My Huntress Mate [COMPLETED]

By lunaxkl

379K 13.3K 1.3K

A hunter named Jay was out hunting someone, until she passed by some growling sound. Following to where the n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chatper 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Special Announcement!
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Special and Last Announcement of the year

Chapter 53

1.5K 65 4
By lunaxkl

We finally made it by the shore and near the house. We kept running as soon as we hit the front porch. I told Hunter to shift back and he did. I took off my medium sized black and white flannel and told him to cover his lower parts of the body.

"I'll tell them you're in the living room bathroom. Just stay there okay? Before anyone sees you." I said as he nodded.

I was gonna pat him, but I hesitated before I ended up burning him also. I wasn't sure if I was safe or not around werewolves and the others due to what happened.

"Here. Before you go upstairs, do me this favor. Touch me before you touch anyone else. Maybe Angel might be the first one to touch you and we won't know whether or not you're safe to touch anyone no matter what kind of species they are." He held his arm out and waited for me place my hand on it.

"Are you sure about this?" I questioned.

He smiled and nodded in response. I bit my inner lip and slowly placed my hand on his arm that didn't burn him. I even tried it on my other arm and still none.

"I think it might've only worked on that guy who had the same eyes as you did.. It only worked for Legacy Hunters.?"

"We're not sure if he is a Legacy Hunter.. We might have similar eyes, but I thought their eyes already glow into a striking silver like mine. His eyes were gray and glowing.. But seeing my eyes turn.. He ended up connecting with me in this level I can't even explain.." I whispered and bit my thumb nail.

"Don't do that. It's bad." He said as he pushed my hand away, "I just hope he's not your soulmate for a damn Legacy Hunter."

I shook my head, "no not that kind of connection. I think it was the connection of being a Legacy Hunter.. Perhaps? I'm not quite sure.. Just go wait for awhile okay?"

"I will. But Jay, discuss this with Eli. He'd need to know that and especially if there's a Legacy Hunter on a loose."

"I will Hunter, just stay here please." I said and used my speed to go upstairs. I hear people talking towards my room and that's where my feet had dragged me to.

I opened my door and saw a doctor who was analyzing Angel. Kristoffer went close to me and gave a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey. Uh Mason, James? Hunter is downstairs. He needs some clothes so please give him some clothes.?" I smiled and whispered.

They nodded and left to go downstairs, but I looked Kristoffer as he raised an eyebrow probably wondering why Hunter needed clothes?

I brought him outside and closed the door behind me quietly and spoke with him, "Hunter shifted. But how's Angel doing?"

He sighs, "she's fine. She just needed some rest and the doctor will stay here for therapy. She's just really traumatized with what happened.."

I nodded slowly, "this is my fault.."

"How would this be your fault? They went to the woods by themselves, don't think it's your fault."

"That's the thing. I wasn't there to watch over them. I stayed inside." I sighed as he hugged me for comfort.

"It's not your fault baby. We'll have a talk with Angel when she's okay. For now, let's take care of her." He smiled as he rubbed my arm.

But as soon as we were going back inside, I saw Hunter walking upstairs with Eli. It seemed as though he was explaining something to him? Probably the situation..

"On second thought.. Please check up on the doctor okay? I have to discuss some business with Hunter and Eli." I said and kissed him on the cheek, "I won't be long."

Before he could say anything, I started hurrying my pace towards them.

"Hey. We have to discuss somethings. Now." I said.

"I know. Let's go to my office." Eli said with a nod and walked ahead of Hunter and I.

We entered a room with two huge doors. In the inside, it looked like a normal office. I'm surprised he even had one at this house? Considering he has one back in the woods. I suppose he gets a lot of meetings??

"Alright so again. What happened?" Eli had questioned as he closed the door behind him while Hunter and I made ourselves comfortable on the couch he had.

"We saw the two strange men in the woods. They were both wearing all black where their eyes were the only ones being shown. But one was a werewolf, he had gray fur when he transformed and might be the one who attacked Angel. He also attacked Hunter when we searched for them. Then the second one had gray eyes at first too, it was glowing, but not so much. But as soon as I showed my eyes, his began to glow the same color as me. The striking glowing silver type. That's the Legacy Hunters eyes. Why does he have it if they're instinct? Well sort of." I explained, but questioned it.

"Yeah.. But not only that. Silver eyes's name wasn't said, but anyways, silver eyes rescued her from being attacked by this werewolf, but when silver eyes touched Jay.. She burned him a bit by the hand after her tattoo had glowed. Afterwards they just disappeared in thin air.. I'm not even sure if she killed them or he did something to disappear?" Hunter furthered explained.

"No. I'm pretty sure I didn't kill them. Well him, but I don't even know how I burned him.." I whispered.

"It's probably the Moon Goddess protecting you." Hunter thought out loud.

"Why would she? He practically saved me?" I said in a questioning voice.

"Or it might be a trick to make you think that way." Hunter argued back.

"Alright we can say that. Sure. But for what reason?"

"Alright kids enough. Tell me. Who's name was said or if there was any clue you could give me to see if I know who this guy might be."

I looked at Hunter as he looked clueless, "John. John was the name of the werewolf. But silver eyes name was never said, like what Hunter had said."

"Wait John?" Eli said surprised.

"Yes? You know him?" I questioned while he just looked at me.

"John.. John. John." He kept repeating as he went to his desk, opening something while he muttered words.

"Eli. Do you know John?" Hunter questioned, but Eli ignored him.

I looked at Hunter and he returned one back. I furrowed my eyebrows together and finally, Eli had come back to us with a book. He began flipping through the pages and stopped as his finger pointed into something in particular.

"John Craig. Johnny's alive.." He whispered, "are you sure his fur was gray?"

"Positive." Hunter nodded, "who was he?"

"That's one of your mom's best friend as a child. I've met him before.. I can't believe he's still alive.." He whispered as he kept analyzing that paper he's been pointing at, "you said he's with another man?"

I nodded, "yes. He might be a Legacy Hunter, but I might not be sure. We just saw his eyes and it's exactly like mine.. At first it was calm, but seeing mine.. It glowed."

"If he connected with you then he's a family.. We're the only family who has Legacy blood in our veins. If they connected with you that easily, then he's related to us.. Give me a second again." He said as he went back to his desk, fiddling around with it.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as I went close to the desk.

"I have all of the Legacy Hunters names down on my book. Pictures even. I have them listed down for those who's passed and those still unknown. I know for a fact there is two." He explained as he smiled. He reached inside and took smaller book out and began flipping pages once again.

"Who's the two?" I questioned.

"You of course. Aaannnddd the second would beeee.." he trailed off and kept searching. More pages were being flipped and that made me look at Hunter.

"So much family.." He whispered and I have a small chuckle, agreeing with the comment.

"Christian Greene. He's in his 20's from what I know of.. I don't know whatever happened to him after the war when you were born, but I know for a fact that he wasn't killed. I never found any traces of his body or anything. He just disappeared."

"And how is he related to her?" Hunter questioned.

Eli looked at me, "he's your half uncle.."

I furrowed my eyebrows and the feeling in my heart ached. It turns out, I still did have some family left.. From my dad side, but my mom.. I haven't met anyone yet..

"My half uncle?"

Eli nodded, "my dad had an affair. Drunken mistake that he made was cheating and having to impregnate a woman he met at a bar. You know, the classics. She gave him Christian when he was just a baby and left. So yeah.. Half uncle."

"Will you tell me about him?" I questioned as he hesitated.

He nodded, "I'll explain it to you, but there's one more thing you ought to know about him."

"That is?"

"When he says something to you. Believe him."

Christian's POV

I groaned as my hands kept stinging me from that burning sensation that Jay had left on my hand.

"Heal this freaking burn already. It's hurting like crazy right now!" I groaned and held my hand still.

"Calm down. I'm on it." John had said and fixed up some leaves with medicine on it.

I inhaled deeply and he put it on my wound. It stung, but it was good to actually feel the pain. It hurt at first, but it cools down after awhile.

"Better?" He questioned.

"Sort of. Thank you Johnny." I sighed and leaned my head back from the chair.

"Why'd you even push me? I had her." He snapped suddenly.

"You had her sure. But you don't know what she could do to you. I wouldn't want her getting hurt either." I argued back in a calm way.

"She doesn't seem too strong. Why wouldn't you want her getting hurt after what she did." He said in a more louder voice.

"Don't judge her. She might be too strong for you even though you're the alpha. But let me remind you, she's the alpha on her mothers side. Thus, her Legacy Hunter blood. And in my defense, she was just a baby John. You can't blame her for being born. That war wasn't her fault."



He stopped yelling and began to avoid eye contact with me. I sighed at myself for losing my temper like that.

"Look. I didn't mean to yell, but you need to know that it wasn't her fault. Robin and Kyle died protecting their baby for a reason. You know Robin just as well as I do. You know how disappointed she'll get.."

"But without her, Robin wouldn't have died.." he whispered.

"If you didn't have taken me away that day where I had everything under control, Robin and Kyle would've been alive with her."

"I couldn't let you die. If you stayed, your life would be on the line. You're my best friend and you deserved to be alive." He said and looked at me.

"If I deserved to be alive then you should go easy on Jay. She deserves to be alive. She has no father and mother, you have no clue on what life she must've been through. She deserves to live just as much as I do. She's my half niece. She's the only family I have left from my half brothers side.."

He sighed and nodded his head, "I understand.. I'm sorry for my actions.."

I chuckled, "I'm not the one you should apologize to. Our intentions were suppose to be good. But attacking that child on accident was a problem.."

"That is actually a problem.. We might've scared her."

"No kidding. You growled at her!"

"Hey! You pushed her!"

"Because you growled at her. Your wolf isn't exactly a calm animal now is it?" I smirked as he scoffed.

I looked down at my hand from where the leaf covered the burn. I took it off and found it healed well enough. I would grip my hand and turn it into a fist for it to get use to the pain rather than leaving it numb.

"You should rest. We'll see tomorrow if she comes around." John said before he went inside of his room.

I bit my inner cheek and walked over to the couch. As I laid down, I looked up at the ceiling and began remembering the past.

- Flashback -

Father and the the rest of the Legacy Hunters has gathered around to search for Robin.. I felt worried for them that I don't even wanna see how this goes. But I don't have a choice.. Father had forced me into this. The anger he has built inside himself has been released to the point that if both Robin and Kyle were captured.. They'd be tortured..

Maybe even murdered.

This worried me.. Not only Robin and Kyle would be tortured and punished, but also the child within Robin. When will there be some good into this.?

"Christian. Are you ready?" My father had questioned.

I looked at him and his black hair that was growing gray, the sides of his eyes were getting wrinkled, and under his eyes were round and black. Just a bit of it. He was growling old, but he still looked young in a way.

"Yes father." I replied, but I began to think. "Father?"

"What is it son?"

"What are you going to do to them? Once we capture them?" I questioned.

"Don't worry too much about it. He shouldn't have broken the law. Having to be with a werewolf is a sin. It's not right being with those monsters." He said bitterly.

"Why do you hate them so much.?" I questioned, regretting it after I have asked about it.

"They've taken your grandparents from me. My little sister.. My wife. They don't deserve to live in this word. They're nothing, but monsters." He said softly, "now let's go." He handed me a shot gun and turned his back on me.

"How are you so sure they're all bad.?"

"It's who they are my son. Now let's go. We're wasting precious time."

He grabbed my wrist and pushed me outside as I just began following other people's footstep with whoever was ahead. I asked no more questions about everything, but they got it all wrong.

Werewolves aren't bad.. It's them.. They think too much of the worse things, but not see pass the other good things.. Not everyone is the same and not all of these Legacy Hunters are bad.. It's just the corruption in their brains.

The leader is the worst monster to ever live. I felt bad for Kyle. His mother died because.. She was bitten by a werewolf.. Father had feared she'd turn. Killing her was the only option he had..

My mother gave me away, but I haven't completely lost her, but he did. She was gone forever while mine? She visits sometimes, but it's rarely.

So many hours of thinking, I didn't even notice that we were here. Outside of this random cabin? Many men had gone outside, growling. Some transformed into their werewolf form. It was fascinating to look at them, but the safety locks of our guns were being unlocked. Getting ready to aim.

"Where is my son." My father questioned.

A man with brown hair who stood in the middle seemed to the leader? He stood confidently like he was filled with power. But he said no words.

"Father. Stop this foolishness." Kyle said going outside next to the leader. 

"How can I? You've laid yourself down, even your pride for some trashy werewolf?"

I saw Kyle flinch by his words, but his eyes begin to turn into this silver white thunder like eyes. The rest had their eyes turning silver white as a sign of defense.

"Not every werewolves you see are bad. She is not bad. None of these werewolves are bad. It's you Father. You're the worst monster who's ever lived." He said bitterly as his eyes looked at him in disgust.

"I see you've already chosen your side. It's sad to see you and the rest die and suffer, but losing you won't be too hard. After all, I have no son who's a traitor to his own family."

Father smirked as he nodded his head to signal on a charge. They followed. My gun stayed locked, but I followed some leads behind. Some guns were fired, men yelling, and werewolves growling had filled the entire woods. But as for me? I was saved.

I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled back. I looked behind me to see it was John. His eyes that was filled with worry..

"John? What the hell are you doing here!? Don't you see it's a freaking war zone here? You could've died!" I whispered in a yelling way.

"I'm taking you away. We have to go! Kyle and Robin wanted you safe. Now let's go!" He whispered, but yelled as he tried to pull me.

"I can't leave them! Kyle and Robin might die. We have to stay and fight!"

"But you'll die with them! I'm sorry, but I have to follow my orders. Robin and Kyle has a mission for us. Let's. Go." He said in a commanding voice.

I looked behind me to see them fight. But before I could agree, I saw Kyle fall with blood being splattered from the distance.. Robin then came out as she saw her husband, the one she loves hit the ground, lifeless. Her eyes turning golden and her nails getting sharp.

She ran with full speed, but it wasn't fast enough.. Blood splatter across also, the same as Kyle..

"No.." I whispered.

I looked at John as he began tearing up, "LET'S GO!" He yelled.

I nodded hesitantly.. I let him drag me away from this horrid nightmare.. She was gone. He was gone.. It's only the baby who was left.. The only thing Robin and Kyle had. They baby was taken from them and they were taken from her..

But we've all been robbed. But for what cause.?

We panted as we reached a random place. Somewhere far from the war zone. We stopped running and tumbled down to the ground. We were lucky to have a lake nearby for water, but for now I just wanted to rest..

"What.. What was our m-mission.." I stuttered while I panted.

I looked at John as he looked back at me, with his back leaning on a tall oak tree.

"Protect the child she has. We have to find her after the war is over. We have to.." He said in a sad tone.

"Will the child be alive?" I questioned.

"I'm sure of it.." He answered as he took deep breaths.

"Did she use her mind link on you?" I questioned as he nodded in response.

I nodded at myself and closed my eyes trying to get my breath to be even. But from this day on. We promised to find this child and protect it for Robin and Kyle.

That was a promise we tend to keep for them..

- End of Flashback -

I brought my hand up to myself and looked at the wound that was still slowly healing.

'Oh dear brother and Robin. Your child has been strong.. Stronger than a normal Legacy Hunter and werewolf. She's unique, beautiful, brave, and sharp. You must be proud to have such a beautiful daughter.. But it does pain me to say that.. She looks like you Robin. And Kyle? She sure has your shaped eyes and nose. I'm sorry to say this, but Robin seems to have won the face of Jay. It's hard to have to see someone who reminds me so much of both of you though..' I had smiled and closed my hand into a fist.

'But I'm lucky to have to meet her. John and I promise to protect her with our life. We won't let you down..'

I closed my eyes felt myself falling into deep sleep. An image from my memory had shown. A group of us as friends back into the Legacy House. We were a happy secret group of friends and family gathering around for fun.

Kyle, Robin, John, and I... I furrowed my eyebrows together as I almost forgot..

I opened my eyes quickly and sat up.


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