Little Fili and Kili (Family)

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Kili stood behind his brother his arms crossed as Fili looked into the mirror admiring the stubble that was beginning to show on his chin. Thorin kneeled beside Fili, his arm on the older of the two brother's shoulder smiling proudly at the young prince.

"It's not fair" Kili pouted still refusing to look at his brother or uncle. "What's not fair Kili" Dis suddenly appeared by his side wrapping her arms around her youngest son comfortingly as Kili buried his tear stained face into her shoulder "Why does Fili have a beard and I don't" he sniffled wrapping his small arms around his mother's shoulders as she picked him and walked into her bedroom.

"Because Fili is older that's why" she sighed softly pulling him gently onto her lap. Kili looked up at his mum through tear filled eyes "All the other dwarves call me an elf but I'm not an elf" he cried softly into her chest clinging to her shirt desperately, his small body trembling in sadness "Even Fili told me I look like an elf in front of all his friends. He didn't even say sorry to me" he whispered through choked sobs.

Dis tilted his chin up and began to wipe away his tears leaving his small cheeks swollen and red from crying. "Let me show you something" she murmured leaning over to the desk where a lone photo stood proudly before grabbing it and showing it off to Kili.

"Who do you think this is" she smiled sadly down at the photo, her eyes filled with longing and love. "That's daddy before I was born" Kili recited smiling up expectantly at his mother; he had seen this picture hundreds of times.

"Look closely and tell me what you see" she chuckled softly carefully handing the picture to her son as he eagerly curled his small fingers around it winkling his nose in concentration.

A quiet gasp left his mouth, the photo accidently slipping from his fingers as he bounced excitedly "Daddy didn't have a beard just like me" he called out excitedly before a loud CRASH echoed off the walls, Dis staring at the now broken glass and ripped photo in shock.

Kili whimpered at the sound, covering his ears quickly as tears began pouring down his cheeks once more "O-oh no" he cried his bottom lip and body trembling from the fear and sadness he felt "M-maybe Fili was right. Maybe I am stupid and clumsy like an elf" he cried harder burying his face into his small hands, his cries and the words coming out of his mouth breaking his mother's heart as she hugged him close gently swaying with him.

"D-does daddy hate me?" Kili asked through his tears choking on his words "Is that why he left us? Because I'm stupid and can't do anything right" he sniffled looking up at Dis through saddened tear stained eyes.

Dis shook her head tying to refrain from breaking down into tears, just from hearing those words from her youngest son's mouth "No Kili. You father loved you and couldn't wait to meet you b-but then he went to join the great kings and warriors underneath the mountain" she kissed his forehead gently as his locks fell over his head "He still loves you very much Kili and will always be with you to guide and help you."

The young dwarf prince winkled his nose in concentration as he made a feeble attempt to wipe his tears away "One day can I see daddy? I want to be with him and go to the mountains just like him" he mumbled looking up at her hopefully.

Dis acknowledged that Kili hadn't fully understood what she meant when she told him that, and it shattered her heat to millions of pieces just thinking about losing her precious son.

But in her heart, no matter how much she wished she could deny it, he sons would soon grow to be men and warriors and would return to claim what rightfully belongs to them.

A quiet choked up sob escaped her but she quickly gathered her thoughts as she held Kili close to her heart so that he wrapped his small arms around her neck resting his head against her shoulder tiredly "One day Kili we will be a family again. I promise" she murmured into his ear as the dwarf prince fell asleep clinging tightly to her shirt.

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