His Mafia Bride (Completed)

By TanaRw

336K 9.3K 436

I love his arms around me. They make me feel safe and loved. That is, until I see what he does with his han... More



5.4K 161 2
By TanaRw

POV: Logan

I hurt; my body bruised for sure. I feel for Ally hand, but I don't feel it.

Turning my head slowly, she not there. I hear shoes moving around in the rubble, that had once been a house. Ally? I try to get out from under the bed, but I hurt so much.


I hear bodies drop, close by. There is only one guy I know with that shoots that fast. Forcing my body to move, I crawl out from under the bed. But as I do, my stomach drops, as I watch Ally body being carried away by a man. "DAVIS, SHOOT HIM!" I order out.


The gun goes off, but the man doesn't go down, as he loads Ally in the back of a bright red car. The passenger window rolls down and I see the driver from here. You son of a-

The car already running, starts to pull away when the man and Ally are in. The car leaves to quickly and my body won't move anymore, it's like my bones are glued together and weighed down.

I hear someone walking to me. Turning my head, it's Davis, holding his hand over his side. The same area Ally got stabbed, but it's bleeding so much it looks like the bullet did so much damage it could kill him. "Sorry boss." He says before he collapses on the ground.

The wind starts to pick up, into strong gusts. Looking up, there a helicopter coming down from the sky.

Mom, dad, my siblings, Leo and Xavier, come out of nowhere, they look worse for wear, dirty and their clothes torn. But they are fine, safe, and coming for Davis and me.

Image of Ally comes to mind, of her body being carried away. Being taken away from me, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do!

The helicopter lands down, and I just can't deal with what has happened. I let the most important person down, that I love. I promised she would always be safe with me, but she has now turned me into a liar.

Logan Past:

"Hand me the screwdriver." I tell Ally, as I lay under the old T-Bird.

"What will you give me for it?" She asks, dangling the screwdriver out of reach. She smiles at me, as a section of her hair falls out of place.

Sliding out from under the car, my eyes travel her body. She wears a gray t-shirt, shorts, sneakers, and her hair in a messy bun. "What would you like?" I ask her, getting to my feet.


Cracking a smile, I lean back against the car, arms crossed. "Information? That's all you want?" She shakes her head. "Alright, let's hear it. What do you want to know?"

"The night of that party, the first time I met you. Why did you keep all those guys away from me?" Her eyes are innocent asking the question, but her body becomes still, as if she scared of what I might say, for some reason.

Leaning away from the car, I take a step to her, cup the side of her face into my hand. Lightly, I rub my thumb over her bottom lip and so badly I want to kiss those lips, claim them as my own. Mark them as my own and make it clear, that no one can have them, but me. "When my eyes fell on you, I knew no one could possibly be good enough-"

"But you?"

Shaking my head in agreement, my other hand rests on her hip. "But me. And I'll be the only one, good enough for you."

Moving close in to kiss her, she pulls away and gets out of my grasp. "Yap is all I hear. Actions speak louder."

Smiling at her wickedly, I flex my arms at her, showing her the power that I hold with in my body. "I can show you action." I lung for her, but she gets out of my reach.

"Catch me if you can stud!"

Ally Present:

My eyes open heavy, I'm not sure how long they will stay open. I look to the driver, long red hair, oversized big round sunglasses. Maggie. My eye's slid shut again, with my stomach doing the flips of dread.

Ally Past:

Dad hands me the newspaper, as I eat dinner. He points at an article, it's a charity event going on tomorrow night. "Go there tomorrow night, check the place out, be friend Logan Phantom, then the plan will start to form."

Looking the article over, it's bland. It's a charity event to raising money for research to save lives from sickness that there is yet to medication yet to heal people. It gives an address and what time the party will start. "What's the plan?"

"Get information, then kill him." He tells me. "Get something nice to wear." Then he walks away.


The mansion was giant. It's like looking at a castle I've seen in pictures. "Wow," walking on, I follow a couple, a man and woman dressed in their best, as I wear a twenty-dollar dress I tried to doll up using ideas from Pinterest.

Once threw the door, there is different air about this place, from outside. From any other place I've been. This place feels like home as odd as that sounds.

Waiters walk around with wine flutes, soft music is played from the live band, people mingle, laughing, talking, and dancing. They are all a high class bunch of people.

Mingling around, I get giggles, from women looking me over in my cheap dress and shoes no matter how much work I put into making the dress look nicer.

A tall woman steps in my path, wine glass in hand. She looks me over, like I'm a bug. "They will just let anyone in here, won't they?" She glances at her groupies, then looks back to me. "Steal other people money, street rat." She snarls.

A tall man strides over to us, his posture is strong. His face and chin look like they are made of marble. He holds two wine flutes, and hands one to the woman, as a waiter walks past, taking her empty one and goes on. "Maggie, please behave, there are people here looking for holes in our," the man glances at the woman groupies, then looks back to her. "Relationship." He whispers, to her, but I still hear him.

I go to walk around them, but Maggie grabs my arm, digging her nails into my arm. "We aren't done, street rat." She snarls.

"Careful, or you might end up breaking a nail, with your empty threats. Because I can snap you like a twig." Smiling at her, I break her hold and walk on, feeling eye's on my back.

Ally Present:


Cold water wakes me up, gasping for air. Heart pounding, I look around the room feeling lost and confused. There are thugs in this room with me, but one face stands out, Maggie. "Your dad sends his regards. He'll be here in a couple days, so get comfortable." She turns on me and starts to walk away.

Smiling wickedly at her, I get her to stop in her tracks. "Logan doesn't know this, but I remember the night of the party. The one, where I found you trying to get it on with his dad, and he told you to get away. He then told his wife, she leaves an impression on people, in the good and bad way."

She turns on me, one eye covered by an eye patch, thanks to Mrs. Phantom handy work. I never seen what she did to Maggie, but I did see the blood and heard her screaming in pain. "You and that bitch will die." She then turns away and stalks out of the room, slamming the door shut.

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