Love Contract - A Love Sick f...

By DaniAurie21

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I have always wondered what life would be like after Phun and Noh's book ended. Here I can create a future fo... More

The Intro to my version of Phun and Noh
Plans for a Reunion
Old Friends
Words and Actions
P'Noh in Person
Some Doubts and Concerns
Hidden Thoughts in the Open
The Semi-Finals
The Time In Between
The Act of Facing Reality
The Greatest Love
Mick's New Job
The Pain and the Hope
Fi's Revelations
The Contract
Another Kind of Reunion
Separate Yet Together
Family Ties
A Glimpse Into The Past
A Time of Coming Together
The Confrontation
Lies and Manipulations
We're Famous Here Too?
The Hindrance and The Help
Trust, Guilt and Forgiveness
Full Disclosure
Games of Cats vs Mice
Love Oasis
The Accident
Gulf, the Highrisers, and a New Leap Forward
P'Tear Variety Show Revelations
Tearing It Up
The Night Before...
Live Stream Antics
Kirisat Ngonkomdhon
Fian Charoenpakdee
Stating My Intentions
The Date
5 Million Views in Just One Day
Baby Shower
The Passage Of A Term
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 1
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 2
Secret Time
Noh Steals A Slogan? Elevation Is The Revolution?
Phun's First Work Trip
Unwavering Love
Midnight Meeting
Ending On A Sour Note
Clearing Out The Cobwebs
Visiting Jack And Getting Back On Track
Reuniting With Ohm
Self Discoveries
Catharsis And Carry On
Catching Up (A Time Skip?)
Addressing Some Allegations
Welcome Home My Star
Catching Up With Per and Meeting Khom


1.2K 57 9
By DaniAurie21

Eskimo Kings were literally bouncing of the walls when Elevation came in.

"Oh good. They like you guys. Can you get them to calm down?" Sim, from Bang Boys asked with a hint of desperation in his eyes.

"Shit. Ok. Lets go take a walk. Do you guys want to sit and call me when it's time?" Noh looked at the others.

"I'll go with you," Flex started but Ohm interrupted and led everyone out and up to the roof. They ignored the rapid fire questions and the jittery movements and stepped out a side door onto the lower level roof.

"Ok. What did you guys drink? You know drugs of any kind are illegal in this competition as it can affect performance." 

"We couldn't sleep last night so we had energy drinks but now I feel like I'm about to shake right out of my skin. The guy said they were fine."

"Which guy?" Noh was instantly suspicious. Ohm cracked his knuckles, ready to go all in.

"One of the co-ordinator people."

"Oh. Ok. Do you know when you guys are going on?"

"Last. You go on right before us."

The door opened. One of the co-ordinators stuck her head out and looked at them. "Sorry but we need you all inside. Is something the matter with them?"

"Had too many energy drinks."

She shook her head. There was always some new band every year who made that kind of mistake. "We have some tea for that. Come on." 

They made their way back in and this guy walks in with a huge flask. "We have a group like you guys every year. Just drink this. it will settle you down in no time. Any allergies?"

"Only him and it's shellfish."

Noh shook his head. Imagine not being able to eat shrimp or crab. Sad.

"Hey. Where were you guys? They were looking for you." Mick looked them over while Phun just rested on a chair. He low key had everyone's attention. Some wondered who he was, some suspected he was one of their lovers, most hoped he was Noh's secret lover, and some just hoped he was single because he was so fine.

Noh was about to go to Phun when Per and Film came in. Per skipped over to Phun and dropped in his lap just because he could. There was no way Noh was going to out himself for something like that. 

Film looked at Per like he had lost his mind while Ohm just shook his head and greeted Film. Phun tilted his head, laughed because he knew what Per was up to, and dumped him on the floor. Everyone laughed now and descended on the bench that Phun solely occupied. Even with the band members, it felt like they were back in FC in the Music Room and playing the fool.Flex and Ex especially, could have been any one of the guys. Dye was very laid back and could be quite standoffish at times. He was nervous tonight and it showed in a reserved attitude but he eventually relaxed too and settled down. 

"I feel bad for Kings. Following you guys is going to be the most difficult task ever."Phun noted.

"They have to learn to ride the high. I still think that's what Earn did. He was right after us too. He took our momentum and soared with it. Seriously." Ohm complained. It was an old one too and Noh just waved him off.

"Everyone of here thinks we're going to win this but only one of us can. I intend to be that one. So lets not dwell on past shit. Lets just go out there and be the fucking best. Ok Ohm?"

"Ok. Mick's here and I need to be first in his eyes always so I can win this, no problem."

"We can win this duffus. Look at this guy. It's always me, me, me with him. Fuck face." Everyone  burst out laughing while Dye shrugged and gave Phun a fist bump.

"So you're picking on me now? Fuck you Dye. Ok. You better tickle them ivories like you love them tonight or I'll kill you."

"Weak. That was weak bro. So sad."

They harassed each other good naturedly all night. At some point a few of the other bands came and joined them to talk to Film and Per. They were fairly well known and paying their own way through school at the moments. The good acting students did.

They were discussing the last episode of a variety show where Film and Per managed to rule when the co-ordinator came and signalled for the first band. Before, time was creeping along as they waited for the show to start but now it leaped forward. Noh felt his palms break out in a sweat as band after band was called out. 

The Kings were much calmer now but they were also noticeably pale.

"Hey! Don't worry ok. This is your first big competition. You get a free pass if you fuck up. After this one thought, we're coming down on you hard. Remember you got here on your own merit. The judges saw something in you. You're our Little Rookies." Noh tried to comfort them even as he felt his gut roll painfully.

"P! You watch DanMachi too?"

"Flex makes me suffer through all that anime shit. Thought that one was good. Wished it was longer. In fact I wish I had my own Goddess Hestia right now. We all get nervous when it's something important. Just don't let the nerves rule you ok and give it your all."

"Can we have like a big group hug?" Everyone laughed but they all moved in for a hug. When Noh came away, the coordinator was waiting.

"Elevation? Follow me please." Noh's eyes immediately went to Phun who gave him a confident smile and rose to follow them out. They said nothing as he walked with them and even blocked the coordinator's view of him. They did it so naturally, she never noticed the sixth person. 

The noise from the audience was deafening. Noh tried to talk to Phun but he couldn't hear but he didn't want to listen anyway. Phun held Noh's cheeks tenderly and pulled him in for a soft, sweet kiss.

"You will be victorious my love even if the outcome isn't what you expected and you will always be a winner in my eyes just as I will always be your number 1 fan. I love you Noh."

"Phun..." Noh began but he was pulled away. Still he managed to mouth I love you too and saw the smile bloom on Phun's face before he entered the stage to overwhelming applause.

Noh had the crowd clapping as they took their place before he started A Little of You and Me. It was the second song he had ever written and he had done it during one of his greatest moments of missing Phun and feeling home sick. It had all the notes of melancholy and desperate love he wanted to convey because tonight he was going to tell a story.

"A very short time ago I fell in love. It was a surprising kind of love because I never saw it coming. But that love changed me. I went through a lot for that love and I want to continue to have that love. Tonight I want to tell you about it because we have all loved even if it's just our parents, or our friends, or someone who changed our lives and made it so much better. He changed my life. Suddenly there was colour and dreams and an endless path set out before me. I want you, all of you to put your arms around the person or people you came with or just the lonely person next to you. I want you to hold on to them and rock side to side as I song to you. This is Love."

Noh had melted everyone's hearts with A Little of You and Me. Now me made them all cry with This is Love. Everyone was rocking and crying and holding up their phone lights as Noh sang  about broken hearts and mending them. His voice was poignant and he pumped emotion into every word. 

Phun wanted to run out onto the stage and hold Noh. Just hug him and protect him from everything, even himself if he could figure out how. Phun was never one to hold his emotions back and he couldn't do so now as he cried shamelessly. Noh held his heart and he felt like he wrung out every bit of longing and pain with his voice. 

Noh closed his eyes. he recalled that day at the airport. Both him and Ohm had been there but so was Phun. His flight would be leaving an hour after Noh so he had checked in and waited with them.

"Be careful what you eat Ok? I love your fat thighs but I want you to be healthy too." Noh had rounded on Phun but he had to admit that he loved hearing one of the things he didn't like so much about himself was loved by that person.

"Also smile every day. Ok? You promise? Just think of me and smile. I will be smiling too."

"I promise. And Phun? I love you ok."

Phun had froze and his eyes had clouded but not with pain. A huge and beautiful smile bloomed across his face and he nodded. Noh smiled too. He didn't need the words back. Phun said them almost every day and he picked just the right moments too. No, he needed Phun to remember and to get that he loved him no matter what.

Noh softly finished the song and brushed fingers with the fans in the front to reassure them.

"So after the Semi-finals, I was talking with that person. I was saying how nervous I was for tonight and talking about FTSS. He saw the message too." Everyone started screaming. They were excited at the prospect that Noh's lover was among them.

"So he helped me clear my feelings over the competition and out of that conversation came a beautiful song. So tonight, instead of FTSS, please listen to this song that is not just about me and him but about you and us. The fans and Elevation. Here is Together With Me."

The song began with just Noh's voice, crystal clear and packed with emotion. Slowly, Dye's keyboard came in, then both guitars and finally the drums. There was a soft pause that cut though the audience, raising their expectations then the chorus crashed with all the emotional intensity you could wring out of an EDM drop. 

The crowd went wild, jumping and surging with Noh as he sang, this time about love that was wild and free and knew no boundaries. 

We have no limits, it's our sky, we soar 

No one to tell us our love isn't pure.

Phun knew all the words now. He had heard most of the practice sessions that happened during the night. He had even helped Dye with the Edm set up by following instructions when he was too tired to do them himself.

Take my hand, we're free

just come, together with me.

Noh stretched his hand out, palm facing the crowd and the whole audience responded. It was electrify and awe inspiring as crowd and singer moved with one mind. They jumped at the same time, moved to the left then to the right. Noh's eyes were wide but he didn't stop singing or moving.

The song slowed down and the crowd stilled on their own. They seemed to be waiting and Noh didn't disappoint. He looked off to the left where Phun waited and stretched out his hand.

So take my hand, we're free and come, just come together with me.

He dropped his hand with a small smile on his face and glittering eyes. Phun blew him a kiss, and the coordinator came out with a rose. Noh's faint gasp of surprise could be heard over the mic as he reached out a shaking hand and took it. Girls started screaming and that was the end. The rafters literally shook with the roar of everyone's happiness. Noh blushed, waved to the crowd then chucked the mic to the girl and jogged off stage into Phun's arms. 

The rest of the band stepped down with huge grins and bowed as they always did. Ohm took the mic.

"Sorry about Noh guys. He has a special visitor." Everyone laughed at Ohm's knowing smirk.

"Don't break the bed P'Noh!" Some rowdy girl yelled. 

Ohm laughed and waved, blowing kisses. They strolled off the stage like that with the crowd chanting something indistinct.

"What are they saying?" Noh asked. wiping his face. 

"Our names, then Elevation, then The High Risers?" Flex looked back.

"Yep. Guess we have a fan name. They did it themselves too." Ohm smirked again. They had won. He could feel it. "Nice Phun." He patted Phun on the back.

"The rose was supposed to be for after you won but I think this is the perfect time."

"I already won. You are the fucking best prize ever. Fuck. Are they chanting my name?"

"P'Noh. Can you quickly go take a bow? We need to bring Eskimo Kings on." The Kings were waiting on the side grinning. They were eying Phun properly too and he was fucking hot. Now they were super hyped and excited.

Noh nodded and headed out. The crowd screamed when they saw the tear tracks on his face and the shiny eyes. He bowed, waved and blew kissed. "Thanks for being here with us guys!" Then he was gone but they saw what they wanted to see. Noh in love.

"He is so fucking hot. That guy better be gorgeous as fuck to be with our P'Noh!"

"OMG did you see how he was glowing?! P'Noh looks so happy!"

"They are going to break the fucking bed tonight! I know it!! OMG!!!"

Everyone heard that last part clearly. Noh blushed and laughed as he high fived the Kings and watched then get ready.

"OMG as fans of Elevation, we have to agree with you guys! We can't tell you who we saw but rest assured, that person is deserving of our P'Noh!" The crowd roared in response to the reassurance.

"While I would love to keep my High Raiser hat on all night, we have to play for you guys too so I think it's time we switch hats and be Kings. You guys have heard this one on the radio I hope." And they launched into that familiar song everyone knew...

The bands were back on stage. Earn strolled with a paper to announce the winners. he gave a little speech of course but Noh didn't hear half of it. His mind was with Phun who was staying in the waiting room. They only had twh more nights left since they were flying out on Monday. He would see Phun for the break too but that felt like such a long time away. His body felt heavy with the dread of separation already so what was he going to do when he would have to fly off on tours and travel for work?

 Because it's not forever. He is your home. You will always go back to him. 

Noh blinked. He heard his name then everyone was around him and he could barely breath. Huh? He looked around and realised the Kings were standing in the second runner up place, P'Min was in first so that meant...

"Holy shit! We won?"

"Yes you asshole! We fucking won!" Ohm dragged Noh up to Earn who was laughing his fool head off.

"Congratulations Elevation. You are our newest winners of the battle of the bands, seizing victory with a whopping 103 point lead. Let's hear it for Elevation!"

Noh couldn't hear anything else, the crowd was so loud. He took the mic and blinked.

"Um so we won. Holy shit. I'm still in shock. Thank you everyone for coming out and for being here for all the bands. The think about events like that is it can't happen without bands coming together and showcasing their best. Someone has to win at the end thought and this time it was us so we thank you for all your love and support.  Oh God! I don't know what else to say."

"Say We love you High Risers! That's all." That was Phun's voice the fucker.

Noh grinned and pulled everyone closer. "We love you High Risers!"

"More than words can say."

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