Little Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen

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Ducking under the swinging blade of Elladan, elrohir brought his own sword to meet his borther's attack midway. Both pushed against each other but Elladan was far stronger. Stumbling back, Elrohir breathed in deeply before playfully saying, "You fight like an orc Elladan, no skill and no brains," tapping the side of his head.

Laughing, Elladan replied, "That's good, for a moment there I thought you would compare my fighting skills to your own." Pointing his sword at his brother he excalimed, "You know I'm going to have to avenge my honour?"

"You said it baby brother!"

Both ran towards each other and their sword's clashed. Pulling away they went to attack again but instead, Elladan discarded his sword, avoided his attack and knocked his brother down with a leg sweep. Elrohir fell to the ground and looked up to see Elladan's outstretched hand.

Steadying himself Elrohir grabbed Elladan's arm and rubbed his neck sheepishly, "I guess I let my guard down, huh?" Smiling he wrapped his arm around his brother's neck and playfully rubbed his knuckles against his head, "You fought well Elrohir."

"Elrohir, Elladan stop!" Arwen called stumbling towards her brothers. Flinging herself into Elladan's arms she began to cry.

"Hey hey, Arwen what's wrong?" Elrohir muttered affectionately, placing his hand on her shoulder for comfort. She held on tighter to Elladan's clothes and said in between tears, "Why do you hate each other? I don't want you to fight." Smiling, Elladan lifted Arwen and embraced her, so that she buried her tear stained face into his chest.

Stroking her hair he whispered softly, "Hey now where did you get that idea? Elrohir and I don't hate each other." Placing his arm around Elladan's shoulder's, Elrohir exclaimed, "Of course we don't, don't you worry."

With that, Elrohir took Arwen from his arm's and playfully tickled her making her shriek and giggle. "There we go, that's the Arwen I know," he said triumphantly.

"Arwen where are you?" Elrond called. "She's over here ada, with us," Elladan replied running over to his father. Giggling, She stretched her arm's out towards Elrond. "There you are, you shouldn't run off like that." Sleepily she wrapped her arm's around her father's neck and mumbled, "I'm sorry ada, I didn't mean to upset you."

Sighing, he replied, "That's alright, now come it's time to put you to bed." As he carried her away, Arwen looked at Elrohir sleepily and made a feeble attempt to point at him, "Elrohir," she whispered. "Ada wait!" Elrohir called running up to his sister. "What is it, ion nin?"

"What's wrong, Arwen?"

Brushing her fingertips against his hand she managed to mumble, "Will you promise to love Elladan and me forever?" Elrohir smiled and wrapped his pinkie over hers, "I promise."

Smiling, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, her fingers wrapped tightly around his own.

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