Little Middle Earth Short Sto...

By Middle_Earth_

32.7K 1.6K 400

Short stories about your favourite characters from little middle earth :3 More

Little Middle Earth Short Stories
Little Frodo
Little Legolas
Little Kili and Fili
Little Aragorn
Little Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen
Little Gimli
Little Thorin
Little Boromir and Faramir
Little Eowyn and Eomer
Little Merry and Pippin
Little Tauriel
Little Sauron
Little Eruanna and Thranduil
Little Bilbo
Little Tarlancerseal and Faramir
Little Morgana and Aragorn
Little Eruaistaniel and Elladan
Little Sam, Frodo, Merry and Pippin
Sassy Thranduil Pt.2
Sassy Thranduil Pt.3 Meets a Sassy Thorin
Mischievous Merry meets Frodo and Pippin
Little Fili and Kili (Part 2)
Little Fili and Kili (crossover)
Little Fili and Kili (Special)
Little Fili and Kili (Family)
Little Faramir

Sassy Thranduil

1K 64 9
By Middle_Earth_

First up, @MadiB79 <----- this awesome person is the many faces of wattpad. Go vote and comment on her stories because they're awesome just like her. And you should definitely go follow her, (she doesn't bite) XD :) Anyways enjoy this special story of the Prince of Sass.  :D

Thranduil smiled mischievously and picked up a pair of small rings and placed them onto his eyes. Laughing he sashayed out of the room and towards his father who stared at him intently. "What are you doing?" he muttered lazily slowly getting up. Thranduil pouted and replied in a high pitched voice, "I'm being a model daddy, see my goggles?"

Laughing he placed the rings onto his eyes and stuck his tongue out. "Take those ridiculous things off your eyes, young prince," he said sternly reaching for him. He shrieked and began to run, tripping occasionaly over his fathers robe which he had snatched earlier.

" You'll never catch me," he shrieked, "Because you're not as cool as me daddy." Muttering darkly under his breath, his father watched him as thranduil expertly clambered up a tree. "Come back here!" he called in between puffs of breath.

Thranduil just swung his legs and reached for two twigs. Placing it against his forehead he mimicked his father, "Hey look at me, I'm daddy. I am 1 billion years old and sometimes I need a walking stick to walk. I like to kiss the moose and I wear long dresses that are for girls." At this, the young prince burst in a fit of giggles, while his father frowned.

"Hey daddy!" he called in between hiccups. Not waiting for an answer he placed the rings on his eyes once more and continued, "Look at these goggles, Am I cool yet daddy? Can I be king now?" His father frowned and turned on his heel and left. Thranduil stuck his tongue out and leaned against the branch, "Fine! I'll stay up here then."

Day turned into night and the young prince yawned and his tomach grumbled. Trembling from the cold, he called out timidly, "Daddy are you there, I'm sorry." His weak voice drifted into the wind and silence followed. Sighing, sadly he looked at the rings and for a moment felt a little guilty. "I am here ion nin."

Smiling, he climbed down and threw himself into his father's arms. His father murmered comforting words into his ear, while Thradnuil clung to his robes and cried. "Why were you acting like that Thranduil," he whispered affectionately. Sniffing he wiped away the last of his tears and said, "Don't blame me! It was the cook, she let me eat lots of sweets."

Staring off into the distance his father smiled and asked, "So should we dismiss her then?" Thranduil thought about it and his eyes widened, "N-n-no," he stuttered pleadingly. Placing him down, his father placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and said, "Words hurt ion nin. You must learn to control your tongue. Do you promise me?"

Thranduil nodded slowly and gave his father a hug. Stifling a giggle, he carefully tied a bowtie in his fathers hair. "You can go now." Bowing to him, thranduil ran up the stairs and began counting. "25,26,27....."



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