Stilinski One Shots | Editing

By MadelineClair67

54.3K 1K 97

These are a bunch of One Shots. It's a bunch of Stiles pairings. There will be smut. If you don't like that... More

My Pillow | Sterek
Can't Sleep Without You | Sterek
Baby! | Sciles | Fem!Stiles
I Want More | Stackson | Fem!Stiles
His Lover, and His Protector | Stol
Missing You | Stamon
Not So Good Anymore | Stiklaus
New Kid | Sterek
I Love You | Sterek
Red | Stamon
Help Me | Stamon
Mountain Men | Stilinski Twins AU
Who Could Be In That Damn Coffin? | Stol --
Save Me | Sterek
Author's Note
The Witch Twins | Sterek
Mój syn | Sciles

Hello Genim | Sticklaus

3.8K 88 8
By MadelineClair67

Author's note:

I do not on these characters.

These are from Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries.

This book is dedicated to - @biles_is_here

I hope you like it!


I turned shocked to see Scott, of all people running to me. Lately, I've been distancing myself from the pack. Ever since Scott bit my arm, to get the nogistude out, I've been different.

I can see better.

I can hear better.

I'm stronger.

The other day, I was in my room, waiting for my dad to get home when I heard his car on our road. When I went down to open the door for him, he wasn't there. It wasn't until five minutes later of me looking for his car that he arrived. He had been 10 miles away when I heard him!


I was brought back to reality when I heard Scott yelling my name. I gave him sheepish smile making him roll his eyes.

"Sorry Scott."

"No problem. Look, we have a pack meeting tonight. Will you please come? We all miss you."

I knew I had to go sometime, but there's also another reason why I haven't been wanting to be around the pack. Lately, I've been feeling tense around them. Like they are my enemy. Sometimes I can't help but let a little growl let out when they try to talk to me. I'm surprised I didn't growl at Scott.

"Yeah, thanks, Scott."

I feel the urge to growl again in my throat. Scott was still trying to talk to me. I knew if I didn't leave now I would end up snarling.

"Look, Scott, I promise I'll be there tonight but I have to go." With that, I ran out to my Jeep.

Once I reached my Jeep I jumped in and sped off to my house. I almost screamed when I checked my rear view mirror.

My eyes were bright orange. Orange!

Hello Stiles.

"What the hell! Who are you?" I yelled in my car. People passing by gave me weird looks as they passed by.

Be quiet. I am not a person, I am your fox. Have not realized that your turning into a fox?

The weird voice was very calm. It creeped me out how comfortable I was with this voice. Oh god, I'm going insane.

Stop calling me the voice. My name is Lis, your fox, and you're not going insane. When you became a werefox you inhabited the soul of your 'were'.

But werewolves can't talk to their wolf side.

Only foxes can talk to their other half. It's a benefit of being a fox.

"Are you evil?"

No Stiles, I'm not evil. I am apart of you. I only want to protect you. Speaking of which, When will get rid of those mutts. They stink and I don't like them.

"So you're the reason I can't stand being near the pack! Why do you hate them?"

Foxes and Wolves don't get along. Soon enough they will hate you as much as I hate them.

"But they're my friends!" I exclaimed.

They're not your friends Stiles. They are your enemy. As soon as they find out you're a fox they will kick you out of the pack.

"No they won't, and how am I a fox? I've been human my whole life until now."

You had a dormant gene. I'm guessing on your mother's side. You see, werefoxes haven't been alive for thousands of years. You're the first fox in 2,350 years, and there's this thing with foxes. When you die, you fox strength is transferred to yours. You have centuries of power running through your veins right now.

"That's a little scary Lis. What if I can't control it?"

I'll always be here to help you.

"Well can you promise not to harm my friends?"

He scoffed in my head making me roll my eyes.

I'll try.

Time Skip:

When I got to Derek house my heart started beating very erratically. My palms started sweating and I felt like I could breathe.

Calm down, Stiles. I'll be here the whole time.

Shouldn't I not have these panic attacks, now that I'm a were?!

Your not a full were yet.

Well, when will that happen, cause this is total bullshit!

I'm sorry Stiles, by tonight you won't have to do deal with them anymore.

I didn't even realize until he said that, that I had calmed down. I looked around to see if anyone saw me but luckily everyone was already inside.

Just try and get out of there as quick as you can. It's instinct for us to hate them. I can't hold back for long.

They are our friend Lis!

I don't know Stiles. Something tells me they're not really our friends.

I scoffed before heading to Derek's loft. I sprinted the stairs two at a time. As I got closer I could hear the pack talking.

"I'm telling you, Scott! He had bright orange eyes! Do you know what's orange, foxes! Do you What foxes are, evil! And stiles plus evil fox equals nogistude!"

"Issac calm down. Is Stiles not the nogistude anymore. If he was, we would smell it on him."

Be careful Stiles. I know you think they're your friends, but wolves are ruthless, vulgar creatures. They will do anything to protect their pack even if the threat is one of their members.

I sighed sadly as I took in what Lis said. He is right, Scott would kill me if he found out.

I'll be careful I promise.

I knocked lightly before opening the door. I got all different reactions as I walked in.

Lydia, Allison, and Erica glared at me. Issac and Liam both ignored me. Jackson and the twins smirked evilly at me and Boyd just stared at me blankly. Last was Derek and Scott. Scott looked at me sadly and Derek just raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hey guys," I said quietly. "Did I miss anything?"

"Are you a 'were'?" Demanded Lydia.

I flinched as everyone looked at me expectantly.

"No." I lied. Scott gave me a relieved look before turning to the pack.

"Told you guys. I would know if my best friend was an eve fox again."

He walked over to me and put his arms around my shoulders making me flinch out of instinct. I quickly moved his arm and put some distance between us before I started growling.

"Stiles?" Scott asked.

"Sorry, I-I fell and hit my shoulder on one of the lockers at school today. It still kinda hurts." I lied again. They all gave me curious looks when they didn't hear my heart skip a beat.

After being around werewolves long enough I've learned to lie fairly well.

"Alright, let's get pack night going. Stiles why don't you pick the movie since you haven't in a while and everyone else get supplies."

I went and grabbed a movie I knew everyone would like (The Avengers). The guys will like the action and the girls will like the dudes. Once I put the movie in I took the seat farthest away from any wolf. It was already hard enough to keep my eyes neutral, let alone stop myself from growling. If I was any closer I wouldn't be able to stop. I knew they knew something was up but I wouldn't tell them.

You're doing good Stiles. I'm surprised your already this strong.

Thanks, Lis.

"Stiles? Are you ok?"

Before I could stop him Scott had his arm on on my shoulder. I couldn't keep it in anymore. I let out a vicious growl and jumped behind the couch, with my claws out and my eyes shining.

"I fucking told you!" Issac screamed.

I'm sorry Stiles! At least now you'll realize they are not really your friends.

"Stiles?" Scott looked at me with so much betrayal on his face. I tried to look down guiltily but Lis kept my head up.

Don't show submission.

"You're a fox? But how?"

"It's a-a long story," I mumbled quietly.

"Long story! You're a fucking fox! Your an abomination. How can you live with yourself!?" Yelled Scott.

I looked up shocked at his words. I am not an abomination.

"Says you, you disgusting mutt!" I could stop myself from throwing the insult.

"You're out of the pack! Get out! I never want to see you ever again. You are not my brother anymore!"

My instincts took over and next thing I knew I had Scott pinned to the loft door. Everyone yelled as I held him by his throat.

"Let him go, Stiles," I turned and smirked evilly at the pack.

"I haven't been your brother for a while, Scott. The funny thing is, is Lis was telling me all about how you guys are not really my friend. I didn't believe him of course, cause come on! We're pack! Now I know he was telling me the truth all along."

"Who's Lis?" Asked Lydia.

"Oh, he's my fox. Since I'm a fox, I can talk to my other half."

"Your lying." Stated Jackson. I laughed and let go of Scott. He dropped to the ground holding his neck.

Let me take over!

Can you do that?


I let him take over and man was it weird. He could control my movement and voice but I was still there conscious.

"Hello, Hale-McCall pack. I'm Lis, Stiles' fox. As of now, you are no longer the strongest supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. We have centuries of fox spirits running through our veins. You are but a bug to step on, to us."

Derek's eyes glowed bright blue as Lis belittled him. Soon he got enough of it and launched at us. Lis immediately caught him by his throat and threw him across the room.

"Anyone next? Good. We'll be gone now."

"Just know Stiles. You will never be pack again. You are nothing to us." Scott rasped.

Lis ignored him and continued walking to the Jeep outside. When we reached the road he let me take back control.

It was silent for a while. Neither of us wanted to talk about what just happened and what will come of it.

I sped off to my house at lightning speed. When we finally reached it I parked quickly and ran up to my room without speaking to my dad.

Are you ok?

I jumped, still not use to have a voice in my head. When I thought his question I realized that, yes, I was good.

Surprisingly yes.

I told you they weren't your friends. As soon as they found out what you were they turned on you. Those are no friends.

I sat on my bed and laid my head in my hands. This was going to be hard. Beacon hills is covered in werewolves and I can't control this urge to maim them for long. I need out of here.

Then let's get out.

What are you talking about Lis?

Let's leave. You can tell your father that the pack dropped you and you need space. Go to some distant relatives.

I do have some cousins in Virginia. But their dad just died and I heard their town is swarmed with vampires.

You have to go, Stiles!


Vampires and Foxes have always been close allies. They are the only two species of 'were' that can mate with one another. Usually, it's just wolf on wolf or Jaguar on jaguar. But foxes and vampires can be mated with one another.

I think the fuck not! So your saying I can have a mate and it could be a bloodsucking demon?

Vampires are not demons! You better start getting used to then cause vampires are all that's left for us. Our mate is going to be a vampire, whether you like it or not!

Geeze, I'm sorry. How was I supposed to know?

Just don't say anything like that to our mate.

I can't believe I'm getting a mate.

Well, we won't find them if you stay here. Beacon Hills is crawling with thoughs muts. No vampire will come anywhere near here.

Fine, fine. I don't want to be any longer than you do. I'll ask dad now.

Good, hurry.

My palms starting sweating with every step I took. How was I supposed to tell my dad I wanted to leave him?

You don't want to leave him. You want to leave Beacon Hills.

That's not any better.

Well, it's too late to turn back now.

I looked up to see my dad staring at me curiously.

"You ok son?" He asked.

"Y-yah, well, no. The pack kicked me out. They don't want anything to do with me."

"What! I'll kill em!" I smiled at my dad's protectiveness.

"It's fine dad. I just.. need some time."

"Alright, son. Just try to ignore them."

"That's not enough dad. I want to leave. I want to go to Mystic Falls."

His face fell as I said my words. It broke my heart doing this to him.

"You want to leave?"

"I'm sorry dad. I just.."

"Go." My eyes teared up as I looked at my dad. His emotionless face made my heart brake.


"I'm not mad. You need to get out of here. You should have left a long time ago but I'm selfish. I wanted my son and for that, I put you in danger."

I ran and gave my dad a hug. He laughed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you, dad. Your not selfish, you're a father who didn't want to loose his wife and son. Thank you."

"No problem son. Now go pack. I'll call Jenna and let her know your coming."

"Oh, I've missed aunt Jenna. She's my favorite aunt."

"She's your only aunt." He laughed.

"Yeah well, she's still my favorite."

"Just give me a minute and I'll give her a call."

Once he was out of the room I started packing. I don't really know what to pack cause I don't know how long I'll be there.

Just pack everything you hold value to. Pack your picture of mom, all of your clothes, your copy of the beastiary, and anything else.

How long will we be there?

A long time a hope.

I finished packing without a word. It took maybe an hour since I didn't have much. I could fit everything in two suitcases and a duffle bag. Once I was sure I had everything I walked downstairs to see my dad on the couch.

You need to leave quickly. I can sense them. Their close.

I hurriedly ran downstairs and threw all bags in the Jeep. When I went back inside I found my dad still on the phone with Aunt Jenna.

"Yeah Jen. It's a long story. Stiles will tell you when he gets there."

"I know."

"You promise it's ok that he comes to stay with you?"

"Alright. Love you, sis."

"I'll try."

He set the phone down with a sigh. I knew this was hard for him, but I had to leave.


He turned to me with a sad smile. I ran up to him and threw myself into his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you," I whispered.

"When are you leaving?"


He turned me shocked, tears welled in his eyes making me feel even more guilty.

"W-What do you mean now? You can't leave now."

"They're on their way and I can't face them. I already have the Jeep loaded. I'm sorry dad, but I have to go."

He looked at scared before wrapping me in a huge hug.

"I love you son. You better call me when you get there or I'm gonna go there and drag you back myself."

I laughed slightly as I held my dad for what felt like that last time.

"I love you too dad."

He let go of me reluctantly. I gave him one last smile before walking away. I didn't look back as I walked out the door. If I did I don't think I could leave. Once I got into the Jeep I gave my house one last glance before speeding off our Beacon Hills.

I'm here Stiles. No matter what.

Thanks, Lis.

Time Skip

I couldn't help but frown when I saw the Welcome To Mystic Falls sign. It just meant I really left my dad across the country.

Stiles! You need to go left!

What are you talking about Lis? I need to keep going straight, to the town square. That's where Elena is meeting me.

No Stiles! You have to turn left. Trust me!

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

Why should I turn left Lis?

Because I sense something down there.

I furred my eyebrows. Lis has only sensed dangerous things. Why would he want me to go to danger?

I decided to just go along with it. If I didn't Lis would just annoy me until I went.


You know I'm right Lis.

He kept silent knowing I'm right.

The road was very narrow. It had branches growling out into the road so it was hard to see. It seemed abandoned: that was until a huge gate came into view. I could help but gasp. The house behind was more like a mansion.

What the fuck Lis? Where have you brought me?

To our mate.

What! Our mate?! You the blood-sucking Demon?

He's our mate, Stiles! And you better not reject him or I will never let shift.

Wait I can shift?

Maybe, but you will never know if you reject our mate.

I rolled my eyes at Lis. He's such a drama queen.

Wait....did you say he? As in a male?

Yes, Stiles. Your mate is a guy.

Oh, thank god. I thought I would have to mate with a girl.

As I got out of the car I started to smell the most amazing scent I've ever smelt. It smelled like woods, and paint, I also smelt the faint scent of blood. It smelled old so I bet he ate a while ago. I think I've gotten used to the idea of me being mates to a vampire.

Listen, Stiles.

I stopped walking to the gate and did as Lis said. At first, all I heard was the animals in the woods, but then I heard the faint sound of a paintbrush gliding over a canvas. I knew it was mate, he smelled of paint and home.

Go to him! He's waiting for you!

He knows I'm here?

Of course, he smelled you as soon as you smelled him.

Then why hasn't he come to me?

He wants you to come to him.

I scoffed before jumping over the gate. If I had been human I wouldn't have made it but being a fox now, I am more agile and athletic. I landed swiftly on all fours and sprinted the back of the house. The smell grew as I ran quickly to my mate. Lis yipped in my head in excitement. I had to say when I reached around the giant house what I saw scared me. There he was with his back to me. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious as I neared him. His smell entranced me with every step I took. Fear and anxiety filled the air, making my mate turn slightly to me. I could see a slight frown that turned into a smirk once he turned all the way to me. I gasped at the beautiful face.

He was purely angelic. He had high cheekbone and plump pink lips. His beautiful sea blue eyes were absolutely enchanting. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder to his strong arms that stretched his tight white T-Shirt. Paint cover his forearms and hands. I wanted to run to him but his face was so intimidating and almost scary. Although he may be my mate and I have no actual fear towards him, I still knew to be wary.

"Hello, my love." I practically choked when I heard his rough English accent. It was as enchanting as his eyes.

My feet moved on their own accord, straight towards my beautiful mate. He welcomed me with open arms. As soon as I reached within two feet of him, he flashed to me at an inhuman speed and pulled me to his chest.

"What is your name love? I'm dying to know the name of my mate, whom I have been waiting centuries for."

"S-Stiles. But It's just a nickname. My real name is Genim." He smirked at my nervousness. I couldn't help but turn away to hide my blush. he did not like that so he grabbed my chin and gently brought it up so he could look at me in the eye.

"Hello, Genim. My name is Niklaus."

I smiled at my mate. His name matched him. Something old and unique. Truly there was no other man on this earth that could even compare to my Niklaus.

"A-Are you a.."

"Vampire?" I nodded shyly with an embarrassed smile.

"Technically yes, but I'm also something else. This may be hard but I think we can work it out."

He gave me a heart-stopping smirk as he pulled me closer.

"What else are you?" I asked curiously.

"I am a hybrid vampire/werewolf." I stepped back shocked. He didn't like that since he pulled me back quickly.

"Don't go running off now little mate. You won't get far."

"But y-your a w-wolf! I just ran from a whole town of wolves because I could stand them even touching me. It was horrible there."

"And yet you have been in my arms this entire time without having an urge to growl and throw me off."

He has a point, Stiles. I don't feel the need to challenge him like I do with other werewolves.

"S-So, were you born a werewolf?" I cursed in my head at my stuttering. Klaus just smiled down at me and kissed the top of my head making me blush and hide my head in his neck. He chuckled as he started petting my hair. I couldn't help but let out a purr, and rub my head closer to his hand.

"Your a spoiled little fox aren't you? Why don't we take this inside?" He leaned down so his lips were grazing my ear. I let out an involuntary shiver making him smirk. "We can have more privacy in my room."

I practically moaned as he started to suck on my neck. I held on tight to his shirt as I felt him pull me closer. Next thing I know we were in the house and in some room. By the smell, I knew it his room.

"Welcome to my home Love."

I slowly let go of Nick to look around the room. I was beautiful. It was obviously a really old house just by looking at the structure of it. I'm guessing early to mid-1800's. There were paintings everywhere covering the walls and stacked up against one another. I knew they were his just by smelling them.

"It's beautiful. I love the paintings. They are yours right?" He smiled and nodded before walking back to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes Love they are mine. Maybe sometime soon I could paint you?" I gave him and excited grin before leaning up giving him a kiss on the cheek. Before he could say something my phone rang in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID to see it was Elena.

"Who is that?" He asked. I could see the jealousy swirling in his blue eyes. His jaw ticked as the thoughts ran through his head. Before he could think anymore I quickly kissed his lips.

"It's my cousin. I was supposed to meet her in town. Do you mind if I answer this?" I gave him my best puppy dog face and stared into his eyes. He nodded his head reluctantly making smile.


"What the hell Stiles," Nick tinted beside me where he heard her speak. I gave him a concerned look before I have been waiting for you for two hours. You better be seriously hurt or trust me I'll make sure you are when I get to you." Nick growled beside me after hearing Elena. I gently started to run my hands up and down his chest to calm him down. Once he was fine I finished talking.

"I'm sorry Elena. I'll be there soon. I just uh... have to finish something." Before she could question me I hung up and turned to look at Nick.

"You're leaving me?"

"How do you know my cousin?"

He stared at me for a moment before looking away. He was hiding something from me I knew it.

Calm down stiles. He won't keep anything from us for long.

He better not.

"I-I might have threatened her and her friends. But I haven't hurt them. I found a spell that made sure I didn't have to kill anyone so it was fine."

I stared him accusingly. Would he have killed her?

"I know what your thinking. To be honest, I would have. But now that you're here I have a reason to be good. Before it was just me all alone. My family left me centuries ago to have a better life. They gave up on me, and so did I. Life is lonely and bitter when you no one to share it with."

I gave me a sad smile, before pulling him to me. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist, before burying his head into my neck.

"You don't hate me," he asked quietly.

"No, just don't go all phsyco-murderer on me ok?"

He chuckled before nodding.

"I promise, I will never be the villain again."

"Good. Now, lets go convince my cousin that."

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