Sassy Thranduil Pt.3 Meets a Sassy Thorin

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This one has a bit of a modern twist, so i hope you Enjoy :D Xx

"Thorin! Don't be late!" Thorin sighed and turned back towards his mother. He waved to her and nodded before running off into the woods, trailing a wooden axe. Once he was deep within the forest he smiled to himself and began practicing with his axe.

It was not long before, he heard distant voices. He shrieked slightly and stumbled backwards, frightened of orcs. Shaking his head dissmissively he bravely stood up and tightened his grip around the hilt of his weapon. He crept towards the sounds suing thick bushes as cover. He was met by the sight of a lovely garden with makeshift targets.

He grew excited at the chance of using real targets to practice so without further thought he jumped out from the bushes but before he had the chance to use his axe a voice stopped him in his tracks, "Hey, what are you doing here dwarf?"

Thorin turned angrily on his heel and was met by the sight of a younf elfling. The elf smiled and stuck out his tongue, " And who are you?" Thorin smirked. "Thranduil future king of Mirkwood." "Oh your majesty," he laughed giving a mock bow, "What's the wig made of?"

Thranduil raised an eyebrow and placed a mock crown on his head, "Your mother's chest hair!" Thorin stared at him angrily and shouted, "Yeah well my father told me that everyone knows that you post pictures of yourself on sindarinstagram and tag them 'no makeup, no filter' when everyone knows that's a load of Smaug dung!"

Thranduil blushed slightly and shook his head, "NO!" He stuck his tongue out and clambered up a tree, "That's exactly like the prince of Mirkwood to run away and cower." Thorin shrieked with laughter and rolled about on the grass at his own joke. Thranduil smirked and called down, "Even the eye of Sauron wouldn't be able to see how much I care about what you have to say dwarf!"

Thorin stopped laughing and called, "Go kiss Smaug, Thranduil!"

"Thranduil, where are you?"

"Coming Ada!" He scrambled down the tree and flicked Thorins beard making him growl in anger. "Go back home thorin, before your mother goes bald with worry." Thorin lost his temper and punched on Thranduil, making him shriek.

Thorin grabbed his hair making thranduil scream out, "No, Not the hair! Anything but my fabulousness!" A mischievous gleam passed over thorins eyes, as he tied his hair around his eyes. Releasing him, he burst into a fit of giggles as Thranduil tugged at his hair, trying to see where he was going.

It was beginning to get dark so Thorin ran towards the forest and toward shis home. "Mother I'm home!"

"That's good, did you have fun?", she called from the kitchen. He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned, "Yes I did."

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