You're Like Dango [Midoriya I...

By brandy_soul

123K 4.6K 2.7K

Becoming a hero, someone who helps those in need, one who is brave and never gives up. Despite your fears, f... More

Everything Stays With You
A Quick Word From Brandy
Meddling Peers and Cigarettes
The Boy With The Green Hair
Cowards Vs. True Heroes
Day 1: Introductions
Smiles & Grins of Fakeness & Determination
Mixed, As Always
Sorry, I Can't Seem to Grasp This
Training with An Unexpectedly Scary Turn of Events
An Angry Boy Accompanied with Villains
Hand Villain, A Bird Man, and the Symbol of Peace
In Which The Boy is Hurt and the Woods are Scary
Mushy Peas and a Totally Normal School Event
You'd Think A Sports Festival Would Be Great
A Crab Will Fight As Much As The Boy and the Girl
It's A Lot More Than A Simple Race
There's Quite A Few Explosions In This One
This Crazy New Girl
Cavalry Battles are Terrifying
A Wrong Headband, And Another That Saves Us
Just a quick note
He's Got Purple Eyes
Didn't Know Anger Made Ice
Of a Twisting Stomach
Lasers and Wind Storms
Maybe Three Idiots Were In The Right

Nerds and Names Aren't So Bad

6K 197 281
By brandy_soul

I cast my eyes down sometimes, when I walk in public, that is.
It's just a bad habit I catch myself doing here and there.

But you know the saying, right?
Old habits die hard, right?

Plus, today was rather challenging, that entire test was a trick.

Well, at least I didn't score too badly.

"Oh! You're that girl from earlier! The shy one!"

The voice cuts through my thoughts like wind, and I glance over towards the voice overflowing with positivity.

The Infinity Girl, she runs towards me and I unconsciously take a step back, not knowing whether I should just run away.

Like always.

She catches up, her cheeks still tinted in that shade of pink, bright brown eyes shining like the stars on a clear night.

"Say, what's your name?" She looks over to me as we start walking towards the entrance.

"Huh? I...uhh..[Last Name] [Name]..." I look down to my shoes, face heating up.

It's not like I'm was made to socialize.


"Ah, that's right! Maybe I just forgot.. Well, that's fine! I'm Uraraka Ochako, and, I hope you don't mind me asking, but, do you think we could be friends?" She smiles kindly at me while I stopped walking, remaining frozen in place.


She stops and looks at me with a genuinely, or at least I hope, concerned face.

"Huh? [Last Name]? Did I say something wrong?"

I feel tears creep up on the corners of my eyes, but I don't want them there.

"Me? Why me..?" I whisper while she stares on confusion.


"I-it's nothing!" I say suddenly, too suddenly, in fact.

"I mean, I'm fine, I just...Spaced out. We can be friends.. I-I wouldn't mind."

She smiles once more. "That's great!"

We resume walking, talking along the way, though, I think she did more talking.

But that's just fine. It's suits her more than it will ever to me.

"Ah-You two! Wait up! You going to the train station? Wait for us!" She grabs my arm and pulls me towards the boys she was calling.

"Uraraka? And, [Last Name], right?" The green haired boy, Midoriya asks.

The redness and shyness takes over me again and I just hesitantly nod 'yes.'

"You're the infinity girl?" The taller of the two, or actually all of us, asks before Uraraka nods.

"I'm Uraraka Ochako, that's [Last Name] [Name]," I fiddle with a longer strand of my bangs.

"You're... Iida Tenya and...Midoriya Deku, right?"


"Deku!?" He flinches.

"But... Isn't that what the blond haired kid called you?" Uraraka asks, reminiscing what happened not too long ago.

"Uhh... Izuku is my real name, but Kacchan just calls me that to make fun of me..." Midoriya frantically explains.

"An insult.." Iida adds.

"Oh, right! Sorry about that!" Uraraka cries.

"..It's not that bad... Use it that name as if to show him he can't hurt you. Like it doesn't faze you at all." I say softly while the others look at me.

"I-it's Deku!"

"M-Midoriya! Wasn't it like an insult?!" Iida asks sternly.

"It can't be helped!" He covers his face with his hands.

I stand there with a rather puzzled expression.

I've never really had friends.

But, this isn't so bad.

In fact, I kind of like it.

"I am...Coming through the door like a normal person!"

As soon as I look up, words are being spilled everywhere.

Guess having the number one hero is pretty big deal, huh?

All Might is someone we all strive to be, kids and adults.

I just wish I was a bit more courageous, for my mother's sake, my brother's, my own...

"...And this, is what we are focusing on today!"

"" I say lightly.

"And with these!"
He presses a button, suitcases pop out of some slits on the wall.

Is that our entrance exam number ranks..?

"Costumes made based on your Quirk Registration, plus requests you put in before school!"

"After you change, meet at Ground Beta!" All Might's loud voice hangs in the air.

"Yes, sir!" The class cheers.

Oh, boy. Changing is a joy.

When I was in the 'creative process' of thoroughly thinking and drawing my costume, I swear, my mind totally blanked.

I didn't have anything in particular that I really wanted or liked.

So what was I to do?

It is recommended to have your costume aid you when using your quirk, but what else can help me? My quirk is rather straightforward, so using certain fabrics would be wasted on me.

But, you know, having a mom with great ideas and a brother with an imagination that runs wild, they'll help you with what you cannot come up with.

So, I ended up with a black qipao dress, white leggings, and red gloves, due to my mother. And with a giant, metal fan to use in conjunction with my quirk, thanks to Haru.

As I awkwardly unbutton my blouse, I try to keep to myself as much as possible---random bruises and scars call attention.

I slip on the dress, then put on the white leggings. I pull on the gloves before my shoes. Once I'm done with that, I tale ahold of the metal fan, which, surprisingly, isn't as heavy as I thought it'd be.

There's a bright red sash I can use to keep it on my back, as opposed to just holding it, which would be weary over time.

I free the strands of longer hair from the collar, and afterwards wait for everyone else who I didn't know at the time.

"Ah! [Last Name]! You're costume looks so cool!" Uraraka exclaims while I rub my arm shyly.

"Really? I think it just hugs you a little bit.." I trail off.

"Me, too. I wish I'd put something in for the slot.." She laughs lightly.

I walk ahead, some ahead, others behind.

What the heck is training with All Might going to look like if Mr. Aizawa's was rather.. Scary and unexpected?

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware! Because from now are now heroes!" All Might's loud yet strong and confident voice booms.

"Yes, great! You all look so cool!"

I bite my lip, a bit nervous for what's to come up next.

"Now, shall we begin, you zygotes?"

I linger in the back, tugging at the longer strands of my hair, which has become a regular thing now, it's kind of what I do when I'm nervous. Habits develop.

"[L-last Name]!" I turn, hand still messing with my hair.

"O-oh! Midoriya! Sorry.. I didn't see you there.." I feel me face heat up a bit.

His costume left no part of him exposed. It was a light shade of green.

"N-no! It's fine!" He flails and I laugh nervously.

"Now, it's combat training time!"


Iida. So quick to ask questions. I suppose it's a good thing.

"This is the battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?"

"No, we're going to be taking two steps ahead!" All Might holds up two fingers in demonstration.

"Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outdoors, but if you pay attention, statistically, villains appear indoors. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals... In this society filled with heroes, trully intelligent villains cohere with the shadows! Today, you will be split into heroes and villains and fight 2-on-2 indoors." All Might further elaborates.

"Without basic training?" A girl with long hair and a green costume questions.

"This is a battle to understand those basics! However, the key to this is there is no robot to beat up."

"Then how will wins and losses be determined? Another girl with a rather exposing costume and dark hair and eyes asks.

"Can we beat them up anyway?" Bakugou asks, rather darkly, too.

"Will the punishment be expulsion, like with Mr. Aizawa?" Uraraka adds.

"How shall we be split up?" Iida shoots his hand up.

"Isn't this cape crazy?" I glance over at a blond holding up a cape.

"I'll answer all your questions!" All Might finally says.

He pulls out a folded piece of paper before speaking. "The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to get rid of it. The heroes either have to catch the villains or retrieve the weapon in the time allotted. The villains have to protect the weapon or catch the heroes."

"The situation feels very American!" Someome cries out.

"Teams and opponents will be decided by drawing lots!"

"Why is this being decided so haphazardly?" Iida asks.

"Maybe it's because sometimes, heroes have to work temporarily with heroes from other agencies?" Midoriya answers him.

"I see... Please excuse my rudeness!" Iida mumbles before exclaiming and then bowing politely.

"It's fine. Let's do this quickly!" All Might grins


I ended up as Midoriya's partner, which, in all honesty, I don't mind. I've taken a liking to him. Plus, it's better I ended up with someone I knew.

"The first team to fight will be.. These guys!"

Hastily, I turn to see who was picked.

Surprise, surprise, it was us.

"Team A will be heroes, and Team B will be villains! Everyone else, head to the monitor room!"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone yelled in unison.

I gulp and stare at the ground. What if I can't do it? What if I fail Midoriya?

God, too many questions and never enought answers.

"Villains, go up first and set up! In five minutes, the heroes will come up and begin!" All Might intructs.

"Yes, sir!"

"So... Isn't it a bit hard to memorize the entire structure of the building? Especially since there's more than one floor..." I study the map.


"Whoa are you okay? You look kind of nervous." I ask gently.

"...Well, it's because we're up against Kacchan.. And then there's I feel like we really have to be on guard.."

"Yeah. Bakugou really makes a fool out of you.. Right?"

"Yeah. His goals, his strength, his quirk. All so much better than me. But..that's why... I really don't want to lose.."

I lower my head and bite my lip. I really don't want to drag him down. He has a great motive, and I don't want to discourage him.

"M-Midoriya.. You... You won't lose!" I lift my head up to face him, cheeks flushed.

"[L-Last Name].."

"Now, let's start the person-vs-person combat training with Team A and D!"

We start by climbing through one of the windows.

"We..we're in.." I whisper.

"Yeah. But there's a lot of blind spots, so let's be careful." He reasponds.  I nod even though he can't see.

We walk quietly as can be through a few hallways, all looking as bland and dreary as the last.

I shift my eyes around. The atmosphere feels unnerving. I lift my hand slowly towards the giant metal fan on my back, I don't exactly feel safe.

Once we turn to the next hallways, Bakugou lunges out from it, ready to attack.

Midoriya gasps quietly and I grab the fan, opening it as fast as I can.

Bakugou lets out an angry grunt as his first attack is aimed at us. Explosions surround him while Midoriya jumps out of the way, tackling me.

"[Last Name], you okay?" He asks as he gets off of me.

I let out a "yes" before scrambling to my feet.

"Midoriya, your-"

"I'm fine!" He says firmly, keeping his eyes on Bakugou.

"Come on Deku, don't dodge."
Bakugou swings his arm to clear the smoke.

I turn for a few seconds before I realize my fan clattered behind me a few feet away when Midoriya jumped.

I curse lightly under my breath.

"I'd figure you'd come for me first.." Midoriya says before slowly getting up.

"I won't do so much damage that the fight'll stop, but I'll get close!" He starts charging, his arm ready to shoot out explosions when necessary.

Midoriya grabs Bakugou's arm, turns and throws him down on the floor with a force no one knew he had in him.

I take a few moments to stare in awe before I realize it's a perfect moment to grab my fan back.

"Kacchan.. You usually start with a right arm swing.." His breathing is heavy.

"How much do you think I've been watching you? I wrote an analysis in my notebook of heroes who I thought were amazing... In the notebook you blew up and threw away.."

Bakugou clenches his teeth together whilst giving Midoriya a stare the yells "I'll kill you."

"My 'Deku' isn't always going to mean 'useless!' Kacchan.. My 'Deku' means 'You can do it!" He yells Bakugou, the determination burned into his eyes.


Bakugou stands up silently, finally regaining his composure.

"Deku.." Angry is the only thing I can hear. He gets into a stance, ready to fight.

"Even when you're scared...that's what I despise of you!!" Bakugou cries out. Never have I ever met someone with a temper remotely similar to my Father's.


Uhh hi? Just in case you were left wondering how I imagined the costume, I attempted to draw it out, not very well I'm afraid. I can't draw too well, I'd like to think I'm as skilled in drawing as I am with writing, but clearly that's not the case.

I uh..tried? If you don't like it, you can think of something else. Just in case you were wondering, yes, I slightly based your quirk off of Temari from the Naruto franchise. Well, peace out til next chapter! Brandy, out.

Edit: I really dislike the drawing so I took it out, I swear I'm terrible at art. 06/25/18

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