Toddler Series

By lipstickstaiin

2.3M 31.3K 3.7K

Forth Book; One Direction Preference series about the life of the boys as fathers to Toddlers (12months to Pr... More

Toddler Series
#01 First Birthday
#02 First Steps
#03 Little Personalities
#04 Favourite toy
#05 Dinner Time
#06 Work with Daddy
#07 Autumn
#08 Learning
#09 Mummy Moment
#10 Escaping the crib
#11 Fan Encounter
#12 Daddy Moment
#13 First Crush
#14 Temper Tantrum
Easter Moment
#15 Playdate
Tour Series #01 Bye Daddy (he leaves for tour)
Tour Series #02 Missing Daddy
Tour Series #03 Skyping Daddy
Tour Series #04 Visiting Daddy
Tour Series #05 He tweets of picture
Father's Day
Tour Series #06 On Tour with daddy
Toddler wants a sibling
Toddler Series: First Day of Pre-school

Mother's Day

55.3K 1K 149
By lipstickstaiin

A/N: In honour of Mother’s Day, we wanted to write a preference for the day. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers out get. We love our mummy lots and don’t know what we would be without her xx

This preference has pictures included in the Tumblr blog. Here is the link if you wish to see them;


"Mummy, wake up," Amelia said, tapping your shoulder. You twitched your nose before opening your eyes. You smiled when you saw two pairs of brown eyes staring at you. "Mummy," she squealed, laying down beside you and giggling. Liam smiled and leaned back against the bed headboard. "Good morning Emmy and Li," you said. Amelia rolled onto her stomach and giggled. "Happy Mummy Day," she said, looking from you to her father. You giggled and sat up copying Liam. "Thank you Emmy," you replied and smoothed down the blanket. "Daddy, what's Mummy Day?" she asked. Liam smiled and thought for a moment before answering. "It's a day where you celebrate your mummy. You have to be extra nice to her, maybe surprise her with presents or breakfast," he explained. Amelia sat up and smiled lovingly at you. "You are allowed to wake mummy up but mummy has to relax while daddy and Emmy clean and cook," he added, poking his tongue out, making a 'yuk' face. She giggled and copied him, making you laugh. "Daddy?" she asked, pointing to the bedside table. Liam nodded and reached over, picking up a small box. Amelia squealed and carefully took it, before placing it in our lap. "Daddy and Emmy made," she said, climbing onto Liam's lap and smiling at you. You looked at the box and gasped; it was a photo cube with photos of your little family. "Who's this?" you asked, pointing to a photo. "Emmy," Amelia giggled, hitting her chest with her little hand. "That's right. And this one?" you continued, turning the box around. "Daddy," she squealed.


"Thank you for a wonderful day Noah," you kissed his head as he snuggled your chest. You looked the other end of the couch at Louis. "Thank you too Lou. Breakfast and my presents and now a family movie afternoon, it's perfect," you whispered. He smiled and nodded, glad you were happy. Suddenly the door bell rung and Noah giggled, cheekily looking up at you. "Mummy go," he said. You frowned in confusion and looked from the little boy to Louis. "Could be something for you?" Louis said, winking. Noah wiggled off your lap, watching you stand and walk towards the front door. He knelt up on the couch and lent his elbows on the back, blue eyes locked on you. Louis copied him. "Think mummy will like it?" Louis asked his son. Noah nodded and rested his chin on his arms. Before you opened the door, you looked over your shoulder and laughed at them. "Ok ok, I'm getting it," you opened the door and revealed a delivery man holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers with a Mother's Day balloon attracted. You smiled excitedly and took them, thanking him and closing the door behind you. "Surprise," Noah called out, "mummy like? Noah picked the balloon and daddy picked the flowers. Daddy said mummy's favourite," he explained, smiling widely. You blushed and walked into the living room. You placed the bouquet on the coffee table and sat back on the couch. "I love them. But I love you more," you said, quickly grabbing Noah's little body and bringing him to your lap. "Now where's mummy's kiss?" you cooed. Noah giggled and pressed his little lips to your cheek.


"Kisses for mummy," Declan said, kissing your cheek. He blushed and snuggled into you. Cora giggled and looked at you from her spot on your lap, before kissing your other cheek. "Mummy loves kisses and cuddles, but what about her presents," Niall said, making the twins look up with their little mouths open, "remember we brought presents. Want to go get them?" he encouraged. Cora looked at Declan, but he was already gone. Cora giggled and slid of the bed, running on her little legs after him. You smiled and smoothed down the blanket on the bed. Niall wiggled closer to you and wrapped his arm around you, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Happy Mother's-," he was cut off by little footsteps running back into the room. Cora and Declan climbed onto the bed and crawled down towards you. "For mummy," Cora said, placing a present wrapped in floral paper. "Thank you Corbear," you said, kissing her forehead. "Me me," Declan whined, wiggling closer to you, "Decc love mummy," he blushed, handing you a smaller present. "Thank you Dec. Mummy loves Declan," you replied, kissing his cheek, "and Cora, lots and lots." Cora nodded and smiled, showing her little teeth. "Mummy is very lucky, two presents," you said. "No," the twins giggled and shook their heads. "Daddy too," Cora said, reaching over and hitting Niall's leg. He chuckled and pulled out a third wrapped present, a small long box. "I know you're not my mum, but you are the mother of my children," he whispered, " can daddy have a kiss?" Cora and Declan gasped and covered their eyes with their little hands, as Niall pressed his lips to yours.


You giggled as you heard voices; Harry telling Spencer to be quiet and her excited little giggles. "Pwetty flowers and yummy breakie," Spencer said, looking up at her father. He nodded and smiled proudly at what they both did together. "Come on daddy," she said, pulling on his pjyama pants. He chuckled and nodded, being careful with the tray balanced in his hands. She giggled and let him go, walking towards the master bedroom. You closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. As the door opened, Spencer squealed and climbed onto the bed, making the bed shake. You opened your eyes and smiled, sitting up and leaning back against the bed headboard.  "Good morning Angel," you said, smiling as the little girl wiggled into bed beside you. "Happy Mummy Day," she giggled, green eyes shining bright. You kissed her head as Harry sat down beside you, placing a tray on your lap. "Oh, did you help daddy make breakfast?" you gasped, looking at the tray. It had beautiful purple flowers, croissants, warm milk and cereal with milk and strawberries. Spencer nodded. "Thank you so much. I'm a very lucky mummy," you said. You kissed her cheek and looked at Harry. Spencer reached over and picked up the croissant. She opened her little mouth wide and took a big bit. You giggled and smiled at her. Harry picked up the bowl of cereal and took a spoonful. Spencer froze as she realised she ate your breakfast. "For mummy," she said, putting the half eaten croissant back on the tray. "No daddy, mummy breakie," she whined, frowning at her father, making you giggle.


Kaiden was in the playroom, drawing on the chalkboard wall. His little tongue poked out as he concentrated. When he was finished, he put the chalk down and wiped his little hands on his pyjama pants, nodded, pleased with his work. Meanwhile in the kitchen, you were sitting on a stool at the counter, watching Zayn make pancakes. "Where's Kade?" you asked, raising an eyebrow, "what is he up to?" Zayn shrugged his shoulders and kept his back turned to you, not saying anything. Suddenly little footsteps ran down the corridor, to the kitchen. You spun the stool around and smiled. "There you are, baby boy," you said, opening your arms. He giggled and stepped closer. "Come mummy," he said, grabbing a few of your fingers, "Kaiden show mummy what he did for mummy." You smiled and stood up, "what did you do Kade?" "Surprise mummy," he giggled and looked at his father. You nodded and Kaiden pulled on your hand, lending you towards the playroom. Zayn grabbed your other hand and followed behind. As you entered the room, you gasped. The chalkboard was covered in little drawings from both your boys; Kaiden's little scribbles and Zayn's simpler drawings. "Happy Mother's Day," Kaiden squealed, jumping up and down excitedly. "Daddy and Kade drew pictures," he explained. You knelt down and he ran into your arms. "I love it. Thank you Kade. It's beautiful. You are a wonderful drawer," you kissed his head as he wrapped his arms around your neck. "Is there room for mummy to draw a little picture?" you asked, earning a big smile from the little boy.

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