Hunted Princess

By karivieyra

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Siberia is an Askar, a fighter, a shifter, a young girl who is in the lowest class imaginable. She is a subje... More

Long Live the King
Warrior Wolf
Put on a Show
Let's Begin
New Wolf
Cast Announcement! (A/N)
The Reveal Ball
The First Match
A Royal Announcement
Mad King
Ancient Pasts
A War on Two Fronts

Tournament Tour

37 1 0
By karivieyra

A/N: Sorry I've been absent! I've been working hard on this chapter after hitting a little writers block, but now that it's been solved, I'm back on the writing train! The next chapter will be one of the longest ones as we finally reach the reveal ball! I'm so excited to work on the chapter and show it to you guys! Remember to drop a vote if you love this story and please please please share this story to your friends. I would love for Hunted Princess to get more readers and more traffic. Thanks again! 

Chapter 6

Siberia stepped out of the barracks, dressed in a long sleeve and dark pants. Everyone was gathered around the pathway, waiting to catch the last glimpse of her as she left for the tournament. She held her head high, Kane sitting at her feet looking up to his familiar.

Here we go. She started down the cobblestone path that lead up to the main house were August was finishing packing his things.

Whispers passed through the crowd commenting on the way she walked, the way she looked, how she would return victorious. Killian stood waiting for her, attempting to hide the smirk on his face but failing.

He held out his arm, "You've come a long way Sia. You're practically a royal."

Siberia glared at him, "I'm certainly not anymore comfortable than when we first started. It's only been a week, gods know how the rest of these coming days will go."

They walked into the main house, the murmuring growing louder as the reporters waited in the foyer. Siberia felt her heart begin to race, the reality of the past week and the coming week setting in. She stopped, frozen in place right before the door that separated them and the reporters.

I can't do this. Kane, I can't do this. She looked down at her familiar, running her hand through his fur.

You worked hard for this Sia. It's okay to be scared. He licked her hand, pulling on their bond and sending calming thoughts.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. If you don't want to face the reporters we can let August handle them and just meet him in the study." Killian noticed her hesitation, reassuring her.

She took a deep breath, straightened herself and calmed her nerves. "No. I want them to know who I am." She looked at him and flashed her golden eyes.

Killian nodded and went to the door, opening it for her. She stepped through, immediately bombarded with questions and comm orbs flying around her. She kept her gaze forward and her emotions neutral, Kane helping by taking most of her anxiety through their bond.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Siberia." August's voice floated over the buzz of the crowd.

The reporters quieted as she reached August's side, pens at the ready and comm orbs floating down to get a good sight of the pair.

August squeezed her shoulder, "Now, I understand this is an exciting time as the tournament tour has begun. Which means we have a train we need to meet to finish our part of the tour, only a few questions will be answered at this time and more will be answered along each stop of the tour. First question?"

A red headed spark shot up, hand in the air while her orb flew up a little higher, "Did you trade for Siberia or was she born into your training center?"

"I'm proud to say she was born into my training center. However if you plan to ask for her breeding history, her sire's trainer asked for him to remain anonymous. She is a purebred askar, and her mother is still in my training facility as an Elder for the time being. Next question?" August answered quickly, and motioned for the reporter to sit.

"August, other trainers have claimed that your tactics are much age for proper askar training. They say that you are too kind on your askars and treat them as if they were highborn. Care to comment on that?" A man in a dark blue suit asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Siberia wanted to snarl at the comment but was cut off by August before she could do anything.

"Well, Jackson is it? From Malmore Central? To those Trainers that you speak of, all I have to say is look who has a contender in the King's tournament. Clearly my methods are working aren't they? If they were as "new age" as you say they are, then I wouldn't be standing here with my master askar now would I?" He glared at the man until he sat back down, his face red with embarrassment.

A young woman stood, smiling brightly, "Sir, the polls that have gone around the kingdoms have Siberia as coming in second, do you feel those are accurate?"

He looked at Siberia the entire time he answered the question, "No. Those are completely wrong. Siberia won't be coming in second. She'll be taking the crown."

A chill set in with the way August said it, as if he new for a fact she would win the tournament. The reporter sat, dumbfounded the way he said it and no other way to rebut him she quietly accepted his response.

August turned back to the crowd and half smiled, "Any other questions?"

One other reporter stood, and hesitantly asked, "Siberia, how do you feel to be an askar in the tournament? Has training been any different than a normal competition?"

Siberia's eyes widened and she looked to August who nodded for her to answer, "I'm honored to have been given the opportunity to compete in the King's tournament. Training is difficult, I'm up against other askars who are at my skill level or even above it. August has pushed me to find my limits and push past them, and because of that I know I am ready to prove myself not just for the King, but for my Trainer. Without August, I would be just a subpar askar with only a few quarter match wins. I have 72 won matches, and 5 kills in death matches, I have not lost and I will not lose, for August." She chose her words carefully, the slight gasps coming from the crowd at the surprise of her ability to speak but to form full coherent sentences. Most other askars couldn't speak or read; their trainers made sure to treat them like cattle and not human beings.

The reporter beamed at her, "Thank you Siberia, you have my full support in the tournament. May the gods grant you this victory."

August clapped his hands once, "Thank you everyone for those thrilling questions, however I meant what I said about having a train to catch. We must go to make the train meet up point. I hope you all have a good day and we shall see you all at the reveal ball!"

She followed August out of the foyer, up the stairs to his office where four large trunks laid. Siberia eyed the trunks, "That's a little much isn't it?"

He smiled, "Oh love, this is the condensed version. Milo tried to get me to leave more, but four is where I draw the line." He sat down at his desk and took a deep breath, "Killian come in here please. There's a few things I wish to discuss with the pair of you."

Killian came in, shutting the door behind him and giving her a questioning look. Siberia shrugged and the pair sat down in the chairs August had placed in front of his desk.

He studied them, eyes glowing slightly purple, and "You remember what some of the bigger cities looked like? The...advancements in technology and the way they treated the askars and the halflings?"

Siberia nodded, glancing down at Kane. What's he trying to get at?

Maybe just trying to prepare you for the capitol? So you won't be overwhelmed?

He sighed again, "I made my training facilities out in the woods to protect you from all the negativity and distractions that the bigger cities have. Sterling is the capital, most of the royals live there, and certainly all the royals will be attending, including royals from neighboring kingdoms. It will be slightly overwhelming, but just know that I will never let anything hurt you. You both will be collared, and Siberia you will be chained to me the entire time, it's a barbaric protocol unfortunately. Killian you and the other guards will be collared however you will not be chained, stay close and be on alert at all times."

"Why does Siberia need to be chained?" Killian growled.

"I'm a contender in the tournament. All the royals probably believe I'm a rabid animal that needs to be muzzled." Siberia whispered, gaze never wavering from August's.

He nodded once, "Unfortunately, but it's more for her protection than for the royals. That's nothing to pay any mind to, everything will go as planned. Now we're taking the horses to the station where the other guards will meet us. Any last questions?"

The two wolves stayed quiet, Siberia straightening herself the way Gwen taught her. August stood, "Gwen and Collette are already at the station loading everything. Let's go."

Siberia kept her head high, never letting her nervousness show. Kane brushed up against her, You're going to do great Sia. It will be over before you know it.

She smiled fondly at Kane and looked over at Killian, "Excited to be head of the guard?"

Killian puffed up his chest, "No one will hurt you or August." He laughed and relaxed his stance, "I'm honestly just excited to be seeing the tournament up close rather than watching the tournament for training purposes."

They stopped by the edge of the forest, August whistled and three stallions trotted out, immediately growing skittish of the two wolves. August held his hands up, calming the horses and signaling for the two askars to hop on.

Siberia sighed and jumped on to the saddle, the horse snorting at the feeling of a rider on it. She furrowed her brow and took the reins, "August why couldn't we just shift and run?"

August gracefully took his place in the saddle, "Because it's a ways away and a car would have overwhelmed you. The horses at least will keep you calm for when we arrive at the station."

We will be following close behind, but far enough to not spook the horses. See you there. Kane shook his fur and ran off into the brush with Tobias following his tail.

August clicked his tongue and the horse started running along the path, Siberia's horse started following, Killian letting out a yell of surprise as his horse ran up ahead.

Siberia chuckled and patted the creatures neck, "Alright buddy, we've got a train to catch. Come on." She tapped the horse with her heels, and it started running faster, easily passing up August and Killian. She couldn't help but laugh as she felt the wind in her hair. Her horse easily maneuvered over the roots of the trees, never faltering once.

They continued running for an hour, the sun now directly over her. She could feel Kane running beside her, hidden in the trees. All quiet on the perimeter?

All quiet. Nothing out here besides some bunnies, we're getting close to the station though. Do you smell that?

She scented the air, noticing it was starting to become tainted with smoke. Yes, disgusting. But that's nothing compared to what the capital will smell like, be prepared.

August pulled up next to her, "The station is just up ahead, slow down and dismount, we'll do the rest on foot."

Her horse slowed to a trot and finally stopped by the edge of a creek. She slid off of it and patted it's belly. "Thanks for the ride." The horse snorted and lowered its head down to the water.

Killian fell off his horse, landing ass first on the ground. He let out a low snarl, standing and dusting himself off while Siberia giggled. "Not all of us can be as graceful as you miss champion."

August rolled his eyes, "Enough the both of you. Put your collars on, we're in public."

Siberia took the collar out of her pocket and fastened it around her neck, the magic tethering her to August. "How far is the station?"

"Just through this tree line, now if at any point you feel overwhelmed, please let me know. I don't want you to stress over what you see or hear." August studied both of his askars, then turning and leading them through the trees.

The bustle of the station reached Siberia's ears, her heart quickening when she saw how many people were there. She took a deep breath and calmed herself, looking straight ahead and keeping her eyes locked on August.

August lead them through the crowd to a tall, angry, spark who was scolding the guards she had with her. As they neared her, Siberia noticed that the bustling chaos around her lessened as they suddenly realized who she was and what she was.

"Rea Arin! A pleasure as always." August called out, smiling at the angry spark.

The woman turned and scowled at him, "That's Lady Arin to you. About bloody time you arrived, the train is due soon and rather than be here on time you were wooing the reporters!"

August bowed his head, "Well apologies for offending you, but we also traveled on horse back to not overwhelm my askars."

Lady Arin focused her eyes on Siberia, "Ah yes, well I suppose that is a fair reason for horse riding. I still don't understand why you don't just do what I do and introduce your askars to this day and age, rather than hiding them in the stone age." Lady Arin flipped her hair over her shoulder and handed her bags to one of her guards.

August sighed and motioned for Siberia and Killian to follow him, "Rea, I choose to keep them away from distractions so that they can reach their full potential as great askars. Besides my training grounds have everything we need."

Lady Arin continued leading the way to the platform where the train would arrive, "Fine fine, suit yourself. Here these twelve will be going home with you after the tournament. Use them how you please."

Twelve big, burly shifters were waiting by the edge of the platform, Gwen and Charlotte standing near them. All twelve shifters had tattoos snaking down their necks and arms, signifying their status as guards.

August nodded, "Thank you Lady Arin. Once the train arrives and we get settled, we can discuss the sires you can choose from. Are you going to stay the whole tournament this year?"

She sat down delicately on the bench, crossing her legs and smoothing out her skirt, "This year, yes, mainly because of you. However it is good business, royals and alphas will get to see my guards at work. More guards requested, the more my business grows. It's a win-win situation, no matter how much I despise gong to the capital." She huffed and pulled her coat tighter.

August chuckled, "Now you see why I've waited so long to enter my askars in the qualifers. The fuss and danger of it all is too much." He looked over at Siberia who stood just off to the side, watching the interaction, "However with a talent like Siberia, it would be a shame to keep her hidden."

Siberia bowed her head at the compliment and made her way over to the bench just across from theirs, noticing the curious eyes glancing her way.

"Strange isn't it? The way their attention is drawn to the little bricks in their hands." Killian said, sitting down next to her.

She opened her mouth to answer when suddenly a tiny body came running up to her.

"Momma! Look! It's an Askar!" A young shifter flashed his brilliant green eyes at her.

Siberia smiled down at the little panther and flashed her wolf eyes, earning an excited gasp.

He came closer, "Can you really kill people with just one swipe of your claws?"

"Salem! Get back here, leave that askar be, she's in the tournament and could be dangerous." An agitated mother scooped up the struggling child, "Where's your Master, wolf?" She snarled at Siberia, flashing her emerald eyes, a beta highborn.

Siberia glared and pointed in August's direction, not trusting her voice.

The women turned, immediately recognizing him, "August Windtree, you ought to keep that wild animal of yours muzzled there are children present."

August blinked, "Sylvia Blackery, your cub is the one running around unleashed while my askar is merely sitting on a bench. Do the math and have a wonderful evening." He turned back to his conversation with Lady Arin, dismissing the panther.

Siberia sighed and sat back heavily against the bench, watching as the cub waved sadly. She waved back at him, "Get used to this Killian, it's just going to get worse once we're in the capital."

Killian's brow furrowed, "Really?"

She nodded, "When Malia and I were taken to Darcy for qualifiers, everyone would ask August how he got us to be so tame." She looked down at her clasped hands, "I forget that the way August treats us isn't how most Trainers treat their askars. The others are so...feral. They're completely lost to their shift, and most don't even have soul bonds and it just drives them insane. I'm not even sure how shifters can function without soul bonds."

"The King doesn't have a soul bond." Killian pointed out.

"Not a great example Killian." She turned her arm over, examining her marks, "It's not their fault they don't know. They only know what they're taught."

The train pulled into the station, blaring its horn as it pulled up along the platform. The askars stood and went over to August, watching as it came to a stop. A young spark stepped off the train, a smile playing on his lips as he came up to them.

"August, long time no see cousin."

He smiled and stood, clasping the sparks forearm, "Lionel, good to see you. Last I heard you were courting the Rantock Princess, now you're running the tour?"

Lionel laughed, rubbing his neck in embarrassment, "The King wasn't happy, Jameson pulled some strings to get me off the Isles and back into Malmore, running this tour is my punishment. I just need a blood sample from your askar to verify it's her."

Siberia held out her hand, used to the routine of having her sample taken.

Lionel looked down at his processer and nodded, "Car 4 for the lot of you. Lady Arin, I don't have you listed as a guest for the tournament if you give me-"

She silenced the spark with a huff, "No need for all the fuss, August and I have business to discuss so we may share a car. Gods know the cars have the space for it, it's the King's train after all. Send word through your little comm orb if you must but you are not stopping me from boarding this train. I am a Royal of the Rantock Isles, and I demand to be treated as so." Her eyes flashed the royal red color, showing her power.

Lionel's eyes flashed purple as he stepped aside and let her board the train, "Is she always like this?"

August clasped his shoulder, "More so than you think, don't take it personal. Send word to the cooks that Lady Arin is hungry and make sure that they send it to our car dining room. Thank you Lionel. Sia, Killian, follow me."

Siberia hesitantly followed August, Kane running ahead with Tobias and jumping on board. A small gasp escaped her lips as she saw how massive the train was on the inside. Their car was huge; a living room in the center with a ball of spark fire floating in the middle and dining room was off to the side with large windows letting in the light. She took a few steps into the living room, looking around in awe. She noticed a sliding door towards the back of the car and went over to examine it.

"That's the sleeping car. There's enough rooms for all of us, you can have first pick if you'd like." August smiled and pulled the door open for her.

Siberia went over to one of the doors and opened it to a quaint little bedroom. She settled onto the bed and looked out the window. The train jerked forward as it started to pull away from the station.

A smooth voice traveled into her room. "Good evening Askar Siberia. Our next unboarding stop is Littleon, there the askars will be unloaded one by one and presented to gain support. Until then, you are ordered to say in your car. Absolutely no moving from car to car. Enjoy the ride."

Pulling her knees up to her chest, she reached out to her soul bond. Kane. Where are you?

Living room, they have familiar quarters here. Why?

I need you please. Her voice wavered. She heard the soft click of his claws as he pushed the door open and jumped on the bed.

What's wrong?

She opened up their bond, letting all the emotions flow through. The fear and anxiety of the past two weeks and secret of her evolving strength.

Kane whined and nuzzled her, taking all of her emotions and coaxing her to sleep.


He watched as Siberia walked into one of the rooms and motioned for Killian to stand guard in front of the door. Sighing, he settled down onto one of the couches that was near the sparkfire and directly across from Lady Arin. He murmured "Mutum" and felt the noise around him quiet down.

Lady Arin took a sip of her tea, "Ears?"

"No one can hear us." August confirmed.

She eyed him, "You really think this plan will end well?"

August nodded, "Yes. We've been planning for years Rea. All the other kingdoms have been pressuring me to get this started. This is the only chance we have."

She set her teacup and saucer down, "Well, you have been training her, do you feel she's ready to take down the king?"

"Yes. And ready or not, our time is up. My sources say Donovan is planning a power grab for Tacoma. He has half Tacoma army in Greenland as we speak, we think he's going for Tacoma during the tournament or even after it. We just know something is going to happen. Greenland is days away from falling, the Onyx Council refused to let another kingdom fall."

She nodded, "From what I heard, Donovan made it seem like Bishop was funneling weapons to Roanoke. His claws are so deep into the clan that it's terrifying. Bishop can't have any help either. Why not?"

August sat back and crossed one leg over the other, a little ball of magic appearing in his hand, "Everyone has a part to play, Bishop knows this. However this is why it has to happen soon. Siberia will kill Donovan and the rightful heir will be crowned."

Rae shook her head, "I still don't know how you will manage to do that, but I trust you."

With a wave of his hand, the spell was lifted and the soft sounds of the train clacking along the tracks filled the silence. August continued to play with the little ball of magic, running it along his fingers, "Rae, send one of your guards to find the chef, I am absolutely famished."

Rae let out a laugh, "You heard the spark, one of you go."

August let the magic fizzle out and stood, sighing, "I hate trains."
"You sparks always get jumpy when it comes to unnatural things." She huffed and continued to sip at her tea, flicking on the giant flat screen tv on the wall.

He eyed her, "Have you forgotten you're a spark too?"

"No, but I am new age spark, I accepted the change of the world, you still live like Nymphs." She glanced at him, smirking as she continued to flick through the channels with her finger.

He rolled his eyes and went over to the sleeping car to check on Siberia. As they left their safe haven, he grew more and more anxious that Siberia would be in danger. Killian stood in front of the door, eyes fixating on August as he entered.

August opened the door quietly, seeing Siberia curled around Kane in the center of the bed. Her anxiety was evident in the room, even while she was asleep. He let his magic fill the room and eased her mind, giving her a more restful sleep. Satisfied with his work, he shut the door and motioned for Killian to follow him.

"Do you remember the plan?" August whispered, leading Killian out to the living room.

Killian nodded, "Tell her everything by the time she reaches top three and clear her a path."

"Good, now rest Killian. We have a long trip ahead of us." August clapped his shoulder and joined Rae, sitting on the couch near her. He tilted his head, studying the show she was watching. An angry Lion was yelling at the kitchen staff, and proceeded to shut down the kitchen with a roar. "Rae what are you watching?"

She had settled herself further into the cushions, her feet tucked under her. "A kitchen show, this world renowned Lion chef goes around and helps train kitchen staff and tears into the Trainers for not training them properly. It's absolutely hysterical."

He raised an eyebrow, watching as the lion ripped the stove off the wall and hurled it at a fox maid for not cooking properly. "Hysterical? You don't say." He made himself comfortable and continued to watch the show with her, wincing at every angry outburst.


Snarling, she grabbed the hand that had shaken her to wake her up. She bolted up right, only to find a wincing Gwen. She let go of her hand, "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was you."

Gwen rubbed her hand, "No need to apologize miss. My fault for forgetting how strong you are, August sent me to get you. Dinner is being served soon, and seeing as you missed lunch, I imagine you are famished."

Siberia's eyes widened, "How long have I been asleep?"

"A while miss, and I don't blame you. You must be exhausted from all the training." Gwen disappeared into the closet and brought out a simple dark blue dress. "After dinner we arrive in Littleton for the first presentation, August wants you in this to show off your...feminine charm as he put it."

Siberia took the dress, feeling the soft fabric in her hands. Sighing she undressed and allowed Gwen to pull the dress on her athletic frame. When Gwen finished fussing with the dress, she moved on to brushing out Siberia's hair from the tight bun it was in, letting it flow around her shoulders.

A soft knock on the door startled Gwen out of her concentration, "Yes?"

Collette peered around the edge of the door, "Ready for her make up?"

Gwen studied Siberia's face, "Hmm...I say a natural look, we need to keep the shocking stuff for the ball."

Siberia raised her eyebrows, Shocking stuff? What do they plan on doing to me exactly?

Turn you into an art project? That's my best guess. Kane tilted his head and watched as Collette brought out a bag of make up products and a series of brushes.

Siberia closed her eyes and let the spark do her work, As long as I look normal, that's all that matters.

I thought that's the whole point of that stuff? To make you not look normal.

"I think that's enough for tonight, we'll go more in depth for the ball." Collette said, putting the brushes down.

Siberia opened her eyes and crinkled her nose at the scent of the powder. "Am I presentable for dinner?"

Collette smiled, "Yes miss. I won't hold you back any longer. The shoes are by the door, and I made sure they won't trip you."

She smiled at the pair and made her way out the door, slipping on the shoes and following the delicious smell of food. Her stomach growled loudly, Kane's ears flicked in response.

Someone's hungry.

She growled at his teasing, Someone didn't wake me up for lunch.

The sounds of laughter flooded her ears as she made her way to the table. She bowed her head to Lady Arin and August and sat in the chair next to Killian. Her mouth watered at the sight of the steak that was placed on the plate in front of her. Glancing at Gwen who stood in the corner, she reluctantly took hold of the knife and fork and began to tear at her meal. The juicy morsel exploded in her mouth with flavor, causing her to let out a tiny moan.

Killian chuckled, "Delicious isn't it?"

She nodded and continued to tear at the meat, ignoring the vegetables present on her plate. Kane was in the corner, a whole leg of lamb was given to him as his dinner. He held the leg in his paws and ripped off chunks of meat, letting out low warning growls if Tobias got too close to his food. She shook her head at his greediness and turned her attention back to Killian who was rambling on about vetting the guards.

"Killian is it? You are talking her ear off, leave her be. The poor girl needs to hear what I'm going to say." Lady Arin tutted at Killian, causing him to flush with embarrassment. She focused her gaze on Siberia, "Young wolf, when we arrive in Darcy you must be fierce. Show them who you truly are, shift into your wolf if you must to put those other askars in their place. Just remember, you may be an askar, but you bow to no one." She spoke with an intensity that caused the chatter to quiet down.

"Rae, is that necessary?" August warned, setting down his fork.

Lady Arin sat back taking a sip of her wine, "Yes, she needs to know who she is going into this."

The conversation was clearly over, and Siberia shifted in her seat, feeling the tension in the air between the two sparks. She continued to pick at her food, not wanting to eat due to the sudden nervousness, but needing to eat to maintain her strength.

Killian cleared his throat, "Would it be alright if I show Siberia the balcony area? A little fresh air to let dinner settle before the first stop?"

August nodded, "Yes, that is an excellent idea Killian. Just keep an ear out for the announcement. Siberia you are not allowed to see any of the other askars until the reveal ball, rules are rules."

She nodded and stood, "Thank you August, we won't be long. Thank you Lady Arin, for your words of wisdom. I promise you I will not forget who I am."

Lady Arin took another sip of her wine, and whispered "Oh sweet wolf. You don't even know who you are."

Siberia furrowed her brow, attempting to decipher what she meant and followed Killian out to a set of stairs hidden next to the door they entered from. Kane followed closely tugging on their bond. What do you think she meant by that?

I wouldn't put too much thought into it. I think she's just drunk. She sighed and continued to follow Killian up the stairs, worry gnawing at the back of her mind.

Killian slid open a door at the top of the stairs, grinning back at her, "I found this place while you were asleep. I think you'll like it." He gestured her to go through the door first, not holding back his smile.

Siberia's eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. A large garden was built on the roof of the train, complete with a water fountain in the center. Little balls of sparkfire twinkled in the twilight, casting tiny shadows along the leaves and flowers. She slowly followed the path to the fountain, lightly touching every flower pedal she saw.

Sia, you're starting to drool.

Shush, you're ruining my moment. She shut the teasing wolf out of her mind and focused on taking in the beauty of the moment.

As she reached the fountain, she skimmed her hands along the water and looked up, meeting Killian's gaze. "It's beautiful Killian."

He smiled, "I know. As are you Siberia."

She rolled her eyes but hid her smile as she turned back to the fountain, noticing the fish swimming around in it. She walked around the fountain and went over to the railing, looking out into the forest that the train was going through. Killian joined her, standing near enough so she could feel his warmth radiating off of him.

"I mean it, Sia. You really are beautiful."

She smiled and shook her head, "You're too kind, Killian. But you know that we are askars, we will never be free to love. You will be a sire, and I will be given to a sire. It is what it is."

Killian snarled, "What if it doesn't have to be that way. What if you could change it? What if I could love you and be your mate?"

Her eyes flashed, "Killian watch your words, what you're saying could get us killed. And in case you haven't forgotten, I'm an askar, the same as you. A slave. The only way that would change is if the King found it in his kind heart to change the traditions of our ancestors and the entire cast system. You really-" Siberia's hushed growls was cut off by the sudden deceleration of the train. The engine hissed as it came to a full stop in the middle of the dark forest.

Siberia tensed, "This isn't right. We aren't near the Darcy station."

The sound of gunfire suddenly filled the silence.

Killian's eyes burned gold, "Did you hear that?"

Siberia let her eyes shift, searching out for the flash of the muzzle, "They're in the woods."

The gunfire began again, but this time they heard the bullets ricochet off the train. Siberia and Killian dropped to the floor immediately, their eyes meeting in understanding.

She let her claws extend preparing for a fight. Kane, what do you smell?

20 in the forest, they're nearing the train on horseback. The engineer has been killed. Prepare for anything.

She snarled, "They killed the engineer, it has to be the Clan."

Killian stole a glance over the banister of the train, "I don't see-"

The door to the garden burst open, soldiers poured out of it and began to take position aiming out into the forest. A very angry August followed behind them, his magic crackling behind him.

His purples eyes found Siberia where she was hiding with Killian and visibly relaxed. He opened his mouth to speak when the gunfire started up again, causing his magic to flare around him even more. He looked around at the garden around him and closed his eyes.

Siberia could feel the magic in the air as he channeled it, the plants around them slowly dying as he drained their energy. She watched the spark in awe as he lifted his hands up in the air and formed a force field around them.

His eyes opened and he growled, "Any day now Lionel, I can only hold this up for so long." He began to strain under the intensity of the spell, wavering as the energy of the garden was slowly expended.

A sudden pull brought Siberia to her feet and she began to make her way to August. Killian attempted to stop her, but a powerful snarl brought him to his knees. Her eyes glowed brightly as she placed her hand on the spark, and a rush of power began to flow out of her and into the spark.

Kane began to pull on the bond. Siberia what are you doing!? Stop! You're drawing too much. Stop!

She ignored his pleas and continued to push her power to him, acting on pure instinct. I know when to stop.

Kane's whines filled the air as he collapsed on to the ground, writhing in pain. Siberia continued to ignore him, pulling more and more from their soul bond. The train lurched forward, startling Siberia out of her stupor. August released the spell and dropped to his knees, gasping for air. She collapsed next to him, coughing and reaching out for Kane.

The wolf shoved his muzzle under her hand, rumbling at the touch. Don't you ever put me through that pain again.

Trust me, I didn't mean to, but I knew I had to...

"Instinct. You're powerful Sia, and instinct is what drove you to share your shifter power. Without you...I wouldn't have been able to hold off the Clan. Thank you." August hugged her, still attempting to catch his breath.

Killian gently pulled them up, pulling Siberia tightly into his arms. "Let's get you back inside."

They went back into the main car, Lionel stood in the center waiting for them. Killian let out a low snarl and pulled her closer, attempting to hide her from him.

She rolled her eyes at his protectiveness but did nothing to stop it, remembering their conversation before the attack. "Spark Lionel. How can we help you?"

He smirked, "Askar, I have come to inform you that the presentation stops will not be happening. Due to the recent attack, the King agrees that tradition be broken this one time and we continue straight on to the palace. The only stops we will be making is to refuel. Make yourself comfortable, we have three days until we reach the palace."

August appeared behind them, "What took you so long? I had to draw power from Siberia to keep the entire train safe. Where is Rae? What the fuck happened Lionel?" He snarled, pushing his way past Siberia and Killian, grabbing his cousin by his neck.

Lionel tried to shove him back, but his magic was being suffocated by August's magic.

Lady Arin appeared in the doorway, her eyes flashing red, "I suggest you answer him willingly little one, before one of his askars is ordered to kill you."

Lionel swallowed hard, his fear filling the air, "The Clan attacked the engineer with sniper hidden in the trees as we slowed for the turn. I didn't notice until we were completely stopped."

Siberia snarled, breaking out of Killian's hold and getting close to Lionel. "That doesn't explain as to why the Clan was able to get close to the train. The soldiers you sent never fired one round while August cast the spell."

Lionel's eyes narrowed at the wolf's snarl, "The protection spell works both ways, the bullets would have ricocheted back on to you. As for the Clan getting close...that I don't know. It is such a public affair, the schedules are up for everyone to see, and it is the King's train. It's not such a hard target. As for you and Rae being the only ones to protect the train...the other Trainers went into the panic room immediately. They may be Askar trainers but they certainly are not fighters themselves. If I were you August, I would take my revenge in the arena. Siberia is stronger than the others, that much is evident. Now if you will please let me go, I need to go guide this train and make sure that the soldiers know to fire at anything that moves."

August let go of his cousin, glaring at him until he disappeared out the door. Taking a deep breath he turned to the two Askars, "Let's get some rest, we will go over the ball tomorrow. I'll get Gwen and Collette to come and help you."

Siberia shook her head, "August, with all do respect you can't expect me to believe that what Lionel said was the truth."

August half smiled and pulled Siberia in for a sidehug, "You, my sweet champion, are too smart for your own good. For now the only thing I expect from you is to trust me. You are safe. You will always be safe with me and with Killian. Now go rest."

Siberia bowed her head and let Killian pull her away, leading her into her room. He left her at the threshold, watching her as she went into the washroom with Kane padding in behind her.

She shut the door and leaned against the counter, running her hands through her hair. Kane, he's hiding something, I know it. They all are. The Clan getting that close isn't a coincidence.

Siberia...this is one of the things you just can't question. For the record you're hiding something too.

She froze, her blood running cold at Kane's answer. Siberia looked into the mirror and let her eyes shift. They burned bright gold at first, but as she let go of her control, her eyes bled red. A fierce, vibrant red.

The color of an Alpha. 

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