet?" I don't respond to his question, but his lips become wicked and all I want to do is kiss those lips, for some twisted reason.

Biting the inside of me cheek, I have to mentally shake myself. He's good looking, that's all. Facial features lure people into one another, all the time. "Yes," I decide to tell the truth, no reason to make up some lie.

Not a heartbeat later, he snatches my left hand. "Come with me," he leads me away from the house, until we are in a rose garden.

Looking around the garden, I marvel at all the different colored roses. "This is childish to say, but I've always wanted to see blue roses." looking up at him, he's giving me that look everyone has ever given me, when I tell them my fantasy. Looking away from him, I can feel my face grow hot. "It's a stupid dream I know, you don't have to give me that look." I grumble.

He tugs me close to him, catching me off guard, so I end up crashing into his chest. He doesn't falter, all he does is wrap his free arm around me, with that one hand of his, still holding mine. Looking up at him, his lips tug into a smile, his eyes have turn colors thanks to the small amount of light. His eye's look silver, white. "I like your dream." The music drifts out here, but it's softer out here. "I like to dabble in different things, if I can figure out a way to make a true-blue rose, I'll give it to you."

Taking off my shoes, we start to slowly move. "Why would you do that?"

He shrugs his shoulders, giving me a look, as if my question really doesn't matter and I can't tell if that makes me angry or glad, that he's not openly laughing at me, like so many other people have. "Just to do something different?" he looks down at our feet and frowns at my naked feet and before I know it, he's pulled me even closer to him, with my feet on top of his nice shoes. "I don't want your feet to freeze." he whispers gruffly.

"So thoughtful," I can't help but roll my eyes at him.

He cracks a wicked smile at me, even though his eyes are teasing. "Babe, I can be very thoughtful."

I can't help myself but punch him in the shoulder. "Don't call me babe and no dirty flirting."

He grips tight around my waist and spins us around, making me cling to him, scared he might let go of me in the last second. He stops spinning us and starts to move us like before. "So, no calling you babe. What shall I call you then?" he whispers.

"Logan?!" Maggie yells out.

Pulling away from him, his arm and hand fall from me. "Reality calling," is all I say to him when I scoop up my shoes and jog away before Maggie sees us together.

Hidden in the brushes, I stop and look over my shoulder to see Maggie go to Logan. Their words to soft for me to hear, but I see her lean in and kiss him on the mouth. He cups her face but doesn't do more than that. When they pull apart, she grabs his hand and starts to lead him away. With her back to him, Logan looks over his shoulder to the bushes and I can see on his face, he wants to say something; but I can't tell if he wants to say something to her, or to me.

POV: Logan

The big bodyguard is between a sumo and a WWE fighter. He is way bigger than me, but a big man, means not a lot of speed. "I can't be here, while everyone is risking their lives and the woman I love is out there, and who knows what she is going through right now. So, I'm only going to ask nice once, please move out of my way."

He leans over, his arms crossed over his chest. "Your parents worry about you, and I will take guarding you, over your mother giving us all that scary look she gives people, when she ticked."

An image of my mom giving that scary mom look, forms in my head. "You think that is bad? She thinks she can still ground me." he grunts, standing back to his full height. "So, you aren't going to get out of my way, are you?" he shakes his head no. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out, I snatch up a metal plate from a cart coming through and hit him in the head with it.

People scream in surprise, and rush to get away; even though they still stair at what is going on. Somewhere in the group of people, I'm sure someone calling for help, as others are taking pictures or recoding this.

The bodyguard rubs his chin. "Dirty fighting? Really?" he cracks his neck. "Boy, you are lucky I can't go full out."

He swings at me, but I move out of the way, grab his arm, get as much of a grip as I can with a cast on and toss him over my shoulder. "Good, because I can." Heart pounding, I don't even let him get up, my knuckle connects with his face, and I hear his nose break. He screams in pain, as blood starts to flow and out of pain and rage, he punches me in the side of the face, sending me sprawling away from him.

"Dirty bastard!" he stands up, blood flowing from his nose. He does try to clean it away, but it keeps flowing.

Standing up at him, I can't help but smile wickedly. I haven't had a fight with anyone in a long time and it feels really good, taking my anger out on someone that can handle my punches and dirty tricks. "Trust me, if I had more time then what I have, I would show you what I really am holding back. But I'm short on time," I lunge at him, too late to think of what arm I'm using and make contact with his face, with my arm in the cast. "Son a bitch!" I yell out, holding my arm doubled over in pain. There is not enough pain killers in the world right now, to make this pain go away. Ally face fills my mind, her smile lightens up the darkest part of my mind, her heart a song just for me, her skin soft as silk. Shaking my head, I walk up to the pasted-out bodyguard, snatch up his keys and walk away, to go find my woman.

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