Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeri...

By HTEllis

473K 25K 2.5K

BOOK FOUR. DUE FOR MAJOR EDIT Levi Larsson is keeping a secret from his family. The late nights and early m... More

Giveaway #1
Giveaway #2
Pssst...guess who's next to fall in love?


9.1K 517 82
By HTEllis

Happy Wednesday!

It's almost the weekend, lovelies!

Who's started their Festive shopping? 🎄☃️

Guess who's taking over the comment section of this chapter? 

Edward and Delilah!

If you have any questions you're dying to know, here's your chance! 😉🙌🏻


Levi kindly offered to take me to visit Delilah this morning. I want to give her the money back that she so kindly lent to me, and when I text her to ask when she was free, she said to pop in at any time.

We stand at the apartment door, ready to knock when the door flies open. Delilah is standing in her pyjamas, Beau plastered to her hip, sucking on what looks to be a teething ring.

"Hey guys," she smiles stepping to the side. "Come inside, but excuse the mess. I've not had time to tidy up yet."

I step over the many toys, waiting for Levi to get distracted by the baby before giving over the cash. I'm yet to tell him about my money meltdown.

I catch Delilah's eye. "Can I speak to you a minute?"

She nods. "Sure, babe. You want a hot drink?"

I follow her to the kitchen. "Tea If you have it?"

"Are you kidding?" Delilah laughs, bending over to open a draw near the stove, pulling out a box of Earl Grey. "It's all Edward drinks."

I rest the money I owe her on the marble island. "I'll have that then please."

Delilah glances at the money and lowers her voice. "There's no rush in paying me back."

"I don't like being in debt," I say, letting out an awkward laugh.

"I get it," she flips the kettle on. "Believe me, I do. How're things?"

I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest in a defensive movement. "Hard. I worry I won't be able to eat soon. Rent is a nightmare."

"Yeah?" her expression softens. "Could you look at cheaper places?"

My cheeks grow warm at the realisation. "Where I live is the cheapest around town. It's an organisation..." for homeless people. I stutter, "it's a place for people who can't afford expensive rates. The problem being the flats are in demand. They only let you off not paying for so long before they kick you out."

Delilah pours hot water into three mugs, dumping a teabag into each of them. "Do you have a friend who can move in with you? Split the cost that way?"

I don't have friends. "Not really."

"What about the landlord? Would they lower the rates until you get to your feet? Our old landlord was good that way."

In all honesty, I don't dare ask in case they take offence and throw me out.

"I'll think of something."

I end the conversation there and then, turning to look behind me when I hear Levi's laugh. Beau is sat on the play mat, pressing buttons on a remote, making a hell of a noise.

"Lee's so good with him," Delilah says, placing my mug in front of me.

I can't stop my smile when Levi reaches out to tickle Beau's tummy, causing the baby to tip back on the mini bean bag and giggle.

I turn to say, "I reckon he still thinks he's a kid too."

Delilah nods her head three times. "Oh, yeah. All the brothers are the same. Big kids."

"I get that impression," I sip on my tea, making a face when I notice she hasn't added the sugar.

Sensing my turmoil, Delilah slides over the sugar cubes and spoon. "I wasn't sure if you took it sweet or not."

"I have a major sweet tooth. I'm greedy with it," I reply.

"Since when did he start saying, mama?" Levi calls over, and Delilah almost drops her mug on the floor.

"What?" she screams, running into the living area. "He doesn't talk yet. Did he say, mama? Say it again, Beau baby."

Levi lets out a loud shout, tipping his head back, laughing so hard Beau starts to join in. "Gotcha!"

"Levi Larsson," Delilah cries, reaching over to thump him hard on the arm. "You evil man."

"You're too easy."

Beau whines when Delilah picks him up, holding him close. She glares at Levi. "You're annoying."

"Ah, don't be like that, babe."

The door opens and shuts, heavy footsteps sounding out before Edward appears, dressed in sweaty workout clothes. Beau lets out an almighty squeal, his legs and arms moving back and forth.

"My boy," Edward shouts, striding over to Delilah, stealing the baby from her arms. He lifts Beau into the air. "Do I get a kiss?"

Beau smacks him in the face with his palm.

"No kisses for daddy?" he replies, blowing a raspberry on Beau's tiny hand.

"Look, Beau," Delilah says, sliding up to Edward's side, kissing him on the lips. "Daddy loves kisses."

Edward growls. "Damn right he does."

Beau lets out a series of babbles in an answer.

Delilah pecks Beau on the nose, turning to Edward to do the same. "Baby Beau's turn. Mwah!"

"Ga, ba, ga, ba, ga, ha, ba!" says Beau.

Edward snorts. "What you saying, little man?"

Beau blows a raspberry.

I giggle out loud, and Edward looks my way. My mouth shuts tight, no noise able to escape. I get the feeling that Levi's eldest brother doesn't trust me.

Edward stares hard, mouth tipping up ever so slightly. "All right?"

"Hey," I squeak, sipping my tea, looking anywhere but at him.

"I'm going to shower," he places Beau on his hip. Little man needs changing?"

Delilah nods. "Yeah, the new nappies are in the carrier bag in the bathroom."

"Got it," he leans down, so Beau is face to face with Levi. "Give Uncle Lee a kiss?"

Levi puckers his lips, waiting patiently. "Don't leave a dude hanging, Beau."

My heart melts in my chest.

When it's obvious Beau has no idea what to do, Edward tilts him forward so Levi can give him a big smooch on the lips.

"Love you," Levi pretends to bite his ear.

Beau lets out an excited squeal.

"Tilly," Delilah whispers in my ear, tugging me away from the sweet moment. "You want to come and flick through wedding magazines with me?"

I nod. "I'd love to."

We climb onto the sofa and Delilah reaches over the arm, bringing several heavy glossy magazines with her. She plonks at least four on my knee, along with a pen. "Star and circle anything you think is pretty."


"Fancy going out for a beer?"

I look up and see Edward fresh out the shower, dressed to impress in his grey suit trousers and white button down. It's only half-past one, but time has never stopped me.

I frown. "Sure. Everything okay?"

Edward nods in the girls' direction. "I figured you'd want to talk."

I tug at my jeans and stand up. "I could do with putting a few things by you."

"Come on then," he nods towards the door, grabbing the keys. "Leave those two to it. They won't even realise we've gone out."

"What about Beau?"

Edward opens the door, holding it still until I walk through. "Napping. He'll be out for a few hours."

We make our way underground to the car garages, getting settled in Edward's Range Rover. I dodge the nappy bag on the passenger's seat floor, finding dummies in the cup holder in my armrest.

"It's like a baby zoo in here."

Edward laughs. "Life is chaotic with a kid." 

"No shit," I pull out the muslin cloths and soft toys from the glove compartment, baby fruit pouches falling in its wake.

Edward lowers his window when we reach the gates, ready to scan his pass to open them. "What flavour are those pouches?"

It takes me a while to realise he's asking about the baby food. I bend down and pick them up. "Ella's Kitchen," I reply.

"Levi, that's the brand. I'm asking about the flavour of the fruit in them."

"Oh," I take a closer look, "strawberry and banana."

"Oh good. They're his favourite to snack on between meals. Don't let me forget to take them inside when we get back. We're out of them in the cupboards."

What has my brother's life come too?

"Are you seriously getting excited about having enough baby food pouches?"

Edward flicks his eyes my way. "I'm a dad now. What do you expect?"

I sink back into the plush leather seats. "It's not you. Money and clients excite you."

"Not anymore. I have new priorities."

He's telling me.

"I can't believe how much Beau is growing," I say, gazing out of the window.

"Tell me about it. Delilah's already talking about a second one."

I laugh. "Christ you're joking?"

"No," he barks. "She says that Beau will need a playmate. I told her that's what nursery is for when he's old enough."

"You don't want anymore?"

Edward drums his fingers on the steering wheel, slowing down when we reach the traffic lights. "I'm happy with one. I worry that I wouldn't love our next baby as much as I do Beau."

"Love for your child is unconditional, Ed. Your heart would keep growing with your family."

"I suppose. We'll see," he responds.

Edward turns to look at me. "Things getting serious with you and Tilly?"

I have to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling. "Yeah, I think so."

"Spill it then," he chuckles.

"She makes me happy."

"Good," he responds.

I pick the lint off my jeans. "I miss her when we're apart. It's a feeling I can't explain."

"I remember feeling that way with Delilah. I used to feel sick when she wasn't by my side," he shrugs his shoulders up and down. "Hell, I still do."

"You're obsessed with her, bro."

I think about how hard it was for him to get to this point and realise love and relationships don't come easy.

He lets out a quiet chuckle, expression smug. "I can't help it."

I make a gagging sound wanting to wind him up. I'm happy that he's happy. It looks good on him.

"Oi," he flicks me behind my ear. "Leave me alone. You'll be the one falling in love next."

I hold out my hands. "We'll see. Tilly has a lot on her shoulders. It's almost impossible to break through her walls."

We park outside the Number One pub and climb out of the car. It's not too busy inside, only the regulars hanging out at the bar and in the pool house area.

"Go grab a seat. I'll bring the drinks," Edward says, flipping open his wallet, striding to the bar.

I choose a table near the front window purposely so we can watch over Edward's car. People get jealous and like to destroy others things. There have been a few occasions where someone has keyed the paintwork and cost Edward a fortune in respray bills.

"Corona okay?"

I take the tall glass from Edward and answer him with a long swig. He sits opposite me, glancing out the window to probably check on the car. It's horrible when you don't feel safe enough leaving your belongings for five minutes without fear of it being vandalised.

"So, you were saying about Tilly having walls?" he sips on his Corona.

I need to vent. I need someone to tell me where I'm going wrong. Where I can help. And in doing so come up with a solution. 

"I don't want this to get back to anyone."

Edward closes his hand into a fist,  bringing it down on the table, telling me I have his word.

I sigh, feeling like shit for telling him. "Tilly hasn't had it good like us. Life isn't easy on her, and she's had to fight for what she has now. She doesn't trust easy. I think she waits for people to mess up to prove herself right."

"She's guarded and scared," he replies, getting me completely.

"Yes, but she's also kind and unbelievably caring. I just want her to let go once and see how amazing it would feel. I want her to share her problems with me and not feel the need to hide everything all the time."

"You have to understand that trust takes a long time, Levi. Especially if demons have burned you in the past. It's harder to let go. And, that doesn't mean Tilly doesn't want to lean on you. It means she's more careful of where she treads."

I stare down at my drink. "I want to help. What can I do? No one should have to deal with the shit she has, bro. Imagine Beau and Delilah being snatched from you without a clue as to where they were going. Only to find them again years later and Beau is calling another man daddy."

Ed's eyes grow hazy. "I couldn't bear it."

The beer slides down my throat, biting my tastebuds. I lean forward in my seat, wanting to take away all of Tilly's pain. "That feeling is only the tip of the iceberg."

"Poor girl..." we stop talking and turn to see a tall guy with shaggy brown hair and crystal blue eyes.

"Sorry, guys. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," he clears his throat, and I get an overwhelming sense of Deja Vu. 

Do I know him?

"Dylan," he introduces himself, tugging out the chair next to Edward. "Can I sit?"


Thank you so much for reading! ❤️

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