A Heart That Loves... (Arshi...

By amira039303

678K 24K 2.7K

[2ND RUNNER UP OF 'CHARMED ROMANTIC FICTION' IN THE IPK-CHARM-AWARDS 2018] Arnav and Khushi have been in a re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Mini)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Maha Update)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Plagiarism - Resolved
Plagiarism Follow up - IMPORTANT
Plagiarism - Final Update
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Part I
Chapter 31 - Part II
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 18

13K 615 57
By amira039303

'I can't wait to be back... With you...' he wanted to add, but the words seemed to be stuck in his throat. He placed a soft kiss on the corner of her lips, just like she had, before forcing himself to turn away and walk out.

Khushi had a silly smile on her face for the next few hours as she got to work...

Around 5 o' clock she felt her phone ringing.

Seeing that it was Arnav, her smile widened as she picked it up.

"Meeting finished. I'll be there in 10 minutes to pick you up," he said.

"Okay, ho–" Before she could finish her sentence he'd hung up.

"Laad governor," she muttered, the silly smile still not leaving her face. Some things never changed.

Just as she put the phone back on the table, it started ringing again.

She took it into her hands thinking it would be Arnav again.

But her smile was wiped away when she saw the caller ID...

Amma Calling...


Trying to gulp down her trepidation, shakily, Khushi answered the call.


"Khushi? Kesi ho bitiya? Khushi? How are you? Did you and your boss reach Delhi fine last night?" her mum asked.

Hearing of last night, Khushi clutched her mangalsutra tightly as she replied, "Haan Amma, we got here fine."

"Did you both finish your urgent work?"

At her words, Khushi remembered what 'urgent work' had been completed last night...

Their marriage...

Just as she was about to answer, Arnav strode through her cabin door.

Seeing her on the phone, his steps faltered slightly, his gaze questioning.

She got up from her seat and took a step towards him as she continued to speak. "Haan Amma, Arnavji and I completed the work successfully," she replied, her voice quivering.

Arnav's gaze softened as realisation set in.

He knew how hard it must be for her to speak to her mum, knowing that she'd married him without her parents' permission. Forget that, she got married to him without them even knowing! Knowing how traditional she was, he knew how upset Khushi was about all this. Although she seemed to have accepted their marriage now, he knew that the aspect of hiding it from her parents was still gnawing at her.

So he didn't hesitate to walk up to Khushi and wrap his arm around her, urging her to lay her head on his chest, giving her support in the only way he could in the moment.

And Khushi took his support more than willingly, needing it more than he could imagine.

"That's good to hear bitiya. Listen, I know you said no yesterday, but did you have another think about Shyam's proposal?" her mother asked.

Khushi felt Arnav's chest stiffen beneath her cheek, his arms tightening. Clearly, he'd heard what her Amma just asked.

She lifted her head up and gazed into his eyes as she replied, "Amma, it's not right for me to get married before Jiji," Khushi tried to show Arnav her lack of interest, hoping that would soothe him. Plus, she was sure he'd heard the fact that she'd anyways said no for the proposal yesterday.

"Haan bitiya, I understand. Of course we have to get Payalia married first. But Shyam seems like a good boy. He is really keen to get married to you and their family seem very nice too. If you say okay, we can get the engagement done now and then have the marriage after Payal's wedding." Garima was very excited about the proposal it seemed, not to add very keen on it too.

Arnav had the urge to smash something, hearing Khushi's mother take that pig-face's name so reverently. How dare some other man try and stake claim on his Khushi. She was his wife damn it!

It didn't matter that he'd never seen nor met this Shyam, but he hated him to the ends of Earth already!

"Amma I'm really not interested in marriage right now. I have so much to achieve still," she said. "And anyways, you know na, I've always wanted a Rajkumar who would come and sweep me off my feet," Khushi said, wrapping her free arm around her husband's neck as her eyes gleamed up at him.

Without another word he picked her up in his arms - literally sweeping her off her feet, just like she wanted her Rajkumar to. After all, he was her Rajkumar.

Khushi had only meant to lighten his mood, but she hadn't expected him to actually pick her up like that. She couldn't help the smile that stretched across her cheeks as he nuzzled her cheek.

Controlling her urge to sigh in content, she continued telling her mum, "Although Shyamji seemed like a nice person, it just didn't feel right Amma. I didn't feel any sort of connection with him in the 5 minutes that we spoke. I... I don't think he's the one for me..." She gazed at Arnav, memorising his every feature as she spoke.

"Rajkumar? Connection? The one? Khushi what craziness are you talking about? All these things only happen in tv serials bitiya. In real life, we girls just have to take the life that our parents arrange for us – just like I did, my mum did, her mum did... It's rare to find such good proposals Khushi. And this one has come to us by itself. It must be a sign and we would be fools not to take it. You really should accept it bitiya. This love, connection, Rajkumar, all of that will fall into place in time after the marriage."

Arnav really disliked her mother right now, for trying to convince his wife to marry someone else.

Pulling back slightly to look at her, he mouthed: Hang. Up. Now.

Khushi understood his words instantly but shook her head. How could she just hang up on her Amma like that?

In response she just got a look from Arnav that said, Do It Now Or Else...

Feelings helpless, Khushi said, "Amma please don't say yes to them. I... I'll think about it okay? And then I'll let you know."

Seeing her still not hanging up Arnav sat down on her chair, placing her on his lap.

Now that he had both his hands free, he clamped his one hand around the back of her neck and leaned in to lightly bite her at the juncture between her shoulder blade and neck, making her gasp.

"What happened Khushi?" her Amma asked from the other side.

Arnav started to suck and lick the spot, unheeding to her weak attempt at pushing him away.

"Voh... A-amma I've got-to go. Arn- ASR is coming up. He wouldn't be happy to see me on the phone d-during work hours," Khushi spoke in a breathy voice although she tried to keep her voice normal.

Just as she thought she could get her act together, she felt Arnav's free hand creep up to her breast and squeeze, almost making her moan. "I'll talk to you later Amma. Bye!" she said quickly before she hung up on her mother, who seemed to have wanted to say something.

And just like that, Arnav placed a soft kiss on the spot that he had been so hungrily sucking a second before, and he pulled back. The hand on her breast also slid back down to rest on her hips.

It took Khushi a few moments to pull herself together and realise what he'd just done! He'd used her weakness to get her to hang up on her mum!

"You... You... You. Are. Horrible." She punctuated each word furiously.

How dare he do that! He made her feel... used! He'd used her weakness to get what he wanted! And why he wanted her not to speak to her mother went over her head!

In a flash, he grabbed her hips and changed their position so that she was straddling him on his lap, making her hands automatically clutch his shoulders for support.

"And You. Are. Mine." That's all he said in reply to her words, making her feel angrier.

"You Laad Governor! I hate you!" she started hitting him on his chest and shoulder in frustration. "I was talking to mum for God's sake! Why did you do that? I hate you!" she continued to hit him.

After a few seconds, Arnav caught hold of her hands and forced them behind her back as he took her lips into a rough, possessive kiss.

Khushi struggled against him, not wanting to be kissed right now – but how could she compete against his steely strength? And so, after a while, she kissed him back just as roughly, expressing her anger by biting him hard at every chance she got.

And Arnav was no less. He kissed her savagely, showing her that she belonged to him and only him, no matter how much she fought against him.

How dare her mum try to convince her to marry that pig-face? And how dare she not say a straight NO?! She was his damn it!

But he didn't say all that to her – he somehow couldn't. So he showed her in the only way he knew.

They continued to assault each other, Khushi expressing her disappointment while Arnav expressed his possessiveness.

When they started to run out of breath, Khushi used that opportunity to push at Arnav's chest, getting off his lap before he could tighten his hold on her.

Looking away from him, her chest heaving, she said, "We should go home." Clearly, she was still angry with him. And to be frank, he wasn't going to apologise either. He didn't think what he did was wrong. Not when her mother was trying to convince his wife to marry another man. It didn't matter that she had no idea that her daughter was already married. It really didn't.

The ride back home was a silent one. And a tense one too.

Khushi wondered if this was how their marriage was always going to be. A bumpy rollercoaster ride.

Last night they'd got married under unexpected circumstances. A few hours ago she'd decided that she would trust her husband and just enjoy her life with him as much as possible. They'd even gone out for lunch and a movie, having the time of their lives together as a couple... And now they were arguing again. All in less than 24 hours... She couldn't help but wonder if this is how their life will always be... Will they never be able to stay completely happy?

"Khushi," he called as they got close to RM.

She didn't respond.

"Khushi, I'm talking to you," he said.


"Damn it Khushi, what's your problem?!" Arnav almost yelled.

Khushi's nose flared up instantly. "My problem is that you purposely got me to hang up on my mum, even after knowing how I've been feeling since last night! My problem is that you don't care about my feelings! My problem is that you always do things against my wishes and don't even give me a proper explanation for it!"

Just as she finished venting out her anger, they reached their house.

Arnav didn't say anything in reply as they walked towards the house, making her even more furious.

However, she was taken aback when the front door opened by itself, revealing Nani and Anjali standing in front of her with a tray, their smiles welcoming and loving – very unlike their cold demeanors this morning.

She was taken out of her stupor when she heard Anjali speak, "We were all taken aback by the sudden wedding yesterday Khushiji, so we never got to welcome you as the bride of the house."

Khushi couldn't help the tears of relief that ran down her cheeks. How much she'd missed the unconditional love from this family in the last day, only she knew. But she couldn't help but wonder what had changed their minds?

"Okay, now both of you stand together for me so I can take your aarthi," Anjali said.

Khushi couldn't help but notice that since they'd come in, Anjali had only been speaking to her despite Arnav being right next to her. And somehow, she didn't like that. She knew that Anjali was his sister and had every right to be angry with him, but she didn't like it. She knew how much his sister meant to him and she never wanted Anjali to be upset with Arnav.

Soon they got busy with the rituals of welcoming the new daughter in law of the house.

Anjali took their aarthi, and Khushi completed the Graha Pravesh by tipping the rice kalaash.

Just as they were about to step in, Nani said, "Arnav, don't forget the Raizada tradition."

Khushi paused. Again, she noticed that Nani had called him 'Arnav' and not 'Chote.' Something was definitely wrong. And she would make sure she found out what it was soon.

But now she had a more pressing issue at hand. "What tradition?" she looked at Nani and Anjali, who both had cheeky smiles on their faces now.

"What tradition Arnavji?" she asked her husband.

The happiness she felt in the moment was so great that the anger she'd been feeling before seemed insignificant now.

Arnav too couldn't help but melt seeing the happiness dancing in his Khushi's eyes. It didn't matter that they'd been arguing less than 5 minutes ago. This was their moment. And he would be damned if he let them spoil it for their egos.

"This is the tradition," he said, before he bent down and picked his wife up in his arms, bridal style.

Khushi gasped as she felt herself being lifted up into her husband's arms for the n-th time that day. Nevertheless, she let her arms slide around his neck comfortably. After all, for her, no matter how many arguments they had, no matter how many angry words they exchanged, no matter how many times they hurt each other, this was the most safe, comfortable, luxurious place for her in the entire universe – her Arnavji's arms.

Without breaking their intense eye-lock, Arnav walked inside the house, carrying his newly-wedded wife in his arms.

Both Nani and Anjali almost blushed seeing the passion the two had for each other.

After a good few steps into the house, he finally set her down, still not breaking their eye contact.

He knew that within a minute, his crazy family will definitely hog Khushi to themselves, now that they were on talking terms again.

And so he leaned in and stole a brief kiss from his wife's lips – just a little something to keep him going for the next few hour(s) without her – taking her completely off guard.

Leaning back, he gave her one last glance before he headed for the stairs.

Khushi stood frozen, her cheeks as red as tomatoes as she watched after her husband. She could feel Nani and Di looking at her, tongue in their cheeks, clearly having witnessed the little exchange between her husband and herself.

She was completely mortified with Arnav's little stunt.

But deep down she liked it. No, loved it.

Who wouldn't like their husband showing them some affection. Especially when she'd just yelled at him, and technically he was supposed to be annoyed with her too. He probably was, knowing him, but she also knew that the kiss he'd just stolen from her hadn't been fake nor for show. And it showed her that they were solid. That he was serious about making their relationship work as husband and wife and that no fight, small or big, was going to change that. He proved to her once again that she had taken the right decision by giving them a real chance again and trusting him. Yes, they'd just had an argument too but it was sweet little moments like these that made it all worth it in the end.

She was still in a daze when Anjali and Nani cleared their throats.

"Looks like someone has transformed my akdoo brother into a lovesick husband," Anjali teased.

Khushi turned even more red, if that was possible.

"And at this rate I'm sure it won't be long before a new little member will join the household," Nani joined in.

"Naniji, you too," Khushi mumbled, wishing the ground could open and swallow her up as her cheeks flamed up even more.

"The new bride is shy!" Anjali continued with her teasing.

"Okay okay, stop teasing my new daughter in law," Nani decided to give Khushi some relief.

Coming forward, she cupped her face. "Khushi bitiya, although this marriage has started off on the wrong foot, we are glad that you are the wife that Arnav has chosen for himself. If his mother was here today, she would have loved you a lot," Nani said, affectionately.

"Haan Khushi. Mumma would have loved you. No one could have been fit to be Arnav's wife except you," Anjali agreed, tears pricking her eyes at the mention of her mother.

Khushi felt blessed to be part of a family that loved her like their own and accepted her the way she was... She couldn't help the lone tear that ran down her cheek either.

"You all want to make me cry on my first day here don't you?" she pouted, wanting to make everyone smile.

And just as she wanted both Nani and Anjali laughed, "No, of course not," they said in union.

With that, they all fell back into routine... The three of them sitting together on the sofa with jalebis made by Khushi, talking about everything and nothing under the sun...

About an hour later, Khushi suddenly asked, "What changed your minds?"

They just looked back at her.

"I mean... Until this morning, you didn't want to speak to us but now...?"

Anjali sighed. "Arnav came home earlier while you were still at the office."


Now it all made sense to Khushi.

So this was the 'important meeting' that he needed to go to after their little outing.

"He told us everything," she said.

"E-everything? What did he tell you?" Khushi wasn't sure if he would have made up a story. She didn't want to say something different from him and then cause trouble in the family.

"He told us everything from the beginning," Nani said, her tone slightly stern.

"B-beg-in-ning?" Khushi stuttered.

"Haan. He told us about the 'deal,' how he asked you to be his girlfriend – a real relationship but with no love or marriage. He told us how you said yes, the way your relationship progressed slowly over this one year, what happened on Teej, how he went to Lucknow to get you back, what happened yesterday at your house, his rash decision to get married, how he threatened you, and finally how you got married," Nani said, her face completely blank – a contrast to the smiling face she'd seen a few minutes ago.

"Oh," was all Khushi could manage.

So he'd actually told his family everything from A to Z?

No wonder Di and Nani were so angry at him!

But she couldn't help feel proud of her husband. He'd owned up to what he'd done, and she knew that he did it for her. Because he knew how affected she was from the coldness they'd met with from his family. And so he'd gone out of his way to take his office hours out and clear things with Di and Nani, so that when she came home with him, everything would already be sorted for them.

Suddenly, she was reminded of the harsh words she'd spewed in her anger not too long ago.

"My problem is that you purposely got me to hang up on my mum, even after knowing how I've been feeling since last night! My problem is that you don't care about my feelings! My problem is that you always do things against my wishes and don't even give me a proper explanation for it!"

Now, she felt awful for saying those words to him. He did care about her feelings. Just because he wasn't open about it, it didn't mean that he didn't care. He more than cared.

Her eyes pricked with tears as she suddenly felt an overwhelming feel of love for the man she'd married less than a day ago.

"Di, Nani, I'm sorry but I have to go," she said, before rushing up the stairs, tears streaming down her eyes.

It didn't matter to her that she'd left their conversation hanging and Di and Nani were probably wondering what happened to her.

She just had to see him now.

She knew how much he loved his family. Especially his Di. He could never bear his Di being angry with him. And he very well knew that if he told them the complete truth, Di and Nani would be angry with him.

And still, he told them everything.

For her.

Only for her.

When she finally got to his – no, their room, the second she caught sight of him by the wardrobe, she ran.

She ran towards him and crashed into his back, throwing her arms around his front, hugging him tight, completely taking him off guard.

I'm going to end it here guys. So how was the chapter? I have a test on Monday so don't really have much time at the moment, so sorry if the chapter isn't up to standards. But please do let me know how it was with your likes/comments. Positive criticism always welcome too.

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