Little Fili and Kili (Part 2)

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Thorin sighed tiredly as he watched his two nephews run up to him. "UNCLE THORIN," they roared as they threw themselves into his arms. He smiled as he pretended to fall backwards, "Kili and Fili! What are you doing awake?"

Kili grinned sheepishly as he replied, "we're not tired!" Fili nodded as he laughed, "Kili's right uncle!" Thorin shook his head as he carried them to their rooms, "You must sleep." Kili smiled mischievously as he grabbed Thorin's hair and said, "But I'm NOT tired!!!" He winced as he placed Fili on his bed and grabbed Kili, "Trust me, when you get as old as me you wish you could sleep more."

Kili began to protest but Fili being the eldest tugged at his shirt and quietly muttered, "Come on Kili," before coughing slightly. Thorin frowned as he placed Kili down and placed his hand on Fili's shoulder, "Are you alright Fili?" He shifted uncomfortably and nodded as he attempted to smile, "I'm fine uncle just a tired," he mumbled quietly.

Thorin nodded and quickly placed them in their beds. "Go to sleep Kili," he ordered as Kili began to move around in his bed. "ok," he muttered crossly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Hey Fili," he murmured sitting on the side of his bed. He seemed a little pale and he was breathing heavily.

He placed a hand against his nephew's forehead and muttered, "Sleep well Fili." "Is Fili alright," Kili asked worriedly as he sat up. "Sleep now Kili, Fili will be alright," he quickly said as he placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Uneasiness tugged away at the back of his mind as he blew out the candle and walked out of the room.

Kili struggled out of bed as he stumbled blindly towards Fili's bed. "Fili," he whispered quietly as he sat beside him. Shaking him gently he whispered fearfully, "Fili wake up!" when Fili did not respond Kili began to cry as he whimpered, "Please big brother, wake up........UNCLE THORIN!!!!"

Thorin burst into the room and there he found Kili crying into his brother's chest. "Kili what happened," he exclaimed picking up Fili. "He wouldn't wake up when I called his name," he sobbed, clutching tightly to Thorin's shirt. "Fili," Thorin murmured softly staring down at his nephew. Fili's skin was pale and his forehead felt hot.

"DIS," Thorin roared clutching Fili to his chest. "Fili you must be well," he whispered softly as tears streamed down his face.

Thorin sighed tiredly and leaned forward in his seat. Fili had been placed in his bed, a wet cloth over his forehead. "It's just a fever Kili," he remembered telling his nephew. Kili had looked up at him with wide eyes, his bottom lip trembling, "will he be alright uncle?" Thorin found himself nodding, despite the uneasiness he felt.

Dis came in quietly to take over Thorin's watch, she shook him gently to wake him, "Brother, it's my turn. Get some rest, she murmured softly. Thorin groaned softly as he opened his eyes, "No don't worry about it. I'd like to watch over him." Dis shook her head and said, "You are tired. If you're not careful you'll end up killing yourself!"

Thorin's anger rose as he stood up and stared at her furiously, "I would give my life to save his!" Dis held back tears as she bit her lip anxiously. Thorin's heart grew softer and he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry Dis. I know I've not been here for you and my nephews a lot but I'm here now. Get some rest." She nodded slowly as she sighed heavily and exited the room.

Rubbing the back of his neck tiredly, Thorin sat beside Fili and held his hand into his own, "Fili I need you to be safe. Please you are the heir to my throne and my nephew you must live."


Thorin turned his head around and saw Kili standing in the doorway. His eyes were red and swollen from crying.

Holding out his arms, he hugged Kili tightly and murmured, "Can't sleep?" He buried his head into Thorin's chest as he nodded slowly, "Will Fili be alright, uncle?" He sat down as he placed Kili onto his lap, "He will be alright. He is Durin's heir and an Arkin." Kili looked up to and asked, "Uncle what does it mean to be Durin's heir?"

Thorin smiled and ruffled his hair, "A Durin's heir is strong, brave and loyal. They are skilled with weapons and......"

"I don't think I can be all these things without Fili," Kili mumbled sadly.

Thorin at first was too shocked for words but then smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Being a Durin's heir doesn't only mean to be strong and brave but also proud and compassionate." He then hugged him tightly and continued, "It is alright to cry when you're feeling upset or scared but right now Fili needs you to be strong for him. Always remember that you are brothers, he will always be by your side. Even to the very end."

Kili buried his face in Thorin's chest and began to cry silently, "Hey no more tears, Fili needs you to be strong for him," he murmured quietly. Kili lifted his face and made a feeble attempt to wipe away his tears, "If Fili needs me then I'll try to be strong." Thorin nodded as he began to hum softly the song of his home, Erebor.

Kili smiled as he closed his eyes tiredly, his small fingers held tightly onto Thorin's thumb.


His eyes flew open as he saw Fili with his eyes open and a weak smile on his face. "FILI," he roared, jumping onto his bed and hugging him tightly. "Kili," Thorin said as he moved him out of the way to sit beside Fili. "Fili, are you alright," he asked worriedly as he looked down at his nephew.

He nodded slowly and smiled, "I had a strange dream, of a mountain, of home," he whispered softly.

Turning to face his brother he said, "I've missed you little brother. Hey are you crying?" Kili roughly wiped away his tears and replied, "No I wasn't!" Fili laughed as he sat up with Thorin's help, "Do you want me tell you a story?"

Kili nodded slowly and sat beside his brother as Fili began to tell him about Erebor, as he had seen it in his dream.

Thorin left the two of them and stood quietly in the doorway as he watched the two of them. And for a moment there he thought he could see something, but as soon as he blinked it had disappeared.

As he walked into his room, Dis came up to him and asked about Fili. "He will be alright," he informed her, "But......"


"I thought I saw something as I stood in the doorway," he muttered.

"What did you see?"

He smiled as he turned to face her and said, "A prince."

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