Stalker | j.jk | ff ✔️

By peepingtae_

53.9K 1.8K 396

"Honey all though your a real ass, I still love you :)" {Completed} More

22 special!


1.8K 72 8
By peepingtae_

                                Author POV

Jungkook pulled away after a few minutes of the kiss. Or more like seconds. He was too taken back by everything he was really confused. Besides, he didn't really mean to give the kiss to Fei. It was just so she could tell him if she was his stalker. Nothing more.

"I-I have to go."

Jungkook ran down the block to his house. Fei stood there embarrassed and feeling very foolish.

"Why did I even kiss him?"

She went back into her house. Man I feel bad for her :/

She made herself instant noodles and sat on the couch watching sponge bob. She had nothing else to do but think over and over again about what just happen.

One she was just about to take a bite of her noodles, the door bell rang. She groaned and put her noodles down. She went to the door.

"Oh hello."

I know y'all thinking it's Jungkook. It's not. It's Jimin.

"How'd you know where I live?"

"Well Namjoon gave it to me."

Damn him. Fei thought.

"Well come in."

Jimin smiled and made his way into Fei's house. Er I mean her parents extra house. Yes her family's rich. Not to brag.

"Wow your house is really big."

Jimin looked around a little amazed.

"This place is small."

I had to admit. It was small. Once you walked in, there was a shoe rack onto the right, a rug in front of the door, the couch on the left, the dining table on the right and when you go straight, that's the kitchen. Plus the pantry. But the house looked really modern. And the bedroom was upstairs. To the right was the stair case to the up stairs. There wasn't much up there. Two bedrooms and two baths. Nothing much. But again it's a pretty nice modern house.

"Well I mean it's modern."

Jimin seemed to have made himself at home already because he plopped himself onto the couch. And ate her noodles.

"Sure why not make yourself at home, and eat my noodles."

Fei mumbles pretty loud. Jimin gave her a confused look.

"Sorry, is it okay if-"

"I honestly don't care.."

She made her way to the pantry to grab some chips. She was about to head upstairs to her bedroom but then she remembered Jimin was over. Her so called boyfriend. Fei groaned of the thought of Jimin as her boyfriend.

"Is there something wrong babe?"

Jimin said to her calmly while he was flipping channels on the medium sized tv hanging on the wall.

"Nope, everything is just fine."

Fei was so irritated. She honestly didn't know why. Maybe she was on her period? Maybe.

She whipped out her phone as she ate her chips frustrated. As she was scrolling down her social media to see what's up, she got a text message from Jungkook.

MrKook: hello

12344567890: hi?

MrKook: you okay?

1234567890: are you okay? Why are you texting me so suddenly?

MrKook: I'm bored?

1234567890: yea same, my pretend boyfriend is over and I honestly don't want him over.

Fei re-read what she just texted Jungkook. Who tried deleting but it was no hope.

"Ahh shit."

"Something wrong?"

Jimin popped his head from the couch to her. He gave her a worried face. She didn't know what to do or say. Of course she wasn't gonna tell him what she just sent to her all time favorite crush to her pretend boyfriend who could take things so seriously.

"I-I pressed Uhm add to my cart for this shop thingy?"

Jimin gave her a small smile.

"Oh haha okay."

He later back down on the couch and continued watching a kdrama.

MrKook: helloooooooooo

MrKook: ya still there?

MrKook: your fake boyfriend?



MrKook: WYA?

And that whole night Jungkook texted Fei on and on. Nonstop.

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