The Shifter

By teamseth97

72.7K 3.1K 269

Myra Evans is a sixteen year old. At her first shift in front of the whole pack with everyone else, she shift... More

The Shifter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

2.1K 85 4
By teamseth97

Myra's P.O.V.

I think I slept for three hours before the whines of hungry babies woke me up. Jacob was still sleeping but the daytime nurse assured that it was only because he was so small. This nurse was named Margret Hayward. She had only been working with babies and new mothers for a little over a year. Every nurse employed at our pack hospital was a werewolf from our pack or an allied pack that was nearby. No one was paid but it didn't matter because the Alpha always paid for any expenses. Ihad never met Margret so I figured that she was from an Allied pack. I didn't ask.

She helped me position the babies in the fashion that Nurse Mary had showed me. Damen tried to help, too, but there wasn't much he could do. He had helped change their diapers when they first woke up. The nurse and Mom showed him how. There was an obvious difference between the diaper that Damen had put on and the diaper that either my mother or the nurse put on, though they were both on securely. In school, we are taught how to change baby diapers since its mandatory for werewolves to take a family and health class at age fifteen until we get mated. Our school is year round.

Damen struggled with the adjustments of our lives and so did I but he wasn't prepared as well for this as I had been. Everytime one of the babies made the slightest sound, a look of anguish flashed in his eyes. It hurt him that he didn't know what to do when the babies were unhappy. I wasn't quite sure, either, but at least I knew what might be wrong.

He sat next to me on the hospital bed which was becoming more and more uncomfortable as I lied in it. He put his arm around my shoulder and burried his face in my hair. He rested a hand on Amelia's head and smiled. "This is all so surreal," He said. Mom and Dad left when I had woken up to give Damen and I some well needed alone time. He didn't like them being around anyway, though I knew that his trust for them was slowly building.

I gently nuzzled him and sighed, looking at the babies at my breasts. "They're just so tiny. I'm afraid that I'm going to break them," I whispered.

"I'm afraid of everything, Myra. We don't know if they'll grow up to be more hunter or more werewolf or more shifter. I just want them to live a normal life as werewolves," He stated. "And what if they don't like me?"

I laughed. "You are their father, Damen. Sheesh! Sometimes you are just so insecure!"

He frowned. "I know. I just- I don't know."

I nudged him with my shoulder. "You're going to be a great father. Now go get your baby mama some food."

He stood up. "What do you want?"

"Anything," I groaned. My stomach had been gnawing with hunger since the moment I woke up but my instincts took over and I had to take care of my babies. Jacob was starting to move around a bit and I knew that he'd be hungry and need a diaper change.

Five more minutes had passed and Harper had let go and had been burped. She lied on my shoulder and looked around with her big blue eyes. I hoped that they would change to look like Damen's eyes but I didn't really care. Either way, they were beautiful babies.

Damen walked in the room with a large tray. "The nurse gave me this stuff for you," He said pointing to a plate of scrumptious food. There was a big bowl of fruit and another with oatmeal. On a plate there was a massive amount of bacon, my favorite. He picked up a sandwich. "This, however, is mine!"

I'm okay with that, I thought. He set the food on the table next to me and took a bite into his sandwich. My mouth watered but my hands were completely full of baby. Amelia was about done. I could tell because she had slowed down and wasn't sucking as hard but I didn't want to rush her.

Jacob turned his head towards me and stared into my eyes. His face brightened and I could tell that he was about to cry.

Damen saw, too. He put his sandwich down and wiped his hands, adding a squirt of hand sanitizer just in case. He stood and took a few long strides to reach Jacob. He was in full daddy mode by this point. He grabbed a diaper and a couple of wipes and opened the sides of his diaper. He scrunched his nose up signaling Jacob's first poop. "It doesn't smell, just looks gross," he assured. He grabbed another wipe and got down to business. After a minute, he was all clean and in a brand new diaper. It didn't fit him great since he was so little.

Jacob wasn't the shortest of the bunch but he was the skinniest. He had a long body for his weight but if Doctor Mei said that everything was fine, I believed her.

Amelia let go and I burped her while Damen attempted, without fail, to keep Jacob calm. Once I was satisfied, I climbed out of the bed and lied them both down in their designated bassinets.

I stretched, cracked my back and took Jacob from Damen. I sat back on the hard bed and positioned him effortlessly on my breast. "I wanted kids, like most werewolves, but I think that three at a time is a little excessive."

He laughed. "It should have been twins. I mean, that would make sense. Two boobs, two babies, right?"

"You should be a god!" I joked.

Jacob squirmed. I slowly rubbed my hand on his head, in effort to calm him down. It worked.

"I can see it now! The God of deciding how many children are born!" He said moving his hand acroos the air for emphasis.

I laughed. "That's logical. Maybe I'll be the goddess of triplets!" I looked at Damen lovingly. "Fitting, right?"

"Oh definitely!" He leaned back in his chair. "I'm going to pick up Harper." He stood up and picked her up gently.

I smiled at the man in front of me. I could see the great father that he already was and the great father that he always would be.

Oo, My wolf squealed, We should have more kids!

Not now, Milly! I responded.

It's Em! She growled.

I ignored her. I always called her by her first name when I was trying to shut her up and she never seemed to realize it. Jacob released, sighing lightly. I burped him and held him. I was still really tired, and hungry for that matter, but I didn't want to let go off him. I still felt a lonely ache in my chest whenever they weren't in my arms. I wished that I could hold all three at once but I didn't know how to manage that. He kept himself balled up and so did the others. I asked the nurse about that but she told me that it was completely normal. They had to get used to the outside world a little before they would stretch completely out.

Damen was humming to Harper. Her eyes were filled with absolute awe and love. I didn't know that babies knew love until then. I thought that they only knew instinct. I also didn't recognized the tune that Damen was humming.

"What are you humming?" I asked.

His face contorted and his eyes shone with anger and sorrow. "My mother would always hum that to me whenever she put me to bed," He growled. Harper started to wail and Damen's face was immediately filled with regret. He knew that he scared Harper and he felt bad about it. "I'm sorry, baby girl. Daddy didn't mean to scare you," He comforted. Tears filled his eyes. He looked at me. "She won't stop crying. Why won't she stop crying?" He cried.

"Hand her to me and take Jacob," I replied. I repositioned Jacob so that I could take Harper. The hunger was getting worse. He lied Harper on my chest and picked up Jacob. Damen sat down with Jacob in a rocking chair across the room. Harper stopped crying a few minutes later. I got up and lied Harper in her bassinet. "It's okay," I assured him. "You just scared her a little, that's all."

He nodded slowly. His eyes shone with hurt. "I know. I was so stupid."

"I'm gonna eat some of this food, now. So just calm down and cuddle Jacob," I sat at the edge of the bed and moved the table and tray closer to me.

He laughed lightly. "Braxton. His name is Braxton. At least that's what I'm gonna call him."

"Don't confuse him!" I shouted.

"I'll try not to."

I picked up a spoon and ate the oatmeal. It was plain oatmeal but it tasted heavenly! I ate all of the bacon when I was done with my oatmeal. All that was left was the bowl of fruit. I ate that slowly, savoring every unique flavor. It didn't take me long to finish all of the savory food.

 Damen laughed as I plopped back down in the bed.

"That was good!" I exclaimed, lifting my arms and letting them fall by my side again. "Damen?"


"Be a doll and adjust the bed so that I'm laying down again."

He sighed. "I'm holding Braxton! Just use the remote!"

I groaned, reaching for the remote to adjust the bed. "His name is Jacob," I insisted. I adjusted the bed and got comfortable.

"Then his nickname is Braxton," He stated.

I sighed and reached for Jacob. I pat his head lightly and whispered, "Good night, baby boy."

I turned onto my side, facing away from Damen and my children. Darkness enveloped my body until sleep came.


Sirens. I heard sirens. They wailed louder than my babies ever did. I looked towards the door leading into their room. "Myra!" Damen screamed. It sounded more like a whisper.

I hopped out of bed and sprinted into my babies room. They were gone! Panic overwhelmed me. I collapsed. Damen caught me in his arms. His face was sweaty. "What's going on!" I yelled over the wails. "Where are they!"

"The hunters. They took them," He cried.


I bolt upright in my bed. "Damen?" I called. The room was dark and the babies were sleeping. Damen was no where in sight. I pushed a button next to my bed.

Immediately one of the day-nursed ran in. "Alpha." She bowed her head. "Is everything okay?"

"Where's Damen?" I croaked.

She laughed. "He's at a meeting with the Alpha."

Damen's P.O.V.

Myra was sleeping soundly. I held Braxton close to me. Myra was upset that I kept calling him that instead of Jacob, but I knew that she had been getting over it. His big blue eyes bore in to mine, as if he was searching for evil. He clutched my shirt and let out a soft sigh before closing his eyes.

I could get used to this. I thought. My eyes and limbs felt heavy and I almost drifted to sleep with Jacob in my arms when Alpha Evans came in.

"Damen!" He said. "Come on! We need to have a little meeting. It shouldn't take too long, an hour, tops!"

"Okay," I said. I pulled myself up from the chair and gently set Jacob down in his bassinet. He didn't stir so I tip-toed away.

We walked into the hallway. "I need to teach you how to perform a mind block. And we need to talk about the upcoming battle."

We didn't tell Myra what would happen if we lost the battle against the council and we didn't tell her who was fighting, but she didn't ask. If we lose, the pack and hunters will gather around and watch my execution. The pack, along with Myra and the kids will be handed over to them on a silver platter and they could do with us what they choose, whether it be to enslave us or to kill us.

The reason that we didn't tell Myra who was fighting was because her dad will be fighting and he didn't want to worry her. The babies need to be her priority.

We walked down the corridor until we reached a fairly private area. "Damen. I want Myra to be sent to a safe house for a while. She will take the babies. I will ask Rick to retrieve them when the fight is over."

"Rick? You mean the guy that manages that restaraunt; the hunter?"

He nodded. "He is a close friend of mine and has hidden my son in one of those safe houses. She wont be alone, though. We are sending her to live there, with my son, until it is over. But you must stay."

My stomach fell. "But I have to protect Myra! She's my mate! It doesnt matter if she's hidden away if we lose! If I die, she will,too."

"We won't lose," Sam countered.

He means it, Kai informed, Alpha won't let his daughter die.

Since when do you have respect for anyone? I asked.

I am lower than him until he gives up his Alpha position to you. I am his subordinate. God! You're an idiot!

Sam was giggling. "Stop reading my fucking mind!" I accused.

"Learn to mind block!"

"Fine! I'll try!" I said, concentrating on locking my thoughts away from him.

He smiled eerily. "I can still hear whispering. Try making it soundproof."

I nodded doing what he said.

"Good! I can't hear a thing. The hard part is keeping it up. Eventually it will come as second nature, though."


I heard heels clicked down the hallway. "Damen! Damen?" A woman yelled. I turned to see one of the nurses nearing us. "Myra is awake and she want's you."

I looked at Sam and he nodded for me to go. The nurse led me to the room even though I already knew the way. I walked in to see Myra crying. Her knotted hair fell over her shoulders and knees as she hugged them to herself tightly. Her sobbing rocked her shoulders. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She stopped crying the moment I touched her. "Bad dream. Really bad dream." Her face was streaked with tears.

I pulled her into me. "But it was just that; a really bad dream."

"It seemed so real," She whispered.

"Well what happened?"

Her bottom lip quivered. "I woke up to loud sirens. The babies were gone and- and-" She paused and her eyes darted back and forth across the room. "You said the hunters took them."

I planted a kiss in her hair. "Don't worry. You'll be safe. And the babies will be, too."

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"Alpha Evan's has a plan. Just trust me when I say that you and the babies will be safe."

She nodded. "And you?"

A pit formed in my stomach. "Not as safe as you." It wasn't a lie, but I didn't tell her the whole truth. I didn't tell her that I would be in the center of the danger because once they had me, they didn't care.

I held my mind block up the best I could throughout the entire conversation.

"I love you, Damen." Myra whispered.

A flutter of happiness blew away my worry as those beautiful words enveloped my mind. "I love you, too." I pulled her into a deep kiss and slowly pulled back. "You are my everything."

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