How to be a Heartbreaker

By anthem-

76.3K 2.5K 569

In the brutal world of high school, anything can happen, especially to a certain teenage girl. Sophia Heather... More

How to be a Heartbreaker
That Probably Wasn't the Best Thing to Say
Who Parks Their Motorcycles in the Middle of the Sidewalk?
Hell Has Been Happening on a Daily Basis
What Are the Chances That They Would See Each Other Again
Could You Imagine the Agony?
The New and Improved Sophia Heatherson 2.0
Rule Number One is That You Gotta Have Fun
Rule Number Two: Just Don't Get Attached
♥Sharing the Love♥
The Awkwardness of the Mornings After Epic Parties
This Is What He Gets For Lying
Rule Number Three: Wear Your Heart on Your Cheek
The Cutest and Most Clichè Night of Her Life
Rule Number Four: Got to be Looking Pure
The Best Night of Her Life
author's note (funny than depressing than somewhat happy)
The Most Unexpected Heartbreaker
He Totally Isn't Making 'Moving On' That Easy
Putting Her Emotions Back on the Gambling Table
Cat Fights Are Always Entertaining
Friendship Never Ends
Stupidity Sometimes Leads You to Love and Happiness
♡Final Thank You Speech♡
would you like a sequel?
sequel alert!

Is the Queen Bee Allowed to Carry a Gun?

3.3K 129 29
By anthem-

The next morning was a day that Sophia dreaded more than usual. First of all, she didn't want to see Zach mad at her. She also doesn't like seeing him all over Jessica. Lastly, if Zach was still mad at her then he would be ignoring her for today, which meant that she would have to eat lunch alone. Eating lunch alone meant that she would feel self conscious and feel everyone staring at her which makes her heart pump like crazy.

She still didn't know what Mason meant when he said 'See you tomorrow'. Chances are that they will never see each other ever again, but she felt good about herself when he kept her company yesterday and became her friend, kinda.

Sophia rushed down to her empty kitchen and grabbed herself an apple, as well as a bottle of water to keep herself hydrated in school. Her hands went in her pocket to check if she brought her house keys, she didn't want to be locked out of her own home.

Since her parents hadn't got her a car yet, she had to take the long way and walk to school since she believed that the school bus was unsanitary. Her legs didn't mind the long walk anyway, it was good exercise for her.

Glancing around, it got her hopes up that since it was a beautiful day, good things will happen to her. With that thought set in her mind, she immediately put on a bright smile on her face to lift her mood up.

As she got to the school's parking lot, she spotted a very familiar motorcycle. She kept telling herself that there was no way that Mason went to the exact same school as her without her noticing it. She just kept on shaking her head, trying to tell herself that it was impossible.

As she was approaching her locker, she saw Jessica come up to Zach and started having a heated make out session. Sadness immediately swept over her as she started wishing that she was the one kissing him. Sophia hurriedly stuffed her books in her locker and tried really hard to get out of there before she started tearing up.

Her first period was Math. Stupid. She rushed to the classroom, trying to hurry up and avoid the bell. She did a quick glance around the classroom and saw Jessica sitting down with her clique in the middle of the room and telling them about how good of a kisser Zach was. Soon, all of them started giggling. Sophia looked down, wishing that she would know how it felt.

She headed towards her usual place in the corner of the room and sat down. Preparing her stuff before the teacher got in. As you can see, Sophia Heatherson tried maintaining her high grades.

"Sophia!" She turned her head to see that Jessica was referring to her. Her group of friends watched her intently as she made her way towards Sophia's chair and took a seat to the chair beside her.

"Hi." Sophia said awkwardly before the beauty queen of the school. Her insides were churning furiously because the few conversations she had with Jessica never ended well or properly. Especially now, since Jessica had an extra mean look on her face. She could never handle her neutral face; imagine the hell she would have to conquer if she wished to see daylight once more.

"How do you feel about me dating Zach?" Jessica asked as her eyes stayed on Sophia to see how she reacted towards a question she knew very well was a very sensitive one to her. Sophia's head instantly snapped up to see Jessica's eyes hold something evil.

"I'm totally cool with it." Sophia lied as she tried avoiding her really scary eyes and looked down inside her bag, fiddling with what she could get her hands on. Anything was better than looking up and meeting what could potentially be her utter demise.

Jessica's well manicured fingers quickly grabbed Sophia's bag and tossed it on the floor, and Sophia just watched as the contents of her bag scattered on the floor. Jessica was now leaning against Sophia's desk, using her arms for support as she glared at her boyfriend's best friend like she was a murderer.

"Listen here, Loser." Her voice suddenly changed from fake happiness and welcoming to just plain mean, and it was scaring Sophia shitless. Her whole being was just quivering like a chihuahua.

"I don't want you getting between me and Zach, you got that?" Jessica smirked evily. Sophia was now really scared and shrunk towards her chair, ruining her prim and proper posture she always had.

"And I promise you that if you do, I will personally convince him to ignore you and throw into the ditch like the garbage you are. Come to think of it, I don't know why he hangs out with you. He's got the looks to make it with the in crowd, but he chose to focus all his attention on pathetic little you" Jessica spat out, making sure that all her words had a massive impact on Sophia, and she got what she was striving for as Sophia was starting to let her words sink in painfully.

"You get that, Weirdo?" Jessica snapped harshly. All her friends who were behind her were cruelly snickering at Sophia's emotional breakdown. Did her pain bring them joy? Is that it?

"Yeah." Sophia nodded her head, afraid that Jessica would hit her or something. At this point of embarrassment, she would was very much willing to do whatever to just be able to bury herself under an enormous rock which would hopefully suffocate her.

Jessica threw one final glare her way, but the one she threw at her was the deadliest of them all, which was weird considering she threw a lot of glares her way throughout the years. This one, however, held a promise of revenge that Sophia would try and avoid at all costs.

She couldn't focus on what her math teacher was saying. Jessica's words bounced all over her head, trampling all over her self esteem as well as the little self respect she had left for herself

"Class dismissed." The teacher didn't have to tell that to Sophia twice as she flashed out of the room faster than the world's fastest man ever could. You know what they say: fear pushes you to do remarkable things.

She rushed towards her locker, paranoid that Jessica would be there holding a gun or something. As she quickly walked through the hallways, she would cast casual glances behind her and check if Jessica was hunting her down. She gently pushed her way through the students who were flooding the hallway.What is it with people thinking that its okay to pick on people who have decent grades?

She finally made it through.

"Hey Blondie." Someone whispered in her ear and startled her into unleashing a very inhuman screech that was stopped by a hand that clamped over mouth, saving humanity all together.

Thinking that the person was a kidnapper or something, her first instinct would always be to to struggle against his hold because her dad taught her well. Her body kept on trying to free itself until he spoke again.

"Sophia! Relax, it's just me." He kinda yelled in her ear, trying to hold his laughter in.

She quickly whipped her head around to see that the owner of the motorcycle she damaged was here, in her school, really close to her. He was smirking with his sexily messed up hair.

"Mason?" She asked him in surprise. All he gave her was a 'duh!' look in which she gave him an annoyed look with a side of a sassy head tilt.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that you scared the freaking bejaggers out of me!" She yelled at him as she started to get frustrated again.

Before he tried to speak, he chose to laugh at her first. Sophia just stood there, patiently waiting for him to stop.

"Well, I see that you're as feisty as ever." He commented. The aftermath of his laugh fest such as snickering and chuckling once a while at the memory of the situation were still very present, and it was annoying Sophia so much. All she could do was fiddle with the frame of her glasses.

"Well, I see that you're still as annoying as ever." She threw back at him. She was fairly proud of how fast she thought of that comeback. Her mind wasn't exactly sharp enough to flash things like that in her moments of distress.

"What were you doing, rushing out here like someone was chasing you?" He asked, gesturing through the door she went through. She cringed at how coincidental and untimely his comment was because there was indeed someone who could potentially be sending a search teams around the whole school for her head preferably detached. Now obvioously, she didn't want to tell that to a complete stranger, so she prayed that her mind was still sharper than normal.

"Nothing." Was all she said. She couldn't think of anything. Her head obviously wasn't that sharp anymore and his presumed it's early retirement as a lump of nothing that was probably just watching television instead of helping her in social situations such as this. It was probably watching the discovery channel or national geographic; that would be the only explanation to her exemplary grades. But as far as she knew, those two channels had nothing on the topic of teenage life clearly because Mason didn't buy it. He probably said a lot of lies in his lifetime to know how to track down one without even trying.

"Yeah. Right." He said sarcastically.

"Come on. Let's get to lunch." He said as he shockingly  placed his hand on her back and started leading her back inside.

Sophia didn't know why she felt safe just because Mason was here. She didn't even know that Mason went here. Than her minds started drifting back to her not so little Jessica problem, and it alarmed all of her insides, especially thinking that outburst she would have if she saw the both of them together.

But she didn't do anything. Instead, she just followed Mason inside.

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