Little Eruaistaniel and Elladan

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"Ssshhh," Eruaistaniel whispered into the horses's ear, stroking his mane softly. Pulling on his reigns she forced Arod into a steady gallop and urged him to make his way into the forest. "Hey Eruaistaniel, where are you going?" She shrieked in surprise and the horse neighed and reared up on its hind legs. Losing her balance she was flung from his back and she landed hard on her arm. Elladan shrieked and covered his eyes in fear.

Eruaistaniel winced and stood up grabbing at Arod's reigns, "There, there calm down Arod, it's just Elladan," she murmered softly offering him an apple. Arod whined softly and nudged the trembling Elladan who yelped and ran behind Eruaistaniel. Raising her eyebrow she shook her head and sighed. Elladan whimpered and clung onto her arm tightly which made her hiss in pain, "Are you alright?" he asked biting his lip anxiously.

Waving her arm dismissively she nodded and replied, "It's just a bruise nothing to worry about." Shuffling his feet he murmered, "I didn't mean to upset you or Arod." At this she laughed and ruffled his hair, "I forgive you, but Arod might not," she said teasingly as she stroked Arod. Arod whined once more and pawed the ground. Reaching for another apple, she threw it towards Elladan and nodded towards Arod.

Giggling nervously, he held his arms out and closed his eyes as Arod sniffed at the fruit. Taking it in between his teeth, he neighed softly and nudged Elladan affectionately. Losing his balance he fell backwards and cried out. She laughed as Elladan crossed his arms over his chest and muttered angrily, "That wasn't very nice."

"Come now, that was Arod's way of saying he forgives you," she said tickling him which made him squirm and giggle. Smiling she slung her pack over her shoulder and made her way towards Arod, "Where are you going?" "Into the forest," she mumbled without turning to face him. Silence followed and just as she was about to clamber back onto the horse, when she felt Elladan tugging at her shirt. Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, she sighed and wrapped her arms around him.

"Father said you shouldn't be out in the forest. He said that you should start acting like an elvish princess instead of a prince," he mumbled tears spilling over his eyes. Angrily she pushed him away and replied, "I'm not a princess, I mean just look at me." Elladan stared at her uncomfortably and muttered, "Maybe if you plaited your hair........?"

Laughing she grabbed him and lifted him onto her shoulders which made him hiccup in fright as he clung to her shoulders. "Oh that reminds me, I have something for you!" Placing him down, she reached for something in the folds of her pocket. It was a stone wrapped in cloth, but the one thing that caught Elladan's attention was the runes that were engraved on it.

"What is that?" Smirking she replied, "It's a safekeep for memories." Seeing how confused he looked she went on, "Say that you miss someone and that someone is far away from you. Well this serves as a link to them." With that she whispered someone's name into it, the stone grew a dull blue and within a moment a picture of a young elf maiden appeared on it.

"Who's that," he murmered reaching for the stone. She smiled and lightly brushed the stone with her fingertip, "That's my mum." Giggling, he waved at the picture and looked up at Eruaistaniel hopefully. Raising her eyebrow knowingly she handed the stone to him and placed her hand over his. "Promise me, you'll keep it safe."

Wrapping his little finger around her own he nodded. Dusting herself off, she picked himself up and placed him on the horse, "Hey don't be afraid," she said as he whimpered and covered his eyes, "I won't tell your father." Looking up at her he smiled and placed his finger to his lips. Arod galloped towards the forest and in no time both Eruaistaniel and Elladan sat under the tree, counting the stars. Climbing onto her lap, he looked up at the stars and murmered, "What are stars?"

Holding his arms she pondered about the question and after a few minutes replied, Well, they are our people." "But our people live here in Rivendell." Shaking her head she sighed and pointed to certain stars, "My mother told me when I was just an elfling that when the people of this earth die, their souls travel up into the sky. Their light is a way of telling us that they're still here with us even if we feel lost or alone."

With that she placed her hand over her heart and closed her eyes. Elladan wrapped his arms around her neck and planted a small kiss on her cheek. "What do the stars tell you?" Laughing she grabbed him and picked him up, "They tell me that it's time for bed otherwise your father is going to get cross."

Squealing he tried to escape her grasp but she expertly grabbed him around the waist. Steadying himself he looked up at her innocently and said, "Will mother wait for me? I mean until I go see her again in the stars?" "Of course she will, she will forever wait for you, and even if you have to wait forever remember that she will always be with you," she murmered poking him in the chest.

Beaming up at her he mumbled sleepily, "I think I want to stay here for a long time."


"Because I have you." Ruffling his curls she took out the stone and showed it to him once more, "I will always be with you."

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