Little Eruanna and Thranduil

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"Thranduil!" Giggling, he hid behind his fathers throne. Sighing, Oropher began searching for his son. While his father had his back towards him, Thranduil stumbled towards him, arms outstretched. Falling backwards, he grasped at his fathers robes and began giggling uncontrollably. "There you are," he murmured softly picking Thranduil up.

He smiled as Thranduil looked longingly at Oropher's crown. He made a feeble attempt to grab it, but his father gently grabbed his small arms and tickled him making Thranduil squirm. "Not just yet, ion nin." Wriggling free of his grasp, Thranduil looked up to his father and wrapped his hand tightly around his robes, refusing to let go.

He laughed as he watched his son scrunched up his face. Oropher smiled as he picked up his son, making him shriek in surprise. "Don't tell your mother about this," he whispered taking his from his head and giving it to Thranduil. He gasped in delight as he wrapped his small fingers around it. Putting him down, Thranduil laughed and placed the crown on his head, but it was far too big for him and instead it fell over his eyes.

Stumbling, he held his arms out as he tried to see but instead fell backwards. He took the crown off and stared at it in amazement, "Ada, this crown is broken," he muttered handing it back to his father. Looking at him in confusion he replied, "I see nothing wrong with it. What is wrong?" He bowed his head shuffled from one foot to other, "It doesn't fit my head, ada."

Laughing, he crouched and placed a hand on his shoulder, "One day it will, ion nin." Thranduil smiled excitedly and hugged his father. "Come now, Eruanna is waiting for you." Wrapping his hand tightly around his fathers finger he hid behind him as he led Thranduil towards the gardens. A little girl stood there holding onto her fathers hand, shuffling her feet.

When Thranduil went to meet her father, Thranduil gave a crooked smile and waved. The girl knawed her lip anxiously and blushed. "Thranduil, go take Eruanna to your room." Nodding his head he turned on his heel and walked up to his room, Eruanna followed closely behind.

Sitting up on the bed, he stared at her and muttered, "My name is um......." Laughing , she nodded and replied, "Thranduil...your name is Thranduil." Rubbing his neck sheepishly he shrugged and raised his eyebrow. "Well your name is Eruanna." "Yep." Looking around the room he began, "Um well, uh......" "Who's this for?" she asked, staring at the bow. "

Oh that's mine," he replied walking over to her. "Ada, had a blacksmith make it for me." "It's beautiful," she said breathlessele, reaching for it. "Wait that's not meant for......" Smirking she picked it up and placed an arrow and shot it at the makeshift target. "How did you?"

"Practice," she laughed throwing it to Thranduil. Staggering, he placed it against the wall and sat cross legged on the floor. "One day I'm going to serve under the king, as an elven guard."

"I'm going to be king one day," he exclaimed proudly.

Turning to face him, she bowed and exclaimed, "I will be proud to fight for you, my liege." Giggling he nodded and puffed his chest out. "Ada says that i will be king when the crown fits my head. Although, that might not be for a long time."

Ruffling his hair, she smiled and replied, " You do have a small head......" He lowered his eyes in embarresment but she simply laughed and flicked his arm, " You'll make a great king." Looking up he smiled and asked, "How do you know?"

"I just do."


Picking him up, she walked downstairs and placed Thranduil down. "Before I go," she murmered taking off her necklace, "I want to give this to you." "What is it?" "It's a necklace silly," she giggled, placing it hin his hands, "A reminder that to never lose sight of what's really important. Even if you do have a small head."

Laughing, he wrapped his fingers around the necklace. "Thank you Eruanna." Nodding she ran over to her father. He watched her until she was out of sight. staring at the necklace he could make out a faint inscription, "Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa"

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