Little Frodo

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Primula stood with her back towards the door, concentrating on her baking. The sweet smell of spring floated through the window and a soft breeze rustled the curtains. She heard the door creak open but did not turn around, and instead smiled to herself, 'Frodo,' she thought to herself. Giggling, Frodo wrapped his small arms around her leg and cried excitedly, "Mama." Pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear she looked down to be met with the sight of young Frodo. Lifting him up she held him closely and cried, "Now who is this lad?"

Squealing in excitement he clapped his hands together. "Surely it can't be my Frodo, this boy is much too big," she exclaimed pocking him in his stomach. Laughing he wrapped his arms around her neck and tried to make a grab for the wooden spoon she had used to mix the batch of cookies. Primula expertly grabbed her son by the waist and lifted him in the air, making him cry out in surprise. "Tut tut greedy little lad aren't you?

Well," she said picking the spoon from the bowl, " how about we keep this in between ourselves, Frodo?" Delighted at his prize he planted a sticky kiss on his mothers cheek and began licking the spoon. Laughing Primula placed him on a seat and went back to her cooking. Not long after she felt strong arms grip her around the waist. "Drogo, I didn't expect to see you until noon!" Laughing he planted a kiss on her cheek before replying, "I wouldn't want to miss this."

Nodding towards Frodo he winked at Primula and motioned her to be silent. "Where's my greedy little monster," he cried pretending to search for Frodo. Frodo hid underneath the table, giggling and clasping his sticky hands together. "THERE HE IS," he roared lifting his son onto his shoulders. Squealing in excitement Frodo grabbed at his fathers hair, so he wouldn't lose balance. "What's this," Drogo exclaimed when he heard Frodo hiccuping, he had scared himself silly.

Grabbing Frodo he brang him down from his shoulders and held him in one arm. He had his arms crossed over his chest and had his sticky delight all over his curly hair. Laughing, Drogo planted a small kiss on his son's forhead and tickled him under his chin. "C'mon lad it's time for bed." Primula took him from Drogo and bathed him before putting him to bed.

He yawned and made a feeble reach for his mother's necklace. "Mama," he muttered barely able to keep his eyes open. "Yes, Frodo?"

"Can I have your necklace when I grow up?"

Giving a small laugh she smiled and placed her hand against his skin. "We'll see." smiling he turned on his side and fell asleep curled up in a tight ball under his blankets, his soft curls falling over his forehead.

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