The Shifter

By teamseth97

72.7K 3.1K 269

Myra Evans is a sixteen year old. At her first shift in front of the whole pack with everyone else, she shift... More

The Shifter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

2.3K 120 32
By teamseth97

Myra's P.O.V.

I woke up in Damens arms the next morning around noon. We slept in due to our late night adventures.

This is something I can get used to, My wolf said.


Damen opened his eyes and met mine. "Good morning, beautiful," He said.

"Are you ready for today?" I yawned.

"What's today?"

"Ultrasound, duh!" I screamed happily. "It's a girl. I'm telling you!"

"Doubt it!" He laughed. "Come on! We need to get you something to eat!"

I hopped out of bed and sprinted to the closet. I pulled a summer dress down, even if it was November, I loved to wear dresses. It was a light yellow dress and I found a pair of flats to match perfectly. Proud of my outfit selection, I put it on and jumped out of the closet. "Tada!" I yelled.

"Why are you wearing that?"

"'Cuz heels will hurt my back."

"No. I mean, the dress! It's thirty degrees out."

"I'll be fine. I wear dresses every winter!"

He sighed and picked me up in a bridal carry. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and long jeans. He put me down and opened the door to the hallway. "After you, my lady!"

I walked out and led the way to the mess hall. I was welcomed by piles upon piles of bacon and pancakes and eggs! Most of the pack was sitting around the table with a full plate. The noise that was there before ceased as we walked in. They all trained their eyes on us. Gasps escaped their lips as they saw my protruding stomach. "Damen," I whispered.

"Shouldn't I be the one that's afraid?" He answered. "It'll be fine."

He walked with me towards my parents and we took a seat beside them. Our plates were already made and Dad smiled. "Let's eat!" He exclaimed. He was always one for teasing the pack with food right under their noses. It was the ultimate test of self-control for the children.

I dug in. I drowned my pancakes with syrup and at them quickly. The bacon and eggs were gone in a matter of seconds and I was already begging for more. The pack was eyeing me, even the newly pregnant girls, who sat with their mates. None of them were showing yet and I only knew about four or five of the girls. There were about nineteen guys that I knew. Some people had joined their mates pack but most stayed here. Our pack had almost doubled overnight. One person that I noticed was missing was Amy. I leaned towards my dad. "Where's Amy?"

"She's in the pack hospital and then she will be banished from our pack."

I gasped. "Just for grabbing my arm?"

"Why dont you look at your arm, Myra. They all know it was her. It's either that or an execution."

I looked at my left arm, the one she grabbed and was surprised to find that it was black and blue above my elbow. I looked down. "Okay. Just don't hurt her."

"She will be in the hospital for a few weeks. She banged her head pretty badly."

I nodded and continued to eat, this time, picking at it.

We were all finished with our food about an hour later and Dad escorted Damen and I to the pack hospital where we would get my ultrasound done. The moment I walked in, a nurse told us to follow her and we did. It was really cold and I was nervous about lifting my dress up for the doctor to see my stomach.

A woman walked in the room and introduced herself. "Hi. I'm Doctor Lynda Mei and I will be your ultrasound technician."

I nodded as she closed the door to the room.

"Come sit up here," She said, gesturing to the bed that layed by a few new machines as well as a couple of outdated machines. I did as she said and Damen stayed near me. "Lift your dress up some, dear."

I lifted my dress high enough to fully expose my belly. She squeezed some cold jelly onto my stomach and pressed down with something. She turned on the monitor next to us and told us to look. "Myra? How long since you mated with Damen exactly?"

"Um. Maybe two weeks?"

"Okay. Look." I looked at the monitor and smiled.

"Is that my baby?"

She moved the tool around to get a better angle. "More like babies." She pointed to the monitor. "One. Two. Three babies. Darling! Your having triplets!"

Damen sat in a chair. "Whoa. That's a lot of babies."

"Do you want to know the sexes?"

I nodded slowly, still absorbing the new information.

She pointed each out. "These two are girls and this one is a boy."

I nodded again. "When are they due?" I whispered.

"Three weeks tops if they continue growth at this exceleration. But in probably a two weeks because they are triplets."

Damen started laughing hysterically. "Triplets! Are they common among werewolves?"

The doctor laughed. "Not really. This is the first time its ever happened, actually." 

I looked at Damen. "I'm sorry! I didn't know that this would happen!" I cried.

He raised an eyebrow. "Sorry? I'm happy, babe, just a little overwhelmed."

The doctor cut in. "Let me ease your conscious a bit. There are several people in this pack willing to help the new alpha take care of her children."

"I don't want anyone touching my kids," Damen said. 

I laughed. "He's new to kids," I apologized.

She nodded, "The dad's are always the overprotective ones. I'm going to go print the photos, okay?"

"Okay. Is there something I can use to clean this off?" I said, gesturing to the gel on my tummy.

Doctor Mei handed some tissues to Damen, who proceeded to wipe my stomach clean. He kissed it and pulled my dress down. 

"So three kids, huh?" I said.

He laughed. "I guess I have some tough sperm!"

I sat up and punched him in the arm lightly. "You are so inappropriate!"

The nurse came back in. "Here are your ultrasound pictures. Congrats!" She smiled. "You can leave whenever you are ready." She handed me the pictures. "Oh!" She snapped her fingers. "Just don't forget to get your weight and all of that checked on the way out."

"Don't you do that stuff?" I asked. 

"You know what? You're right! I totally forgot! I'm new to this job!" She laughed. "Okay, come here!" She motioned to the scale. I stepped on and watched her fiddle with the weights. She moved the hundred weight over, the ten, then she moved the single one over until it balanced out at one hundred sixteen pounds. "What did you weigh before, hun?" 

"Ninety-one pounds."

She nodded. "You will probably gain another ten pounds or so."

"Is that a lot?" I questioned nervously.

I glanced at Damen. He was still stunned a little by the news.

The nurse shook her head. "Not for triplets. Most mothers of triplets gain over fifty pounds. You're looking at thirty-five pounds, maybe a little more."

I nodded. "Can we go now?"


"Damen. Come on."

He stood up. "Okay babe."

The nurse stopped us. "Myra. I almost forgot! Doctor Mei wants you on bedrest until delivery."

My heart picked up. "W-why? Is something wr- wrong?"

"Oh heavens no!" She assured. "It's just to prevent any harm from coming to you or the babies. You can still get up to go to the bathroom and go get something to eat. Just try not to be on your feet too much, and Damen here should be by your side every moment of everyday."

Damen smirked. "Every moment?"

The nurse nodded.

I slapped myself in the forehead. "Oh brother! Do you know what you've done?"

She smiled. "Enlighten me."

I pointed at Damen, accusingly. "This one here is convinced that he'll need to shower with me, now!"

She laughed. "Men. But if he doesn't shower with you, he'll need to be in an arm's reach." She winked at Damen, who crossed his arms, still smirking.

I grabbed Damen's arm. "Let's go."

Damen's P.O.V.

She pounced on me when we got back to the room. We kissed passionately and she ripped my clothes off of my body. Is this her hormones? I asked myself. She did'nt let me come up for air at all. She was in a sex-crazed trance or something. 

"Myra!" I growled. "Take it easy." 

"Never!" She laughed and bit at my neck playfully.


It wasn't long before we were both wrapped up in each other, panting. "That was better than the first time!" She laughed. "I feel like a new woman!"

I burried my face in her hair. "You've made me a new man."

"Oh! Don't get all sappy with me!" She joked.


"Hey Damen?"

"What?" I whispered.

She giggled. "Do you want to take a bath?"

I left the warmth of her body and ran to get a bath started. I filled that Jacuzzi tub about halfway before I ran back in and carried Myra to the bath.

"She said I could walk, remember?"

"I let you have your fun but that was too dangerous as it is. I'm not going to risk it."

I put her into the bath gently and grabbed the soap and the shampoo and conditioner. I climbed into the warm water. "This is the life," I said to Myra, planting a kiss on her flushed cheeks.

She closed her eyes and leaned into me. "I wish it would always be like this."

"Can't it?"

"No. We have to take over the pack after the babies are born." She responded. "That reminds me. We have to call Mom and Dad and let them know of the news so that they can get more beds for them."

I sighed. "What are we going to name them?"

"I don't know any boy names that I like other than Damen, of course. I've only been thinking of girl names."

I laughed. "I've got plenty of boy names."

"Well, we're using your last name! For girls I like. Elle Connery, Amelia Connery, Lauren Connery, and, well, I could keep going forever." I watched her face contort as she let out a little gasp.

I panicked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just braxton hicks, I think." 

I held her tightly. "Hey! That's perfect!"


"Braxton. We can name the boy Braxton Connery!" I exclaimed.

"You truly are an idiot."


She sighed. "Why don't we just name our kid after the pain he causes me while I'm pregnant?"

"Exactly what I was thinking!"

"Can we wash up and get out?" Myra said. "It's getting cold."


I helped her wash her hair and her body and I even helped her get into a nightgown. She was exhausted and I was starting to see why they wanted her on bedrest. We haven't even been awake for ten hours and she could barely speak without assistance. I lied her down in bed and cuddled up next to her. She was asleep in a matter of minutes. 

I wrapped my arms protectively around her and rested my hands on her stomach. A series of kicks greeted me and she woke up. "Go back to sleep, Myra. I'll be right here."

She whined and fell back asleep. I didn't let myself relax until I heard her breathing become more rhythemic and slow. I rubbed my hand over her stomach and began thinking. 

Triplets. How on Earth am I going to take care of triplets? This is all such a foreign concept to me. I'm not cut out for being a parent. I don't even know what parents do!

That's why you have me! My wolf cackled. I may just seem like a voice in your head, but I'm way more than that! I'm your soul! I am a big part of you. Actually, I'm a lot like Google. I have a wide expanse of knowlege at your service twenty-four seven!

How? I asked my wolf.

He laughed. We are on a need-to-know basis here, buddy! And I have a name, you know.

What is it?

It's Kai.

Okay. Kai. I like that. Well, goodnight Kai!

I shut my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

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